Lisko’s American Life

798. Discharge status

A week passed slowly, and Zhang Li and Xiao Fulan had returned to the castle from the ward of the hospital. Perhaps the biggest feeling of having a child is that there are more happy times every day, and the number of guests at home has changed. There is an endless stream.

Colt Rooster, Wen Liang, and all the presidents of Lisko's companies came to visit. Of course, the accompanying gifts were also indispensable. These were all given to the little princess of the empire, Fran.

Her boss has only one child, and little Fran is the eldest daughter without any accidents, and her position in Lisko's business empire is definitely not low.

So everyone is willing to show their goodwill, and the highest level of flattery is not to shoot the boss, but to shoot from the people around him. This kind of smooth and silent way of flattering will also save everyone from taking a lot of detours .

What's more, the thing that a parent is most proud of is their own children. If you don't know what topics to talk about with a parent, then there is nothing wrong with praising each other's children.

As for what Colt originally said about the hard work of raising a baby and the crying in the dark, Lisko didn't realize it at all. Because he is the only child in the two families, both Li Feng and his aunt love little Fulan to the bottom of their hearts, and they don't want to let go when they hug each other every day. They sleep with grandma at night, and sometimes they are beaten. The aunt was snatched away, and the biggest job of Zhang Li and Li Ke was to protect their bodies and make out with their daughters in their spare time.

And Li Feng also inevitably left his job of cooking.

With a high salary, Xin Si finally found his place to play, cooking Chinese food in different ways every day, hoping to gain everyone's approval. Li Feng praised his cooking very much. Although there were always some problems with adding too much seasoning, he could barely eat it. Under her and his tireless guidance, Xin Si's cooking skills also improved by leaps and bounds.

Li Ke had just sent away Su Maofei who had rushed over from China. This old classmate brought greetings from everyone in the class. The presents alone were full of two large packages.

It can be said that little Fran has received everyone's attention and love since she was born, and I believe her future life path will be smooth sailing.

Since Zhang Li returned to the castle, she has also started to pick up her own fitness habits. Every day, she can't let go of all kinds of yoga equipment, and her diet has changed from the original big fish and meat to bland. She hopes that she can Being able to restore some figure in the fastest speed, so that I can look better when I go on camera in the future.

However, the role played this time is a mother who has just given birth, and there is no need for much adjustment to the current figure. Being close to the character is also an important basic skill for an actor. This news from the director also made Zhang Li slightly relieved, and he was not so urgent about exercising.

Because he knew that he would start to travel for work after confinement, the time Zhang Li and Xiao Fulan spent alone increased a lot during this period. Every time he hugs his daughter and sees her peaceful and pleasing to his eyes, Zhang Li is overjoyed.

The difference from the birth of children in other families is that there are enough people in the castle, so the pressure on the parents is greatly reduced. Whether it is changing diapers or making milk powder, these tasks are all taken care of by Li Feng and his aunt.

When Colt saw that Lisko looked like tea and didn't feel tired at all, he asked about his doubts. After learning about these daily operations, he couldn't help but cursed the big dog in his heart.

Money is still very useful and can save a lot of trouble, and the medical staff originally hired by the castle have not left for the time being, and they check up Zhang Li and the baby on time every day, and this kind of life will last until the confinement period.

Many people think that the custom of confinement is not practiced in the United States, which is just wrong. Many middle-class families in the United States are used to confinement, but their confinement lasts forty days, which is different from the thirty days in our country, and they have no restrictions on blowing and bathing.

Regarding the matter of Zhang Li taking a bath, Li Feng did not agree at all at first. After all, according to his point of view, taking a bath and blowing the air during the confinement period will definitely cause great harm to the body in the future, but after getting the castle After specific answers from the Chinese medicine nurses, the prohibition was lifted, and Zhang Li changed from the stinky confinement in his memory to the current one where he just needs to maintain a happy mood to get through this period with ease every day.

Qu Qing lived here for about half a month after Zhang Li returned to the castle, and then moved out of the castle.

Her ranch was completely completed half a month ago, furniture and so on, and she also remotely controlled Lisko to help purchase and install them. The formaldehyde problem was also inspected by professional inspectors, and a harmless report was obtained. It's a safe stay.

The life of Li Ke's dad is also unfolding at a leisurely pace. After a month of recuperation, Zhang Li's body has gradually recovered. After he went to the doctor to get the test report, he immediately packed his bags and bought a good After purchasing the air ticket, we headed towards the pre-arranged crew assembly location.

It has been three months since the film crew sent Zhang Li an invitation for the heroine. During this period, the crew has been waiting for the return of the heroine. Others' scenes have been roughly completed, but Zhang Li's task is very difficult. Nei finished filming his part, and then successfully sent it to this year's Berlin Film Festival after the director's post-production.

In order not to delay everyone's time, her attitude was very urgent. Even though Li Feng and Zhang You asked to stay, they still couldn't stop her explosive professionalism.

And Li Ke also got his own task, which is to hold his daughter and make a video call with Zhang Li at a fixed time every night, so as to relieve her lovesickness.

Recently, the team has also made rapid progress. Although it is still in a bad stage, all the tasks assigned to Tim by Lisko have been completed by him. The famous Ritian player has never changed since ancient times. The Warriors became a member of the Nuggets.

Judging from the current lineup, I believe that the Nuggets in next year's playoffs will definitely get the praise and praise they deserve, and at the same time become one of the teams in the league with the strength to compete for the championship.

Yao Ming's physical recovery is very fast. According to Tim's work report, he has basically recovered and is currently in the stage of losing weight. Only by maintaining the weight of his body can he avoid injuries in the next season.

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