Lord of Puluo

Chapter 196 Listen to his live broadcast

Ma Wu sat in the wooden house in shock. ♦✎

He and Li Banfeng pondered together as to what went wrong today.

This time he was lucky, Ma Wu got his life back, but if he didn't figure this out, he might not be so lucky next time.

Li Banfeng thought that Ma Wu's men were too few: "There were only three people there, and Aqin was the only one who could fight."

Ma Wu felt that it was not because of the lack of manpower: "The Ma family has done a lot of assassinations. Having more manpower would be a burden.

Aqin and Xiaochuanzi are on offense and defense. I can recognize Lu Xiaolan, and can also be a backup at critical moments. With the three of us, this job is enough.

The reason for the failure today was firstly because there was an extra Da Boyens, and secondly because there was a mole. "

"Why do you think there must be a mole?"

"Lao Qi, think about it carefully. I'm going to deal with Lu Xiaolan. Doesn't Lu Xiaolan know about this?"

Li Banfeng nodded: "She probably doesn't know."

"Then why was Daboyens able to find me as soon as he left the plot and get the upper hand? This proves that he knew where I was hiding."

Li Banfeng agreed with this point. Daboyians did know Ma Wu's hiding place in advance.

But this is not difficult to explain.

"Lu Xiaolan is a spy. You have been staying next to the plot for three days. She must have heard you moving."

"How are you listening? Listening everywhere aimlessly? There is a thing called radar in your other state. Is it possible that Lu Xiaolan also has a radar on her body?

Without anyone informing me in advance, Lu Xiaolan searched aimlessly but could not find me.

Aqin is not a vegetarian either. She has done a lot of squatting to kill people. She chose the place. How can she be exposed so easily? "

What Ma Wu said makes sense.

Li Banfeng asked: "Who could be the inner ghost?"

Ma Wu was silent for a moment and said: "Old Qi, do you know why I took Aqin with me this time and not others? We still have good hands on the ground."

Li Banfeng was startled: "You mean Zuo Wugang? Do you suspect that he is a mole?"

Ma Wu nodded: "He used to be from the Lu family."

Li Banfeng shook his head and said, "You can't make wild guesses about this matter. Guessing will disturb people's minds."

Ma Wu looked solemn and said: "Lu Xiaolan is squatting outside, and there are ghosts inside watching. We will suffer a big loss.

Lu Xiaolan must do something, and the evildoer must be found out. I think it is Zuo Wugang.

He is interested in Ah Qin. If Ah Qin likes him, I can make it happen. I am not lacking.

But Aqin looked down on him. He blamed me for this and wanted to get rid of me with Lu Xiaolan. "

Li Banfeng was really convinced.

Two people can fight over a bug.

A good man, but he likes bugs. Li Banfeng really looks down on them!

But Li Banfeng believed that the inner ghost was definitely not Zuo Wugang.

Zuo Wu had just signed the deed, which was written on the deed paper. Unless he had a way to resolve the deed, he would have become a scumbag long ago.

But who else could be there besides him?

Ma Wudao: "Lao Qi, I'll leave this matter of Lu Xiaolan to me, and I'll leave this matter of the traitor to you.

Something big is going to happen this time. It's a matter of life and death. We can't be soft! "

You definitely won’t be soft-hearted, but you can’t act recklessly.

Li Banfeng said to Ma Wu: "I'll find someone to have a good chat with. Once we understand everything, we can take action."

Late at night, Li Banfeng returned to his land.

There is a mole on the ten-mile land. No matter what happens, the mole may know about it. The one-mile land of his own is more secure.

Li Banfeng placed the altar table and waited quietly when a ball of will-o'-the-wisps appeared on the altar table.

"Brother Li Qi, there is something you may not understand. The owner of the land also has to sleep."

"That's it!" Li Banfeng suddenly realized, "Then when will you go to bed?"

"I just...what did you want from me?"

Li Banfeng wanted to confirm one thing: "That group of people has opened up a new territory in Qiu Luoye's territory. If we kill them in the future, Qiu Luoye won't cause us any trouble again, right?"

"The new land has been opened. As long as it is not within the plot, the land god will not interfere with the life and death of the owner of the plot. This is the principle, but this matter..."

"Let's not be unreasonable today. You are a reasonable person. Qiu Luoye doesn't seem to be so unreasonable."

Shui Yongquan sighed and said: "I'm worried about this too. Qiu Luoye wants to be popular, but he's not very smart. When he sees the pioneers, he loves them very much. But this group of pioneers came from a strange place. "

Li Banfeng said: "Do you think they are related to the people who used to open up wasteland on the border?"

Will-o'-the-wisps are lingering in front of the altar table, and the spring of water is pondering.

"I think this matter is related, but what kind of connection it is, I can't tell.

I went to talk to Qiu Xiangxiang, and then to some other local gods. I don’t know what the outcome will be.

Brother Li Qi, I always feel that something big is going to happen, not just in my place a hundred miles away, but in the entire Puo Prefecture.

I have no control over the affairs of Puzhou. I just hope that the problem will not be caused by me.

I don't argue with others. I went to such a remote place just to seek peace. Brother, I want us all to live in peace for two days. "

Peaceful days are no longer possible.

In the meeting hall, Xiao Genzi, with a bruised nose and face, kept apologizing to Ma Wu: "Fifth Master, I can't help you. I really tried my best, but they are too powerful and I can't beat them."

Xiao Genzi led people to escort a batch of goods to Lanyang Village. The goods were robbed halfway. Xiao Genzi risked his life and ran back with the delivery brothers.

This is not the first batch of goods to be robbed. A batch was robbed yesterday, and several brothers who were escorting the goods were seriously injured.

