Lord of the Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 79 Victims (Fifth update thanks the Golden Alliance for being under the sycamore tree)

After feeling the light dim, Lumian quickly opened his eyes.

The black robe worn by the "Invisible Man" was lying on the altar, with burnt marks on its surface, but it did not stop, holding on to the golden flames created by Valentine, trying hard to stand again. rise.

The transparent faces, including Raymond's, kept disappearing and reappearing, as if they had returned from the destroyed "future" to the "now" where nothing happened.

When Ryan saw this, he immediately shouted: "Squat down!"

Lumian bent his knees without hesitation and squatted down.

If it were not too late, he would even want to lie down directly on the ground.

Liya and Wa Xintai were not much slower than him, and they also squatted down.

At the same time, Ryan placed the "Sword of Morning" in his hand in the center of the altar and inserted it into the black robe.

Silently, the giant sword of light disintegrated into countless fragments, turning into a bright morning storm inside the altar, tearing and destroying everything.

When the hurricane of light subsided, Lumian looked up and saw that the entire altar was one-third shorter. The thorn symbols, candle essential oil, and black robes all disappeared and turned into powder, floating in the air.

This move is so powerful... Lumian wanted to feel this way yesterday afternoon.

"Is everything okay?" he asked.

Liya stood up and turned around in a circle. The four small silver bells on her veil and boots jingled again, not soothingly nor intensely.

"There are hidden dangers." She reminded Ryan and Valentine, and then muttered to herself doubtfully, "The altar is gone, where does the danger come from?"??

As she spoke, Valentine created golden flames, causing them to float into the air and shine around.

At the edge of the basement, there was nothing but piles of human bones and a few sheepskins. The ceiling was simple and plain, not even a chandelier.

Lumian said "Huh": "No extraordinary characteristics?"

"Maybe they were sacrificed." Ryan said simply. "It may also be that they didn't receive many gifts at first and were not strong enough. They could only capture ordinary people as sacrifices. When they had good extraordinary abilities, such as This time, we started targeting extraordinary people.”

It can be seen that they are not unfamiliar with the phenomenon of receiving "gifts".

Ryan then added: "Nothing else has been discovered so far. Let's leave. There is no need to confront the hidden danger head-on."

Lumian didn't respond. He looked around again, looking for any traces to see if there was anything like a secret door.

The answer is no.

He led the way, taking Liya, Ryan and Valentine along a safe route towards the exit of the basement.

Just after coming out, Ryan suddenly groaned in pain when he returned to the narrow and steep stairs.

His body flew up on its own and slammed into the brown wooden door in the basement, causing obvious vibrations in the stair area.


Ryan's chest seemed to have been pierced by an invisible spear, revealing an exaggerated wound, which caused him to

The person was nailed to the wall, and blood was flowing out.

If he hadn't reacted extremely quickly, moved his waist and twisted his body in an instant, this move would have definitely pierced his heart.

But Liya, who always had her "spiritual vision" on, could not find the attacker at all!

It was like Ryan was being punished by the gods.

Before they could find the source of the problem, Liya's expression that had always been smiling suddenly became distorted.

Her arms folded back on their own.

With a click, her bones were broken and her arms hung limply.

Immediately afterwards, there was an obvious dent in her abdomen, as if she had been hit by a huge fist, which made her take a step back and hit the wall on the side. The latest and fastest update is first released.

Valentine, who had not yet climbed the stairs, screamed.

The ribs on his chest were folded inward one by one, as if someone had hit him hard with a giant hammer.

There were popping sounds, and a bloody wound appeared on the abdomen and chest of Liya and Valentine, which penetrated their bodies and penetrated into the stone wall.

Lumian was a little stunned. While he was confused by this inexplicable change, he was also happy that he seemed not to have been attacked by this strange attack.

That black thorn symbol protected me? Just as he had this thought, he suddenly felt himself being pushed by an invisible force and leaned against the wall on the side of the stairs.

In his "spiritual vision", there was nothing in front of him.

Thinking of what happened to Ryan and the others, Lumian immediately moved his body to the side.

Severe pain instantly occupied his mind. The skin on his right chest burst, the flesh and blood burst open, and the lungs inside could be vaguely seen.

Lumian felt as if there was a substantial rod-like thing there, penetrating him and nailing him to the wall.

As his bright red blood flows out, Ryan fills the area with light spots like the morning sun, which can effectively drive away evil and break illusions.

However, the four of them still couldn't see anything.


Ryan's chest suffered an invisible hammer blow, sinking deeply inwards.

As the small silver bells on Liya's veil and boots reverberated fiercely, the nails on her hands were pried open and pulled out one by one by invisible forces, stained with blood.

This unspeakable pain made her unable to control her expression anymore, her face was twisted and frightened.

Valentine opened his hands and let the sacred beam of light fall on him.

