"Wait, look at the house?"

Mai Shutoku discovered the point.

"Isn't this villa good? Why do you still want to look at the house?"

"Okay, of course."

Lu Mingfei's eyes passed over each piece of exquisite furniture and he was full of praise.

"But I don't want to live there."


I don't know which part of Lu Mingfei's laughter was touched by Jiude Mai's words, but the young man actually held his belly in laughter.

He smiled and waved.

"Get used to it, it's a habit."

Lu Mingfei said.

"I have lived in the royal palace, and others want to build a palace specifically for me. Who am I? How proud I am, but they have all been rejected."

When Mai Shutoku heard this, she thought it was from another anime. She said, "Oh, I want to go." She was still sighing in her heart. Chatting with Mr. Lu was really tiring. Suddenly, she said "you" If you don’t understand it, you’d really be blind if you didn’t have hundreds of anime in your stomach.

In fact, if she really asked Lu Mingfei, she would definitely get the following answer.

"Are you kidding? No, no, no, I'm serious."

"Of course I've lived in the palace. Let me tell you this, I couldn't stand having four little girls waiting on me before and after I went to the toilet to pee."

This was Lu Mingfei's sincere words, so he refused the little emperor's reward of a one-word king, and he didn't want any of the palace's gold, silver, and maidservants.

He felt that this was his fate and he couldn't bear to be cared for by others. When he met the sanitation uncles and aunts in orange uniforms on the street, he would stand up and say thank you seriously. Every time he went to the pavilion of the Martyrs Cemetery, he would also place a sign on the monument. Stand quietly with your hands together in front.

Even at the Jiuzhou banquet, he would give the maid who was accompanying him a cup of fists in a serious manner. Every time these girls did this, their eyes would turn red. Others would just shake their heads and say that Yama would not even let a girl go, but they didn't know that Lu Mingfei was busy there. How embarrassed he looked to comfort the girl. The red circles under the girl's eyes were not due to Yama's evil demeanor. It was just because Yama was the first big man to salute like him since the girls had grown up.

After all, in the eyes of ordinary big shots, there is no difference between a maid, a beautiful concubine, a maid, a young boy, and a piece of clothing or a tea cup.

It is a common story that big people give each other beautiful concubines, but who would clasp their fists and salute a gift?

Lu Mingfei and Mai Jiude went down to the garage and got on the bus. Mai Jiude asked about the destination. After hearing this, she hesitated to speak, with a strange look in her eyes.


Lu Mingfei suddenly remembered something.

"Let me say it again, it's not that this house is bad, it's my problem. I can't get used to living in a house that's too good. I feel uncomfortable."

"But it's fun and I'm happy with it."

Lu Mingfei held a smartphone with a bright screen in his hand.

"Human intelligence is really amazing. Future technology, tsk tsk, do you think there will be a day in the future when we can all use our mobile phones to play interstellar games?"

Mai Shutoku, who was starting the car, looked at it curiously.

"What is this, a mobile phone? Why doesn't it have a keyboard?"

Lu Mingfei looked strangely.

"You don't know what you are sending?"

Shutoku Mai was stunned for a moment, and her face suddenly darkened.

"The boss didn't send any tasks about mobile phones."

The two looked at each other and both smelled something was wrong.

"Who gave me the mobile phone?"

"Martial arts practitioner."

Lu Mingfei did not forget to add.

"Better than you."

Shutoku Mai choked.

"You've never fought before, how do you know you're better than me?"

"Hey, do you still need to fight?"

Lu Mingfei winked at Miss Ninja.

"No matter how high your level is, it's not my business to take a quick look at you."

"That person's steps are more subtle and subtle than yours, but as you can see, he can't hide it from me."

Then he briefly described the image of the female motorcycle rider and the monster-like black motorcycle, and then shook his head.

"This person gave me a mobile phone that was said to be released two years later, and he also used a roundabout method like a lottery. I originally thought it was your work."

"No, it's not."

Shutoku Mai was categorical.

"Our other operative is not as tall as a motorcycle."

Lu Mingfei opened his eyes wide.

"Hey, are you the police? There are people illegally employing child labor here!"

"Fight, fight, your laws can't control a foreigner anyway."


Lu Mingfei, please touch it.

"Another Japanese lolita?"

Jiude Mai silently stayed away from Lu Mingfei.

"Please note that your eyes look disgusting."

"Hahaha I forgot to tell you."

Lu Mingfei smiled brightly.

"It's best not to walk up behind me casually in the future. If you're not careful, I will beat you to death."

Mai Shutoku subconsciously wanted to fight back, swallowing her words before she left her mouth.

Both the woman's and the ninja's intuition reminded her.

Don't be deceived by Lu Mingfei's smile.

This guy is not kidding.

He is serious.

Anyone who followed Lu Mingfei sneakily would not say anything.

But he will really be beaten to death.

"Anyway, we will help investigate this matter."

"If you have any new discoveries here."

Lu Mingfei answered the call.

"I'll call you boss."

Jiude Mai opened her mouth, but stopped talking.

Young Master, what's your tone? Why do you feel that our handsome and powerful boss is like a Labrador here?

She just thought about it and didn't dare to ask or tell. If she asked, she was afraid that Potato Chip Girl would have to pick a Feng Shui treasure for her to bury the next day.

The car stopped in front of the alley.

The road ahead can only be accessed by bicycles, not to mention cars, even three-wheelers can barely pass it.

"We're here, Laojing Alley."

Mai Shutoku said.

"That's it."

Lu Mingfei looked at the old dog lying outside the car basking in the sun beside the mottled wall.

He laughed softly.

There are large and dense ivy hanging down from the wall, which are so green and full of vitality that it makes people happy to see them.

Lu Mingfei and Jiude Mai walked inside.

There is always a slow corner in every city, no matter how fast it develops, there will always be it. The time scumbag who refuses to recognize people when he lifts his pants probably left all his few pities here, making the scene here Ten or twenty years later it remains the same.

It’s hard to imagine that there is such an old street in a city made of steel and concrete.

The road was paved with bluestones. Thirty or forty years ago, people were hired to carry bluestones on their backs on a mountain more than 20 miles away for a dime a round trip. Buy an egg for your child to replenish your health, and if you save more, you might be able to buy a piece of cloth to make a new dress for your wife. She looks really good when she smiles.

Now, after so many years, bluestone slabs have been excavated nearby, asphalt cement has been poured, shiny cars have begun to run endlessly, tall buildings have risen from the ground, and the exterior walls are covered with shiny glass, which makes people dazzle. Can't even open my eyes.

But it's too fast.

Even the quickest people can't react. This city has changed. People who have been here for generations feel strange. They wonder why they no longer recognize the road after only a year or two. After going out, they can't even find their home when they come back. I can't get it anymore, I'm really worried to death.

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