Made in Hollywood

Chapter 116 Redemption (please subscribe!)

Through the long corridor, Holt pushed open the door and walked in. He went directly to the balcony and saw his biggest customer, Roger Albert, who was sitting behind a small round table and drinking afternoon tea. , first made a gesture to him to sit down, then picked up the teapot and poured him a cup.

"Is there an invitation?" Albert asked the agent.

Just like Hollywood, the summer season and the Thanksgiving season, which is closely linked to the awards season, are also the peak income season for professional film critics. Although the influence of professional film critics in the summer season is far weaker than that of the awards season, film companies often require large commercial productions. Borrowing their name to wave the flag and raise momentum for the promotion of the film, the two industries have been closely linked for decades, that is, targeting and cooperation, and an unwritten rule has long been formed.

In particular, commercial blockbusters with huge investment have higher public relations costs and need to be praised by top film critics. Producers and distributors can sometimes even set a seven-figure PR budget.

The income of professional film critics seems to be columns, comments and books, some top ones, and TV programs invited by TV stations. These are enough to guarantee a lot of income every year.

However, this is only the income on the surface. Last year, Roger Albert's columns and TV shows only brought in more than 800,000 US dollars in remuneration, but in one summer vacation, his private income was as high as seven number!

Although on the surface they are constantly criticizing the increased investment in Hollywood commercial production and cheering for independent films, in fact, this is only a demonstration of their attitude that they will not be vulgar and popular. It took these top film critics 20 years or more. I don't understand that only a commercial production with a high enough investment will have a Junket. Whore that brings a lot of income.

Since last year, Roger Albert has been given the list of films that may be released this summer, and his eyes have been locked on huge investment projects such as "The Lion King", "Independence Day" and "True Lies" early. As usual, the producer and distributor will definitely invite him to the preview.

The dollar is depreciating, Roger Albert has long planned to raise prices, and Walt Disney is also on the way. He received a check for $300,000 just for the "Lion King" movie.

Taking money to do things is the most basic principle in the industry. Roger Albert is still very professional. He not only gave "The Lion King" a high score of 9 points, but also gave a thumbs up. The film is super high His reputation and fiery box office seemed to prove his vision, and even made him feel that his film review played a key role as if he once saved "The Male and Female Thief".

It is difficult to quantify film reviews with box office figures. In the past two years, perhaps because of their unique vision, or perhaps because they were lucky enough, Roger Albert gave a thumbs up, such as "Terminator 2" and "Silence of the Lambs." ”, “Brave to the Dead Island” and “The Lion King” and other films have all sold well, which is easy to create an illusion-his film review has a directing effect on the entire film market.

Even an industry leader like Roger Albert has ordinary human emotions, pride, paranoia, overestimation and greed.

The income of "The Lion King" has been firmly in his hands. Roger Albert has been waiting for the invitation of "Independence Day". If he counts the time, the preview should also be held. After all, it is mid-June, and the film is released soon. But only half a month.

Of course, he had seen the commercial and the two trailers released successively, and there was no suspense. Duke Rosenberg, as he expected, could not control his desire for destruction, and finally took a devious path. Low-quality sensationalism is a series of explosions. If the whole film is in this rhythm, it is definitely a bad film!

If you want him to say good things about such a bad movie, the other party must pay enough price!

"Received several invitations."

Putting down the teacup, Holt understood what Albert meant, and said directly, "There is no invitation for Independence Day."

"I remember that their test screening is about to take place?" Albert's eyebrows hidden behind his glasses slowly wrinkled.

"the day after tomorrow."

Hearing the agent's words, Roger Albert flicked his fingers on the table, "They didn't invite me?"

"No." Holt shook his head. "Warner Bros. and Twentieth Century Fox didn't invite any critics!"

"What?" Roger Albert looked up at the agent.

Holt said with certainty, "The producers invited fans, media and theatrical parties, but did not invite any professional film critics to participate."

Roger Albert's face gradually became serious, "What do they want to do?"

Since the 1960s and 1970s, the film critics have reached a tacit understanding with Hollywood film companies. As long as the film is held for trial screening, professional film critics are an indispensable part. This kind of rule is not a rule, and it fundamentally reverses the film review. The predicament of low income.

Although over the years, there have been frequent box-office failures that were favored by film critics, and super-selling films such as "Star Wars" that were criticized by film critics, the situation in which film critics can profoundly influence the film industry has not changed. Film critics most of the time are the people that stars, directors, and studios need to please.

