Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 42: Night Grass

All the rest of the wine was poured into his stomach. Jian Heng already had a conclusion in his mind, so he took out his phone and called the lawyer, asking him to come over tomorrow morning and bring the documents from the ranch when he came.

Putting down the phone, Jian Heng grabbed the phone and was stunned for a while.

"Hey! The money debt is easy to pay, but the love debt is hard!" Jian Heng sat back on the chair, picked up the bosom and put it to his mouth, and found that there was no wine, and the bottle was empty.

I want to take another bottle, but I don't seem to want to drink anymore after standing up, and my whole person is lazy as if in a kind of emptiness contradiction.

Jian Heng understands that this is the old guy Anders who has seen through his character. If it were another person, the old man would never give up the ranch in this way, because the choice of most people would be to sell the ranch and take it in exchange. Million dollar chic and merry go.

However, Jian Heng knew this but he couldn't do anything about it, because he knew that if he gave up the ranch, even if he lived too comfortably in the future, a thorn would grow in his heart! Being capable but not being able to repay the favor, Jian Heng estimated that he would spend his whole life worrying about this matter.

The kindness of dripping water should be repaid by springs, let alone the kindness of saving lives!

Repay kindness with kindness, and repay grievances with grievances! This is Jian Heng's usual style, and it is also Jian Heng's simple outlook on life.

Not to mention that there is something like a secret realm now, even if there is no such thing, the old guy left Jian Heng the ranch that owed a lot of debt, and Jian Heng would use all his strength to save the ranch.

For Jian Heng, it's one thing to come back if he can't be saved, another thing if he doesn't try his best. What Jian Heng wants is peace of mind. Comfort life.

In fact, there was nothing to say about this matter from the very beginning. His temper was there, and the result was already doomed. It's just that Jian Heng still had to struggle in his heart, a little bit of heartache, a little emotional, etc. When everything is over, the result will come out.

It has been settled. In a sense, this ranch belongs to Jian Heng from now on. The ownership of it by the Anders-Lee family has ended, and the Silent Lake Ranch has ushered in its second owner. Surname - Jane.

It was really boring, Jian Heng remembered that the rabbit from home was still in the secret space, so he stretched out his hand to get the rabbit Erhu out.

Putting the two tigers on the ground, Jian Heng bent down and looked at it and said, "From today onwards, this is our new home, go, go and play, you guys are fine, this big place is enough for you to roll around Already!"

Erhu blinked his red eyes and looked at Jian Heng who was motionless, just curled up on the ground.

"What are you doing? You are still waiting for me to serve you carrots? Don't think about it in the future, kid. Say goodbye to carrots. It's all grass! It's free, go, eat grass!"

Speaking of this, Jian Heng couldn't help laughing: "Finally, I've made some money back, and I won't have to spend money on buying carrots anymore!"

After all, taking over the ranch from my own side, I still have to owe hundreds of thousands of dollars. Now because I don’t need to buy carrots to feed the rabbits, this guy Jian Heng took a long time to make a profit, and he actually became happy. He didn’t know this Is there something wrong with the brain circuit all of a sudden?

He grabbed a piece of weed and put it near Erhu's mouth: "Here! Don't you eat everything, if you have the ability to eat all the weeds in the entire pasture!"

Erhu opened his mouth to bite the grass stem that Jian Heng handed over, moved his three-petal mouth a few times, and the grass stem went straight into Erhu's mouth like a draft. In the blink of an eye, the grass stem It was eaten by Erhu.

Eating grass is not uncommon for a perverted rabbit who can even eat plastic bags. After Erhu finished eating the grass stalks, he ran to the nearby weeds and began to eat happily.

In a flash, I ate one clump and then rushed to the next clump.

Jian Heng started to look around,

Having worked on the ranch before, Jian Heng naturally knew what should and should not be in the ranch.

Turning around and returning to the porch, Jian Heng's face turned green, because he found that the ranch not only had no cattle, but even some basic daily necessities, such as simple lawnmowers, balers, tractors, etc. , and now there is not even a hair left. You must know that these things used to exist in pastures.

"Bastard!" Jian Heng cursed secretly, without thinking about it, Jian Heng understood that this time it was the bank's fault, and when the cattle and sheep were auctioned, they also sold the old guys from the ranch.

You must know that this thing is inconspicuous, but it is impossible to buy a complete set without a 40 or tens of thousands. Even if it is a second-hand one, it will cost more than 200,000. Although American cars are cheap, agricultural machinery is not cheap at all.

After thinking for a while, Jian Heng said to himself again: "This lawyer can no longer be used!"

As Anders' original lawyer, Jian Heng wanted to continue using it, but now it seems that this person can no longer be used.

