Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 251: : Magic sacred beads!

The Dark Temple is willing to cooperate.

The people of the Gorse Dynasty hid and disappeared temporarily. As for the Eye of God, their headquarters is far away in Big Apple City on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. Because of the intention to let Ye Qianru experience more, she still stayed in the small hotel during the day to rest, and did not go out with her to inquire about intelligence. With her current skill, if it were not for a strong enemy, there should be no defeated Kěnéng. Moreover, even if she couldn't fight, she could escape smoothly. Lin Dong didn't worry about the safety of this Wèntí.

Because of the Battle of Green Mountain Villa, many small and medium-sized organizations and forces in Europe are interested in making friends with Ye Qianru, the sea witch.

They are also Zhīdào.

Pig-Pig Island-Novel... She is actually the spokesperson of "Mr. Wood" to the outside world.

Before betraying the intelligence to the small boat club of the Gorse Dynasty, these water city merchants were even more frightened.

On the one hand, they expressed their apologies to Ye Qianru through a third party, saying that leaking information was a helpless move under the coercion of the Gorse Dynasty, and they were willing to do it against Ye Qianru and Mr. Mu Mu. On the other hand, they contacted the Gorse dynasty, hoping that the Gorse dynasty would take a clear attitude. Is it war or peace? Without a clear message, it is difficult for their small organization to stand in line in chaos!

Lin Dong was fine for the time being. After eating and satiated, he slept in bed during the day.

He originally thought that he would not be able to return to the nine prisons in Europe.

did not expect.

In a trance, he returned to Tianshui Waterfall.

As expected, the King of the Illusion Race was here every day. As soon as Lin Dong returned, he immediately rushed over to make a deal. He was extremely anxious.

"I'm here. I want to make a request. I hope you will exchange all the power of faith you brought this time, if Kěnéng. I still need five times the power of faith this time." In response to his request: "The imprisonment of the emperor of the illusion is about to expire. If there is enough power of faith, then the emperor of the illusion can ascend smoothly and escape from the illusion. This time I brought the emperor of the illusion sincerity, He is ready to come up with such a holy treasure in exchange for the power of your faith!"

"Holy sacred sacred beads?" Lin Dong was stunned.

Mind flashes.

If it is really a holy sacred orb, not only will it not lose, but it will also make a lot of money!

The illusion sacred orb is definitely the supreme treasure that the cultivator can meet and cannot find, let alone ordinary cultivators, even the big cow of the level of the white-clothed sect master, Lin Dong has not seen how many people have such a treasure.

just. Will the King of Illusory Realm and the King of Illusory Race really give themselves magical sacred beads? They are not brain-dead, it should be the value of Zhīdào!

It's precious enough.

In the realm of comprehension, at least one hundred phantom **** gems are needed to refine a phantom **** dzi.

This had to be a real master, and if he was replaced by a small monk of Lin Dong's current level, he couldn't train him even if he gave him a thousand. It’s even more difficult to refine the magic dzi to the magic sacred dzi. Not only does it require at least one hundred magic dzi, but also the same number of Lingbao dzi and the same number of eternal dzi to refine it to the highest sacred level. The'phantom sacred beads' are indispensable.

Now the king of the illusion race says to exchange the illusion sacred beads. Lin Dong really couldn't believe it.

No reason!

If you lack the power of faith, you can exchange the magical gemstones, why bother for the magical sacred beads? Does the sky really fall such a big pie? Thinking of this, Lin Dong didn't believe it a hundred!

"Let’s be honest with you. Actually, we don’t want to see the magical sacred bead in exchange. This is our magical treasure. Now we have to exchange it. But there is no way, the emperor of the fantasy world is because of the previous Several times of purification by the power of faith. Sins are almost washed away, and the sentence is about to leave. The emperor of the illusion leaves. Without the new emperor ascended the throne, then the illusion even has a split and collapsed Kěnéng. Our clan lives in a top-down system. Yes, after the emperor of the illusion leaves, there is no new emperor, then we will begin to split and collapse at the highest point... Our illusion race may not wait for the day when the sentence expires, and it will all disintegrate and return to chaos." In fact, the king has difficulties, otherwise, how could he be willing to hand over such a treasure as the magic sacred bead!

