Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Chapter 172 In the name of love (3k5)

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Something is coming. This is something that suddenly appeared in the mind of Roja, who was confused, but it was almost immediately certain. It was a vague feeling, but it was an oppression that could not be ignored. Midsummer suddenly stuck a piece of ice on the back of his neck, depressing

It was like a sky with a roaring wind under the rolling dark clouds. Roja's vague consciousness quickly woke up under the feeling in this device, his golden pupils shrank, and he hugged Charlotte's arm - he tightened it to surprise the girl

"Roja? What's wrong? Where is the pain? The brown-red-haired girl wiped her tears and asked anxiously, but Roja didn't know how to answer. He leaned on the girl's body and looked at the girl in confusion. Haitiantou suddenly found that at the limit of the line of sight, the golden sun disappeared. In the direction where the rising sun should have existed, a black spot in the golden sunlight was expanding, it was like smoke, and it was like a creeping darkness , Under Roja's shocked gaze, the black strange thing devoured-cut, the sun's rays were covered, and everyone on the enemy and allied warships realized that something was wrong. Hey, what is the one on the east?" What?" The sailors on the high pole shouted and reported the abnormality, and the warriors around Roja frowned. The long-term fighting instinct made them feel that something was not right, and Charlotte stopped to help. Roja wiped his sweaty hands and looked back towards the east along Roja's gaze. The crowd's behavior was chained, and more and more people stopped and looked to the east, and the darkening sky was visible to the naked eye. The warships in the battle automatically turned on their lights, the shelling gradually stopped, and the people who received the battle began to divide into two sides to look at each other. "What is that? Say! Above the sea, Isabella roared the gem The trigger was on Gordon's head, but the old man was already hazy, his blurred eyes looked at the dark sky, with a little fear and worship of the gods on his face. "That's why I said, Isabella, don't try to resist, it will only invite death." He follows us all the way, obey the mother god, that is our destiny! God's punishment will purify all traitor

The head of a fanatical believer was shattered in the sound of the bell, and Isabella looked at the corpse that sank into the sea indifferently with a cold tone. "Even the leader of the rebels, you are a king, and you can bow down as a cult to your so-called god, but until then, any

A king must first consider his own people. The brown-haired queen raised her eyes and looked forward. The darkness that covered the sky had already arrived from the distant horizon. The sky was blurry, and the sea was no longer clear. Isabella already vaguely understood what it was. It is the destroyer of civilization, the catastrophe of all beings, and the master of terror who was once classified as catastrophe by ancient civilizations. Bow, Mr. Dark. That is the name given to it by the ancient tree people who were destroyed by it. It is the same specification as the [Six Calamities] that the huge fleet escorted, but unlike the permafrost maker who is only [90], Mr. Dark is a real A full-fledged terrifying natural disaster. It is a mythical monster born from the combination of fire and earth. The darkness that drowns everything is not magic, but it is far more terrifying than magic. It was dust, it was sand, it was dust, it was the fog of death that was born from volcanic activity that shook the earth.

The moving earth, the breath of the volcano, these are the body of Mr. Dark, and the reason why it is almost impossible to contend with. It does not need to attack, only to pass through and leave behind is death and silence. Obviously, it is impossible for anyone to survive in such an area under the attack of a monster. Gordon's humbleness and loyalty have no effect, and his subordinates have only one way to die. "Stupid, so many civilizations have been destroyed by them since ancient times, how can there be no compromisers among them? The rebels may be gone, but how many of the obedients have survived?" Highland elves can continue their blood, don't they? The goddess you rely on, not from these abominable monsters, but from the blood of the human beings you despise. Isabella looked at the distant enemy and whispered, since ancient times, most of the betrayers who eat inside and outside have no good end, let alone betray the entire race? Under the pressure of the sky, the queen looks at the disaster that is getting closer and closer , I thought of the internal speculation of the Sage Society. "I didn't expect to be targeted by this kind of guy. It seems that the conjecture of [scholars] is correct. These guys really have wisdom. Before the wave of destruction, Yi Sabella chuckled helplessly, but after the smile, her face showed calm and determination. "Maybe this is the so-called fate, but even if the balance of fate has been fixed, I, Isabella Sophia will never bow her head! The golden incantation next to the rare heroine soars into the sky, and the ship communication circles over the entire sea area. "O warriors! There is no need to panic at this point. As I said in the past, the disaster of chaos has caught up with us, the footsteps of perdition have approached civilization, and Gordon's false illusions have now been shattered. The target of the far-flung creatures is all the human beings here at this time, regardless of whether they are enemies or foes." It's natural to be slaughtered like a believer, but how can we conquer the sea and defeat the sea clan? Shia Everything in the created world has life and death, even the black monster, so it goes without saying what we are going to do? Isabella chuckled, the magic power fluctuations on her body reached the highest level in history. At the peak, behind her, the Goddess of Destiny stretched out her hand to hold up the scale, ten golden chips representing glory were pressed on the steep side, the scale trembled, and at the same time all the golden battleships trembled." , I hope that when we are old, we can remember this battle heartily without regrets, I hope that we can lift our chests to tell the younger generation about the heroism of the battlefield, but there is no need to fear even if the success is lost, I am with you ! "Let him see - come down, human backbone!

