Little Farmer Big Star

469 All kinds of breaking news

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Questions at the press conference continued. "Sky" Lai "Fiction Ww" W. ⒉

The first question asked by the various media was Hu Fei or Liu Yunshan, but their main purpose today was not these two.

Because they all know that these two people are old rivers and lakes, answering questions is not leaking, unless he intentionally leaks some information to you, just like the question of whether Gu Yong is on the crew just now.

Otherwise, it's hard for you to get useful information in their mouths.

Therefore, the main purpose of the various media today is Li Ying and Lin Rui, these two women who have been attracting attention on the Internet.

And especially Li Ying, a student at school, obviously it should be the first time to experience such an occasion. It should be relatively easy to ask about something that everyone is interested in.

"Excuse me, Li Ying, everyone knows that the reason why you were able to get the audition machine huì was because of a mysterious man. Who is this mysterious man?"

Li Ying has been very nervous since the press conference to the present. What she is most afraid of is that reporters will ask her questions, but she also knows that reporters will definitely ask her questions.

Before the conference, Hu Fei had analyzed and predicted what questions the reporter might ask her, and had already told her how to answer it. This question was also in Hu Fei's prediction.

But even though she knew how to answer, she was still nervous. This was the first time in her life that she answered questions at a press conference.

Hu Fei felt Li Ying's nervousness and cast an encouraging look at her. Li Ying felt Hu Fei's encouragement, and the nervousness in her heart really eased.

He opened his mouth and replied, "I don't know his true identity. I am full of gratitude to him. He is the leader of my film and television career."

This answer was like no answer. Naturally, the reporter was not satisfied and asked, "Excuse me, Li Ying, why did that mysterious man give you the opportunity to audition?"

Hu Fei was the first to answer: "I will answer this question, because the mysterious man thinks that Li Ying's image and temperament are very consistent with Ah Qing, that's all. We must have seen the makeup photos on our official website. Since After reading it, you will naturally know that what I just said is true. Well, Li Ying really doesn't know about the identity of the mysterious man, and the reporter friends can change the question. "

It's just that if reporters can easily let go of this issue,

Then they're not entertainment reporters anymore.

Another reporter asked: "Excuse me, Li Ying, Director Hu did not deny that Mr. Gu Yong was in the crew before, so can we think that the mysterious man is Mr. Gu Yong?"

Li Ying smiled lightly, she was no longer nervous at this time, and replied: "I, like you, very much hope that he is Mr. Gu Yong, but it is very regrettable that we do not know the answer."

"Then may I ask Li Ying, how old is that Mr. Mystery?" the reporter asked again.

Li Ying thought about it and answered truthfully, "Very young."

"Very young? That's right, everyone generally thinks that Mr. Guyong is very young." All the reporters were overjoyed again, this is another very attractive news gimmick, presumably all martial arts fans, and even many martial arts writers They will all be very interested in this.

Many reporters have already thought about the title of the report in their minds.

I didn't expect to get so much news about Gu Yong today, which is really a big surprise.

"Excuse me, Li Ying, many people in the outside world are now questioning your acting skills. Do you have anything to say about this?" The reporter asked again.

Li Ying replied: "I am a student in school, and some people question it, I understand it very well, and I can't say anything about it, but I just thank everyone for their attention to me, and I will try my best to play this drama well to repay everyone. ."

Next, reporters from all sides turned their attention to another woman, Lin Rui, who has been attracting attention from the outside world.

"Excuse me, Lin Rui, what do you think is the most important reason for you to play the role of Xi Shi this time? Is it because of your appearance?" a reporter asked.

Lin Rui was actually quite nervous. It was the first time she attended this kind of press conference. Although she had acted in several TV dramas before, they were all small roles and were not qualified to attend the conference.

Besides, the popularity of those TV series is completely incomparable to that of "The Sword of the Yue Girl", and there are only one or twenty media at the press conference, which is like now, dozens or hundreds of media gathered.

Fortunately, she was also prepared for these questions. She heard the words and replied: "Appearance must be one of the reasons, but not the main reason. Specifically, I think you should ask our Director Hu."

"Excuse me, Lin Rui, your makeup photos are perfect, but to a certain extent, it's also due to your clothing and styling. So, have you ever met someone who gave advice on revising your clothing and styling?" another reporter asked .

Just now Hu Fei said that Gu Yong was the one who gave advice on revising the costumes and styling. If Lin Rui replied that he had seen it, then it was obvious that Gu Yong was indeed absent from the crew.

It has to be said that these reporters are worthy of being reporters, and they will always ask you some provocative questions.

Lin Rui was already a little nervous, but now that she heard a reporter ask this question, she didn't know how to answer for a while. Of course, she had seen people who suggested changes to her clothing and styling, and now she was sure that it was Guyong.

It's just that she didn't know whether Gu Yong would like to let the outside world know about his work in the crew, so she didn't dare to answer, so she cast Hu Fei's eyes for help.

Hu Fei laughed and answered the reporter's question: "I'll answer this question, Lin Rui has indeed seen the person who suggested changes to her clothing and styling, and that person was me, Mr. Gu Yong proposed changes, It was through the costumes and stylists that I relayed to the actors."

"As expected of an old fried dough stick." All reporters sighed in their hearts.

Next, after the reporters from all sides continued to ask some other questions, the press conference of "The Launching Ceremony of the New Drama of "The Sword of Yue Girl" officially ended.


The press conference was just over, and many reporters had no time to leave, so they rushed to the scene to write articles. One after another, the reports appeared in front of all martial arts fans across the country.

"Heavyweight! Mr. Gu Yong appeared on the crew of "The Sword of the Yue Girl", suspected to be personally checking for the TV series "The Sword of the Yue Girl"!"

"Heavyweight! The costumes and styles of the actors in "The Sword of Yue Girl" were designed by Mr. Guyong himself!"

"Hu Fei, the chief director of "The Sword of the Yue Girl": Gu Yong made me understand, what is a real martial arts drama?"

"Hu Fei: All the previous martial arts dramas are not martial arts dramas in the true sense. The upcoming "Yue Jian" will be the first."

"Heavyweight! The mysterious man who auditioned for Li Ying, huì, is most likely Gu Yong!"

"Faced with doubts from the outside world, Li Ying said that she will do her best to play "The Sword of the Yue Girl" and repay everyone!"



(To be continued.)

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