The sun's rays suddenly burst out, clearing away all evil and igniting Valentine's body.

But under the shining of the "sun", his hands suddenly extended back uncontrollably and pressed against the wall.

Two bloody holes immediately appeared on his wrist, and they were nailed to the wall.

When the light subsided, Valentine's face was covered in burnt spots, and his skin was being peeled off inch by inch.

Seeing what they were going through, Lumian couldn't help but feel pain for them.

I don’t know if the black thorn symbol played a role. He was relatively not that miserable. He was just slapped continuously by invisible forces, once on the left, once on the right, once on the left, once on the right. The slaps made his face red and swollen, and his teeth became loose. Can't even tell.

When a new round of attacks was about to come, Lumian's eyes blurred and he actually saw a wilderness.

There are mountains in the distance and a wilderness of green grass nearby.

Two devil-like creatures with goat's horns pulled a dark red open-top carriage like a conch and quickly arrived in front of Lumian and others from a distance.

Sitting in the car was a woman wearing a fresh green dress and a flower laurel wreath. Her long brown hair was tied high, her brown eyes were bright and watery, and her temperament was majestic and noble. She seemed to be a much more mature Mrs. Pualis.

She kept her promise and came to provide some help? Lumian was surprised at first, and then delighted to find that he and others were no longer attacked by the invisible force.

For some reason, he never felt that the person in front of him was Mrs. Pualis, or that she was not exactly the same as Mrs. Pualis. She was like an unnatural property that Mrs. Pualis had sewn together with some kind of will. In comparison, Lu Mian preferred to call this person "Mrs. Night." Different from the previous encounter in the other world, Mrs. Pualis held an oak branch with mistletoe wrapped around the top in one hand, and a small bowl made of green emerald in the other.

There is a sparkling liquid in the small bowl.

Mrs. Pualis dipped the oak branch into some of the liquid in the emerald bowl and sprinkled it on Lumian and the others.

After she sprayed it three times in a row, Lumian found that the wound on his chest began to heal quickly, the redness and swelling on his face quickly subsided, and he no longer felt like he was nailed to the wall and unable to move.

Liya, Ryan and Valentine were also completely healed and could not tell that they had been brutally injured just now.

"What attacked us?" Lumian spoke with the mentality that nothing would be lost by asking.

Mrs. Pualis, who was sitting on the dark red carriage, said in a condescending manner:

"You have a little bit of the Victim's vibe, but luckily it's just a little bit, otherwise you'd have to consider restarting.

"The breath of the victim, what is this?" Lumian glanced at Ryan and others and found that they also looked confused.

Mrs. Pualis replied in a soft voice: "That's all I know."

"Then do you know what happened to the dead wizards and owls in the cemetery? Lumian asked.

Mrs. Pualis glanced at him: "If I had known, things would not have turned out like this. I originally planned to run this place as my territory, but now I have to leave."

Turn it into your territory? Lumian was shocked, and actually felt that being trapped in a cycle was not entirely a bad thing: "If Mrs. Pualis had achieved her original purpose, Aurore and I wouldn't know what the birth date would be. Pregnant!

“Compared with this kind of ending, it’s not so hard to accept that being stuck in a loop and being destroyed at any time is not that hard to accept.

"At least he died innocently!"

Mrs. Pualis glanced at Liya and the others without saying a word, letting the two devil-like black creatures pull the conch-like carriage toward the depths of the wilderness.

When her figure disappeared from the eyes of Lumian and others, the wilderness disappeared with her.

At this time, they found that they and others were still in the basement, half on the stairs and one side close to the wooden door.

If their blood and fallen nails weren't still on the floor and walls, they would have thought they had just experienced a real hallucination.

"Leave first." Ryan quickly came to his senses and ordered Valentine, "Deal with the traces we left."

Valentine nodded, summoned illusory golden flames, and burned away the blood and nails.

All the way back to the church, the four of them were not attacked again.

I don’t know whether the "victim" breath was completely consumed or was removed by the liquid that Mrs. Pualis sprinkled.


Lumian was about to leave from the side door, www.youxs.org, and stared inside.

Is this guy coming back after filling his stomach? Just as Lumian was about to avoid it, Michelle, who had brown curly hair and a delicate appearance, suddenly turned her head to the side and saw them.

Just as Ryan was waiting to knock this guy out, Michel Garriggu smiled very enthusiastically and asked, "Are you here to pray? Do you need to confess?"

Everyone else in this church has fallen, but you care about confession or not? Lumian looked at Michelle like he was looking at a crazy person.

Compared with last time, this guy's abnormality is clearly revealed!

S: The fifth update, please give me a monthly pass~ Well, it’s 0:50

There is the first update tomorrow.

To read the latest chapter of Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Fate, please pay attention to the Knight Novel Network (www.tcknh.com)

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