Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 631: : Interview

   The hip-hop man is dancing.


  The toes spin.


  , he moved around the scalper.


  Time, every second passes by. He did not take the initiative to launch an attack, nor did the scalpers move, as if the thirty-second countdown mentioned earlier did not exist.


   When the Qifeng watch time reached the countdown of twenty-five seconds, the hip-hop man danced, and when his feet were intertwined, there was an air strike with the soles of the feet, which was extremely chic. But the moment his feet were in the air, the scalper moved.


   The tiles on the ground burst into pieces.


   The original flat peach blossom field suddenly collapsed into a big piece.


   "Be careful!" The middle-aged man Lao Zhang's eyes widened, he only had time to shout, but the scalper had already rushed in front of the hip-hop man with lightning.


   The reaction of the hip-hop man is also extremely fast.




  , who was always alert to the scalpers, after landing, he retreated on his toes, and even had free time to fly with his right leg and kick to the scalper's door.


   The scalper didn't hide at all, and still charged at the door with full force. The moment she caught up with the hip-hop guy and knocked the opponent into flight, she punched.


   blast punch, flirting style!


   The hip-hop man was knocked into the air, his body hanging in the air like a puppet hit by a high-speed locomotive.


   brought out a long **** arrow and threw it away. The hip-hop man rose to more than ten meters high, and then flew like a meteorite to the ground. The middle-aged man, Lao Zhang, can no longer stand by and watch, and the fake foreign devil who came back from studying abroad will die! The middle-aged man Lao Zhang rushed to the scalper, trying to stop her, but the afterimage flashed, and the scalper had appeared where the hip-hop man fell.


   step on the left foot.


   The hip-hop man is like a spring on the ground, bounces up immediately in less than half a second.


  Middle-aged man Lao Zhang Ji jumped over, stamping his iron palm on the scalper's heart. The scalper was raising his leg and kicking the hip-hop man out... In the direction where the hip-hop man was flying, Taurus was waiting there. She watched the hip-hop man kick over, stepped forward and kicked in a volley, and passed the hip-hop man back like a football. When the hip-hop man returned to the feet of the scalper, the middle-aged man Zhang’s iron palm arrived. The scalper’s toes lightly picked, and the hip-hop man’s soft body automatically slammed into the middle-aged man’s iron palm...




   A dull sound came from the hip-hop man's body.


   Several broken ribs pierced the skin, showing through the hip-hop man’s chest and back. He squirted a squirt of blood with his distorted face and bleeding, which made the middle-aged man Zhang’s chest flush.


   "..." The middle-aged man, Lao Zhang, was stunned. He never expected that his companion would be blown by himself.


   "Thirty seconds is right." The scalper looked at his watch.


   "Scalper, without a palm of the other party, you will be overtime!" Jin Niu laughed at her too seriously.


"Yes, if I don't have that palm, I will have to overtime. It seems that it is still underestimated!" The scalper looked at Lao Zhang in front of him, and slowly tightened his fists, giving a maximum time limit: "You are very strong. In my opinion, the three of them add up to less than you. It seems that it will take some time to completely knock you down. Three minutes, the countdown begins!"


   At this time, the crowds onlookers were all frightened.


   This is not a contest!


   This is actually a massacre|good slaughter!


   There is no one-by-one fighting competition, no dazzling and gorgeous punching and legwork, only **** torture that is so fast that the eyes can’t see clearly...


Respond quickly. Someone can see the scalper and Taurus come to cooperate. There are black things flying around. The slow reaction, such as the kind of people whose reflexes are slower than dinosaurs, only see the ground explode during the whole process. , And then the figure flashed for a few flashes and it was over.


  God, this kind of fight is really terrifying, and I can't accept it. Let Lu Guoqiang Master Lu go up and fight. At least he fights with blood and men. These two girls look harmless to humans and animals, and they look awe-inspiring, but they shoot like a killing machine, and then let them go down, where blood flows in a river, and everyone's heart can't stand it!


   "We lost today, I will come back to fight with you next Sunday!" The middle-aged man Lao Zhang a hundred affirmed that this woman is coming to Tiangui, and she is in her menstrual period to naturally restrain the vajra charm.


   She shot.


   Two of his own good companions were all backlashed, and at the same time they were instantly weakened, they were instantly killed by her who possessed her own powerful strength.


   He believes that no matter how unbearable his companion is, he will not be unable to sustain a single move for a few seconds.


   as long as seven days later.


   When the opponent's Tiangui is over, or when he goes back to unlock the Diamond Charm, he has the confidence to fight this tough woman.


   But it doesn't work now. Under the backlash, he suspects that he can't even use 10% of his power. The hero didn't suffer from the immediate loss. He decided to avoid the edge for the time being. Just like Zhugan said, he had a kung fu, worked hard for decades, but let the opponent's Tiangui break. That was the most unjust ending.


   "Hey, are you still not satisfied?" Taurus snorted coldly.


   "Forget it, let him go! A week later, I will wait for you here!" The scalper waved his hand.


   The middle-aged man Lao Zhang clasped his fists.


   Then he picked up the dying hip-hop man who was dying from a fractured body, and he was probably saving the hip-hop man who was wasting the cost of medicine. He turned and left with no expression on his face.


