Lord of Glory

Chapter 43 Last Wish

In a dark and dank prison. In the deep cell, Grandi was tied up with a deathly expression, leaning on the old stone wall. Kalechi sighed, squatted down, held a bottle of wine and handed it over and said: "Grandy, don't expect those colleagues to come to save you. They recommended you here because they are ready to sacrifice you. "

Grandi, who was drinking the drink handed by Kalechi with his mouth open blankly, heard a little color in his eyes. He suddenly raised his head and looked at Kalechi, and said bitterly: "We have known each other for more than ten years. You know best whether I killed Prad or not. Originally, our Nurba was a very peaceful town. Because of the barrier of the forest, the war will not affect this pure land. Although the royal envoys always keep the price very low every time they come to accept the purchase of iron ore. But it is enough to make our Nurba rich."

Speaking of this, Grandi had tears on her fat face, and whispered angrily: "But since this Paladin came, all the old Prader family died, and many wanderers and travelers also died unexpectedly. Missing. Not only did this Paladin fail to report it to the Holy See, he also suppressed the matter!" Kalech sighed again, put the wine bottle in his hand on the ground and said: "He just arrived in Nurba. And he is young and energetic. Sheng. Naturally, he doesn’t want to have troubles in the towns where he is responsible for preaching, and his achievements will be blackened.” “No, that’s not the case at all!”

Grandi immediately shouted, his eyes full of despair: "In the church, he put down the mask on his face. This bastard does not deserve the name of a priest at all! He is insidious, vicious, and has no mercy! He only He wants gold coins and status, the support and promotion of the people! Kalech, this person will definitely be a disaster when he comes to Nurba!" But Kalech faced Grandi, but he kept silent and remained silent.

In a daze, Grandi seemed to realize something, and suddenly showed a desperate smile and said: "It turns out that you were also bribed by him. What was it? Gold coins or women? You also have a share of Prad's inheritance, right?" "I I have to think about my children. I don’t want them to live the same life that I had when I was young when they grow up.”

Grandi listened to Kalech's confession and laughed at himself: "Threats and inducements, hahaha! We were actually fooled by a boy into applauding! What a shame." Kalech, on the other hand, remained silent. . For a moment, the cell fell into a strangely quiet atmosphere. Neither of them spoke, their eyes wandering. At this moment, the sound of the iron door opening suddenly sounded in the distance, and the guard at the door immediately shouted loudly: "Father, why did you come to this dirty place?" And then, Paladin's hateful voice was heard. Come over: "It is my duty to pray for the deceased, hoping that he can return to the embrace of God."

"He's here!" Grandi's eyes showed hatred, and he suddenly turned to Kalech and said hastily: "Kalech, considering that we have known each other for more than ten years, I have not given you any trouble. What trouble do you have. Can you please take care of my wife and daughter? Please!" Kalech looked at Grandi's pleading eyes, and finally nodded slowly and agreed: "Your wife and daughter, I will I'll take care of you. Don't worry." "Thank you...thank you."

"Huh? The captain is here too?" Paladin just walked to the cell and saw Kalech squatting on the ground, and he immediately laughed unexpectedly. Grandi immediately noticed that Paladin was holding a coal stove on an iron frame, with a squeaking iron pot on it, and the addictive aroma of meat wafted out. Kalechi watched Paladin walk in, put the iron pot with beef on the ground, and asked doubtfully: "Father, what are you doing?"

"Oh? Grandy is about to return to the embrace of God. I'm here to ask him to pray and repent, and have a good meal." Paladin, who smiled gently, picked up a piece of fragrant beef with an iron fork and handed it to Grandy. He said, "Eat it. I specially added a gold coin bottle of Ys red wine. It tastes very good." Grandi looked at Paladin's actions with hatred, and finally opened his mouth and put the beef into his mouth to bite. He swallowed it into his stomach with a gulp.

Paladin ignored Grandy's gaze at all, picked up a piece of beef again, handed it to Grandy's mouth and said with a smile: "When the execution is scheduled, those colleagues who asked you to cause trouble will definitely come. I hope you don't get to that time. Say some unpleasant things." "Bah!"

