Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

The 168th chapter stare in the fire (3k)

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The next morning, Roja was awakened by a burst of alarm bells. When the black-haired boy opened his eyes, the gems on the walls of the house were glowing red under the action of the magic power, which made him turn over in surprise. Although there are many gems on the golden warship, it is not the color that usually wakes up the crew. The ruby ​​on the ship represents an alarm. When it lights up, it only means one thing, and that is the appearance of the enemy. The crew's hurried footsteps and noisy pictures came from the corridor, Roja got up and put on his jacket and rushed out the door, seeing Charlotte who also rushed out]. "Roja, it's an enemy attack. The brown-red-haired girl frowned uncomfortably. Roja's face was unmoved, but she couldn't help sighing in her heart. After all the organs were calculated, the danger could not be avoided after all. [Witness Countdown: 24 hours 47 minutes] Looking at the countdown in the system, Roja already knew that there was no way to avoid it. For more than a day, he would either lose or win in a naval battle, and there was no way to delay on land. Thinking of this, the teenager pulled up The girl's hand rushed towards the upper deck. The road was noisy. When the two boarded the deck, they found a group of people turned their heads towards the Oriental Wangluoya. It is a fleet of the same style as the golden battleship but with a completely different flag. The anchor and Jin Puwei floating on the high pole have been transformed into a circle surrounded by six golden light spots under their control. Puwei pattern. There is no doubt that the six light spots are the [Six Calamities] that Gordon and others regarded as the gods. As for the reason why this group of warships suddenly caught up with the golden fleet, Roja also found

sea ​​clan. Under the light of the rising sun in the east, the strange-looking tentacle monsters in the sea are gradually sinking into the deep sea. Those who hate strong light will only appear on cloudy days, but they have no interest in the battleships that can be reached around them. Obviously, the sea monsters and the rebels headed by Gordon are in the same group. With the purpose of recapturing [then], they have joined forces with the sea clan and truly become the second and fifth sons of the human team. "Gordon should not have The ability to communicate with the sea clan, why would that group of cubs help him?

"Gordon's words are indeed impossible, but our enemies are not just them." Isabella, surrounded by sailors, looked at the enemy ship from a distance, her eyes full of solemnity. "I'm afraid it is a trick of the Shengjie Society. Come on. Her Majesty said so loudly and issued an order. Dozens of warships began to set sail in the broadcast sound to gather up formation and take advantage of the position. Hundreds of silver eagles on the ship flew in the sky to observe the enemy's situation, and the detection under the water also followed closely. In the distance, Gordon's fleet was also turning urgently. The captains personally damaged the rudder, trying to keep parallel with the warships of the Golden Fleet, so as not to be targeted by the bow gun and sent to the bottom of the sea, one of their preparations. Many hours have passed, and the two sides are getting closer and closer in the negotiation. Under the circumstance that they both know each other's tactics, no one will take the initiative to become the target of the main gun, and close-range shooting and the battle will become the main theme. The sailors of the ship had their arrows ready, the soldiers on the side of the ship took up their shields, and at the moment when the nerves of both sides were tense, there was a sudden light on the Saint Mary. From the St. Martin. Isabella looked into the distance, her eyes fell on the gray-haired old man on the bow of the flagship opposite, she thought for a while, and finally opened the device gently. "The good father is gone. , Isabella.

The old voice sounded, greeting the brown-haired queen, and also began the first and last communication before the war. "Isabella, you should know that our family is inherited from the blood of the highland elves, the blood makes us honor, and the source quality [loyalty] that comes with it is the source of our strength, the mother goddess, that is our ancestors in the past The great existence of allegiance is the most prosperous time of our family. Only by regaining the beliefs of the past can we regain the glory of the past! Gordon Sophia's old face is covered with a layer of red, he looks forward, in dozens of ships Under the watchful eyes of tens of thousands of people on the battleship, they shouted loudly. "For thousands of years, the prosperous world has become a thing of the past, and destruction is inevitable like fate. The power of the mother goddess and the gods is far beyond our ability to compete, and human beings are like tired eggs. , relying on the strong, obeying fate, and regaining our loyalty, this is the way of our existence! The old man looked up at the sky as he said this, with awe in his eyes, the sea was silent, and the sailors looked at each other, [Loyalty] Essence and the cruel reality made them cringe a little. If it is justifiable, if it is powerless to fight, then it seems reasonable to stand on the side of the strong. Gordon's words undoubtedly shake the will of the soldiers. - Bu stood at the highest point of the bow, looking at the end of the waves. Don, don't play this trick again, maybe the ancestors did serve the mother goddess, but don't forget that all intelligent races were the sons of Shia before that, if regaining the faith of the past can make us strong, then this People can only be primordial goddesses, as for the fate of destruction, don't make me laugh

