Long Live the Counterattack

Chapter 184: : Blood and Tears

The donated woman did not catch up with Cheng Mingge and the others. As soon as she left the pedestrian street, the Sky Knights had a special car to pick it up.

It's a reporter and his party.

Caught up with her.

The woman's bloodied hand accepted the lost check from the reporter, and she cried into a mess: "When the benefactor came just now, I couldn't believe it was true. With the check, I thought it was. I’m dreaming, ooh... I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry for my benefactor, I didn’t even knock her a head... Please, help me find her, I must thank her, I must take good care of her Thank her, she is the savior of my son! She is the savior of our family!"

"Do you know who the donor is?" The reporter handed the microphone to the woman.

"I don't know, I'm really useless, I didn't even remember the name of the benefactor!" The woman cried more sadly, she hated herself for being in a daze, and she didn't even see the benefactor's appearance just now.

"Stop her bleeding first, don't visit the interview, stop her bleeding quickly!" The woman who used the mobile phone to take pictures came back and quickly helped her to stop the bleeding.

"It's okay for me!" The woman actually just shattered a piece of skin and got a small injury, but the blood was bleeding a little bit, and she looked terrifying.

"The person who donated you is called Cheng Mingge!" The provincial and Taiwanese leader quickly reminded the women.

"Hey, it's the name!" When the woman heard it, she immediately remembered.

"The name matches, then we will take you to find her. We know where she is." The reporter gave an emotional introduction to the camera head: "Dear viewers, we are now ready to take the donor Feng Yucui. Looking for classmate Cheng Mingge of the Sky Knights. This girl is still a sophomore in Dongshan University. She has taken the team Sky Knights she has created. He walked all over Dongshan streets and alleys to send warmth and hope to dozens of needy families. Everyone. Audience. Do you know how much her donation amount is today? 55 million and 55 million. It is close to 100 million! Just like her Hope Star project, her appearance has already brought it to There are countless family hopes that desperately need help, such as the Feng Yucui family in front of us. This one million donation is tantamount to a hope like the dawn of life!"

"Cheng Mingge?" The young woman was vaguely impressed by this name. Hey, isn't Cheng Mingge the ‘squad leader’ that asked the squad leader for something on the Internet?

"Finding my benefactor, I want to thank her. I want to thank her!" The woman stomped her feet in a hurry. The longer she takes, the more guilty her heart becomes.

"Get in the car!" This is what the provincial and Taiwanese leaders want.

He estimated that the news would be broadcast as soon as it was broadcast.

The ratings are set.

Moreover, this news is bound to become the focus of annual discussion, just like the most handsome wooden showcasing the mighty and tyrannical foreign devils.

Of course they are connected. My own level is not low in the province, but it is not enough to get the actual results, so I can barely know the truth. Lin Dong, the most handsome guy, is a pair with class leader Cheng Mingge. The Hope Star Project was also made by the two of them, but the most handsome guy likes to keep a low profile. Hidden behind the scenes, the squad leader, Cheng Mingge, had no choice but to stand up and lead people to publicize...In other words, these two news items are basically one, but there is a slight gap of about half a month in between.

"Who are you?" The young woman also wanted to get in the car. The reporter is a bit weird, you are a passerby, can't watch the excitement follow our car all the way, right? If you really want to see it, rent a car by yourself!

"I'm just an enthusiastic passerby!" The young woman took out her ID card and shook her: "I also study journalism. I might be a colleague in the future."

"Go down!" The reporter became angry as soon as he heard it, what happened to the colleagues? Haven't you heard of walking as an enemy country?

"You. You, are you the granddaughter of Director Chen?" The leaders of the provincial station looked at the young woman a little familiar. He suddenly smiled: "Sit, sit, sit, this morning, before we set off, Director Chen also told us to report truthfully, and try to broadcast as many real cases as possible to broadcast people’s livelihood needs. I’m just about to follow Director Chen will give a report...Come, sit down, I'm Zou Zhiguang from Taiwan Province, maybe you've heard of it."

"It turns out that you are Director Zou." The young woman really heard Zou Zhiguang's name, but it came from negative rumors.

"Call Uncle Zou, family, what are you polite!" Zou Zhiguang is the deputy director of the Provincial Taiwan, he has good ability, but has a strong sense of utilitarianism. He likes to flatter the upper-level leaders. Although he sometimes plays some unspoken rules. He rarely targets people around him. In some respects, he is a decent leader.

After contacting the reporter's car, half an hour later, it caught up with the Sky Knights convoy.

At that time, Cheng Mingge and the sisters of the Sky Knights were making donations to a couple.

That is a cooked food stall.

There stood a lame man and a young daughter-in-law with a child on his back.

Two years ago, the lame man helped a couple chase pickpockets because of uneven roads. He was stabbed by pickpockets and his accomplices and was severely injured. Open a cooked food stall on the streets of China to earn a living.

This incident was also in the news at the time, because the couple refused to give evidence to the lame man for fear of getting into trouble. The police station was unable to identify the lame man as a hero, and the hospital refused to grant any reduction or exemption of drug fees. As a result, the hero bleeds and shed tears. … Fortunately, the lame man Peng Liang married a nice little daughter-in-law, who has never left her. After her husband lost his corporate job and labor ability, he stepped up to support this family.