   The group of Chinese martial arts students behind Chen Changfeng jumped up with a bang. They moved beyond words. Many people hugged their companions and jumped and jumped. They couldn't stop at all. The emotional girl even cried bitterly on the spot. Those four tough guys came to challenge. I thought it was over today, but I didn't expect to turn around. Instead of taking advantage, the opponent was beaten up by his own side, and retreated with disgrace! Of course they knew the scalpers. Although the scalpers were not as famous as Xiaoyuanlian and Costin, how could these students not recognize the female soldiers next to Lin Dong? Many people still ask her for an autograph!


   The crowd onlookers also clapped their hands enthusiastically.


   In addition to someone who recognized Lin Dong as the female soldier next to Lin Dong, more people supported the victor.


   Don’t care about anything else, they won, and they won very beautifully. They solve one in a few seconds, don’t have to scare one away, and solve the other in a few seconds and scare off the last one. For this, it deserves everyone's applause.


   "It's gone, it's all gone, nothing to look good, and nothing to shoot!" Now it's Qifeng's turn, he hastened to send someone out to maintain order.


   No amount of manpower can block the enthusiasm of the masses.


   Everyone vie for a group photo on the cracked ground.


  Especially those girls with big breasts, they didn't even care about the blood stains on the ground. They took a selfie with scissors.


   Ordinary people are okay. As soon as Qi Feng shows up with someone, he will give some face to him. After taking the photo, he will leave as required. Media reporters don't, count Mao, we are the uncrowned king, and the public has the right to know the truth, and the public has the right to know! You can shoot as long as you like, so go! If it weren't for seeing that the people who came out were the thick eyebrows, the media reporter would directly push the group back.


Brother Nongmei is different. This guy is very grudges, and the backstage is very hard. Dongshan’s boss Xu belongs to him. The most important thing is that Brother Nongmei, who works very hard, has 10,000 ways to clean up people. Be careful and he will lock people into small dark rooms. Although you can eat and live for free, no one wants to enjoy this kind of cadre treatment.


   Brother thick eyebrows can provoke without provoke.


   Regardless of this point, both domestic and foreign media have a consensus!


   "Pray, Captain, let's take some material, and it will definitely not affect your work!" This is a reporter from Chaotingtai, and it's better to give Chaotingtai a little bit of face.


   "Pray brother, I'll take two photos, and go right away! Go right away! We promise to cooperate!" This is a provincial and Taiwanese reporter from this province. With Wenhui's face, provincial and Taiwanese can eat well here in Dongshan.


   Except for their two families, it's hard to say anything else.


   Even if it is a famous TV station or a well-known media for foreign devils, it is not easy to work in Dongshan.


This is not like other places in China. There is absolutely no one here. Foreign devils are welcome to come, but there is no privilege. Don't pretend to be in Dongshan, especially in Taohuaao, otherwise it will become Show IQ. As a result, media reporters in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan no longer have the privilege of being superior to others, and now they are treated equally.


"Are you okay?" The scalper came over to look at Lu Guoqiang. In front of the female soldiers, Lu Guoqiang was naturally supportive and refused to lose face. He immediately raised his chest, closed his fists, and said explosive biceps. very good.


   "Then let's go!" Taurus saw that it was all right, and was about to go back and report to Lin Dong.


"Wait, can you say a few words!" The female reporter who supported the hip-hop man in the hot dance just now squeezed into the crowd with her chest, and directly handed the microphone to the scalper: "You just killed that dancing man. Are you genetic soldiers trained by Huaxia? Someone outside says that you are killing machines. Do you agree? Do you guys swell up all your muscles by injecting genetic drugs? Do you have your own thoughts? Some people say you are. All people who have passed the brainwashing are eligible to inject genetic medicine, is that true?"


   As she said, the reporter assigned by the radio station next to her was interpreting for her.


  The question at the beginning was okay. Later, she asked more and more about the brain, and the translator's face turned green. Nima, can you really leave alive if you ask this question? If you annoy these two female soldiers, UU reading www. uukānshu. It is estimated that com can blow people's heads to life without a punch.


   Turning to the last question, the translator dare not speak anymore. He suspects that before he finishes speaking, the opponent's murder fist will come over!


   The scalper didn’t want to bother about this brain|disabled woman, but when she heard that she was too awkward, he immediately replied: “Your **** are all silicone, is it also in your brain?”


   This sentence, the scalper responded in English.


   The interpreter almost fainted on the spot, which shows that the other party understands English. The other party must have heard the whole question without missing a word!


The students of the Chinese martial arts class who understand English immediately rushed up, squirting each other, **** does not mean that they can be brains | Disabled: "Go away, you are not welcome here! Anything, fake milk can also dare to post here|soo The person we hate the most is fake milk! Get out of here, it was so hilarious just now, let’s keep up with the four losers and keep on dancing, keep on selling!"


A smart foreign devil came to interview Lu Guoqiang: "Lu, please allow me to pay tribute to you. Although you have been strongly challenged, you have proved yourself to the world. You are worthy of being a strong man. You can be a man for us. A short interview? Just one minute!"


   "OK!" When Lu Guoqiang heard the translator, he said that he was a man, his waist straighter and his head raised higher.


   "Lu, you are bleeding, are you really okay? Can you still hold on?" the foreign devil asked in surprise.


   "Of course it's OK, the bridal chamber will be okay tonight!" Lu Guoqiang survived. 〖To be continued〗

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