Los Angeles Detective

Chapter 339 New case

Near the fly bar.

A Honda car was driving fast, and it didn't slow down at the intersection, and ran through the yellow light and rushed past.


A police car came up from behind, a black and white Dodge, a high-performance car that seldom missed in the chase.

A police Dodge followed behind the black Honda, lights flashing and horns honking.

The black Honda merged to the right, and the Dodge police car also merged to the right, which was equivalent to sending out an intercept signal.

In Los Angeles, once the police find an illegal or suspicious vehicle, they will stop the car as soon as possible. The method is also very simple, that is, to follow behind the stopped car.

If the car in front sees a police car with horns and flashing lights behind it from the rearview mirror, it must merge to the right immediately. If the police car drives past directly, congratulations, the police are not targeting you, but just let you get out of the way.

If the police car also merges with the right side, then the unlucky boy is you, and you need to stop immediately for inspection.

Sure enough, the black Honda car ahead slowly stopped.

Two police officers, one black and one white, got out of the car. The white policeman stepped out of the cab, touched the Honda's buttocks, and looked at the glass of the cab, "Hi sir, please turn off the engine."

The man driving the car was Lawrence Miller who had just left Daisy's house. "What's the matter?"

"Please get out of the car and accept the inspection."


The white police officer held the handle of the gun in his right hand, and shone a flashlight on the cab with his left hand, "Please put your hands on the steering wheel and let me see."

"Take the flashlight away, I can't keep my eyes open."

"Lower the windows."

"OK." Lawrence Miller pushed down the car window and asked, "Sir, what's the matter?"

There was a strong smell of alcohol in the car, and the white police officer asked, "Have you been drinking?"

"Um... I did have a beer."

"You don't look like you've had a glass of beer, get out of the car." The white policeman stretched out his right hand to open the door.


Lawrence Miller put the car in gear and stepped on the accelerator, and the car jumped out, almost knocking down the white policeman.

"Damn it, get in the car!" The white policeman greeted, returned to the cab of the police car, and drove after him.

The black officer complained, "Why do these idiots do this every time."

The white police officer said while driving, "This is the meaning of our existence, otherwise those stingy politicians would not be willing to pay us wages."

The black police officer laughed, "So we should thank them."

"I'm already doing it. He wants to play cat and mouse, so I'll play with him." The white policeman stepped on the gas pedal again, and the car drove rapidly, and the distance to the black Honda was getting closer and closer.

The Dodge car speeded up instantly, and chased after the black Honda car again, flashing its lights and honking its horn, signaling to stop.

The black Honda made a right turn, slowed down, merged to the right, and came to a slow stop.

The Dodge car also stopped, and the white police officer muttered, "It seems that this guy knows how to do it, and he has figured it out."

Two officers got out of the Dodge and walked to the black Honda one after the other.

Suddenly, the Honda accelerated sharply and started running again.

The white police officer was angry, "fuck! This bastard is playing us."

The black police officer turned on the walkie-talkie, reported the situation, and called for support.

The two police officers ran into the car again, drove the Dodge police car to catch up, flashing lights and honking.

But this time the Honda car did not slow down, nor did it merge, and it seemed that it did not intend to stop.

"Sit still." The white police officer accelerated from the left, ready to forcibly stop.

The black police officer grabbed the upper handrail with his right hand, "These bastards just like looking for excitement."

"I bet this bastard is either high or on drugs." After the white police officer finished speaking, the Dodge police car had already driven to the left of the Honda, and then turned the steering wheel to the right.

"Bang!" The Dodge car directly hit the left rear of the Honda car.

The Honda's body was unstable, and the speed of the car was reduced. The car began to spin and rushed into the green belt of the other lane.

The white policeman parked the car aside, and two policemen rushed up with guns, "lapd!"

"Put your hands where I can see them."

"Stop moving, you're under arrest!"

"Don't shoot, I don't have a weapon." Knowing that he couldn't escape, Lawrence Miller could only open the car door and get out of the car.

The black police officer rushed up and pulled him out of the car, "Lie down on the ground, don't move!"

"Congratulations, you have been arrested." The white policeman took out handcuffs and handcuffed him, and searched him again.

