Lord of the Abyss

Chapter 673 Pandora’s Box

Wu Feng has been hanging his hook over the territory of [King of Gluttony] for a long time. He has been waiting for the opponent to reveal a flaw or come up with something good.

As a result, [Heavenly King·The Demon King of Gluttony] is really the ‘great blessing in the sky’. Today, he got a mythical item from [Heavenly King·Peerless True King], which is a particularly rare building evolution card.

Naturally, Wu Feng would not let go of such a good opportunity. He just wanted a building evolution card to evolve the Theology Tianchi or the Library of Heaven. [King of Heaven·Gluttony Demon King] This was simply giving him a pillow when he fell asleep. Naturally, Wu Feng couldn't Let him down.

"I may not be able to draw a mythical building evolution card even if I draw it in a row. Now that you are getting a building evolution card for free, I can save at least 20,000 treasure chest keys!"

"This [King of Heaven and Demon King of Gluttony] is really my lucky star, I will entertain you well!"

Wu Feng naturally thought that he was sure of victory. His destiny fishhook had already hit the building evolution card of [King of Gluttony]. Just when he exerted his strength, [King of Gluttony] seemed to have expected it.

"[Jiutian Travel], I knew you would definitely target me! I know [Alibaba and the Forty Thieves] better than you, and I also know the Well of All Realms better than you!"

"If you want to fish for my things, it depends on whether you have the power!"

[King of Heaven·Gluttony Demon King] In a flip of his hand, he placed a prop on the fishhook of destiny. It was a black, traceless box that exuded a very ominous aura.

This is a method that [King of Heaven and Demon King of Gluttony] has prepared long ago. It is called Pandora's Box, and it is a cursed item!

This type of item is similar to the doom gift box that Wu Feng previously prepared for [Alibaba and the Forty Thieves]. When such items are taken away, various negative consequences will occur, and it is likely to be a huge bad luck event.

What Wu Feng gave [Alibaba and the Forty Thieves] was just an epic gift box of doom, but this Pandora's Box is a mythical prop!

When Pandora's Box is opened, it will definitely cause even more shocking negative effects and bad luck. The building evolution card that was originally hooked will be immediately replaced by Pandora's Box.

This prop was quickly carried by the fateful fishhook like a baby swallow thrown into the forest, and passed through the Well of All Realms in one fell swoop, falling into Wu Feng's hands.

[The King of Gluttony] has also set special requirements on Pandora's Box a long time ago. Whenever anyone other than him comes into contact with Pandora's Box, the box will be opened directly!

Now Wu Feng had fallen into the trap of [The King of Gluttony]. The Pandora's Box, which was almost full of ominous aura and was about to overflow, was opened. Wu Feng immediately felt the territory shaking.

He and his territory were affected by Pandora's Box, and the entire territory was filled with bad luck. On the 790th floor, Wu Feng's territory was immediately attacked by an abyssal demon.

This is the manifestation of Pandora's Box causing bad luck. Bad luck events began to frequently occur in the territory of [Nine Heavens Travel].

"[Nine Heavens Travel], now I want to see how you deal with the coming of various misfortunes. This will be the beginning of your end! Your territory is destined to be destroyed!"

What made [King of Gluttony] laugh even more was that the reason why Pandora's Box was used by him to deal with [Nine Heavens Travel] was because the bad luck events caused by this prop were related to the luck of the person who opened it.

The stronger the luck of the opener, the more terrifying the misfortune brought by opening Pandora's Box. Although it is a mythical prop, it now has a mythical effect comparable to innate chaos!

I saw that not only the 790th floor, but also the 795th and 794th floors had undergone amazing changes. There were actually super large twisted wormholes on these two floors that suddenly turned into eternal wormholes!

The place where the eternal wormhole opened was actually over Wu Feng's territory. When the eternal wormhole appeared, a natural disaster alien race immediately discovered it.

"Eh? Why did an eternal wormhole suddenly open!? This is an eternal wormhole leading to the abyss! Brothers, rush for me! Go in and wipe out all the creatures inside!"

The eternal wormhole on the 795th floor should be connected to the territory of the dirty blood demon. After it was opened, a large number of dirty blood demons came immediately.

The army of dirty-blood demons all only know how to kill and devour. They instinctively attack the nearest target. The eternal wormhole is above Wu Feng's territory. Naturally, the dirty-blood demons attack his territory first.

Endless blood demons poured out, almost like a demonic tide erupting. Originally, Xie Ri was commanding the army to storm Wu Feng's territory, but now both sides could join together.

