Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Four hundred and fortieth chapters God's blessing (5k)

Holy State of St. Mestre, Santo Lorraine.

Roa Arkat rode on his horse and headed for the city gate, accompanied by the pagan legions and the judges.

The same lineup, when they entered this holy city, thousands of people surging, countless people came to greet their princess, but when they left, they were silent and cloaked warriors They were silent, and no one knew where they were going.

True warriors are always like this. They guard them in silent places. The blood flowers blooming in the dark turn into prosperity. In this regard, the world and the extraordinary are common. There is always a price behind the peace, just like Shia. general guidelines.

Fortunately, the pagan legion is not a powerful force that has attracted much attention, and the judges have long been accustomed to keeping a low profile. Ya understands why.

In the end, it's the difference in experience.

Whether it is a perseverance sect specializing in the mercenary business, or a power sect that lived under the siege of cultists in the past, there seems to be a natural relief from death, and the harsh living environment makes them have a strong ability to resist pressure. As for the Inquisitors, they were the most devout Shia, but also the deadliest among the various offices in the Holy See.

In the eyes of the young masters and soldiers, the battlefield is Shura Purgatory, but in the eyes of these people, death is not unacceptable, but the meaning and method of death are what they pursue. The officials hoped to end up on the road of eradicating evil and returning to Shia's arms after death.

No matter what the strength, any army with such a spirit can be considered a buildable teacher, because on the battlefield, experience and technology can be accumulated, but the heart of steel is difficult to learn, not to mention that these are real warriors.

The silent team passed through the city gate and left under the watchful eyes of the people who made way for the road nearby. The playful children thought it was a caravan going out, talking auspiciously and begging for copper coins.

Naturally, they didn't know that the tall woman who threw them the small bag was a master enough to become a general. The old man who smiled and looked at them was a soldier blessed by the gods. Only the guards who felt the strange aura on the city wall were able to let the conscientious people find out. This team is slightly different.

Extraordinary, all of them are extraordinary, and they are all warriors above source level 5. This may not feel real to ordinary people, but in the eyes of soldiers, it is unimaginable, even the most elite of the teaching nation. The Knights are nothing more than that, and this is why Roja and others are low-key.

In fact, the current stable travel is the result of Roja and Noelle's joint consultation, and the teenager does not want too many people to notice their existence.

The mobilization of the army is important information, and the base camp of both sides is the place where the spies are the most dense. Although Roja’s thousand-person team may not have an impact on the battle situation in the eyes of many spies, it is not worth taking the risk to pass the news, but It's always right to be cautious, after all, Roja's personal reputation is not small now.

Fame will bring excessive attention, which is inevitable for the generals on the battlefield. Although Roja is famous for his personal strength, he still cannot escape this iron law, and on the blacklist of Eric's family, Teenagers still have the confidence to rank in the forefront, and the possibility of being noticed is very high.

The enemy's focus is an honor like a badge for the generals who are good at fighting, but for Roja, it is insensitive. After all, although Roja's team is strong enough and determined, it is not without weaknesses. , such as lack of experience in the field of large battlefields.

"Rodney, how many people have you commanded the most as a leader in the past?"

On the way, the black-haired boy asked the middle-aged man carrying the big sword, and the answer he got was that when Rodney was the leader of the adventure group, he once commanded a team of about 300 people, but on the other side, there was no such thing. Wood, the old village chief who has experienced this kind of experience, has two hundred people up and down.

Obviously, the upper limit of the two people's command has stopped at the level of the village fight. Although the mountains and rivers they can fight are broken, the number of people is still a small-scale battle, which cannot be called a war.

The better one is Cynthia, the head of the mercenary regiment. This tall and slender beauty once commanded 500 people to crusade the bandits. It is enough for the level of the frontier war of the minor nobles.

As for the judges, needless to mention, there are very few cultists like Brian last time, and scumbags can’t trust scumbags. It’s good not to stab them in the back. Therefore, most of the judges have strengthened their ability to act independently. Their fighting experience may be much higher than that of ordinary warriors, but they need a good leader when operating in a group.

It seems that Roja has to admit that he is the only one who has received formal training. Although he is not a professional, he is good at home.

Yes, Roja did not learn about battlefield command and other knowledge in the well-known school of St. Freya College, but in the study in the Akate consulate. It is better to say that this is the traditional education of the Akate family.

A family that can do nothing as long as it has military expenses must have a reason for its formation, and Roja thinks that the reason is probably in education. In fact, in his memory, the course of military theory seems to be more accessible than extraordinary power. It's early, and it's not bad creatively.

