Can revive troops!

Ren Qi rubbed his eyes, for fear that he was wrong.

However, seeing the amount of energy crystals that this stele needs to revive the troops, Ren Qi couldn't help but sigh.

The energy crystals that this resurrection needs to consume is indeed a bit terrifying. The sixth-order and sixth-order are fine, and the resurrection of the seventh-order arms requires 100,000 energy crystals.

The resurrection of the ninth-order arms is even more fearful, and it directly requires one million energy crystals!

However, the ninth-order arms are extremely precious, which is understandable.

I just don't know if the units in the resurrection will have the full state before the resurrection.

If the level goes to zero directly after resurrection, it would be a bit of a fool.

Right now, this resurrection stone tablet Ren Qi is still unusable. Let's talk about it when there are more energy crystals later.

There was the last empty investment source box left, and Ren Qi didn't hesitate to open it directly to check.

This empty investment source box is also filled with magic crystals, more than 400, and a holy scroll is pressed under the magic crystals.

Looking at the holy scroll, Ren Qi's eyes instantly lit up.

As long as it is a holy scroll that is airdropped in, it is basically a good thing.

Can't wait to get the holy scroll, Ren Qi checked it directly.

[Architecture Holy Scroll: Five-Light Glazed Cannon]

[Effect: After use, you can display the ninth-order building five-light glazed cannon]

[Attributes of the Five-Light Glazed Glass Cannon: Condensing energy crystal energy, but firing a beam of destruction, the power is comparable to a ninth-order attack. If you use double energy crystals, you can launch a half-holy beam of destruction attack. 】

[Consumption: 5,000 energy crystals need to be consumed each time]

This holy scroll turned out to be a construction holy scroll, which can be transformed into a five-light glazed cannon!

Looking at the properties of the five-light glazed cannon, Ren Qi's face showed a hint of surprise.

It can release a ninth-order attack, and the double energy crystal can launch a semi-holy destructive beam attack, which is simply the strongest territorial defense attack weapon.

If Nagai Feng and the others attacked their own territory, they possessed these five-light glazed cannons, I am afraid that only one shot would be needed to destroy one-tenth of the attacking army.


This five-light glazed gun also has a great demand for energy crystals.

An ordinary shot requires 5,000 energy crystals, and if a semi-holy level of destruction beam is required, it needs to be doubled and 10,000 energy crystals directly.

Ren Qi suddenly found out that his magic crystals seemed to be too much, while the energy crystals were too few.

Although these things are good things, they are also big consumers of energy crystals.

Is this the trouble with so many good things?

With a grin at the corner of Ren Qi's mouth, he asked the succubuses to transport the magic crystals into the warehouse.

After that, without any hesitation, Ren Qi first used the building sacred scroll of the five-light glazed cannon.

Ren Qi opened the holy scroll, there was a ray of light in the holy scroll, wrapped the holy scroll, and quickly moved towards the air.

When it came to the sky above Ren Qi's territory, the light suddenly expanded, forming a huge barrel shape in the sky, and then it manifested directly.

'Crack clap! ’

A huge bracket was cut open from the bottom of the five-light glazed cannon, and it quickly extended downwards, directly falling into Ren Qi's territory, going deep into the foundation, and taking root in Ren Qi's territory.

This five-light glazed cannon is twenty times the size of the energy crystal cannon on the city wall. The dark muzzle is deep and glowing with a metallic texture.

Ren Qi could clearly sense that he had some connection with this five-light glazed cannon.

The mind moved slightly, and the bracket below the huge five-light glazed cannon descended rapidly, directly dropping the five-light glazed cannon and hiding it in the territory.

Ren Qi thought about it again, the bracket opened quickly, the five-light glazed cannon rose directly, and came to the sky above the territory, which could perform a 360-degree rotating attack.

Yes, it's hidden enough, Ren Qi likes it very much.

At that time, he might be able to catch the opponent by surprise. Ren Qi really likes this kind of building with the attributes of old silver coins.

After hiding the five-light glazed cannon in the territory, Ren Qi was about to use the recruitment holy scroll.

Although after the recruitment pool was upgraded, it would be more beneficial to use the recruitment holy scroll, but now that Ren Qi's energy crystal is very scarce, it is unlikely to upgrade the recruitment pool in a short time.

And using the Holy Scroll of Recruitment can quickly increase the combat power. When the black fog is about to be attacked and you don't know what will happen, it is better to increase the strength in the territory.

Ren Qi quickly came to the recruitment pool and directly pasted the recruitment holy scroll in his hand on the statue in front of the recruitment pool.