"Why didn't the emperor of the illusion come?" Lin Dong still had doubts in his heart.

"If I could come, I would have come long ago. The emperor of the illusion cannot easily leave the illusion. However, I can also be the master of the transaction, because I will be the next emperor of the illusion. As long as I have enough faith Power, the emperor of the fantasy world can transfer everything he has to me to inherit." The king of the fantasy clan explained this way.

"Then you can't come to trade anymore?" Lin Dong keenly caught one point.

"Indeed." The king of the fantasy clan affirmed: "After I have achieved a new generation of the'Queen of Illusions', I can't leave the fantasy world easily. At that time, if you want to trade, you can go to our fantasy temple. I am willing to swear in the name of the Supreme Immortal Venerable. When you enter the Hall of Illusions, we will treat you as the benefactor of the Illusory Clan and will welcome you with the highest etiquette. We promise that we will never deceive or harm you, and we will never force you. Or detention, it will not restrict any of your speech and personal freedom. To be honest, even without the majesty of the Supreme Immortal, we will not maliciously treat a friend who can give us the power of faith for our fantasy race. !"

"Illusory Temple?" Lin Dong heard the assurance, but there was still a hint of hesitation in his heart.

Here, Misty Fairy's guardianship is obviously effective.

Who knows if it is still effective in the Hall of Illusion?

What if not?

Anyway, I already have so many magical gems, if I can exchange for another magical sacred bead... Then it is better not to take risks, or not to take risks, be content!

"It is difficult for me to convince you, but I can only explain as much as possible. Our phantom race will open up an illusion path outside the phantom temple. You only need to enter the illusion realm a little bit, and you don't need to enter the phantom temple. But this path , It was indeed created by the phantom temple, so in the sense it is also part of the phantom temple. You are not a phantom race, and your teleportation must be based on the phantom temple, otherwise you will not be able to survive in the illusion, whether it is a physical or a spiritual body!" The king of the clan solemnly swears in the name of Misty Fairy that he will not harm Lin Dong who Wèilái enters the illusion, otherwise the entire clan of the illusion will be killed.

Swear in the world of comprehension. It's not like the human world, even if it has been casually issued, swear to eat Chinese cabbage like this. Swear in the world of comprehension. Especially if you swear an oath in the name of a certain mighty person, once you break it. It is tantamount to discrediting the name of that mighty person, and the consequences are absolutely unimaginable.

Even if you don't swear in the name of great power and swear the most common Five Thunder Curse, this oath will take effect immediately, and there will be the mark of the Five Thunder Curse directly from the depths of the soul.

If the oath is violated at that time, there will really be five thunderstorms, but it is not as unconstrained as human beings.

After the oath.

The king of the fantasy clan gave Lin Dong a brand that evolved from the energy of the fantasy god.

There was a wonderful formation mark on it, and Lin Dong only glanced at it. There is an illusion that the whole mind is drawn in.

This is the'pass' that Weilái uses to teleport to the Hall of Illusion. With Lin Dong’s current ability, it is not Kěnéng to forcefully travel through time and space into another world. The King of Illusion Clan specially made this brand, hoping that Lin Dong would have one day. Take it to teleport, enter the illusion, and once again trade with yourself.

Maybe there will be consideration in the early stage, even if the king of the fantasy tribe, Zhidào, has sworn his oath. It is also difficult to eliminate the scruples in Lin Dong's heart. This is inevitable. Switching Juésè to the King of Fantasy Race will definitely be afraid.

but. In order to continue the trading of Weilái's power of faith, the King of Illusion Race made this piece of Illusion God's card locally.