"I didn't have a weapon and I didn't break the law. You arrested the wrong person."

The white police officer asked, "Then why did you refuse to accept the police's questioning? Why did you drive away?"

"I..." Lawrence Miller couldn't answer.

"Are you on drugs?"

"No, I haven't touched those things for a long time, and I can't afford them."

"When did you drink?"

"Uh... for a while, I've only had a little wine."

The white officer uncuffs him.

Lawrence Miller showed a look of joy, "Are you going to let me go?"

"No, you're going to take a sobriety test."

"I do not need……"

"Why not? I suggest you accept it."

"I'm sober and drinking doesn't affect my normal driving."

"But in fact your car swerved and ran into the green belt."

"It was hit by you, I want to go home now."

"Listen, this is the third time I've asked you, would you like to take a live sobriety test?"

Lawrence Miller took a deep breath, "Okay, I accept."

"Then let's go and test it."

Under the guard of two police officers, Lawrence Miller could only follow suit and walked to the open space.

The white police officer said, "This place is relatively flat, are you satisfied with it?"


"Now start the straight line test."

Lawrence Miller took a deep breath, and began to slowly walk forward in a straight line according to the police officer's instructions.

Two police officers have also been watching from the sidelines.

Lawrence Miller walked very slowly. He took three steps forward, his body swayed a little, and he took another step back, almost falling down.

"Sir, I want to test again."

The white police officer did not make things difficult for him, "Go back from where you were just now."

Lawrence Miller returned to the original point, calmed down for a moment, and walked forward again. This time, he learned to be smart. He took a step, stopped for a while, stabilized his figure, and then moved forward.

Lawrence Miller took nine steps forward, and the white police officer said, "OK, now turn around and walk back."

Lawrence Miller stood where he was, waited for a while, then turned and walked back.

He took a step forward, swayed his body, and took a step back.

He stopped, stood still, and took another step forward.

Every time he took a step, he had to stop, stabilize his body, and then continue walking.

Finally, Lawrence Miller returned to the original point. It took him much more time than ordinary people to walk this circle.

However, the conditions for drunk driving in Los Angeles are very loose, and the white policeman hesitated for a while, "You passed."

Lawrence Miller breathed a sigh of relief, "Can I go?"

"There's a second test where you do it on one leg, with one leg off the ground and one leg on hold."

"Which leg stands?"

"what ever."

Lawrence Miller rubbed his face with his hands, stood on his right foot, and slowly raised his left leg, "Is this okay?"

"Raise a little higher, at least over the height of a Coke bottle."

Lawrence Miller raised his left leg a little, his body flickered, and he almost fell.

Tried again, still unable to stand still.

The white police officer said, "Go lie down on the car."

Lawrence Miller begged, "I can try again."

"No, you're under arrest."

"Please don't do this, I have a friend who is also a policeman, please let me go this time."

"Don't come here."

"I'll give you money, we can trade."

"Are you bribing us?"

"No, my friend told me...it's okay."

"Your friend is not here, it has nothing to do with your friend.

If you bribe us, you will be criminally charged, so you better keep your mouth shut. "The white police officer scolded, put handcuffs on him again, and escorted him into the police car.

"God, why did this happen?" Lawrence Miller showed an annoyed look.

DUI convictions in Los Angeles are lenient, but once convicted, the charges can be severe.

Moreover, he was charged with resisting arrest, and he was punished for multiple crimes.


next morning.

Police Department.

Luke walked into the office yawning.

Last night, Lawrence Miller took turns calling Luke and Daisy.

Daisy didn't answer, and Luke answered the phone impatiently after the phone rang for the third time.

On the phone, Lawrence Miller told Luke that he was arrested for drunk driving, and wanted to ask Luke for help.

Luke said there was nothing he could do.

Lawrence Miller took the next best thing and asked Daisy to be his lawyer, but Daisy also refused.

Lawrence Miller was a little depressed and a little angry, but there was nothing he could do.

After Daisy learned about the situation, she learned that Lawrence Miller might be going to jail, and she felt a little complicated.

Pull Luke out of bed to drink with her.

