Loyang Jin

Extra: King Yan 1

All prison cells in the world are pretty much the same.

Dark, dirty, without light all year round, and full of odor.

The conditions of the cells in the Zongren Mansion were slightly better, and they were much cleaner than the Prison Department Prison. The prisoners were all members of the royal family, and the jailers guarding the cells did not dare to neglect them, and they had to be gentle and polite when delivering meals.

Who knows when the people detained here will be released? Once out of prison, he will be a distinguished royal relative again. Trying to deal with little people like them is like crushing an ant, it takes no effort at all.

King Yan was locked up in the largest and most spacious cell.

There are beds, chairs, books, paper, pens, and ink inside. I can read, draw, and write to pass the time every day. When I feel really bored, I just lie down in bed and fall asleep.

The daily meals are neither good nor bad. Four dishes and one soup tasted pretty good.

It's a pity that since King An died, the meals delivered have suddenly lost most of their weight. I can only eat half full at most.

King Yan's originally handsome face quickly became thinner, and his eyes became more sinister.

The prison guard delivering food came again.

"Your Highness, please have a meal." The forty-year-old prison boss said with trepidation and a smile.

Half a bowl of rice and two small plates of vegetarian dishes.

It’s really two small dishes. Even a child wouldn't be able to get enough of this portion. For months, every meal that arrived was like this.

What a great grandson!

He ordered people to poison King An and starve him to death. The emperor's grandson planned to let him experience the feeling of starvation.

King Yan glanced at it and sneered: "Take it away! I won't eat it! You may starve to death!"

The prison head couldn't help but wipe the sweat on his forehead with his sleeves, and continued to laugh: "Your Highness, please don't embarrass me. This is the order given by Your Highness Taisun himself, and no one dares to disobey it. Although the food is small, Your Highness It’s better to eat to satisfy your hunger than to go hungry.”

Before he finished speaking, King Yan had already turned gloomy, threw down his job, and shouted angrily: "Get out!"

Situations like this have been common in the past few months.

The prison boss packed up the things on the floor with a grimace and "get out" obediently. After a while, another meal of the same amount came: "Your Highness, you should eat a little! If you are really hungry, I really can't bear it!"

When the kings of hell fight, they are the ones who suffer. Eh!

King Yan lost his temper and was really hungry. He snorted with a sullen face and finally sat down to eat.

The cell leader secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Before King Yan could finish his meal, someone came to the cell.

The cell leader hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed: "Young man, I have met His Highness the Grand Sun."

The emperor's grandson hummed casually, looked at King Yan, twitched his lips and said, "Uncle Sixth Emperor seems to be in poor spirits lately."

"Stop being so hypocritical!" King Yan sneered: "I don't have enough to eat three meals a day, so how can I have the energy? As a prisoner now, I can only let you humiliate me. You can just let people add some to the food. Wouldn’t it be a pleasure if the poison directly removed this thorn in my side?”

The emperor's grandson, who firmly had the upper hand, was very graceful and did not argue with King Yan. He calmly said: "I came to see the Sixth Uncle out of kindness. Why did the Sixth Uncle talk like this? If people heard it, I would think it was wrong." It’s my nephew who is hiding evil intentions to harm you.”

"What I want to do with you is my grandfather's business. How can I go against it!"

King Yan raised his eyebrows, with a cold and mocking look on his face: "What? Isn't that old immortal not mad to death by me?"

The emperor's grandson said calmly without changing his expression: "My grandfather always loves Uncle Sixth Emperor the most. If he knew that Uncle Sixth Emperor was being careless behind his back, I don't know how sad he would be."



King Yan continued to sneer: "Don't talk in circles. Come today, you won't be bored and come to see me! If you have anything to say, please tell me."

The emperor's grandson looked at King Yan with a trace of regret in his eyes: "I do have some important news here. I hope the sixth uncle will not be too excited after hearing this."

King Yan's heart suddenly sank, and he suddenly had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, I heard the emperor's grandson sigh: "You committed the serious crime of conspiracy and were imprisoned in the prison of the clan's mansion. Everyone in the palace knows about it. Concubine Xu is weak and has been resting in peace. I have been She was told to hide this news from her. She never thought that someone would talk too much in front of her a few days ago..."

King Yan's expression suddenly changed, and Huo Di stood up: "How is your concubine doing now?"

The emperor's grandson continued to sigh: "Concubine Xu was in pain and couldn't let go. She refused to eat. She breathed her last last night."

King Yan's whole body was shocked, his face was miserable, and there were tears in his eyes.

The mother-in-law is dead!

His mother is dead.

In this world, there is one less person who cares about him...

The emperor's grandson paid close attention to the change in King Yan's expression, and continued with regret: "Aunt Changping is in Ciyun Temple, and the news is not convenient. I don't know who heard about you, and she wanted to go down the mountain in a fuss. I went to the palace to intercede for you. The nun in Ciyun Nunnery didn’t dare to let her go. She actually sneaked out of Ciyun Nunnery in the middle of the night.”

"It was dark and the mountain road was steep. Aunt Changping couldn't see the road clearly, so she accidentally fell into the valley. It wasn't until the next day that she was discovered and rescued back to the nunnery."

"Although I saved my life, it was a pity that I suffered a lot of injuries. There was a deep mark from the stone from my forehead to my chin. There is no fear for my life, but my appearance will never be restored again."

King Yan's face turned pale again.

For Chang Ping, who loves beauty as much as her life, having her appearance ruined is probably more painful and uncomfortable than taking her life.

He had promised to save the two of them from trouble. To this end, he carefully planned and risked his life. Unexpectedly, his success failed, and he was eventually tricked by the capricious King An.

It was he who had caused trouble to his mother and eldest sister.

If it weren't for him, even if their lives were difficult, they would at least be able to survive.

But now, one is dead and the other is disfigured...

King Yan closed his eyes and pushed back the tears that had reached the corners of his eyes. My heart is full of desolation and sadness.

How unfair God was to him!

"Are you thinking that God is unfair to you?" The voice of the emperor's grandson sounded in King Yan's ears, cold and indifferent: "When you decided to kill my father that day, did you ever think that something like this would happen? one day?"


King Yan's blood surged, and he suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes full of anger.

The emperor's grandson looked at him coldly and refused to give in: "The lives of your mother and your sister are so important in your eyes. Don't I care about my father? I once swore that as long as I find that I will never spare the person who secretly murdered my father.”

"Whatever you sow, you will reap! It's all your own fault!"

"You killed them!"

King Yan's face was pale and dejected, and tears finally came out.

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