Now Ma Wu doesn't dare to ship the goods. As long as the goods are shipped, Lu Xiaolan will watch from the land. This matter cannot be hidden from her eyes.

Ma Wu did not blame Xiao Genzi: "It's a good thing if you can bring people back."


He asked someone to treat Xiao Genzi's injuries, and also gave Xiao Genzi a reward.

Zuo Wugang said from the side: "Fifth Master, let me escort the next shipment."

"Okay, you can go if you want," Ma Wu smiled, "I'll go out for a walk and see our neighbors."

Zuo Wugang felt that Ma Wu's attitude was wrong. His attitude had been wrong in the past two days, but he couldn't ask more questions.

After leaving the meeting hall, Ma Wu walked to the edge of the land.

He looked at Lu Xiaolan's land.

He had an urge to rush into Lu Xiaolan's property, pull her out, and kill her.

As his thoughts flashed, Ma Wu let out a sigh of relief.

Calm down, you have to calm down.

Lu Xiaolan is surrounded by Da Boyens and her mother Zhuo Yuling.

She opened a new land and was blessed by the earth god.

It's not that easy to deal with her, so don't be impulsive.

Ma Wu took a deep breath, paused for a moment, turned to leave, and suddenly heard someone speaking behind him:

"Fifth brother, are you looking for me?"

Ma Wu was startled, turned around suddenly, and found that Lu Xiaolan was actually behind him!

When did she come?

How does she know I'm here?

"Fifth brother, do you miss me?" Lu Xiaolan looked at Ma Wu with a smile. She did not cross the boundary of the plot.

Ma Wu smiled: "How do you know I miss you?"

"We have a good understanding, Fifth Brother, I know everything you want." Lu Xiaolan's tone was as playful as when they first met.

Ma Wu's gaze swept across Lu Xiaolan's eyes: "What do you think I am thinking now?"

"I guess you hate me very much now, just like I hated you back then and wanted to kill you."

"Your guess is quite accurate." Ma Wu was about to activate his technique.

Lu Xiaolan shook her head and said: "Fifth brother, you used to be a cheerful person, why have you become timid now?

Whether you miss me or hate me, I'm right here, why don't you dare to come over?

Even if you want to kill me, you have to stay close to me! "

Ma Wu pulled out a dagger.

Lu Xiaolan pretended to be surprised and said: "Kill me with this? Fifth brother, do you think this thing can kill me?"

Ma Wu knew that this dagger could not kill Lu Xiaolan.

He used this dagger to shed blood in exchange for the protection of the Earth God.

Lu Xiaolan saw through his mind and said with a smile: "Fifth brother, considering your potential, I don't want to kill you today, you don't have to worry,

But it will be hard to say in the future. If you are afraid, just hide here for the rest of your life and never step out. "

Lu Xiaolan left.

Ma Wu clutched the dagger tightly and lowered his head.

There was no helper beside him. If he had taken one more step just now, he might have died.

After returning to the meeting hall, Ma Wu looked at Zuo Wugang and said, "Guess what happened just now? I wanted to go see my neighbor. The neighbor knew I was coming. She even came to the door to look for me. What do you mean? Is it a coincidence?"

Zuo Wugang didn't know how to answer. He couldn't understand what Ma Wu meant.

Ma Wu was silent for a moment and let Zuo Wugang go out.

Sitting alone in the meeting hall, Ma Wu repeatedly reminded himself to calm down.

Zuo Wugang may not be the mole, and the matter of catching the mole must be left to Lao Qi.

But he couldn't calm down.

"Fifth Master, newspaper."

Xiaochuanzi brought two newspapers into the meeting hall, which Ma Wu's men brought back from Green Water City.

Because of the long journey, the newspaper was published three days ago, and Ma Wu saw his name on the second page.

The majesty of the fifth young master of the Ma family is still there, and Lan Yang is flexing his muscles in the new land.

Show off your skills?

I can't even leave the house.

Ma Wu smiled bitterly and tore up the newspaper.

The family business that he and Lao Qi had worked so hard to manage was going to be ruined by Lu Xiaolan.

In Yuezhou Third Hospital, He Jiaqing was lying alone on the bed and laughed.

"Ma Wu has been a little irritable lately."

The response came to my ears: "I have suffered so much and finally enjoyed some blessings. Now that this blessing is about to be cut off, I must feel uncomfortable in my heart."

He Jiaqing sighed: "I feel sorry for him too. Have you found out Xiaolan's cultivation level?"

"It's possible that she's hiding deep. I've tested it several times and she should still be on the fourth floor."

"It's still on the fourth floor, which proves that the thing is not in her hands, but in the hands of my friend."

"That person named Li Qi is your friend?"

"I listened to his voice and it was unmistakable. That was my best friend for four years in college."

"Who should I send to get the things back?"

"We can't let our people go. You think of a way to let Lu Xiaolan go. Our people's identities cannot be exposed."

"Can Lu Xiaolan get it back?"

"Yes, my friend is a reasonable person, and Xiaolan also wants that thing very much. If you just lie a few words, Xiaolan will definitely go and let the two of them talk reason.

If you borrow something, you will eventually have to pay it back. If he doesn't pay it back, he will suffer a loss.

If you still don't want to repay the loss after suffering a loss, someone will die.

He had a good relationship with Ma Wu. If Ma Wu died because of this matter, he would feel bad. "

"As long as he returns the things, let him live?"

"Let's watch again. I'm not sure about some things. If you hear his voice again in the future, please forward it to me directly. This is called live broadcast in other states, do you understand?"

"I see."

"I want to hear him talk. What he says is very interesting. I haven't seen him for a long time and I miss him a little." He Jiaqing smiled and broke off the contact with the other party.

PS: Lao Zuo is really wronged.

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