Live Beautification System

Chapter 65 Restoring the Computer

On the second day of the festival, it is customary to go to grandma and grandpa’s house. The night before, Ding Mu's aunt's cousin Xu Dacheng sent a WeChat message, "Dingzi, bring me the high-end notebook you bought for me to take a look at."

Ding Mu refused: "I have privacy, so I won't show it."

"Please, let my brother take a look. You know I'm obsessed with technology. You can delete the privacy first."

"It's troublesome to delete it. I probably won't be able to delete it all in one night. I won't show it." Ding Mu continued to refuse.

"It's easy. You just quickly format it. I'll give you a recovery tool. Once you restore it, you can get everything back. And it can be automatically classified. Besides, what kind of privacy can you have? I promise not to read it."

"Okay, okay, I've convinced you, I'll take it with me tomorrow." Ding Mu agreed.

The system installed on Dingmu's Alien notebook is fully compatible with Windows system software and other operating systems. Ding Mu originally thought it was the Windows system. After careful study, he discovered that this system seemed to be different because the computer housekeeper had never checked for vulnerabilities.

Ding Mu picked out the most important things, compressed and encrypted them, copied them to the mobile hard drive, and then formatted the hard drive.

Ding Mu's so-called privacy is not only the photos he saved to the E drive, but also the mysterious origin of the notebook itself, and his biggest secret, the real-person beautification system. However, it seems that the interstellar network was disconnected last time, and it is impossible to download that kind of software anymore, and Ding Mu also wants his cousin to help study this magical computer.

The next day, when they arrived at grandma and grandpa's house, the two brothers had been studying this alien notebook.

Ding Mu's cousin Xu Dacheng is a computer major at Beijing University of Technology, a hardware geek and a third-rate hacker. According to his preliminary judgment, this notebook is really a bit mysterious and uses a lot of technologies that are still in the laboratory, such as graphene. The laptop screen seems to be made of a special material, a graphene soft screen, and the battery has a long battery life and super fast charging time, and it also looks like a graphene super battery. The hard drive appears to be a 10TB solid-state medium, all laboratory-grade products, slightly ahead of its time, but yet seemingly within reach.

Xu Dacheng looked at it for a long time and sighed: "This thing of yours is too precise. If it were mine, I would definitely find a way to dismantle it and think about it. But I don't dare to touch your thing, I'm really afraid that it will be dismantled and not reinstalled." "

Ding Mu was also a little afraid of the emergence of some incredible black technology, and said along the way: "Then let's not touch it, let's go and eat."

While eating, Ding's mother Lin Yu asked, "Dacheng, isn't this notebook that Ding Mu has been waiting for a long time and insisted on buying, not worth it?"

Xu Dacheng said truthfully: "No, it's really worth it. As far as I know, some of the hardware inside is still in the laboratory stage and has not been mass-produced. A hundred thousand yuan is really too cheap. It's strange. This appearance Does Xingren Company have any new patents on graphene technology? I’ll look into it later.”

"Really, it sounds like it's really worth it." Lin Yu didn't know much about this aspect, so he said to Ding Mu, "Don't take it to school, or throw it away again."

"Don't worry, I won't take it to school." Ding Mu thought to himself, he couldn't buy this computer for more than a billion, not to mention hundreds of thousands.

Ding Mu's grandfather was a scientist with very advanced ideas. Hearing this, he helped: "Well, I agree with spending money on high-tech products, but you must pay attention to preventing theft and don't lose them."

"Don't show off to your classmates, build a good relationship with them." Ding Mu's grandmother added, "How is your relationship with your dormitory classmates?"

"We're all very familiar with each other. Don't worry, grandma, I've always been very popular."

They were told to study and chatted with each other, and the day of reunion seemed to have passed just like that.

In the evening, Dingmu's parents returned home and rested in the master bedroom.

For Ding Mu, it was still early and he couldn't sleep. I found a recovery software and prepared to restore the contents of my hard drive. Generally, data recovery is relatively slow, so you can see the ultimate performance of this machine.

I originally thought that the recovery speed of this high-performance notebook should be very fast, but the speed was much slower than expected. The content that was originally less than 100G actually showed nearly 1T of data. There are many more files.

Ding Mu couldn't help but smile bitterly and said to himself: "This is not a second-hand computer. Someone has used it before." He clicked on a file and it actually opened. It looked completely garbled.

"Hey!" Ding Mu suddenly trembled, as if all the sweat pores in his body had opened and then closed, and he was completely sleepless. Because Ding Mu was surprised to find that he could basically understand the meaning of these garbled characters. Because these so-called garbled codes are all alien characters! As for me, who owns the real-person beautification system, I seem to have a language pack in my head, and I can understand the meaning of most words. It's just some things that are obviously professional terms, and I can't understand every word.

