Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 517: :trap? trap!

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   Two days later, Taohuaao.

   Fox sat in a small roadside park.

   She is dressed like a youthful and energetic college student, holding a book in her hand, sitting on a bench and watching leisurely. In the setting sun, the afterglow of the setting sun reflected on her body, which did not have a demure and elegant taste. Recently, Dongshan has many blonde and blue-eyed girls as exchange students, and passers-by have long been surprised. After completely washing away the **** murderous aura in **** training, Fox now looks more like a student among ordinary people, with no killing intent like a blade, but a youthful aura that is difficult to conceal. Bashing.

   Do not say that people who don’t know her are easy to misunderstand.

   Even if you are an acquaintance you know, at first glance, it is difficult to recognize that this girl is the witch Fox who talked, laughed, and murdered sly like a fox.

   Peach Blossom Ao is in the mountains. The sun goes down earlier, but it darkens later at night.

   The golden sky is still very bright.

   The sun slipped away quietly.

   On the far side of the sky, a dark cloud gradually rose up.

   I don’t know when there was a few cool breeze in the park, and the fallen leaves that just fell from the branches danced with the wind, high and low.

   "The wind is coming!" Fox closed his book, glanced at the distant sky, and muttered to himself: "The typhoon is coming, the storm is coming..."

   "Wow!" A stray dog ​​ran over, sniffed at her feet, wagged his tail, and barked pitifully, as if he wanted to ask Fox for food.

"Poor little thing! But I only have bread, okay? Okay, you fill up your stomach first, and I'll take you to a big meal later!" Fox looked at the dirty and hungry man. The stray dog ​​reached out and touched the top of its head. When it accepted the communication obediently, it opened its bag and took out a bag of bread. She gently tore open the package, carefully opened the bread, and put it in front of the stray dog ​​one by one.

   Fox smiled as the stray dog ​​couldn't wait to devour it.

   smile against the golden sky above his head.

   is exceptionally brilliant.

   The stray dog ​​ate a bag of bread.

   called out to Fox a few more times, seeming to be grateful for her help.

   It wagged its tail, turned around her feet a few times, and suddenly ran away, and it ran away in a few seconds.

"Let's go! Don't let Brother Nongmei see you, or you have to catch you!" Fox waved to the back of the stray dog. In Taohuaao, although stray dogs often have them, they are in order to prevent wild dogs from biting people and infectious diseases. And so on, Brother Nongmei took it very seriously, and once the street patrolmen found out, they immediately caught it and dealt with it. Fox didn't know where this stray dog ​​came, but looking at its appearance, it was obvious that it had been strayed for a while, and it was a great dog hero to be able to escape under the heavy eyebrow sweeping operation and persist for so long!

   Fox put the books in his bag, stood up and stretched, preparing to return to his residence.

   A few days ago because of taking "Zhen Yang Xisui Pill".

   She suffered for several days.

   vomit up and vent down.

   Even the bones ached in the end.

   If it wasn't for Lin Dong, she would doubt if she was poisoned.

Of course, after the impurities in the body are cleared out, the whole person does not feel too good. It seems that they can float up at any time, the body is as light as a swallow, and an unprecedented vitality emerges from the depths of the soul and permeates the texture of the body. Every cent, every cent. Without testing, Fox knew that his combat effectiveness had improved.

   "Just taking one pill, there will be a leap. If I can take this miraculous pill every day with his side, then..." Fox retracted his thoughts and smiled.


   The current self is not qualified to approach him at all.

   Moreover, even if you are by his side, it is impossible to take that kind of medicine every day!

   Such a miraculous pill must be very precious, how could it be possible to take it every day and get one by yourself? I am so lucky!

"If possible, it's best to ask him for a pill again! Just take one pill, my blood energy will begin to change qualitatively, if I take another pill, my blood may be able to convert all!" Fox said Thinking about how he should talk to Lin Dong. This wood is very difficult to deal with. He doesn't eat hard and hard, and his mind is as strong as steel. Not to mention himself, even the large group of female soldiers in the family ignores it. I really don't know what weakness this guy has yet to show!

   Fox thought for a long time.

   There is no way.

   Finally, the helplessness turned into a faint sigh.

   The man is so good|The color looks very annoying, but like Lin Dong, who ignores the beauty|The color makes people even more speechless!


   Fox took back his floating mood and found that the stray dog ​​had appeared again.

   Not only one of them, but also a few stray dogs that look dirty at the back.

"You are not forgetting your friends when you are full! Oh, you are loyal, but you have finished my bread! What should I do? Well, let me think of a way! If there is a shop owner I don’t care, I can take you to a big meal, but I explained in advance that if you encounter Brother Nongmei’s patrolling, you have to find a way to escape, I can’t protect you!" Fox leaned down and touched the stray dog. He smiled at the other stray dogs standing a little further away, snapped his fingers: "It's been decided so happily, what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

   "Wow!" A few stray dogs barked.

   "Are you also agreeing?" Fox picked up his bag, and while leading the way, he waved to the stray dogs: "Follow me!"

   The first stray dog ​​quickly followed.

   The other stray dogs hesitated a bit, but when they saw that the stray dog ​​had followed at first, they barked and followed.

When    was approaching the gate of the park, a few stray dogs flew over from a distance and quickly joined the team. Fox turned around and took a look and smiled: "You have a lot of friends! It's a rare meeting today, I'll treat you to a big meal!"

   "Wow!" The original stray dog ​​replied obediently, which made Fox feel good.

   Fox took two steps.

   suddenly his face changed drastically.