In Isabella's roar, the golden battle

The warriors on the ship raised their swords and shouted. Facing an unprecedented and terrifying enemy, the battle-hardened warriors shouted like a catharsis, and the combined voice was like a tsunami. In the shouting, a golden ocean appeared under Isabella's feet. It was the brilliance created by human civilization. It was completely in line with the horrors of the ancient times. It shone in the darkness and radiated courage in the hearts of all. Under this disaster, the ships of the rebel fleet stopped their artillery fire, the sailors looked at each other in silence, the captains stood at a high place and signaled to each other, flagged and turned the rudder one by one. When Mr. Darkness strikes, everyone understands one thing, and that is the fact that he is a human being. It is wrong to submit to the horrific calamity because it lacks the basic values ​​of human beings, it has no compassion, and Not an angel, just a simple destroyer. Amidst the shouts of the crowd, the black wave quickly approached, and its scattered body gradually condensed. In the dim sky, a huge gray-black figure rose to the sky, and the boundary of its body was blurred. There was only a human-shaped outline, but the size of the body was huge. But one after another, it occupied everyone's field of vision. Two dim yellow stars lit up in the sky, which were the eyes of a huge black shadow. It looked down at the human beings who attacked him in the vast sea, and there seemed to be meaning in the pupils. "The golden statue!

In this high pressure that can crush people, Isabella stretched her fore fingers, and at the same moment, in the golden waves - a huge icon composed of liquid gold souls rose from the sea, facing the black shadow in the sky. Looking at the huge body emitting layers of rays of light to firmly withstand the destructive smoke. After the breathless silence was maintained for more than ten seconds, the eyes in the sky squinted mockingly, and in Isabella's shocked O spit out a word for the - -th time under his eyes.

Mr. Dark's body suddenly swooped down in the jeering sound, and at the same time, the golden statue also rushed towards the billowing black dust covering the sky and the earth. The battle between the two sides triggered an explosion-like huge wave. "Shoot! Shoot!

The captains who commanded the battleship shouted loudly, and bundles of golden incantation beams rushed out of the bow, and hundreds of golden threads pierced into Black Mist's body like blades. However, even with so much support and cover, humans still have no advantage. The monsters in the sky turned a blind eye to these attacks. Although Isabella's balance trembled, it did not change its direction after all. It's still too weak, if you give me a few more years. The brown-haired woman sighed silently in her heart. The strength of the source level 2 plus the entire golden fleet is the power that can destroy a country, but for civilization In terms of the [Six Calamities] as a unit, it is still not enough. Isabella's eyes were already ready for sleep, and on the ship at the rear, Roja was shocked when he watched this epic battle, but he was extremely anxious. He looked down at the ship with a hole not far away The deck, where the [90] of the Frostbreaker still radiated coldness. There is less than a day before the return, and the only way Roja can think of to survive now is to bring Charlotte and [o] to start the eternal seal plan, although it is likely to be a dead end, but as long as there is- a line of hope Roja Clenching her fists, the brown-red-haired girl on the other side, who was looking at the battle ahead, also understood. No. Such a conclusion appeared in the eyes of Charlotte, who had seen through the veins of the Golden Soul's power, causing the girl to open her eyes slightly. People on the deck came and went, and the sound of intensive artillery fire continued. Charlotte tilted her head slightly amid the noise. , looked at the side face of the young man beside him. In the trance of the imminent catastrophe, Charlotte seems to see the future of the two people, the happiness and tranquility of daily life, the freedom of quarrels and beards when traveling together, the blessings of the elders, the flowers and love of the wedding, and the possible birth of the two people in the future. little life. But unfortunately, these are just fantasies and can never be realized. The roar of the waves is still in my ears, and death and destruction are like silk threads wrapped around their bodies.

The colorful gems are clenched tightly in Charlotte's hands. They are the absolute protection of Xiaoche's disaster. Whether it is the dark monsters in the sky or the countless evils in the sea, it is difficult to break the highest defense of this gemstone spell. . "It's called the Guardian Heart. It's a curse made of seven highest-grade gems mixed with your blood. It's not just a barrier in the traditional sense. When it's fired as a bullet, it's actually more like a curse of the highest order. "Curse?' Yes, a curse, a curse to live. Recalling Isabella's words, Charlotte pushed the one-shot gem into her gun and couldn't help muttering to herself. "Why, did we meet so late? The girl asked, and it was like a sigh. She let go of her arms and hugged Roja on the shaky hull. The emerald pupils and the confused eyes of the boy looked at her. A nominal fiancé, with a reluctant and gentle smile on his face, Roja looked at such a girl, and the conditioned reflex felt a little wrong. "Charlotte?... Darling, live. "Bang! The gem shattered in the sound of the alarm, and the absolute protection shot into Roja's body like a bullet. The next moment, the boy in the colorful light fell into the sea.

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