"For thousands of years, the world's master has changed hands several times, but the civilization remains the same. Where is the invincible goddess in your mouth now? [Who controls one of the six disasters? Humans may not be strong enough, but destiny But you are still far from the outcome, what qualifications do you have to talk about the future of mankind, who bowed your knees before this?" Isabella looked back at the dozens of ships behind her who were watching her subordinates in the distance. It seems to see the history of the birth of this huge fleet. "You think we don't know the strength of the enemy? No, we know, and we know even more that this mission is extremely dangerous, but as the most powerful maritime group and the best-preserved army of human civilization in existence, we ourselves represent civilization. We are the last defenders of the entire civilization at this critical moment when life in the northern human world is ruined. When our descendants look back on history thousands of years later, they will be proud of our courage!" "Under the balance of fate, Gods and men, all things are equal, put away your false words, Gordon!'

Sabella's powerful counterattack echoed in the fleet, causing the sailors to raise their swords and cheer, and the white-haired old man's expression became more and more gloomy in his words on St. Martin in the distance. "I'm not afraid of being obsessed, stupid, and it seems that I have nothing to say. Well, I really don't have anything to say to those who have lived for more than two hundred years and can still betray. Let the sword be my farewell gift to you. The brown-haired woman raised the corners of her mouth mockingly, and waved her hand and gave a loud order the next moment. ls "Aim all, fire freely! The order was given, and the bell to start war was also sounded. The two sides had been repressed for a long time when the final communication was fruitless. The roar of the war intent came out completely, the sound of the humming of the ship was like a roar, and the golden light beams surging on the sea began to lasing back and forth between the two sides. It has to be said that the main guns of the ships are not very profitable, and none of the experienced captains are fools. There are hundreds of guns back and forth, and very few ships were hit.

The main gun has not achieved much, but the weapons in other places have made great achievements.

Under the guidance of the golden warships, the gem mines that were put into the sea in advance were detonated, and the violent explosion sounded from the bottom of the sea, and the water splashed in and out of the sea for several meters. The children on the firecrackers swayed back and forth, and many people were thrown directly into the sea. In serious cases, the ships even began to flood into the water on a large scale, and the speed dropped sharply in one breath. The fact that the Golden Fleet did not attack for more than an hour is not the time to prepare for Gordon with respect for the old and love for the old. In fact, they are measuring the current and wind direction. Although the sea is the same in Roja's eyes, But in the eyes of these navigators, the first step to occupy the top of the ocean current is to occupy a high point. The Vice began to shout loudly. "Divers! Go on deck! Amid the shouts of the chief mates, the platoons of sailors with weapons similar to spear guns stood on the side of the ship, their bodies surging with magic power, and under Roja's surprised eyes, their necks were Stripes of warmth appeared, and scales began to appear on the body. [Water Gills], [Scale Protection], [Temperature], one by one, diving tactics were executed one by one under the command of the chief officer. With the help of professional spells, ordinary sailors in a short period of time turned into warriors no less than scale people. They plunged into the sea like a fish in water. Swimming quickly in the direction of the rebel fleet, launching an attack from the bottom of the boat, Roja looked up and saw that there were crowds of people on the deck of the rebel watch team, and dumplings were also falling.

Undercurrents are surging in the deep sea, and the soldiers of both sides began to fight in the dim water for sea power. Above the sea, the pioneers of the rebel fleet that had survived several rounds of blows were approaching, and the soldiers in the cabin activated the small assistants on the flanks. The guns shot at each other, sawdust splashed in the explosion, the archers on the masts shot across the sky, and the knife and axemen on the deck also prepared for the fiercest hand-to-hand combat. The chaotic sound of explosions, waves, and shouts of killing spread throughout the entire sea area, causing the black-haired boy to tighten his sword-holding hand. He looked at Fang Xi in the control room and looked at the countdown system. , once again set your goals firmly in mind. Protect Charlotte and go back safely. The boy who thought so leaned against the wall outside the control room and stood up with his sword. For some reason, although there were no enemies nearby, there was always an uneasy anxiety in his heart, and in the boy's worry, the strange white robe on the bow of the ship in the distance. The young man also opened his eyes with white pupils. "I saw her." He said lightly.

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