   She turned her head back in horror, her eyes swept over the last few stray dogs that joined at high speed, and she screamed: "No!"

The last few stray dogs added should be slightly taller. Although their bodies are the same dirty, they look no different from ordinary dogs at first glance, but Fox's second closer observation can capture some details. These stray dogs have tight skin and muscles. Strong, blood is more like a police dog or army dog. Most importantly, ordinary stray dogs, how can there be such a predator spirit.


  The enemy confuses himself through real stray dogs!

   They used their sympathy for stray dogs and set up a game!

   The original stray dogs, as well as the few stray dogs in the middle, are all real, wait until I get rid of my guard, and then release the fake stray dogs to approach me...

  Danger, danger!

   Fox almost jumped up the moment he reacted, flying forward like arrows.

   But no matter how fast she reacts, she can't escape the enemy's calculations.


  A powerful explosion|explosion.

  The earth-shattering explosion behind Fox|Blasted, Fox, who was in mid-air, was blown up like a ragdoll, and disappeared in the shock wave and explosion|blasting smoke that swept the audience!

at the same time.

   The unshaven thick eyebrow brother who hasn't bathed for a few days is holding his head, sitting behind the window, thinking about where the enemy will break through.

   Suddenly a loud noise exploded in his ears, which made his forehead sting, and then a shock wave swept over him.

   There was a big crash in the room.

"Ny'Uma!" Brother Nongmei stood still and looked out, and found that a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose at the entrance of the park a few hundred meters away. The black smoke was like a poisonous dragon tumbling in the dark clouds, surging up one upon another. Spread out. The commercial street outside the park is almost worse than a typhoon. The ground is full of debris, cars are screaming, people are crying, and the whole situation is chaotic...

   This is not the most shocking view of Brother Nongmei.

   What made his pupils dilate suddenly.

   just after the explosion|explosion.

   At the corner of the street, there were still unknown people hidden, and a few black dogs were released, driving them desperately towards the center of the explosion. Then, another series of explosions broke out in the thick smoke.

   "Go and save people!" Brother Nongmei's heartbeat soared to three hundred in an instant. His premonition was correct. It was really the calm before the storm, and now the typhoon hasn't come, the enemy has already taken action. No matter who was bombed just now, things can't stop there. Brother Nongmei forcibly calmed himself down with a steely will, and turned on the walkie-talkie to give orders: "Everyone, I am Qifeng, and the enemy has already started to act. Now I have ordered the teams to act immediately according to the original plan and set up checkpoints at important gates. Armed, carpet search, do not let any suspicious persons or animals, such as a kind of dog carrying bombs, especially focus on the search! The guards are in place immediately to protect all important targets; the fire control team controls the situation and treats Injured people; the communication team contacted Fang Yize and Yang Jingxin and asked them to bring people to support immediately; the special operations team, set out with me...all the staff acted immediately, if there is any situation, the team leaders and captains should report to me as soon as possible!"

   Brother Nongmei Qifeng jumped directly from the window.

   Several special operations team personnel behind him also followed suit. Several people pulled out their guns, spread their legs and ran towards the explosion site.

   When they arrived, the smoke had not completely dissipated, and the smell of blood and gun|medicine on the scene choked the nose. Brother Nongmei has sharp eyes, and at a glance, at the gate of the cracked and broken park, in the center of the big|blast|blast, stands a shadow covered in blood...

   A few of them except Brother Nongmei.

   On the other side of the park, more than a dozen shadows approached quickly.

   Every one of them covered their heads and faces, and was mysterious, only revealing a pair of hungry wolf-like eyes.

"It's really a genetic warrior who has been injected with genetic medicine! It won't be killed like this! But it doesn't matter, since the mission that the dog didn't complete, we will fix it! I promise to break you into parts, even the most in the world Authoritative biology professors and forensic doctors can't put you back into a human form!" A tall, masked man at the head, while mocking sullenly, waved to his companion to enclose the **** shadow in the middle.

   "Captain?" Brother Nongmei wanted to shoot, but Brother Nongmei quickly reached out to stop them.

   "We all retreat fifty meters!" Brother Nongmei suddenly made this decision. U U Reading www.uukānshu.com

   "What, what?" The members of the special operations team were stunned.

   "This is not a battle we can participate in!" Brother Nongmei frowned, his face as black as Tan. But his attitude was very determined. He put away the pistol and immediately led the team to retreat, seeming to ignore the blood shadow in the smoke and the dozen or so shadows that slowly surrounded him.

   "This is the so-called Huaxia Elite? Bah!" The dozen or so shadows saw the embarrassment of Brother Thick Eyebrow leading the team away, all of them contemptuously.

   "Captain? Us?" The members of the special operations team were going crazy at the moment.

   "Shut up!" Brother Nongmei turned and glared at the opening man.

   Under the insistence of Brother Nongmei.

The members of the    Special Operations Group retreated to an open space fifty meters away in disgrace. Under the watchful eyes of many citizens, they could not wait to find a place to sew in immediately. Especially some young people and students booed them loudly, and some even took photos with their mobile phones, uploading a scene where the thick eyebrows led the team members to retreat in front of them.

   in the field.

   is standing silently covered with wounds.

It wasn't until a dozen shadows approached cautiously that she burst into hysterical laughter: "Ahhahaha...want to kill me? Just rely on you? Ridiculous little bugs, I want to crush you like a bug!" To be continued. "This text is provided by the Breaking Dawn Update Team@茗芗梦荟" If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is the author's greatest motivation.)

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