Lost In Azeroth

Chapter 956: Thor's message

   Chapter 956 Thor's Message

  Su Chen did not personally search for the whereabouts of the Sha of Anger.

   In fact, with the size of the Sha of Anger, it is almost impossible to hide his whereabouts. Even in the vast Kun-Lai Mountains, those pandaren have already mastered the whereabouts of the Sha of Anger.

It's just that the main force of the pandaren is currently defending against the mantid, and the remaining elites of the Shado-Pan have also been led by Taran Zhu to the Townlong Steppes to hunt down the Sha of Hatred. measure.

   However, although the Sha of Anger escaped from the Shado-Pan Temple, the damage it caused was far inferior to other Sha demons, at least not comparable to the Sha of Fear.

"The Sha of Anger is now in the southwest of Kun-Lai Mountain. It seems that he wants to run to the Jade Forest area. We have been sending people to follow him. It seems that the White Tiger Temple has been paying attention to the whereabouts of the Sha of Anger." Sun Rouxin heard Su Chen. After trying to find other Sha demons, he immediately informed the whereabouts of the Sha of Anger.

   After seeing that Su Chen was almost alone and resolved the threat of the Sha of Fear, it was obvious in her heart that her evaluation of Su Chen had improved a lot, and her words were more respectful.

"Okay, I will go to Kun-Lai Mountain to see the situation of the Sha of Anger. If I can, I will try to kill it. At that time, I hope that the Golden Lotus Sect can provide some assistance and seal the Sha." Su Chen said. .

He didn't know how in the history of Warcraft, those adventurers completely eliminated these evil spirits who were born with negative emotions. Although he can defeat these evil spirits now, he still cannot completely eliminate them. When negative emotions appear, these evil spirits will still reappear, so sealing is the best method at present, at least you can control this danger in your own hands.

   "Well, I will personally lead the elites of the Golden Lotus Sect to assist His Highness in dealing with the Sha of Wrath, and I will also request some assistance from the White Tiger Temple." Sun Rouxin said gratefully.

   "Okay... By the way, this time the pandaren encountered such a big trouble, why haven't they seen a few gods help?" Su Chen asked curiously.

Since he came to Pandaria, he had never seen those gods come forward to control the situation. Only when he was at the Scarlet Crane Temple, he heard that the **** Chi Jing was personally suppressing the evil spirits, while Yulong and Xuen never saw him. Even the Qinglong Temple was slaughtered and Yulong was not seen.

"The four gods rarely show up, and I haven't seen a few gods for many years. In fact, they rarely intervene in Pandaria's affairs. Maybe they will only help when it is the most critical." Sun Rouxin frowned slightly. eyebrows.

"The most dangerous time..." Su Chen couldn't help but be speechless. These powerhouses like to treat ordinary people with a high-level attitude. Back then, the Dragon Clan treated the night elves in this way, and as a result, they were completely embarrassed when they needed the help of the night elves. Open your mouth.

  When Su Chen came to Kun-Lai Mountain, he did not go directly to find the trouble of the Sha of Anger, but first went to find the many Mogu undead warriors that he had left here before.

  Though the pandaren were watching nearby, they did not take any action against these mogu undead warriors.

   He soon led these mogu undead warriors to deal with the Sha of Wrath.

Due to the information provided by the pandaren, Su Chen directly found the Sha of Anger. This powerful Sha is currently moving to the south, but the place it passes through has been completely polluted by the sha energy. The vast Kun-Lai Summit was particularly dazzling.

Under the analysis of the brain, the power of this Sha of Anger seems to be slightly lower than that of the Sha of Fear, but its imposing manner is far stronger than that of the Sha of Fear. As soon as those black **** touched the ground, they split into various small sha demons, covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters almost instantly.

  The Golden Lotus Sect's troops hadn't arrived in time, and Su Chen didn't bother to wait any longer, so he led the undead warriors of the Mogu clan to rush up and began to fight against Zhang Zhang's rage.

  Su Chen soon discovered that the magic attack of the Sha of Anger is not as good as that of the Sha of Fear, but the physical attack is stronger than that of the Sha of Fear, and it is easy to fall into the rage, which will greatly increase the speed of the attack.

