Xu is that the elixir prepared by Lin Yuqi was very effective. After lying down for two days, Chu Jun got out of bed as usual, found Lin Yuqi, and said that he was going to go far.

At that time, Lin Yuqi was sitting and fishing by the pond in the courtyard. In this pond, she transplanted dozens of snow lotus trees for emergency use. Snow lotus is cold, and even within ten steps of the pond is full of cold air. Chu Jun called Lin Yuqi from a distance.

Hearing the voice, Lin Yuqi turned around and saw Chu Junli dressed in white, standing under the peach forest, handsome and flawless, with picturesque features.

Lin Yuqi just caught two carp and was in a good mood. She put down the bamboo pole in her hand, walked to Chu Junli, raised her eyes and asked, "What's the matter?"

The man on the opposite side coughed twice: "Ayao is stubbornly ill, I want to go to Shanzhou Yunmengze to find a seventh-grade Ganoderma lucidum."

"Oh, then you go...Wait!" Lin Yu frowned, "You said you were going to Shanzhou?"

Chu Junli nodded: "Exactly."

"Shanzhou is thousands of miles away from Yanzhou. You are only three levels of Qi refining, and you can't use your sword. Can you walk there with two legs? No, no, I want to accompany you."

"This..." Chu Junli hesitated.

Lin Yuqi raised his hand and patted his shoulder: "It's settled, we'll be together tomorrow."

She remembered that it was written in the book that the male protagonist went to Yunmengze this time, subdued his first spiritual beast, the eclipse candle dragon, and met a hidden world in Yunmengze. Demon Xiu acquaintance, acquaintance, love...

Bah! With her here, the male protagonist shouldn't try to interfere with any of the young ladies, and the concentric mantra prevents them from being too far apart, so this time, when going to Shanzhou, Lin Yuqi must follow.

The next day, when the two went out, Lin Yuqi took out a sheet of light yellow thin paper from his arms, and his slender fingers flew lightly, and in the blink of an eye, one appeared in his palm Delicate and small paper kite.

She threw the paper kite into the air and fell into the air, and the little paper kite continued to stretch, and it was the size of two people who could sit down.

Lin Yuqi sat up first, patted the open space behind, and greeted Chu Junli, "Come up."

Half lifting her robe, Chu Junli quickly sat behind her, leaned over and said, "I thought you knew how to use the sword. The monks in the sect liked to use it."

"I don't have a sword yet." Lin Yuqi replied. It takes twenty years for the Demon Venerable Sword to be cast, and she will have to wait a few years before she can own her own sword.

The space on Zhi Yuan's back is not very large, Chu Jun is too close, and the warm breath hits Lin Yuqi's ear while speaking, making her heart itch, she can't help but move forward moved.

But I found that the waist was imprisoned and could not move.

Lin Yuqi looked down and saw that Chu Junli was wrapping his arms around his waist, his fingers were slightly closed, the joints were clear and strong, and there was a hint of coldness.

She stared, gritted her teeth and said, "What are you holding me for?"

Chu Junli's tone was innocent and pitiful: "I'm afraid of heights."

The paper kite under her body has begun to fly into the air, getting farther and farther from the ground, the closer Chu Jun is.

Yanzhou's unique hot wind came along with the yellow sand in the air, Lin Yuqi waved his hand to raise a barrier, and the uncomfortable feeling on the waist reminded her that there was a man close behind her.

Lin Yuqi's body was stiff, she looked back at Chu Junli, and said dryly, "Let go of your hand."

Chu Junli was already pale, frowning in confusion: "It's all men, what are you taboo about?"

Lin Yuqi: ...I was speechless.

"Stay away from me anyway!"

After Lin Yuqi turned back, she couldn't help thinking in her heart: How come the male protagonist is afraid of heights? There is something wrong with this author!

Is it a novel bug?

However, she couldn't get an answer. Although Zhiyuan looked simple, it flew very fast. In half a day, it crossed most of the continent and came to the boundary of Shanzhou.

The weather is completely opposite to that of Yanzhou. Shanzhou has overlapping mountains, humid air and dense forests. If you are a little careless, you will walk into the miasma-infested swamps, so it is inaccessible and more It's a monster.

Yunmengze, where Chu Jun is going, is in the center of Shanzhou.

The paper kite carried them, flew through the misty void, passed through the towering woods, and slowly landed on a green and moist grass.

The surroundings are surprisingly quiet, only the sound of the gurgling river can be heard not far away, the moist and fresh air in the dense forest wraps them, leaving the dry and hot Yanzhou, coming here, Lin Yu Qi felt much better.

However, some accounts still need to be calculated.

"Let go!" Lin Yuqi looked down at Chu Junli's hand on his waist.

The man behind him retracted his hands and put down the paper kite. Lin Yuqi took back the paper expressionlessly, took out a delicate bamboo house from the storage bag, and after throwing it on the ground, it grew to the size of a normal house on its own.

Lin Yuqi took out the reclining chair she used to support it on the grass, Shi Shiran lay down, and inadvertently saw Chu Junli still standing there.

She tilted her head slightly and asked, "Aren't you looking for the seventh-grade Lingzhi? Hurry up and go!"