A ray of light rose, and the recruitment holy scroll was directly submerged into the pitch-black statue.

‘Om! ’

The entire pitch-black statue shook for a moment, and then a black light sank directly into the recruitment pool below.

The recruiting pool vibrated instantly, as if it were boiling.

Black balls of light began to emerge from the recruitment pool, there were fifty in total.

Afterwards, these black balls of light quickly came to the front of the recruitment pool and burst.

Ren Qi's eyes flashed instantly.

There was no way, fifty brand new naked succubus appeared in front of him, no one would be dazzled.


Fifty succubuses recruited by the recruitment holy scroll stepped forward and said to Ren Qi in unison.

At this moment, Ren Qi almost felt that she was trapped in her daughter's kingdom.

Soon, Ren Qi stabilized his mind and began to check the ranks of these newborn succubus.

The fifty new succubuses are all mutant succubuses, which is quite surprising.

Moreover, the lowest among them are the fifth-order mutant succubus, and the number is very small, only eight.

The sixth-order mutant succubus had the most, with thirty-five.

In addition to the fifth-order mutant succubus and the sixth-order mutant succubus, there are also seven mutant succubus.

Among the seven mutant succubus, there are six eighth-order mutant succubus.

And the remaining mutant succubus is of the ninth order!

Ren Qi was immediately stunned. This was the first time he had directly recruited a ninth-order mutant succubus from the recruitment pool.

Of the six variants, four are Battle Succubus, one is the Death Plague Succubus, and the other is an auxiliary succubus like Maggie.

And the only ninth-order mutant succubus is very special.

【Kill Star Succubus】

[Equal order: ninth order]

[The superior person who kills the succubus symbolizes the ultimate slaughter of the succubus. She is an artist of battle. You can always give the front of the battlefield to the killing star succubus. 】

Another superior!

This killing star succubus is the superior of the killing succubus.

Combat artist used on the frontal battlefield.

Ren Qi named her Irene, and then asked Elis to arrange for these new succubuses to eat demon meat and raise her level quickly.

Now that Ren Qi's devil meat reserves are abundant, even if there are fifty more mutant succubuses at once, they will not face a shortage of devil meat at all.

After arranging everything, Ren Qi began to focus on the chat group.

At this time, the chat group has already exploded, and all revolved around this empty investment source box.

[How is the situation of the big guys? Did you get the empty investment source box? 】

[I am lucky, there is an empty investment source box whose coordinates are right in front of my territory, so I can get it directly and easily. 】

[Hehe, it's really good that you are lucky. I saw that the investment source box was not far from the new lord's territory, and was directly besieged, and the territory was gone. 】

【Have you not met a woman with Phoenix troops? It's so terrifying, I saw with my own eyes a new lord with a seventh-order troop and his troops were directly killed! 】

【Have you met too? Let me tell you a little news, the arms this woman has are likely to be ninth-order arms! 】

【Fuck! Tier 9 troops? real or fake? Does anyone really have such a powerful army? 】

[Don't care about the ninth-tier arms, I just want to know if there are any unneeded air investment sources, I am willing to buy them! 】

[Sell the empty investment source, a set of sixth-order defense armor, and give priority to the Holy Scroll. 】

[Go away for me upstairs, still want to exchange for the Holy Scroll for the sixth-order defensive armor? Ladies and gentlemen, I have a set of eighth-order defensive armor here. Is there a holy scroll? I trade sincerely. 】


Looking at the news in the chat group, Ren Qi's eyes flickered slightly.

It seems that Zhao Yuheng has become famous in this battle for air investment sources.

However, there was one thing that made Ren Qi more confused.

Logically speaking, Zhao Yuheng was definitely not the only new lord with a ninth rank, but Zhao Yuheng was the only one Ren Qi knew that he possessed a ninth rank.

The new lords with the ninth-order arms are indeed the favored sons of heaven, and the number is extremely rare, but with so many new lords of the five major countries, it is impossible for a new lord of the ninth-order arms.

It seems that these new lords with ninth-order arms are still hiding in the dark, and they are likely to appear in the chat group, but no one knows about it.

However, Ren Qi then saw a lot of news about guessing the ninth-order arms in the chat group.

It seems that these guys who have been hidden before are also because of the national air investment source boxes.

It's just that Ren Qi was a little puzzled. Why did the new lords of the ninth-rank arms compete for the rankings when they killed the standings before?

You must know that the top ten sources of air investment at that time must be much richer than this time.

Where does Ren Qi know that although the ninth-tier arms are powerful, the number of recruits is indeed very small, and it takes several days to recruit one. There are not many ninth-order arms guarding the home, and they cannot fight with great fanfare.

