returned to the dormitory in a daze, when she was with Li Tiantian, Li Tiantian didn't let her drink in the summer, she had been in love for five years, and she drank a glass of beer in the summer, but now she is unrestrained, and she accidentally drank too much.

I didn't take a bath, I just lay down in bed and fell asleep.

At around 4 o'clock in the morning, I went to the bathroom with a wave of nausea and vomited.

After vomiting, the person also sobered up.

I'm still a little hungry, so I'll rest tomorrow, take a shower in the summer, and cook instant noodles to eat.

While waiting for instant noodles, Summer checked the Ender bottle.

This doesn't look good, the Ender bottle is about to overflow.

I haven't had any complicated surgery in the past two days, and I've saved my life!

On second thought, I guess it's the father of a fracture patient.

Ender, Thanksgiving.

It is not necessary to thank you for saving your life in the summer, and sometimes the patient who saves her life will not necessarily be grateful, and the patient's family is very excited to help advance money in the summer, and it is normal to be grateful for the summer in their hearts.

Let's take a look and see what good things can be done this time.

Click: Extract.

[Reward: World-class fourth-grade radical liver cancer surgery.] [

Reward: 100 medical trivia.] [

Reward: 80% of world-class skilled hands.] [

Reward: A vial of energy.] I

sent four in one go, one more than the first three.

Fourth-grade liver cancer surgery excites summer.

There are four stages of surgery.

The first level is relatively simple, pulling out a nail fungus and cutting a powdered tumor, which is the simplest operation, and generally Xi doctors start with the first level of surgery.

Secondary surgery is comparatively more complex than primary surgery.

For example, appendicitis, removal of breast fibroids.

The third level is much more complex, including laparoscopic cholecystectomy and laparoscopic appendectomy, which is difficult and requires doctors with more than 5 years of surgical experience.

Level 4 is the most complex.

Radical thyroidectomy, radical gastric cancer resection...... Level 4 surgery has a high risk, recurrence, and high complications, and is generally performed at the director and specialist level.

I actually sent a fourth-grade radical liver cancer surgery, how could I not be excited in the summer?

Increases Dexterity to 80%.

With a finger move, Summer expressed satisfaction.

As for, 100 medical trivia ......

He was a little confused.

What is this?

Click agree, and 100 pieces of knowledge entered his brain.

Trivia is interesting.

For example, the earliest clinical symptoms of colon cancer are changes in bowel Xi and stool shape.

Malignant tumors that metastasize to the pelvis are usually more common in gastric cancer.

The most common of intracranial tumors is neuroepithelial tumors.

It took more than an hour for 100 pieces of knowledge to be poured into Summer's mind, and after absorbing them all, he was very amazed, it turned out that there were a lot of small knowledge in medicine, how to prevent and treat.

For a moment, he felt that he had studied medical school for eight years in vain, and he hadn't learned anything, so it was better for the system to move his finger......s slightly

After absorbing all the knowledge, Summer set her sights on the energy bottle.

A small bottle containing a small bottle of clear liquid.

"Hey, system, what the hell is this energy bottle

?" "You're not going to poison Lao Tzu, are you?"

[The host is self-respecting, and the system is helping you. (A poor ghost, why should this system poison you?What are you doing when you have nothing to do?)


"Then what do you tell me about this energy bottle?"

[The small vial of energy can increase the host's energy for 6 hours, and when the host is overtired, use the energy bottle, immediately feel energetic, and will not affect the host's body. Can

I increase my energy for 6 hours?Can I improve my X ability

for 6 hours?

[Yes, the host is willing, and you can use it at any time, but the system kindly reminds that the average girl can't last 6 hours, and the host can find a strong male!]


I'm talking nonsense, don't pay attention to me......

"Good stuff, good stuff. "

Thank you system.

"I'll take the energy bottle and use it next time I work the night shift." "

Summer took the opportunity to put the energy bottle in his pocket, ate the instant noodles, cleaned up the vomit, and fell asleep beautifully.



Li Tiantian came to the hospital early in the morning, as a top student with excellent character and learning in medical school, she has been recognized by the hospital since her Xi, plus she looks sweet and speaks well, attracting a large number of colleagues.

Not surprisingly, Li Tiantian will stay in the children's hospital to work, and the director has secretly said that he will accept her as an apprentice.

The director will retire in five years, and she will be the director in five years.

Everything is so beautiful.

However, all the good things were frozen three days ago.

A live broadcast in the summer completely ruined Li Tiantian's image, and her popularity in the hospital also plummeted, from a sweet girl that everyone liked, to a scumbag girl that everyone shouted at.

As soon as they entered the office, several colleagues and little girls who had practiced Xi immediately exchanged glances, and the three of them snickered.

Li Tiantian didn't know what they were laughing at, but it was obvious that they were laughing at her.

Moreover, there is some ill-intentioned in the smile.

Sure enough, she got to her seat and found that her office chair was missing.


my chair?"

"Where did you move my chair?"

Li Tiantian glared at a few colleagues.

Several colleagues are girls, and they have been obsessed with summer videos these days, and they want to marry him.

Because of their infatuation with summer, they dislike Li Tiantian.

Apart from them, Li Tiantian couldn't think of anyone who could move her chair.

A chubby girl with glasses looked up and smiled.

"The chair, it's behind the door. "

Last night, I came to the emergency department, and the patient in the emergency room was an old man, and the old man's health was not very good, he couldn't lie down, so he could only sit, so I moved your chair to the old man to sit on.

Li Tiantian glared at her and went to move the chair behind the door.

The chair was left behind the door, dirty, yellow stuff on it, and a foul smell could be smelled when you got closer.

Li Tiantian reached out and grabbed a handful of slimy,-like, disgusting things, she hurriedly took a step back in fright.

"Ah, what is this

?" "What does it smell so stinky?"

The little chubby girl smiled: "I forgot to say, the old man has Alzheimer's disease, and he pulled it on it when he asked for a doctor."

"The patient's family said they would help wash the stools, but the family's aunt is not too young, how can she be allowed to wash it?"

"Dr. Li, you are so young, move out and wash it yourself."

"It's still usable after washing, drying."


Tiantian rushed straight to the bathroom with her hands.

After vomiting in the bathroom, a college classmate walked in, the two were in the same class, and after graduation, they were Xi together at the children's hospital.

The classmate glanced at her.

"Yo, there is?"

"Summer or Song Pengfei?"

"If it's summer, just kill the child, don't harm summer."

"If it's Song Pengfei's, then congratulations.

"Song Pengfei won't let his lover keep the child, he will force you to have an abortion, and then dump you."

"I almost forgot that he dumped you. "

How could Young Master Song ask for someone else's broken shoes?"

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