Within the Skynet, the knowledge of Fengchuge has been almost exhausted.

Immediately after hearing the voice, she raised her eyes and looked at the red man in front of him. "I'm fine..."

This is what she said, but she is fainting.

His face was white and his body was almost exhausted by the net.

On the silver wire of the net that day, the bursts of light began.

"Little song? Little song?" The demon night eagerly called, but the Fengchu song has already fainted.

The red-colored scorpion of the demon night became more and more red. She raised her hand and went forward to take the Skynet away, but with his touch, Skynet was getting tighter and tighter.

"You don't have to work hard, this is Skynet, you can't open it." On the edge, the silence squats in this scene, slowly opening.

The hand of the demon night stopped. "so what should I do now?"

"The bell must be tied to the bell. Similarly, only the person who controls Skynet to bind her can unlock the Skynet." Silently said, turned his head and swept away the forest that had long been horrified. Water month.

In the direction of the silence, the demon night also looked at Lin Shuiyue...

Because of the attack, Lin Shuiyue still has some slowness.

Now, after seeing the face of the demon night and the silence, she is even more shocked and breathed a breath!

The faces of these two men are actually comparable to those of the emperor!

She looked at them with some obsession, and at the same time, she gave birth to a few resentments...

Feng Chuge, why are there so many beautiful men around her? Why?

Suddenly, what I thought of again, Lin Shuiyue’s eyes became very fierce!

Scorpion poison!


It must be that Feng Chuge has poisoned these beautiful men, so these men will be around.

When she kills the Fengchu song, the beautiful men will be surrounded by her.

When Lin Shuiyue was doing these unrealistic dreams, the demon night had already flew to her side.

At this moment, the demon night hands around the chest, looking down at Lin Shuiyue on the ground. "This Skynet is yours?"

"Yes, it's mine..." Lin Shuiyue looked a little bit, and couldn't take care of his body's pain. His face glowed a little red. "The son, I know, it must be that the monk controlled you with viciousness. The son is relieved, and when I kill the monk, I will be able to save you!"

Drug abuse? Deaf people? Kill her?

The demon night listened to Lin Shuiyue’s words, and suddenly there was a chill in the eyes!

"Dongzi, why don't you talk?" Seeing the demon night standing on one side, a word does not say, Lin Shuiyue slowly climbed up from the ground, stepped forward, reached out, want to touch the demon night...

But this time, the demon night jerked out his long legs and slammed! "Get out of the way, you are crazy! I dare to swear at my little song, I am dying!"

This foot reveals almost ten layers of spiritual power.

At one foot, Lin Shuiyue originally wanted to move forward from the air in the air, and crossed a perfect arc in the air, and then fell to the ground again!

Still do not get rid of the gas, go to the night, and the body will rise to a strong strength, it is necessary to go to Lin Shuiyue.

At this time, the sound of the silence in the ear sounded. "You have a little strength, don't kill her, kill her, and then the beautiful Skynet will not be able to open."

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