Lord Pender

: One hundred and sixty-eight arrangements

"Lord Pender ( Find the latest chapter!

"It's now," Owen looked at the situation in front of him, and when the giants handed over, a shrill arrow resounded through the room.


The shrill sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded, and the terrifying momentum oscillated here, and the dark black crossbow arrow seemed to tear everything.


Mattut and Morot looked at each other, and they could see the deep fear hidden in each other.

This is the terrifying power of the big forces. The already terrifying steel crossbow, in the hands of these black-clothed men who are all well-trained and precise, is even more deadly.

The level of their adventure group, if they are set on fire by such terrifying crossbow arrows, they will not be able to come up with all kinds of unique skills on weekdays. No matter how insidious means, facing such absolute killing, it will be difficult to perform as it should. effect.


"Seize the treasure, the Viscount will give the biggest reward!"

"These **** giants, dare to attack the Viscount's team, let them know the majesty of the Viscount!" Many members of the Matut Adventure Group shouted, but the people in black looked a little uncomfortable.

They are extremely concealed on weekdays. If the giant egg is not of great importance, I am afraid that they will not be used. Of course, the giant egg itself is naturally not worthy of mobilizing such a huge force. Put it to that Viscount Leofric.


"It's those humans!" Many giants changed their expressions one after another, looking at these suddenly appearing enemies in horror, fourteen giants fell to the ground directly under a burst of arrows!

This time, the number of giants in the entire giant camp was reduced by a full half, and the remaining ones didn't even react. They looked at the men in black who suddenly appeared, all looking fierce.


Mattut worked up all his strength and slashed the giant axe on the leg of a giant, but saw a man in black jump up directly, and the slender gauntlet in his hand directly penetrated the opponent's throat!

Surrounded by faint darkness, the inexplicable Dou Qi seemed to have terrifying power. At this moment, the dark black Dou Qi light that burst out directly attacked the neck of the giant. The next moment, the giant stumbled to the ground.

Mattut looked surprised, these people are so clever fighters, he thought that there was going to be a desperate fight, but he never thought that there would be such a terrifying assist.

Sweeping his eyes again, at this moment, most of the giants have fallen, and there are only five or six giants that are particularly huge, still fighting.


Nearly 20 crossbow bolts struck again. These bolts were reworked, perhaps to deal with the giants. Each bolt was the size of the initial stage, and the head of the crossbow bolt was specially modified. Once embedded, it exploded instantly.

If there are residents from Yuanxing, I am afraid that they will be very familiar with the rumored crossbow arrow. The canine barb arrow has been improved and smeared with poison on the crossbow arrow. Even these giants are difficult to compete!

Accompanied by roars and anger, these powerful giants fell instantly, and the shock of the crossbow arrows was terrifying, even if these giants were all strong in their clan, with extraordinary bloodlines and long vitality, it was difficult to resist.

"It's that simple?" Mattut seemed a little sluggish. An adult like Viscount Leofric has spent such a huge price. Even his son's leg was broken, and there was no treasure to obtain. That's all. It was easily obtained.

Of course, at this time, they didn't know yet that Viscount Leofric paid a lot more for this than they had guessed!

However, Mattut directly saw the horror of these people. Listening to the conversation of the other party, they should be part of all the people. They were recruited temporarily, and they all have such an elite level. It is conceivable that their overall organization, How terrible it would be!

"Clean up the battlefield quickly, don't leave a trace, and all the injuries of these giants must be disguised." Owen directed many people in black to clean the battlefield and walked towards the huge wooden plate.

"Don't you need to leave a few survivors? Are there any soldiers who don't need to pretend to be the viscount?" Mattut looked puzzled, they had shouted that they belonged to the viscount before.

"Shh," Owen frowned slightly, "that's just a surefire plan, it's not the best use, if there is an accident, you can paralyze the enemy, and it's naturally the best choice to disappear.

That is, the corpses of these giants are not easy to transport out, otherwise it is better to just pull them away. "

"Ah..." Matt was stunned for a moment, but did not expect that the plan he thought before was just a backhand of the other party.

"You take these things with you and drop a batch every few meters, so they can understand our route." Owen said to a man in black again.

At this time, Mattut's scalp was getting numb, and he said with a pale face, "Are you going to destroy the town of Trubrun?

There were a lot of townspeople, and they had nothing to do with Viscount Leofric. "

Although Mattut also came out of a melee of life and death, and it is easy to ignore human life, but it is not absolutely regarded as a must. Looking at the man in black in front of him, he actually wanted to lure the giant family to **** the town of Trubrun. They just felt a panic in their hearts.

These people seem to be too...

"Pfft...you think too much," Owen shook his head disdainfully, "Do you really think that the Viscount family can sit in the southern border of the kingdom for such a long time without any knowledge?

These giants, wanting to capture the town of Trubrun is simply delusional, and besides, they will not succeed if we are here. "

Mattut took a deep breath and looked at the people in front of him with a complicated expression.

"Just to explain to you, there is no need to lie to you," Owen said lightly, looking at Mattut's eyes, "You have no other choice but to act according to our plan, otherwise everyone will die.

In this case, you follow us is the only way. "

It seemed to make sense. Matt nodded heavily. He also believed what the other party said. Indeed, everything about them was in the hands of the other party. It seemed that they had no need to deceive themselves. Can't afford any waves.


"Is the strength of the Viscount really that exaggerated?" At this time, another man in black walked to Owen's side and asked in a low voice.