  Under the analysis and warning of his brain, he could easily dodge most of the physical attacks, but now he has learned magics such as flash and teleportation. It is very easy to dodge the attack of the Sha of Wrath.

   However, the purpose of his trip is to sharpen himself, so he often deliberately does not dodge, and uses his own strength to resist the attack of the Sha of Wrath head-on.

This time the battle lasted longer than the previous battle with the Sha of Fear, which lasted for almost ten hours. To outsiders, it seems that this is definitely a battle of the world. Su Chen and the Sha of Anger have come and gone. Back to the fierce battle.

   However, as long as you observe carefully, you can see that Su Chen has an absolute advantage in this battle...On this battlefield, there are only the tentacles of the devil on the ground, but there is no scar on Su Chen's body!

   As for those little Sha demons, they were completely wiped out by the undead warriors of the Mogu tribe. These undead warriors from the Mogu Mountain treasury are very powerful, far from being comparable to those of the little sha demons.

Su Chen was very satisfied with this battle. The gigantic Sha of Anger was an excellent training target. If he hadn't seen that Sun Rouxin had already arrived with some of the Golden Lotus Sect's elite troops, he would have continued to fight for a few more hours. .

However, as the pandaren rushed up regardless of the danger, in order to avoid these pandaren being attacked by the Sha of Anger, Su Chen had to speed up the battle and began to attack the vital point of the Sha of Anger, only a few minutes later. After that, the huge Sha of Anger fell down in anger.

   "Thank you very much, Your Highness. If we didn't use His Highness to help, we don't know how many heroic warriors we will lose if we want to defeat this Sha of Wrath." Sun Rouxin said with great gratitude.

   "Don't be so polite between you and me, hurry up and re-seal this guy, do you know the whereabouts of other evil spirits?" Su Chen asked again.

"The only one who knows the exact whereabouts is the Sha of Hatred, and Taran Zhu is chasing him in Townlong Steppes, but now the Mantid has suddenly attacked us, and it is likely to also attack our camp on the Townlong Steppes. After attacking, I don't know if I wish the Sect Master and the others all the best." Sun Rouxin said with some worry.

   "The Townlong Plateau... Since that's the case, I'll go there and take a look." Su Chen said.

   "In this way, I would like to thank His Highness the Prince. If His Highness needs our help in the future, please feel free to speak. We pandaren will definitely do our best to help His Highness." Sun Rouxin made a promise with great gratitude.

  Su Chen doesn't care much about the promises of these pandaren. In fact, there are only a few gods in Pandaria who can help him fight against Ulduar's titan guardians.

  Su Chen soon bid farewell to Sun Rouxin and began to rush to Townlong Plateau.

Although the Townlong Steppes is also outside the Great Wall, it is different from the Dread Wasteland, which is completely controlled by the mantid. This Townlong Steppes is a contested area. Pandaren have built many frontier camps here, and they are dedicated to The Niuzao Temple of Xuanniu Niuzao, one of the four gods, is located in this Townlong Plateau.

   Worried about Jaina and others worrying about herself, Su Chen deliberately detoured to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms to meet Jaina and Ilusia when he went to Townlong Steppes.

   But to his surprise, when he saw Ilusia, she quietly took out a strange letter.

"What is this? Who wrote the letter to me?" Su Chen took the letter, but found that the text on the letter was very special. Judging from Iluxia's deliberate avoidance of Jaina, it might have been written The person who wrote the letter didn't want Jaina to know.

   "This was sent by some of His Highness's followers, the lizardmen you subdued last time." Ilusia whispered.

"Lizardmen..." Su Chen's heart moved, and he immediately remembered the few lizardmen he met when he came to the Valley of Eternal Blossoms who were going to enter the Mogu Mountain Palace to steal treasures. He wanted to use them to dig the heart of Nayshaji. , and thus deliberately recruited those lizardmen.

   "Those lizardmen can actually write letters? This is really strange? No way they really found the whereabouts of Nayshaji's Heart..." Su Chen opened the envelope with some doubts.

   But what made him speechless was that the real author of this letter did not seem to be those lizardmen, but a troll!

"This is a letter from the Zandalari trolls to me... It seems that those lizardmen are being used as messengers..." Su Chen was secretly a little scared. The secret has been known to the Zandalar trolls, and even the lizardmen have passed on the letter.