Today, professional film critics and the film industry can be said to be inseparable.

At least, from Roger Ebert's point of view, it is true that professional film critics have always had a profound impact on the entire film industry, past, present and future.

Picking up the teacup and sipping the black tea slowly, Roger Albert fell into thought. If he was just not invited to participate, it would be a normal phenomenon, but now he has not invited any film critics. Could it be that Warner Bros and Twenty Century Fox's announcement budget is insufficient?

Certainly not, the publicity for the film is so aggressive that funding won't be an issue.

Though I can't think of a reason for Warner Bros. and Twentieth Century Fox to do this, Roger Ebert thought about it for a few minutes when he suddenly discovered another problem, one that could affect the entire film critic community.

If "Independence Day" was a big hit when it was released without critics playing a role, how would Hollywood as a whole view the film critics? Will it affect the status and income of film critics in commercial blockbuster test screenings in the future?

Suddenly, Roger Albert discovered that this matter not only concerned himself, but perhaps even the interests of the entire film critic industry.

Moving people's interests is like cutting flesh from people. Duke's propaganda suggestions that are more in line with the actual situation may touch the interests of the film critic industry.

But he doesn't care, as long as it can drive the film's revenue and bring benefits to himself, it's no big deal even if he stands up to criticize the film.

The most influential place for film critics is the awards season, especially the academy awards represented by the Oscars. For Duke, who first positioned himself as a commercial director, the awards are of course good, and they will not be too deliberately pursued. .

Of all the directors who have won the best director statuette in Hollywood history, how many are more influential than Hitchcock, who never won the award? Leaving a bigger reputation?

Of course he wants to win the Oscar, but he will not deliberately flatter it, nor will he make a special award-winning film.

Of course, the Chong Jiang film will not be announced in the way of "Independence Day", and the theater party will not take it so seriously. At today's preview meeting, the chief film viewing team of their respective companies will be dispatched, and there is only such a large investment. Big productions and films that may be a big hit at the box office are the most popular types of cinemas.

Sitting in the front row of the theater, Duke was in a very calm mood, far less nervous than during the first two test screenings. The representatives of the theater line sat behind him. When he first entered the theater, these people looked at him as if they were watching. The green U.S. dollar bills have been produced and sold in two consecutive summer seasons. As the theater chain closest to the market, he obviously has a certain confidence in him.

Just as Duke was thinking about this, Sofia Coppola walked in from outside, searched her eyes a little, and came and sat next to him.

"Just got a stat," she whispered to Duke.

"It has something to do with us?" Duke turned to look at her, Sophia nodded, "The news of the competitors, "Interview with the Vampire" has basically dropped from the global box office, with a global box office of 221.57 million US dollars."

"It's not bad." Duke laughed. "Profit should not be a problem. Presumably CAA still has the opportunity to package and produce it in commercial masterpieces. Tom Cruise's appeal is still amazing."

"You understand." Sophia crossed her legs. "Even if Michael Ovitz leaves office this year, CAA will still be a behemoth."

CAA will only get bigger. Duke knows this. Even if CAA's packaging services fail across the board in terms of commercial production, they continue to attract new stars to invest in it. In the future, they will occupy half or more of the Hollywood actor market. Tom Cruise, who smeared each other, was defeated in the market competition, but the road to superstardom shows no signs of slowing down.

"And..." Sophia added, "I just got the news from Warner Bros. The Shawshank Redemption, which was released a week later than us, got a super high score of 9.8 in last year's film critics' special."

She looked at Duke, "I know you don't always pay attention to film critics and think that their influence is very low in the summer season, but don't forget, those who can stand at the top of the film critic industry have worked hard for decades. , itself has many supporters, and it is difficult to say that their high ratings will not bring a sensational effect to "The Shawshank Redemption", which will have an impact on our second weekend box office."

"Don't worry, Sophia." Duke was still indifferent. "Instead of worrying about The Shawshank Redemption, it is better to worry about whether the after-heat of The Lion King and Forrest Gump will spread to us."

"The Shawshank Redemption"? Even if God came in person, it would not be able to redeem this film in theaters.

Seeing that Duke didn't care at all, Sophia didn't say anything, and turned her energy to the big screen that was gradually lighting up.

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