It just so happens that Evil Sun has the ability to control evil objects with its tentacles. These dirty-blood demons can also be controlled by Evil Sun. As tentacles penetrate into the bodies of many dirty-blood demons, some of them immediately mutate.

The blood demon's pursuit of power comes from the depths of their souls. They don't care what they become, as long as they have stronger power!

Many dirty blood demons obeyed and were parasitized by the evil sun's tentacles, and they became stronger and more powerful!

This is equivalent to the merging of the demon tide and the evil sun on the 795th floor, becoming a more terrifying threat. After the blood demons die in battle, they can still devour each other and become stronger. They are more difficult than the evil sun lackeys before. Deal with it!

And what descended on the 794th floor were countless followers of the evil god. They were all priests wearing red or golden robes, and they were still chanting the name of their master!

"Great Black Sun God, we will sweep away everything in this world for you and let the sun return to darkness again! Let your divine power spread all over the earth!"

The name of the god chanted by the evil god priests is actually the Black Sun God. They are all followers of the Black Sun God and belong to the power of the old evil god!

You must know that the Sun God Wu Feng met in the Infinite Trial was the scene where the Black Sun God fell in the last era, and Wu Feng also robbed his Sun God Kingdom.

As a result, Pandora's Box has now been opened, and the Black Sun God's men have come to kill him. This has to be said to have a sense of natural cycle and unsatisfactory retribution.

The strength of the followers of the evil god is also very strong. This eternal wormhole on the 794th floor leads right to the outskirts of the divine kingdom of Lord Black Sun. Next, there will be a steady stream of followers of the evil god coming!

The believers of the Black Sun God are all good at using the light of the sun. If the sky sun appears on the 794th floor, it will also be a strengthening for many evil god believers!

The appearance of followers of the Black Sun God in the 794th floor was simply a blessing of fate. Wu Feng did not expect that a mere Pandora's Box could actually cause such a chain reaction!

But his Fishing World really can't avoid such things. If [King of Heaven and Gluttony Demon King] wants to use other methods to send Pandora's Box into Wu Feng's territory, it is simply impossible.

The men and horses of [Heavenly King Gluttony Demon King] can't even enter Wu Feng's territory!

But now Wu Feng takes the initiative to fish for the treasure of [King of Gluttony], which gives him the opportunity to deliver Pandora's Box to his door.

As soon as it fell into Wu Feng's territory, it was immediately triggered. Coupled with Wu Feng's incredible luck, the bad luck this time brought was no less than a world-destroying disaster!

You know, the eternal wormhole that has appeared on the 790th floor has brought countless abyss demons and abyssal demon gods, which has plunged the entire 790th floor into chaos.

Countless lords were destroyed in the hands of the Abyss Demon God. This was a huge impact that had never appeared on the 790th floor.

The eternal wormhole on the 790th floor was opened by the abyss demons after a long preparation, and even two or three god-level experts joined forces.

Now that this eternal wormhole was opened by Wu Feng, the 794th and 795th floors are very likely to fall into the same situation as the 790th floor!

But Wu Feng was the first to bear the brunt of this world-destroying natural disaster. Two eternal wormholes appeared deep in his territory, and it was impossible for him to avoid them!

Unless he gives up this large territory, but this is impossible.

Wu Feng's three heavens on the 794th floor are impossible for him to give up. He is also on the 795th floor, and he is about to occupy the entire sky, and he cannot give up either.

Then Wu Feng will need to face two eternal wormholes at the same time, and he will probably have to face the powerful men of the Black Sun God and the Evil Sun God, or even the powerful methods of the two gods!

[Heavenly King Gluttonous Demon King] now also knew the situation that [Nine Heavens Travel] had to face on the 794th and 795th floors. He was very proud. This time, he really tricked [Nine Heavens Travel].

"[Nine Heavens Travel], how does this Pandora's Box taste? I prepared this feast for you after you destroyed the territory of [Alibaba and the Forty Thieves] and sat on the Well of All Realms!"

"It's just that I didn't expect that your luck would be so powerful that you would open two eternal wormholes at once. From this point of view, if I can't destroy you, with your luck, you will at least be a master! "

"Now that you have opened Pandora's box, your luck has begun to turn from prosperity to decline. Your death has come! This is the beginning of your downfall!"

[King of Heaven and Demon King of Gluttony] now seems to be able to see the days in the future when [Nine Heavens Travel] invested a lot of force in fighting the two eternal wormholes and had to retreat on other battlefields.

