beginning of spring.

From winter to spring, the new year officially begins, everything recovers, the weather gradually warms, and the fresh air is refreshing.

Office of the President of Tinglan Group.

Mu Nanfeng, who had been standing still, finally chose to launch a counterattack at this time.

The whole business community is spreading the news that Ninglan is about to go bankrupt, and many people are gloating.

Assistant Xie Wenjie came to the office.

"Mr Mu, you are looking for me."

Mu Nanfeng threw him a sealed bag with a calm expression: "Go, let people spread the news. It's best to let people in the business world know, but don't make it too obvious."

Xie Wenjie opened the sealed bag and looked at the title of the document.

Hui'an Golden District Development Plan.

This Hui'an Jin District is a small town, located in the southeast of the Imperial Capital, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, and almost all buildings are dominated by courtyards.

Due to the remote location of this small town, there is no one under the jurisdiction of it all year round. There are old people or children living there, and very few young people.

In the past few years, Hui'an Golden District has been selling some urgently sold properties and shops, but no one cares about it.

At first glance, the place was a place of loss, and no one dared to buy it.

But if it is re-developed, the nature will be different, and the value of this entire town may more than double dozens of times.

Mu Nanfeng asked Xie Wenjie to release the news, which was actually on the bait.

"Yes, I will do it right away."

Without wasting time, Xie Wenjie immediately went out to find a professional headhunting team to quietly spread the news.

He already knew all about Mu Nanfeng's plan, so he was not so worried now.

In the afternoon, Xie Wenjie came back.

"Mr. Mu, everything is done."

"Well, very good." Mu Nanfeng took the American coffee in front of him and drank, "You are ready today, and tomorrow you will go to Hui'an Jin District with me."


Xie Wenjie was silent.

In the evening, celebrities from all major business circles received gossip about the redevelopment of the Hui'an Golden Zone.

According to the news broke, the person who fell in love with this small town was the Elvis from country G.

That's right, that's the real estate tycoon.

Ives is famous all over the world, and there is no one in the world who does not know him. He has iconic buildings all over the world, and his wealth is no longer measurable by money.

In the eyes of many people, he is a legend.

Even the richest man in the imperial capital is not worth mentioning in front of him, as small as dust.

Seeing that Ives was coming to the Imperial Capital to develop the project, many business people were red-eyed.

Hui'an Golden District is now a treasure land.

It must be taken before development.

Many people couldn't sit still, and immediately got up and rushed to the Hui'an Golden District, ready to buy more real estate and shops in the first time.

But there are others who stay sane.

When Mu Beichen received the news, he held a half-believing attitude.

The truth of this news cannot be determined, after all, it is just a rumor.

Mu Beichen looked at the date on the document, which indicated that Ives himself would hold a press conference on Valentine's Day.

After doing the math, there is only one week left.

Time is very tight, this is a good opportunity to make money.

If you miss it, I'm afraid you will regret it.

Although Mu Beichen was suspicious, he still admired Ives' name very much.

If Ives really prepares to develop the town, then this town will definitely become the most famous town in the imperial capital.

Whether it is a ruin or a treasure, just between Ives' thoughts.

In the end, Mu Beichen was also going to take a look at the Hui'an Jin District.


Early the next morning.

According to media reports, the tycoon of Country G, Ives, made a surprise visit to the imperial capital and has now stayed at the Senhua Hotel.

As soon as this news came out, the business community was thoroughly fried.

Everyone believed the news about the development of the Hui'an Golden Zone, and Mu Beichen also believed in this.

Hui'an Golden District.

Mu Nanfeng got off the bus, and Xie Wenjie walked into a real estate urgent sales center.

As soon as he entered the hall, Mu Nanfeng saw several familiar faces.

Both are his enemies.

"Oh, isn't this Mr. Mu?" A greasy-looking man came up to talk, with a sarcasm in his tone.

Mu Nanfeng gave him a cold look and ignored him.

I heard that another person said again: "I heard that Tinglan is about to go bankrupt. Why does Mr. Mu have leisure time to come to such a place? Could it be... Mr. Mu has also received news of the development? Want to take this opportunity to turn over? "

Mu Nanfeng is also a personal figure in the business world, and it is not uncommon to be able to get news.

Those who came to the Hui'an Golden District today are all people with relatively high status and background in the business world.

They are all men standing at the top of capital. Naturally, these good things are the first to know.

Taking advantage of the fact that the people in this rush-sale real estate center do not know what the town is going to develop, they must first act first.

Mu Nanfeng didn't bother to take care of them, and went straight over them into the elevator to the top floor.

These people are all accomplices with Mu Beichen, who have betrayed him.

This group of people is what he has to deal with.

After arriving on the top floor, Mu Nanfeng met the main person in charge of the real estate.

The two shook hands.

Xie Wenjie carried a silver box in his hand, which seemed heavy.

"Manager Hao, we need all the properties and shops for sale now."

Xie Wenjie opened the box and saw golden gold in his eyes.

The manager's eyes were straight, with a greedy expression in his eyes.

But the next moment, he changed his face.

Xie Wenjie noticed the change in his expression and frowned slightly, "Is Manager Hao dissatisfied with our offer?"

"No...that me..." Manager Hao said with an embarrassed expression: "Mr. Mu, I'm really embarrassed. The real estate has been sold out."

This manager Hao is an honest person. He has never seen so much money in his life. He was shocked by the sudden influx of so many big men to buy real estate today.

Xie Wenjie looked ugly, "It's sold out, but I think there are still people downstairs..."

"Squeak, bang—"

Suddenly, the door was pushed open, and a group of people rushed in fiercely.

"What about the manager, hurry up and call your manager out and explain to me clearly."

"I'm so annoyed that I have waited so long for nothing."

A group of people came swearing, and Manager Hao immediately stepped forward to appease them when he saw that they were so angry.

"Dear customers, please calm down. I'm the sales manager here."

"You are the manager." Several men stared at him, "Come on, you can explain to us why the real estate is gone?"

"We came to line up early in the morning. Why did the real estate suddenly sell out? Did you deliberately not want to sell us the real estate?"

The crowd blushed and their necks were thick. They came here last night just to wait for this opportunity.

As a result, not long after they arrived, the staff said that the real estate was gone.

Who can bear it?

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