Based on Jian Heng's understanding of the old man, since he wants to keep the ranch for himself, these agricultural machinery and other things will definitely not be suppressed, and they will not be auctioned, because these things are cheap to sell, and if they want to buy them back It is difficult. Now that the bank has sold it, there must be something wrong.

As for whether the lawyer benefited from it, Jian Heng didn't have to think about it at all, just because he didn't value the client's property, Jian Heng would never use him again.

Having doubts about the lawyer in his heart, Jian Heng no longer hesitated, and immediately called his current lawyer, asking him to help take over the legal affairs of the ranch.

Again, everything can be saved in the United States, but attorney fees must not be saved if one has the ability.

Taking over the legal affairs of Jian Heng's ranch surprised Jian Heng's lawyer, because the laws of each state in the United States are different, and he is from New York. His small business is not worth his running.

"Well, my classmate from Harvard is now working as a lawyer in Kalispell, I can contact him if you want!" The other end of the phone replied.

"Oh, that's fine!" Jian Heng felt a little unhappy when he heard that, but he didn't show it in his tone.

The other side of the phone said: "Let me remind you first that he had some bad reviews before. Although he was not qualitative in the end, his reputation in the industry was affected a little, but I can assure you that he is a good lawyer!"

"Can I know something?"

Hearing what he said, Jian Heng felt even more displeased. He said this, but he thought in his heart: You are my lawyer. Thought I couldn't afford it?

To say that what Jian Heng thinks is really reliable. Originally working as a lawyer for Jian Heng was a little utilitarian, flaunting the diversification of his own clients, but now Jian Heng does not mix it up. Originally, this The first person wanted to fire Jian Heng, the boss. Later, Jian Heng got a car and wanted to continue working. He went to Montana again and planned to buy a bad ranch there.

This lawyer has read the information on that ranch, and he doesn't think that Jian Heng has the ability to bring such a ranch back to life! Originally, he was thinking about how to resign, but now that Jian Heng himself delivered it to his door, the lawyer naturally wanted to catch him.

"It involved an office scandal, but it was not confirmed in the end, but he couldn't get along with HSD, so he transferred to Kalispell's law firm."

"Okay, then you can ask him if he is interested, and if so, please call me as soon as possible!" Jian Heng hung up the phone quickly after hearing a response from the other side.

Before making the call, he changed a lawyer, but now he has changed two lawyers in succession, Jian Heng's mood is a little bit uneasy.

The unhappiness will soon disappear, but the money in his pocket will be spent soon. This cannot be resolved in a short while. Jian Heng has to put aside such trivial things as changing lawyers and start counting. I don't want to think about how to make money, but to make a lot of money as soon as possible.

It's easy to think about ways to make money. Didn't someone say that all profitable businesses are written in the criminal law, and the greater the crime, the higher the profit.

It is impossible for Jian Heng to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars in a few months unless he wins the lottery.

Now the problem Jian Heng is facing is that he must earn it. At least he must earn nearly 300,000 U.S. dollars in inheritance tax in January next year. Continuing to expand, a reliable estimate is that Jian Heng will need at least 600,000 US dollars to support the pasture, which does not include the cost of the pasture until the calf is marketed next year.

Six hundred thousand dollars, this is not something that Jian Heng, an ordinary person, can earn seriously!

Jian Heng felt that if he didn't do something, maybe next year the ranch would be named after the bank again.

The so-called man has no external wealth and is not rich, and a horse has no night grass and is not fat. For Jian Heng, who was once sold to the United States to do hard work, the answer is very good. He wants to live and live freely. There is a bit of original sin in his body. Is it a thing? What's more, it's still in the United States. As long as a bunch of politicians and chaebols are allowed to set fire, Jian Heng, as an American citizen, can't light a small lamp?

"Fuck it!"

Jian Heng quickly decided to do it. It would be a waste not to engage in illegal and criminal things if you have a secret realm. Besides, the trap here is also the United States. For a person who still has a registered permanent residence in China, it is psychologically difficult Not a huge problem.

Jian Heng comforted himself by saying that he only regarded himself as contributing to the rise of the motherland.

Starting to think about crimes in his mind, Jian Heng went into the house, opened another bottle of wine for himself, and thought about it while tasting.

"Sell some big noodles?" Jian Heng made a list in front of himself.

Draw it out casually: "This is outrageous!"

"Why don't you be the head of a snake yourself?"

Jian Heng thought for a while and then drew it out: "Doing this will save your life!"

"Get some black guns from Maozi?" Jian Heng thought of another way.

But he quickly shook his head again: "This thing is not reliable!"

Firstly, Jian Heng has no way to buy guns, and secondly, he has no way to sell them! If you don't rely on both ends, how can you do it?

"Yes!" Jian Heng's eyes lit up, he thought of a way, and suddenly smiled.

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