If he and the other three-eyed clan overlords take action now, it will be equivalent to having two natural disaster alien races helping them, and they can completely kill [Nine Heavens Traveler] in one fell swoop!

This excellent opportunity was created by him [King of Heaven, Demon King of Gluttony], and in fact, the Heavenly King family was indeed shocked by the luck of [Nine Heavens Travel].

[Heavenly King·Peerless True King] was also shocked when he learned that [Nine Heavens Travel] opened Pandora's Box and two eternal wormholes appeared.

"The power of Pandora's Box will have different effects depending on the luck of the one who opens it. [Nine Heavens Travel] triggered Pandora's Box, but two eternal wormholes appeared, which shows that his luck is comparable to that of a two-star master. This is really Incredible!”

"This should be related to the fact that [Nine Heavens Travel] has become the Lord of the Supreme Sword Realm. This status is almost equivalent to the master. Together with the other heavens he occupies, this grand occasion can be achieved."

"I have used this trick to kill an old enemy before. He was already a five-star overlord at the time. But after he opened Pandora's Box, it only caused the arrival of three old evil gods at the peak true god level. The formation was not as good as [Nine Heavens] travel】."

"This child is so terrifying, we must not keep him!"

[Heavenly King·Peerless True King] The more he thinks about it, the more he feels that [Nine Heavens Traveling] is a great threat. This person is already his target that must be eliminated quickly. Even the idea of ​​​​destroying [Nine Heavens Traveling] is worse than destroying a master. Make him feel urgent!

"No matter what, [Jiutian Travel] is our enemy. It's time for all the nine tribes to see how powerful our Three-Eyed Tribe is!"

"The Blue Star humans, the Naga tribe, and the Witch tribe and Foxtail tribe that are about to be annihilated in the long river of time will all tremble under our divine power!"

[Heavenly King·Peerless True King] finally said this, [Heavenly King·Gluttony Demon King] was even more excited. Who would have thought that when [Nine Heavens Travel] was at his craziest and most invincible moment, he could give this person a fatal blow!

Perhaps this is the perfect opportunity for him to take advantage of the situation and soar into the sky. [Nine Heavens Travel] will definitely become his stepping stone, allowing him to ascend to the position of dominance!

At this moment, [King of Heaven and Demon King of Gluttony] suddenly heard an explosion in his ears: "It's just Pandora's Box, you just want me to stop moving forward. You are too naive!"

"As for wanting to use this to kill me, you are just wishful thinking. Just a few dishes! Just drink like this! Let me crush your dream!"

This is the voice of [Nine-Tian Travel]. After catching Pandora's Box and causing his territory and the 794th and 795th floors to be affected by natural disasters and alien races, [Nine-Tian Travel] actually took action again!

I saw the fishhook of destiny sinking into the river of destiny again, falling directly in front of [King of Heaven and Demon King of Gluttony] at high speed, and hooked the building evolution card that he originally held in his hand.

"You can't have a second Pandora's Box! Bring me this building evolution card!"

"As for the threat you created, let's see how I can destroy it with one hand! Whatever bad luck happens, as long as I am strong enough, bad luck will turn into good luck!"

[Nine Heavens Travel]'s majestic and domineering voice resounded throughout the 796th floor, and [King of Heaven: Gluttonous Demon King] was robbed of the building evolution card with almost no resistance.

After suffering a loss, [Jiutian Travel] chose to take away the things of [King of Heaven and Demon King of Gluttony] first, which can be regarded as collecting some interest first.

Wu Feng will naturally come back to deal with [The King of Gluttony] in the future, and he will definitely make him regret his actions today!

That eternal wormhole is nothing more than that in Wu Feng's opinion. When he said that bad luck turned into good luck, he was not being arrogant, but that he really had this kind of confidence.

As a glimpse into the existence of the river of destiny, Wu Feng also has the law of cause and effect skills such as the small wishing technique, which are all abilities that can affect the river of destiny.

This Pandora's Box is, after all, just a mythical item, and the eternal wormhole it causes requires those natural disaster aliens to be powerful enough.

Wu Feng is absolutely confident that he can kill all the alien races that will suffer natural disasters in the future. If a true god comes, he will kill the true god!

If a peak true god comes, it won't be impossible to deal with it!

I saw Wu Feng facing two eternal wormholes that suddenly opened, but still chose to move forward bravely!

"The Divine Blood Ancient Dragon Emperor, you will be the one to guard the dirty blood monsters that descended on the 795th floor! They are all your food!" (End of Chapter)

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