Lin Yuqi blinked her eyes, clear and bright, with a smile on the corner of her mouth: "Do you think I'm here to help you? In fact, I just stayed in Yanzhou for a long time and came out to breathe. You Thinking too much!"

She stretched out a finger and dotted four times in the air: "This is called, self, work, more, love!"

Chu Junli raised his eyebrows without saying a word, turned and left.

Lin Yuqi watched him gradually walk away and disappeared into the woods, so he immediately sat up on the reclining chair and took out several things from the storage bag.

For this trip, she deliberately instructed Yueqing to prepare a set of brilliant men's clothes. After she tried it on, she was accustomed to seeing Yueqing, who was accompanied by the beauty of the devil every day, and couldn't help but blushed.

Chu Junli should meet the eclipse candle dragon cub soon. The protagonist's golden fingers are wide open, making the candle dragon recognize the master. At night, the parents of the cub come over. If it is wrong, the person who comes is the patriarch of the hidden dragon clan in Yunmengze, a female dragon.

The patriarch originally wanted to bring the candle dragon cub back, but she had never seen a human being, and the clan’s appearance was too hot, after seeing the handsome male protagonist , and fell in love at first sight, and since then followed behind the male protagonist, according to Lin Yuqi's view, his essential attribute is a face control.

Lin Yuqi is still very confident in the appearance of Demon Zun, and it is not much better than the male protagonist. She didn't believe that the other party could still like the male protagonist.

Lin Yuqi thought that Chu Junli should also come back.

Sure enough, within a while, the sound of thin footsteps came from the woods behind, Chu Jun's breath was getting closer, Lin Yuqi keenly found that there was a strange dragon beside him interest.

It seems that Chu Junli has brought the candle dragon cub back, Lin Yu waving his sleeves at the collar, leaping a few steps, stepping on the top of the tree, and walking along Chu Junli The direction from which it came is far away.

Chu Junli was long in coming, he pushed aside the staggered branches in front of him, and saw the yellow light shining in the bamboo house on the grass, and the dim light reflected on the ground outside the house through the window lattice.

He reached out and moved the small candle dragon coiled in a circle on his shoulders, with a soft tone: "We're here."


In the deep forest not far from the bamboo house, the moonlight passed through the leaves and sparsely shone on the wet and muddy ground. The breeze brought coolness, the branches trembled slightly, and a few leaves fell quietly.

The sound of two quarrels was also accompanied by the cool breeze.

One person said: "Xiaotian may just go out to play and return to the cave in a few hours."

The sound is powerful.

Immediately afterwards, another crisp female voice sounded, with a rebuke: "It was obviously your carelessness that he let him run away. If something happens to the eclipse, see how I punish you!"

The man she reprimanded was silent, and the two continued to walk forward.

The depths of Yunmengze are the habitat of a hidden dragon race. They have never been in contact with the outside world, and the farthest place they have traveled is only the edge of Yunmengze.

Huagu is the current patriarch. The one who got lost today is the only cub of the candle dragon in the clan. The name is "Heavenly Eclipse". Without a trace, he still hides his aura to a very small extent, making it very difficult for the adults in the clan to find him.

The painting bone walked forward along the path in the forest, his eyes constantly wandering around, not missing a trace.

Suddenly, the man beside her pointed to the front, didn't know what he saw, and said in surprise: "Patriarch, look!"

"Is it a celestial eclipse..." Kagu raised her eyes to look, and when she saw the scene in front of her, her beautiful eyes were wide open, and the words she had not finished disappeared into the wind.

There is a deep and dark forest in front of me. This is what Huagu has always seen, but it is slightly different today.

The little fluorescent light shuttles back and forth among the leaves, and if you look closely, it turns out to be a group of silver-white moon butterflies. A young man dressed in azure clothes stands under the tree, with long hair like a waterfall, only a white hairband is loosely tied behind his head, his eyebrows and eyes are as delicate as the drizzle in March, his demeanor and actions are agile and clear, and his tenderness is vivid. , there is a kind of androgynous mysterious beauty.

He raised his hand and took off a long leaf on the branch, the slender jade fingers were whiter and slender than a woman, the moon butterfly swept over his hair, lifted a strand of hair, the beauty frowned slightly, Looking up at the moon butterfly in the sky, her cherry lips lightly opened: "Don't make trouble."

Huagu straightened his eyes and couldn't recover for a long time. He didn't wake up until he heard Lin Yuqi's voice.

She exclaimed: "The people are good-looking! The voice is also good!"

The man beside her looked over hesitantly: "Patriarch, we are going to find the eclipse."

The implication, patriarch, you have been looking at beauty for too long.

Drawing a bone and annoyed him: "Nonsense, of course I remember, isn't this the right way? When I go up and ask, maybe he will see a eclipse!"

She stepped on the leaves on the ground and walked towards Lin Yuqi. When she was three or four steps away, the painting bones became shy again, and did not dare to approach any more, facing Lin Yuqi hesitantly Said: "Beautiful...beautiful, you..."

Lin Yuqi secretly evoked a smug smile, sure enough, I'm still prettier than the male protagonist.

She gave the painting a gentle look and was about to speak.

Suddenly, Chu Junli's magnetic low voice came from behind:

"Lin Yuqi, what are you doing?"

The author has something to say:Guiding the way column, campus cookies "How to break if the same table is painted" please pre-receive acridine

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