Like Zhao Yuheng, it is very rare to have a large number of ninth-tier troops in a short period of time.

After watching for a while, Ren Qi sent the attributes of the Five Elements Defense Stone to the chat group and began to redeem it.

[Top-quality defense items, five-element defense god stones, priority trading of special items and holy scrolls. 】

As soon as Ren Qi's news appeared in the chat group, it caused a heated discussion.

After all, this kind of thing that can defend the entire territory is still very rare.

And the new lords who have watched the previous pictures of Ren Qi's territory defense battle are aware of the preciousness of such items that can defend the entire territory.

At that time, the Succubus Territory relied on this kind of thing, and it was the black goblin army behind the attack.

All the new lords are a little puzzled, why is Qiqiqi going to trade such an important life-saving item?

How did they know that Ren Qi used the heart of a dwarf before, which could only be regarded as a simplified version of the heart of a dwarf.

【Fuck! Awesome! This is an absolute artifact! Last time, Boss Qiqiqi relied on this to defend a large number of new lords from attacking. 】

[This attribute is absolutely incredible. Although it can only defend against attacks below the seventh rank, it is enough. I have 10,000 energy crystals. 】

[Hurry up and climb upstairs for me, are you too embarrassed to bid for ten thousand energy crystals? I have 10,000 energy crystals plus 100 magic crystals. 】

[The above two are climbed for me, I bid a holy scroll, which can raise a soldier to fifty levels. 】

[Big Boss Qiqiqi, look at me, although I don't have energy crystals, magic crystals, or holy scrolls, but I have a heart that loves you, as long as you give me the Five Elements Defense Stones, they will be at your mercy, do you want to? You can play how you want, oh yes, they used to be the school flower. 】

[Wow, can the one upstairs be more restrained? I just thought about it, I just ate a lot of demon meat, don't let me waste it. 】


One message after another appeared in the chat group, and Ren Qi's private chat quickly exploded. A large number of new lords began to exchange various things for the Five Elements Defense God Stone in Ren Qi's hands.

At this time, Ren Qi was attracted by a private chat.

It's Bell Hermione!

That silver dragon lord!

When he opened it, Ren Qi's eyes lit up.

[777, the last transaction was very pleasant, this time I got two five-element teleportation circle construction blueprints, which can be used together with your previous ones, do you want to do a transaction? 】

Before, Ren Qi traded the Five Elements Teleportation Array, but because there was only one, he couldn't use it, so he kept blowing dust in the warehouse.

However, those small five-element teleportation circles brought a lot of convenience to Ren Qi's territory, and in terms of resource transfer, Ren Qi made a lot of profit.

If you can have a five-element teleportation circle, you can establish teleportation with other new lords' territories.

The two five-element teleportation circles meant that a teleportation relationship could be established with the two new lord territories.

Without any hesitation, Ren Qi replied directly.

Ren Qi: "Yes, the last transaction was very pleasant, but you also know that this kind of defense item is precious. I used this five-element defense stone to resist the attack of the Yongjing Feng army, so should you add something? "

At this moment, Ren Qi returned to the ranks of profiteers.

Since the chat group has already misunderstood that he used the five elements of defense stone to block Nagai Feng's attack on the army, let this wonderful misunderstanding continue.

Bell Hermione: "Okay, I'll add 200 more magic crystals for one price. This is the limit I can bid."

Ren Qi's eyes flickered slightly, the price given by the other party was indeed very conscientious.

Ren Qi: "I don't need magic crystals. How about replacing 200 magic crystals with 20,000 energy crystals?"

Ren Qi's magic crystals were almost overflowing now, so naturally, he had to replace them with energy crystals.

Bell Hermione did not hesitate and agreed directly. For most new lords, energy crystals are not as precious as magic crystals.

Soon, Ren Qi got the construction drawings of two five-element teleportation circles.

【Five Elements Teleportation Array】

【Special architectural drawings】

[Effect: After completion, energy crystals can be consumed to teleport to the designated location. The size and number of teleportation objects are not limited, but the more the number and size of teleportation objects, the more energy crystals are consumed. 】

[Reminder: This teleportation circle is a two-way teleportation circle, which requires the same teleportation circle at the teleportation location to be able to use it. 】

[Construction conditions: 10,000 catties of wood, 5,000 catties of stone, 3,000 catties of refined iron, 300 energy crystals, and five magic crystals]

Looking at the attributes, it is the same as the previous five-element teleportation array.

However, Ren Qi had some difficulties.

Where are these two five-element teleportation circles to be set up?

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