"Are those trolls trying to threaten me with this..." Su Chen felt a trace of anger in his heart. Although he had conflicts with trolls, he did not have any deep hatred. There is no contradiction, but now these trolls have taken the initiative to come to the door.

   But when he carefully looked at the contents of the letter, he was even more surprised... Those Zandalari trolls were actually preparing to cooperate with him and hoped to have a formal meeting.

   "Those Zandalari trolls want to find me for cooperation? Didn't they go to the bottom of the Mogu Mountain Palace to find those remnants of the Mogu tribe?" Su Chen couldn't help but wonder.

The troll forces in Azeroth are very scattered, and even the trolls are full of contradictions. There are not many troll tribes in the whole world, but the Zandalar tribe can be said to be the most powerful one. It is in a dominant position among many troll tribes, but later, when the high-level Zandalar trolls led many elites and Thor to Uldum to seize the power of the Origin Furnace, they were made by the guardians of the Origin Hall using the Origin Furnace. A big explosion resulted in the death of Thor, and all the high-level Zandalar trolls died in the explosion, which led to the rapid decline of the Zandalar tribe.

"Remember that Thor's resurrection was created by these Zandalari trolls... Why do they come to me for cooperation now?" Su Chen looked at the letter over and over again, but unfortunately those Zandalari trolls did not write it down The reason is that I just hope to have a formal meeting with him, and the meeting place is in Kun-Lai Mountain.

  Ilusia kept her head down and said nothing after handing him the letter, so she probably didn't know anything more.

   "You guys stay in this Vale of Splendid Blossoms to rest first. Be careful of the mogu clan in the Mogu Mountain Palace." Su Chen smashed the letter into a ball. When he opened his palm again, the letter had turned into a handful of ashes.

   "I will take great care of Your Highness Jaina." Ilusia lowered her head and said.

   Su Chen couldn't help but sighed slightly: "You have to be careful yourself, remember not to try to summon those powerful demons again."

Su Chen didn't pay attention to the trolls immediately, but rushed to Townlong Steppes according to the original plan. When he rode the wind lord Melgarak through the Dragon's Back, he saw that the battle here was completely over. Now, only a few pandaren warriors were left clearing the battlefield on the wall, and it was clear that the mantid had indeed retreated.

"Then we will see if Naxuan can really control the mantid..." Su Chen pondered in his heart that although the strength of those mantid continued to top, they were also a good army, and he wanted to dig out the mantid in the future. The Heart of Y'Shaarj might still need the help of these mantid.

   When he entered Townlong Steppes, he soon found the Shado-Pan camp.

   In fact, the Shado-Pan's influence in this Townlong Plateau is not small, and many camps have been established along the way. It is estimated that they originally held the mentality of defending the enemy outside the Great Wall.

  Because Su Chen once helped pandaren regain the Shado-Pan Temple and rescued Taran Zhu, he had a very high reputation in the Shado-Pan, and those Shado-Pan disciples were very respectful after seeing him coming.

"I just assisted the Golden Lotus Sect to defeat the Sha of Fear and the Sha of Anger. I heard from the elders of the Golden Lotus Sect that you are following the Zhu Sect Master to hunt down the Sha of Hate, so I came here to help, you can find the Sha of Hate. whereabouts?" Su Chen asked.

"We had already caught up with the Sha of Hate here, but unexpectedly encountered a large number of mantid, they attacked us frantically, and they also tried to attack the Great Wall, so we had to divide a large number of people. I came to defend it, but the Sha of Hatred took the opportunity to escape, and Sect Master Zhu is now leading people to pursue it." A Shado-Pan disciple replied.

   "The Sha of Hate escaped?" Su Chen couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard this.

   In the history of Warcraft, the Sha of Hatred should have been killed by Taran Zhu in the Townlong Steppes, but now it seems that things have changed with the appearance of the Mantid!

"Yes, but the direction of the Sha of Hatred's escape is towards the due west, and there should be no escape in that direction." The Shado-Pan disciple laughed, and it seemed that Zhu Taran was chasing the Hater. Very confident.

   "Due West..."

   "Yes, that direction is the direction of Niuzao Temple!"

   (end of this chapter)

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