"When did you become so naive, Paston?" Owen said with a bit of surprise on his face, "What does Trubrun Town have to do with me? I'm just analyzing it on a case-by-case basis, and by the way, to appease these people, I'll have to do it later. They contribute.

The adults often teach us not to discard the power that can be used casually. The Mattut Adventure Group is still operating very well around here, so there is no need to make trouble with them now. "

"Tsk..." Paston was speechless for a while, "After all, it's thousands of lives."

"It's not ours," Owen frowned slightly, and said with a little bit of anxiety, "Paston, you have to be clear, who we are working for, and whose strength is the town of Trubrun."

"I know," Paston took a deep breath, but shook his head and left.


"My lord!" Viscount Leofric appeared in the castle at this time, and many of the attendants suddenly changed their colors.

At this time, Lord Viscount, his face was pale, his right arm was empty and even blood was spreading. He was no longer as energetic as before, and even had a feeling of being on the verge of death!

In this way, the attendants were startled for a while, but they were busy working.

At this time, the many personal soldiers who came for the Viscount, under the serious warning of Talot, took the reward and left, and the castle was briefly sealed, and the high-level officials of the Viscount gathered.

"Father, who are you? Are those giants so terrifying?" At this time, a tall and slender woman with fair skin made people feel slightly stunned. The woman rushed in with a bit of panic and saw Leofer in front of her. Viscount Rick was even more shocked.

In her impression, her father was the number one powerhouse in the Viscount, and he was extremely brave.

"Barbara," Viscount Leofric smiled bitterly as he looked at his daughter who came over, while Unila stepped forward to exhort, "Barbara, don't let father get distracted, father is currently Explain things clearly, and then take care of your injuries."

Hearing this, the woman also restrained her behavior, and then looked at the few people in front of her with a worried expression.

"Unila, you start now, recruit soldiers in the town, don't begrudge dinars, mobilize all the troops that may be recruited by us, and strengthen the town's defense.

Talot, you are patrolling in person, and you must not let the giants who take the opportunity to find a place to break through. Flat, you are going to buy food on the market, so as to avoid the shortage of food caused by the siege of the giants, Telton..." Li Viscount Ofric took a deep breath and said quickly, but at this moment, he was a little hesitant.

"Telton, you bring a small group of people and my letter to meet Marquis Leo, and report the situation here like the Marquis. Remember, don't say what you can't say." Leofric After a moment of hesitation, the Viscount finally made a decision.

For him, this decision is still quite tangled. After all, the Lord Marquis, his emotions about him are still relatively complicated. Before the responsibility of the Lord Marquis, he has always been in charge.

Because of this newly emerging Lord Marquis, the status of the Viscount is gradually weakening, but his age is not too young, Unila also feels a little bit incompetent, and Lord Viscount did not rashly offend the young Marquis.

Only at this time, because of his personal behavior, the town of Trubrun may be invaded, and there is even a risk of losing its defense. Viscount Leofric still feels that it is more important to inform this Marquis about things. . ,

The noble status of the Lion King Kingdom is very valuable. Even if he loses his territory for a short time, as long as he reports in advance, the family will not be punished much. However, if he hides everything privately, it will eventually lead to the loss of the southern border town of the kingdom. , the responsibility is too great.

"Father!" Unila shouted involuntarily when she heard what the Viscount said. Naturally, he had always avoided the Lord Marquis. He never thought that this time his father would take the initiative to contact him.

"We don't know the specific strength of the giants, but you have also seen the strength of these giants, which has exceeded our expectations.

And the reinforcements behind them are even more astonishing. I am so seriously injured now that I am not fully sure of defending the town. Viscount Leofric said in a deep voice, "You are in charge of recruiting soldiers, don't worry about the rest for the time being. "

"According to your order," Unila saw that her father seemed to be displeased, and did not dare to persuade him. As for the previous Barbara, she frowned slightly, "But father, we are like this, I am afraid it is in the marquis. There is no place for adults.

After all, it was a conflict caused by our own people, or for treasures. It is true that the kingdom will not impose any punishment on us, but the Marquis mobilized troops because of this, I am afraid that we will not be able to please us. "

"Huh..." Viscount Leofric nodded solemnly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ So he agreed with what his daughter said. Barbara has always been smart, so she was able to enter such an important meeting. A bit of entanglement, "I can only talk about it when the time comes.

Now everything is the most important thing to defend the town, even if it is difficult to preserve it in the end, it will take some time to delay. "

Of course, everyone knows that the Marquis's combat power is extremely powerful. Before, it wiped out the Principality of Isha and many tribes of dwarves in the extreme east of the continent.

These giants, at present, seem to be a bit stronger than the viscounts, but in the face of such terrifying elites of the marquis, I am afraid that they are still a bit inferior. Everyone can understand that as long as the marquis really sends troops, the town will It will be fine, but the Viscount family, not necessarily.

Such a marquis really wants to embarrass one of them, or if they do have a handle, the prospects of the viscount family do not seem optimistic, especially, the viscount family seems to have some differences with the young Marquis Leo. more natural possible conflict.


"Huh... How long do we have to go, why do we have to walk along this road." Matt was running weakly. He didn't understand why he had to flee in such a hurry, not following the normal route.

"Hmph, let's go back along the original route, how do you think the Viscount will treat us? Especially the Viscount Leofric at this time, it is estimated that the damage is serious and the town's vigilance has been strengthened.

We just came out like this, and most of the time we have to go to the prison of the Viscount. If you are interested in that place, you can find opportunities by yourself, but I am not willing to accompany you. ' said Owen angrily.

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