Grandi shook his head and slapped the beef on his lips to the ground, and said with a sarcastic smile: "Paladin, are you afraid too? When the Holy See tries heretics, they will definitely ask the heretics whether they have confessed or not according to the rules. Then I will definitely I will tell you how you, a despicable person, plotted to seize Prad's property and how you used evil black magic to kill him! I will make you lose your heart in front of the entire Nurba people! Let you be punished by the Inquisition Send me the burning rack you built with your own hands! Then go to hell!"

"Hey..." Paladin looked at the beef on the ground and sighed, turned to look at Kalechi and said, "Why did you tell him everything? I am unlucky, will your family have it easy?" Kalechi Qi was a little unhappy, looked at Grandi and said, "I promised to take care of your family, but now you..."

"What? Where is the warrior who dared to break into the Warcraft Forest alone and get back the tail of the Flame Manticore? Kalechi, have you worn away the calluses on your hands in these years of easy life?" Kalechi was shocked, then turned his head in shame, and did not answer Grandy's question. Just when Grandy wanted to ask more questions, Paladin suddenly burst into laughter: "Family? Kalechi, you promised to protect his family? Hahaha!"

Grandi immediately glared, stared at Paladin and shouted: "Why are you laughing, you heretic, evil and dirty reptile!" "Yes." Paladin responded, suddenly took down the iron pot where the beef was cooking, and took it out. He picked up a small piece of red-hot coal from the coal stove with an iron fork, turned to look at Grandi with sinister eyes and said: "Don't worry, I will take care of your family, I will definitely treat them well, haha Haha! Just like Prad!"

"If you dare to touch a hair against them, I will never let you go, and neither will my friends!" But Paladin smiled ferociously and grabbed Grandi's mouth, hardening his mouth. She squeezed away, and gradually moved closer to the red-hot coal in her hand, saying with a smile: "Humph, you noisy crow, I will make you speechless now!" After that, he was about to swallow the coal to Grandi. Down! "Paladin, stop, you can't do this!"

Kalechi trembled all over and was about to step forward to stop him. When Grandy's eyes were showing extreme fear, Paladin quickly stuffed the red-hot sparking coal into Grandy's mouth. Then she covered his mouth very hard, and despite his trembling struggles and the pain of tears and runny nose, he couldn't spit out the severe pain that seemed to be burning in his mouth.

After a while, Grandi fainted from the pain. Paladin calmly let go of his hand, and saliva along with blood and coal flowed out of his mouth. Paladin smiled and took out a handkerchief from his sleeve and helped Grandy wipe away the blood. Kalechi, who was looking at him fiercely next to him, put down his outstretched hand and said displeasedly: "Why do you have to get to this point? He There’s obviously not much of a threat anymore.”

Paladin just glanced at him casually, stood up on his own, and said very leisurely: "After he dies, bring his family to me. Just tell me that I will send them away from here and settle their lives." "How can you be so good?" Kalechi immediately sneered, but what he got in return was a sinister smile on Paladin's face: "What do you think?"

PS: Book friends said that the levels have not been figured out... Didn't Chapter 40 already explain the levels? There are five levels for magicians and ten levels for warriors. But it's not equal. Isn't this the level? Does it have to be written like the others: there are ten levels of magicians, and the ones above are magic gods, and there are ten levels of warriors, and the ones above are sword masters.

I got a cross! Such a superficial hierarchy! If both are the same, why are magicians more precious than warriors, and why are magicians more respected? If this level existed, there would be no need for the royal power of the country! Tell me, how can a guy who uses ** defeat someone who uses the power of heaven and earth?

It is precisely because of this that there are so many branches of warriors and various professions. This makes sense. Everyone has played Western RPG games. Who has seen that the warriors are also graded? In addition to relying on equipment, they can only seek other strengths to strengthen themselves. Forget about ordinary magicians, a master figure who can already control magic at will, would he still be afraid of a warrior without other power to assist him?

So my opinion is that the top warriors can only barely deal with the magicians. Further up, warriors can only seek other powers to strengthen themselves. This is also the reason why professions such as Dragon Knight, Magic Swordsman, and Paladin were born.

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