"Brother Peng, this is the bonus given to you by the Star of Hope. Maybe outsiders don’t recognize your heroic deeds, but we admit that the Star of Hope acknowledges that you are a hero! You are our Dongshan city hero! We will not ignore you. Give, in this world, positive energy should not be humiliated, and the dignity of heroes should not be trampled on by Xiao Xiao. Therefore, we are here today to award you bonuses and hero badges! We are here to sincerely invite you to join our Sky Knights , Join us for the Star of Hope!" In addition to the bonus check, Cheng Mingge also has a certificate of honor for Peng Liang’s heroism and bravery on a certain day, a certain month and a certain day, and a badge of the Star of Hope.

"Uncle Peng, you are too good!" Menghuo and Chu Linger were responsible for sending flowers.

"This..." The lame Peng Liang was so touched that he never expected that after two years. There are still people who remember their blood and tears, and there are people who will come to the door to reverse the case for themselves. Others praise themselves so much.

"Woo!" Peng Liang's wife did not know how much she had suffered and how many tears she had shed over the past two years. Originally, she thought that this would be the case in this life, but she didn't think that in the most difficult moment of life, there was a light of hope on her head. The husband's bravery was no longer a foolish act, no longer deserved it, no longer a neighbor mocked and died, at this moment, his blood and tears were finally recognized. She took the flowers with a trembling hand, and then cried like a child. I can't stop it.

"We all bow to the heroes of the city!" Cheng Mingge bowed, and Peng Liang quickly wanted to stop, but Cheng Mingge insisted on expressing his heart. Peng Liang, a seven-foot male son, cried, tears pouring down his face.

"If Big Brother Peng is willing, he can work in our company. Big Brother Peng used to be a soldier and was a security captain. We just need experienced personnel to join. If you don't want to, you can also go to the Taohuaao business in the third phase of our project. Open a shop on the street and make a lot of money with my sister-in-law!" Cheng Mingge handed Peng Liang another business card.

"I'm scrapped, I've been scrapped!" Peng Liang was desperate, even if he was willing to ask himself to do something. But my left leg is already lame, what can I do for others? Do you want to eat free meals every day?

"I said hello to Dean Qu. You can call to meet with him when you have time. Dean Qu is the authority in this regard. Brother Peng may have hope in your legs!" Cheng Mingge has already inquired about Peng Liang's Hurt the leg. The main reason was that the cost of medicine was not enough at that time, and the hospital also thought his brother was always talking about heroes. After he was cured, he was discharged from the hospital. Although the leg did not deteriorate, it was not completely cured.

"Really?" Peng Liang's wife was ecstatic, and everything else was second. If the husband's legs can be cured, then it doesn't matter if the family is bankrupt.

"Don't worry about the medical expenses. Dean Qu promised me that it will be waived. You can find him with peace of mind!" Of course, Cheng Mingge knows Peng Liang's concerns in his heart. Money is not a problem at all. Dean Qu is very short of money, but it is not enough. The medical expenses of one injured person is short of.

"We're going to find Dean Qu tomorrow!" Peng Liang's wife shook Cheng Mingge's business card and her hands trembled with excitement.

"Don't tomorrow, you guys call now!" Cheng Mingge smiled: "If you need any help, you can also call me, because we have the next trip, so let's go first!"

"Don't go!" Feng Yucui, who saw all this in the car, couldn't help it anymore. He pulled the car door hard and rushed out, before rushing to the front, he threw himself at the feet of Cheng Mingge and hugged him tightly. Her legs were crying loudly. Thanks for thinking on the road, and kowtow. At this moment, I completely forgot that Feng Yucui, a woman who was going to sell her life to save her child, could not remember what she was going to do except for holding her benefactor and crying.

"Film, you shoot, what are you crying? You are reporters, you have to cry back and cry again!" Zou Zhiguang, the provincial and Taiwanese leader, saw that reporters and photographers were wiping their tears. He was anxious. You came here to wipe your tears. ? What about the full shooting?

What kind of reporters are you guys so rich in feelings? Although it's a little touching, do your tears have that bottom? You are not women!

The granddaughter of Director Chen ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ had previously donated Feng Yucui's young woman.

At this time, he clenched his fists: "Interestingly, this Sky Knights, if it can really maintain this style, then I have to join! It's rare, this is what the society needs, and this is what I want to see the most... "

The onlookers quickly figured out what was going on.

Most people have sympathy for Peng Liang.

Just helpless.

Now I see him being commended by Cheng Mingge’s sister with the Star of Hope, and when he saw reporters from provincial and Taiwan provinces come to film and report, they all clapped and sighed that good people have good rewards... Peng Liang, surrounded by applause, fell down at the beginning. In the pool of blood, there was no one to help and the psychological shadow of the couple's disappearance, as well as the police station's indifference and anger at going out to the hospital, all disappeared.

"Good guy, if my legs can get better again, I will definitely be a good guy in the future! I don't regret it, I won't regret it anymore!" Peng Liang wiped away his sad tears, looked up to the sky, and found that the sky was extremely clear and blue. Like washing, the whole world seems to be reborn. (To be continued,!

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