"Then I first congratulate you on your upcoming ascendance as the emperor of the illusion!" Lin Dong did not say that he would go, nor could he say no. In his heart, he would never move easily before he was not sure. Anyway, the power of faith won't get moldy, of course. The pass of the Magical God's card can be safe.

"If you have enough power of faith, then we can make further transactions." The king of the fantasy clan estimated that Lin Dong was the reaction, and without accident, he turned into a gem.

This gem came out.

There are petaflops shining everywhere.

The entire Jiu Prisons Forbidden Land was instantly stained with a wonderful and brilliant color, and the Tianshui Waterfall turned into a Rainbow Waterfall.

The most amazing thing is that as soon as this magical sacred bead comes out, an energy field is formed in the entire space. In this energy field, all matter is gradually transformed by this magical sacred bead. This transformation is not a vicious destruction, but a benign evolution. Although the transformed matter can no longer maintain its original appearance, it will evolve into a new form, but this is not too much for its original form of existence. Big change.

For example, the Tianshui Waterfall at this time has gradually evolved into a waterfall formed by the water of the phantom god.

But it is still a waterfall.

It's still water.

"The spiritual sense of this magic sacred orb seems to be sleeping?" Lin Dong arrived keenly.

"Not sleeping, but being born!" The king of the illusion race explained: "If we give you a phantom sacred orb that already has spiritual consciousness, you will not be able to grasp it, and it will not recognize you. For the sake of this transaction, the guardian of the previous generation of the magic sacred pearl, through the worship of our thousands of people, and the supreme power of the phantom temple, gave birth to a new magic sacred pearl. This magic sacred pearl For you humans, it is like a baby. You can cultivate its spiritual consciousness and make it the guardian of your life. What it becomes and what realm it can reach depends on your cultivation! But I It can be guaranteed that its foundation is the best Hoode, because its spiritual consciousness is a holy level as soon as it is born!"

"You give me another thousand magical gems, the cultivation is Bùcuò, but how many magical gems do I need to cultivate? I guess it will have to eat the magical gems as candy in the future!" Lin Dong was overjoyed, but the surface was still full of joy. The principle of paying the price on the ground.

"I... Our Fantasy Clan is willing to give you 1,500." The words of the King of the Fantasy Clan stunned Lin Dong.

"What?" Lin Dong didn't understand.

"On the one hand, we really need the power of faith, especially the power of pure faith. On the other hand, we hope you will cultivate it well. Although it has just been born, it is the descendant of our whole race, and replaced by your human beings. In other words, it is the baby of our whole family. We sincerely hope that you can cultivate it well and don’t be stingy with the energy supply of the phantom **** gemstone. When it grows up, it will become one of the most hode guardians in your life. Never before A magic sacred pearl leaves our world. Although we have no human emotions, we also feel endless sadness. So I sincerely hope that you can treat it well! We treat it as the treasure, and hope you can treat it as the treasure! "The king of the fantasy clan put the magic sacred bead in Lin Dong's palm very reluctantly.

The fantasy race is not a human being, without the tears and sad emotions of human beings.

But ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ at this moment.

Lin Dong could sense the reluctance of the king of fantasy tribe.

After completing this transaction, when Lin Dong woke up and opened his eyes, he still felt a little bit guilty. How could it feel as if he had taken other people’s daughter... Would not make this transaction. For the smooth transition of the illusion race, in order to prevent the illusion from collapsing from the highest point, the king of the illusion race finally came... to exchange the illusion sacred beads, this is probably the most reluctant in the entire life of the illusion king. A deal!

"I will Hǎode for you! Nothing else, but I have a lot of power of faith. You will be better with me than staying in the illusion!" Lin Dong sent a wave of thoughts to the illusion sacred pearl from his heart.

It's a pity that the magic sacred pearl is like a baby, responding to a bubble-like beautiful dream.

It's still too small to understand this at all.

In addition to absorbing energy, it only knows how to create dreams in deep sleep, and then fall asleep in dreams... It's like a baby, and it's a long, long distance from growth! (To be continued...)

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