These things, like my own real-person beautification system, should come from an alien civilization!

Ding Mu calmed down, arranged the files in order by size, and then started reading the files with the smallest file size and the shortest content.

This document with the shortest content is particularly important to Dingmu. It is a diary for a period of time: the Earth Wandering Diary of Knight Mathiha from the Named Star.

It turns out that my alien laptop was made by this alien who was extremely sloppy but had great chivalric principles. He encountered abnormal fluctuations while flying in the wormhole of the universe. After the spacecraft was damaged and all the energy was exhausted, he relied on his physical skills to control the spacecraft and glide to the earth.

In order to repair the spacecraft, find energy, and restore the power of the spacecraft, Madiha lived on the earth for a period of time. Named star knights strictly abide by the laws of the universe and are not allowed to plunder the resources of foreign civilizations. Therefore, wealth must be exchanged for labor, but technology higher than that of this civilization cannot be brought into the world.

It turns out that in the world of Knight Madiha, everyone has application software loaded into their brain, and because of limited brain capacity, generally everyone can only load a few of the most necessary applications. According to different functions, the prices also vary quite a bit.

Mathiha's brain is loaded with the extremely expensive Explorer suite application software, so he also has strong language skills, disguise skills, computing skills, programming skills and some simple machine repair skills. Unfortunately, his brain does not have enough space to install the brain access version of "Spaceship Maintenance Engineer Professional Edition", so he can only download relevant information files and study it slowly by himself.

Ding Mu realized one thing. Even on the planet of Knight Mathiha, it seems that installing human body access software such as "Explorer Suit" and "Spaceship Maintenance Engineer" in the brain requires a high price, but I don’t know what price my “real person beautification system” will cost.

Ding Mu held down his pounding heart and continued reading the diary. It turns out that this foreign visitor is disguised as an international wage earner on earth. First, he worked for a geek IT company and borrowed the company's hardware to develop a prototype. Later, he connected to the cosmic star network through this prototype and downloaded a lot of scientific and technological information for repairing spacecraft.

After that, according to the information, Madiha served several emerging high-tech companies, borrowing the company's facilities to complete the development of some new materials, and repaired all his spacecraft components that needed to be replaced.

Before leaving, Madiha still needed a laser igniter to successfully start controllable nuclear fusion to recharge the spacecraft. The equipment needed to transform this kind of laser igniter is quite expensive. I had no choice but to make several copies of the prototype I developed and sell them through e-commerce platforms.

Madiha believes that there are not many resources on the earth, but this native civilization with mysterious legends and a complete history of technological development is just in the period of the great explosion. Although the overall technological civilization is very low, it has some very novel and unique features. A feasible theory. These creative powers are the most precious treasures in the entire universe.

To encourage growth will stifle creativity. According to the laws of the universe, high-level civilizations are not allowed to import technology to low-level civilizations at will. This is precisely why.

In the end, Knight Mathieu, who was accustomed to using this kind of technologically advanced peripheral device from three hundred years ago, once again made a mistake and forgot to close the e-commerce payment channel. He could only put away the only memorial on earth, the prototype of the Zero electronic computer. , also remains on the earth, this is the one in my hands.

The last modification time of the file happened to be two days before I got this laptop that changed my destiny. Ding Mu smiled and said to himself: "Dear Knight Madaha, you are not only careless in forgetting to turn off the payment channel, you also forgot to turn off the star network and delete the data. You are still in the universe with such carelessness. I’m so lucky to be alive today.”

After reading the diary, Ding Mu pulled his hair in pain when he saw the information that Knight Mathiha had not deleted. The amount of data is simply too large. And I can only read it, I can't input these alien words at all.

Yes, there is a way. Copy and paste keywords, then search, then classify them first, and then think about it.

It has to be said that Ding Mu, as a Chinese with strict higher education, is very capable of overcoming difficulties. He quickly classified them according to the titles of these documents.

The most core and largest document is the spacecraft complete maintenance manual, followed by various maintenance items and materials used by Madiha when developing prototypes, mainly including new energy technology, atomic-level 3D printing, Materials technology, laser technology, communication technology, and information on the development of electronic computers and operating systems, etc.

Ding Mu suddenly felt that his back was soaked with cold sweat, because I am afraid that any one of these technologies can change the pattern of the world. It may make some rich and oily resource empires go bankrupt, and it may create a market value Top tech companies. But what's even more pity is that I am probably the only person in the world who can understand some of these texts, and at least so far, there is no software that can translate these texts.

In addition to these technological contents, there is also some alien music, which are famous interstellar songs that Madiha likes to listen to when traveling across the stars. Music has no borders and speaks directly to people's hearts. At least according to Ding Mu's experience, in terms of grandeur, there is no one else on the planet.

Guarding the treasure mountain, how to discover it? this is a problem.

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