Lord of the Magical Beasts

: New book "Xing Zun" announcement

Friends, the high new book "Xing Zun" has been uploaded, .*/, urgently need to collect and recommend ticket support.

Because it is still not 48 hours, the new book is still not available for the time being, but there is a parking space under the introduction, you can click on the parking space, you can also enter the URL directly.*/

Warcraft ~|: spent together. The ups and downs. During the period, although I experienced illness and hospitalization and the birth of my daughter, etc., with the support of the book friends, Gao Gaoyi persisted and tried to give the book friends more great.

Chinese website. It is the website of the magic beast and the new book. High energy can not earn a small amount of manuscript fees, but also depends on the exhibition. I know that there are a lot of book friends who are not watching the chapters of Warcraft for various reasons. This is also understandable. However, the high new book has been uploaded, I hope that all book friends can return to the first time to join, click, recommend, collect, and give a high support.

Book friends, every click, every recommendation, every collection can make you feel excited at the front of your computer.

Your support is the greatest motivation for writing books.

The bookmates of Warcraft, the future of the high new book, is in your hands! Here, I am deeply grateful to the bookmates who have always supported me, thank you! (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, please log in.*, chapter more, support the author, support genuine reading!)

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