The enlightenment education of the Akart family is to play military chess, and it is divided into many different versions according to the difficulty. The initial enlightenment version is like chess in the previous life, and the final version is no different from the military map.


In this world with extremely limited means of entertainment, this is what children play as toys. It is hard to imagine that when you grow up, you will not be interested in military affairs. In fact, the Akart family has indeed produced many famous generals, and it is also firmly established in the era of no awakeners. Sitting at the top of the military.

Usually Roja and Alyssa play a simplified version of military chess before going to bed, and every time Katia comes home, she will play a big game like an exam. Although Roja basically loses every time, he also makes him Learned a lot.

Of course, just like the ancestors of the Akart family, they are getting better and better on paper. After a long time, they will naturally want to be real, and Roja has indeed commanded the battle to exterminate monsters, which is to take over the development of the territory. In the second year, the boy commanded 3,000 people to lead the defenders to clear the wolves in the southern forest.

At that time, Roja was not accompanied by Petra, the king of holy beasts, and Gulandal was too fuel-hungry, so this battle was a real command battle, and the effect was not bad, but after that, Luo Ya has never used his talents in this area again, and the reason is very simple, because the law and order in Akate's territory is really good.

The bandits from the Holy Nation of St. Meister would rather go around the bends than come to Akate. This is famous. After all, except for the Akate family, no noble family would be as happy as the Chinese New Year when they saw bandits, and they were even afraid that people would run away. , Passing through the territory, they have to go out to chase and cut them all night.

This kind of behavior of the Akart family is often interpreted as hatred by the outside world. However, as the so-called family understands their own family, Roja understands the feelings of their ancestors. In fact, they just want to beat the real cs, and after so many generations of efforts Next, the bandit leaders from all over the world have also had an epiphany, and they will not provoke this group of madmen if they are killed.

Recalling the family's clean territory, Roja let out a helpless sigh, thinking of the excitement in the battlefield that he was about to have the opportunity to display what he learned. Ya Academy took military courses, and more importantly, there are some precious memories of past lives in his mind.

Thinking of some of the military tactics of the previous life, the young man is inevitably excited, but as the saying goes, if you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools. As a commander, Roja doesn't want to go to the battlefield empty-handed, and it turns out that the system is also In no mood.

【First Battle Commemorative Event】

[The horn is playing, the drum is beating, the first battle is tempered in troubled times, and Nirvana is in the fire of war]

【50% off the whole site】


【Intuition of the military god】

[The special intuition of the blessing of the war god, the special skills of the battlefield, the hostility generated by the gathering of a large number of enemies with strong morale will be sensed by you in advance, like a light on your back]

[Price: 150,000 gold coins]


[Price: 75,000 gold coins]


【The majesty of the God of War】

[The special majesty of the blessing of the military god, the special skills of the battlefield, when you are on the battlefield, anyone who disrespects you will suffer from the coercion of the gods. No matter your opinion is correct or not, no one dares to despise it]

[Price: 200,000 gold coins]


[Price: 100,000 gold coins]


[The coldness of the military god]

[The exclusive calmness of the blessing of the War God, a special skill on the battlefield, will be forced to restore calmness before making major decisions, and meet the upcoming challenges with the most rational situation]

[Price: 150,000 gold coins]


[Price: 75,000 gold coins]

Note: You can only have one skill in the God of War series. After the exchange, the rest of the skills will disappear automatically. Please pay attention to the host.


Yes, this is the system support that suddenly popped out in front of Roja when he decided to go to the battlefield. Since it is a skill-based blessing and is permanent, the classification belongs to the [Gold Coin Exchange Area], and among the many options, the most conspicuous These are the three [God of War] series.

Obviously, nothing is more reliable than the blessing of the war god, and according to the description effect of the three skills, it can be seen that they are all very practical types, but unfortunately, Roja can only Choose one of them.

Roja attached great importance to this choice, and he intuitively felt that it seemed to be a major choice that would determine his future, so the teenager conducted a careful study.

The first is the [War God's Intuition]. The so-called intuition is generally something that can save lives, and the same is true for this skill. Enemies with strong morale gather in large numbers. This situation generally occurs in two situations. One is when the main force of the enemy is encountered, and the other is the eve of being attacked.

Identifying the position of the enemy's main force in advance in the chaos of the army can be said to be a skill that many generals dream of, and the other one has played an unparalleled role in preventing the attacked battalion, and it is even possible to use this skill to counter the general's army. , in short, no matter which of these two situations, it can be said to be a miracle in the moment of life and death.