Luke could feel that the other party was more relieved and relaxed in his heart.

Xiao Hei said, "Guys, there will be a wine tasting festival in a few days, who wants to go with me?"

"Where is it?" Luke has always had the idea of ​​saving some high-end wine.

"San Fernando Avenue, do you want to go together?"

Luke poured a cup of hot coffee and took a sip, "Of course, call me then."

"I'm late." Porter Harfield walked into the office, still holding a paper bag in his hand.

Xiao Hei said, "Newcomer, your work attitude is not good."

"Sorry, I should have come earlier.

But after my wife found out about the transfer, she made donuts for everyone, and I wasted some time waiting for the donuts to be ready. "

The deputy team asked, "Did your wife do it herself?"

"Uh... yes." Porter Haffield opened the bag, took out a cardboard box and distributed it to everyone.

"Thank you." The deputy team took a bite of the donut, "It tastes good."

Luke had the chocolate flavor, "It goes really well with coffee."

Jenny praised, "It's really delicious, your wife's cooking skills are great."

"Thank you, she will be delighted to hear that.

You eat first, there is still some left in the bag, I will give it to colleagues in other departments. said Potter Harfield, and left the office.

The deputy team finished eating the donuts in a few bites, called Luke aside, and asked privately, "Luke, why did you choose this kid to join the team?"

Luke asked, "Any questions?"

"He lied, this donut was not made by his wife at all."

Luke asked curiously, "Deputy team, how do you know?"

"I've eaten donuts all my life, and there's not one famous donut shop in Los Angeles that I haven't tried.

The donuts I ate just now were bought in a dessert shop. I often go to that dessert shop. "

Luke frowned slightly, and he didn't know why Porter Haffield was lying, "Deputy team, what do you think?"

The deputy team laughed, "From my experience, there should be something wrong with his relationship with his wife, but he doesn't want to be known.

That's why I bought donuts from outside, saying that my wife made them.

Of course, this is just my guess, there may be other purposes as well. "

There were three reasons why Luke chose Porter Haffield in the first place. First, he had experience in handling cases. Second, he was familiar with the people in the Southern Bureau. Third, he had a complete and harmonious family, with his wife and One son and one daughter.

In No. 1 Squadron, except for the newly married Xiao Hei, everyone else is either single or their marriage is not going well.

Needless to say, the deputy team.

Raymond often works overtime, never arrives late or leaves early, and spends most of his rest time at the shooting range. It's no wonder that the relationship between husband and wife can be good.

Luke hoped that the arrival of Porter Haffield would bring some good influence, but now it seems likely to fail again.

As a police officer, it is really difficult to balance work and life...

"Jingle Bell……"

Luke's cell phone rang, and he pressed the answer button, "Director...

Well, I see...

Alright, I'll take people over there..."

After hanging up the phone, Luke said loudly, "Guys, there is a new case.

Everyone, get ready and gather downstairs in five minutes. "

"Yes, sir."


half an hour later.

Mulilanca Avenue.

Street traffic has been blocked, cordoned off on both sides of the road, and police, fire engines, and ambulances are parked around.

Several cars were hit on the south-to-north lane.

The car has burnt marks and has been extinguished, and it is a mess.

Surrounding the car were bloodstains from the wounded and a bleeding body.

The corpse was a male, with burn marks on his body, his whole body was dark, and there were many scratch marks. There was an obvious wound on his chest, and a large area was stained red with blood.

After observing the scene, Luke called several team members over and asked, "What do you think?"

Porter Harfield said, "Captain, the police officers from the Southern Division were the first to arrive at the scene, and I asked them about the situation.

According to them, the burned-out BMW was the vehicle that caused the accident. It was originally traveling from north to south, and then the car lost control and rushed into the opposite lane, colliding with a car.

Several cars behind did not brake enough and collided with each other, causing injuries and causing the car to catch fire.

The driver of the BMW involved in the accident died at the scene, and the other eight injured were taken to hospital. "

Xiao Hei asked, "Is it possible that it was an accident?"

Raymond said firmly, "Impossible, the deceased was shot."

It's the end of the month, ask for a monthly ticket.

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