Lord God Xiaoyao

Chapter 97: Sensational Taian

   More than half a month later, the martial arts field!

   Yang Qifeng and others are also neatly arranged as before the month. Compared with the month before, their aura is calm, and their eyes are full of brilliance.

One month of Panjiaquan exercise, all martial arts have improved greatly. They have been squatting for three years before practicing Panjiaquan. The foundation has been laid, and they can only be in a short period of more than a month. Advance by leaps and bounds.

Pan Yuan's two sturdy arms were wrapped around him, and he kept walking by everyone. Pan Jiaquan's exercise effect, glanced at the past with his insight, but he could see the general situation, waiting for the other party to practice. He knew the effect in his mind, and it was impossible to falsify this point. He kept in mind the condition of everyone a month ago.

When he walked to Yang Qifeng's side, his footsteps paused slightly, his eyes were a little bit of amazement. He didn't have much contact with Yang Qifeng this month. Suddenly seeing Yang Qifeng bye bye, but he noticed Yang Qifeng's changes. It took a month for a long time. It's not long, it's not too short. The accumulation of various materials such as yellow rice wine, bear meat, and misu wine has already changed the current Yang Qifeng.

Among them, it was like yellow rice wine. He drank more than one altar, and there were three altars. All the money he got Pan Long from Pan Lie was used to buy various supplements, which was replaced by ordinary people. It's just too much to make up for it, even if they have a boxing method like the Niu Demon Vigorous Fist, it is not difficult for Yang Qifeng, his realm has long been sufficient, and now he is just rebuilding.

This resulted in a month’s time for Yang Qifeng to grow his stature successfully, from more than five feet to six feet. This is already an obvious change, making Yang Qifeng no longer stand out among the crowd, even if it is still at the lowest. Pan Yuan was a little surprised, but he did not continue to pay attention.

Now they are young and their bodies are not fully developed. As long as the nutrition can keep up with the practice, Pan Jiaquan will grow in size. As long as Yang Qifeng does not grow from less than six feet to seven feet, it will not cause any confusion and conformity. After walking around, Pan Yuan stood in the center of the martial arts field.

   "You have been practicing Panjiaquan for a month, and those who think you can complete the first three types of 108 kinds of changes are listed!"

One after another came out, Pan Yuan's gaze wrinkled involuntarily. His eyes were electric, and he looked at everyone coldly. There are too many. You must know the one who can complete the first three styles and 108 kinds of changes. There were only seven people in his group, but several of them were studying ahead of time. At the time of the final inspection, they were brushed down based on their tempering results. In the end, only four people qualified, but in front of them they thought they could do it. He didn't count the people carefully, and just glanced at the past, he knew that there were no fewer than fifteen people. Basically, more than half of this group of people were out.

Pan Yuan doesn't think they can't do it. No one cheats in this aspect. He thinks that these people have studied in advance, and their eyes gradually become more and more indifferent. It seems that many people in the Pan family have forgotten the rules. Three years Practicing skills before you can learn Panjiaquan. This is the ancestral training, because only in this way can you perfect Panjiaquan. It has further potential in the future. Learning in advance seems to gain benefits, but in fact it is to consume one's own potential. It is a phenomenon that the Pan family has put an end to. They have a set of rigorous testing methods. They have a method to judge whether it is the latest learning.

   "Learn the first four styles to take one step forward?"

   There were about ten more people this time. Pan Yuan's brows were already close together, he said in a cold voice; "The first five styles move forward again,"

Six people walked out again. Pan Yuan did not break out. He strictly followed the process before leaving, but the anger in his heart became more and more vigorous. This has already begun to show on his face, five types of six people, six types of two people , Seven eight nine one person.

Of these seven or nine, it is naturally Yang Qifeng. It is not only Pan Yuan who is puzzled to tell the truth. Even if Yang Qifeng is surprised by the current results, this Pan Jiaquan naturally does not have many secrets in his eyes. In this month’s time, he practiced with Pan Yuan several times. He watched back and practiced on his own, and he had mastered it seven or eight. There was no problem with using it at this time. After all, it was just , Rather than being fully refined.

   "Okay, okay, okay," Pan Yuan recounted again and again, "Panjiazhuang's geniuses have come out in large numbers, and all of them have returned to their original positions."

   "Starting to practice Pan Jiaquan," Pan Yuan yelled loudly after seeing those who had returned from the queue. Then if someone dared to refill the count, or even resort to cheating, he would be greeted by his thunderous fury,

   Everyone began to practice Pan Jiaquan, Pan Yuan and other Pan clan members began to stare at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to monitor everyone.

Following the drill, Pan Yuan’s anger unconsciously began to subside. He discovered that what was originally contrary to common sense was not cheating, but actually happened. Pan Long was hailed as a genius at the beginning, and he only finished six. At this time, there are two people in the six forms, but completion does not mean that they are completed. Whether they can compare with Pan Long depends on the speed of future cultivation.

He stood beside Yang Qifeng, watching the exercise of the only person who could complete the Nine Forms, watching Yang Qifeng rehearse all the changes of the Nine Forms one after another, Pan Yuan’s anger had disappeared without a trace, he took the shot directly He patted Yang Qifeng on the shoulder and said admiringly; "If your father doesn't die, seeing his two sons will all be successful, I don't know what to be happy to be like,"

   "If there is something difficult in the future, come to your Uncle Pan,"

  Pan Yuan’s anger was because he thought that someone had cheated. When he discovered that no one had cheated, his anger dissipated naturally. Instead, he felt sincerely happy for the prosperity of Panjiazhuang.

Pan Yuan’s completely different attitude was naturally felt by Yang Qifeng. This is the reality. When you are useless to him, you will naturally ignore it, but you can bring him benefits. Your superficial relationship is not a brother than a brother. , The first step has been successful, he must use the name of a genius to start to obtain the resources of the Pan family and start to restore his strength, so as to go further.

   "Well, Pan Long first, then Pan Feng,"

   "One master, two masters," the Patriarch of the Pan family has been told to stride in front of Yang Qifeng and began to praise and preach to Yang Qifeng.

   One month to learn nine styles of Panjiaquan, this is a unique thing, even the Patriarch of the Pan family has been alarmed, it can be said that it has caused a sensation in the entire Panjiazhuang, after this day, the word "Panfeng" is destined to be louder again.

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