The second skill, [War God's Prestige] is also very effective. This is a magical skill to establish personal prestige. In fact, for the current Roja, the direct benefit of this skill should be the greatest, that is, The so-called voice and prestige.

The right to speak on the battlefield is, to a certain extent, direct power and military strength. You must know that there are not many thorny generals in the army. Normally, these require the accumulation of age and military exploits to be able to convince the public, but With the blessing of the military god, you can skip these steps and get results directly.

In the eyes of the enemy, having such a majesty of an enemy general is obviously a blow to morale. This kind of dimensionality reduction blow can only be possessed by famous generals who have been victorious in every battle, and may even have a direct impact on the battle situation. God's Prestige] can achieve these two points at one time, which shows its power, and from the price point of view, this skill is also the most expensive.

The last [War God's Leng Shou], this skill seems to have a limited effect, it seems that it only allows people to immediately regain their calm and make rational decisions, but after careful study, you will find that this skill has a hidden advantage, that is, it The activation condition is before a major decision, which means that Roja can judge the importance of the next decision in advance with the activation of this skill.

If you look at it from this perspective, this skill is a bit like a prophet. After all, the battlefield is in chaos, and important decisions are often made inadvertently. If you can know in advance the huge impact that will be caused, you will have a chance to save the day.

After reading it carefully, Roja is coveting each of these three skills, but the reality is often not so beautiful. I want to say all of these words, but the system will not pay attention to it, and consider it from a realistic point of view. , If these three blessings are concentrated on one person, it is simply called the existence of a military god, and it is too dangerous.

After a long struggle, the black-haired boy stared at one of the skills, and finally made a choice with gritted teeth.

[Pay 75,000 gold coins to get the skill [Intuition of War God], please confirm]


"I choose yes."

【Completion of payment】

【You have acquired the skill】

At the moment when the choice was made, an inexplicable enthusiasm flashed on the boy's body, and the other two skills in the system turned into gray that could not be selected, and the boy who made the choice finally breathed a sigh of relief. The idea is completely firmed.

Roja finally chose the skill of [God of War], not because this skill is better than the other two, but because the boy felt that [God of War] was more suitable for him now, or that this skill is not too strong. negative impact.

[Military God's Prestige] Although powerful, it also mentioned the risk, that is, too powerful a right to speak may make the army become Roja's word, so that no one dares to question the order of the skill holder, which breeds arrogant The emotions are still small, and if Roja makes a wrong decision and no one corrects it, then sacrificing soldiers for this will make his conscience uneasy.

As for the other [God of War Leng Su], although it is good to have a premonition of important turning points in advance, it may make Roja hesitate because of this.

In comparison, [War God's Intuition] is more like a life-saving and key-marking skill. It doesn't have much side effects to cause alertness, but the corresponding requirements are a bit harsh. It must be a large number of enemies with strong morale. This morale is related to a large number of enemies. 's enemy criteria seem to require further experimentation.

But in any case, Roja got an unexpected skill before going to the battlefield. Roja is still very satisfied with this. Although 75,000 gold coins are really expensive, but fortunately, Noelle just recently rewarded Roja in the East. The reward was awarded for the performance of the environment, and the reserve fund of the Labyrinth Hall was barely enough.

Not long after he became rich, he became poor and white again, which led Roja to suspect that the system was monitoring his wealth value in real time.

【Silver Winged Eagle】

[A masterpiece developed by the alchemists of Karen Kingdom, it can fly into the sky to detect the movement of the enemy. Mithril's wings make it invisible, but be careful not to let it run into the flock of birds]

【Price: 30000 points】


【Price: 15000 points】

After looking at the many items in the favorability area, Roja decisively chose the alchemy creation of the ancient Karen Kingdom. After all, on the battlefield, information is always the key to everything. Where are the enemies and where are the friendly forces, these are absolute To be clear, the invisible high-altitude scout is the best eye.

Prepared the skills and purchased the curse items. Roja's personal preparations can be said to have been completed so far, and the accompanying pagan legions and judges are also strong enough. It seems that everything is ready and only owed to the east wind, but this The black-haired boy is still cautious, after all... the current war is not just a civil war to some extent.

The black-haired boy who thought so prayed in his heart that the battle on the front line would go smoothly. After entering the official military transportation route, battle reports from the front line came one after another, but the news he got made Roja, who had just set out, sank in his heart.

The second fortified battle of Edgar City was defeated.

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