Limitless Sword God

Chapter 533: Desperate valley (below)

In the dark room, a quiet plate sits a woman dressed in green clothes. The woman's face is like an orchid. It looks like a silk, her eyes are like stars, her eyebrows are like a willow, her body is graceful, she is beautiful, she is a good one. The beauty of the buckle.

Feeling the movement outside the house, she stood up, snapped her finger and walked straight out of the house.

Just looking at the chaos outside the house, a lot of disciples of the desperate valley are running, everyone's face is full of panic and loss.

The white-browed fan was slightly moved, stopped a disciple, and whispered, "What happened?"

"Come into the valley!! Come into the valley! Come and escape quickly." The disciple’s voice trembled and his face shouted palely. The whole person seemed to be scared and stupid.


A long sword was placed directly on his neck. He only looked at the white face and his face was cold. He said: "Speak well."

This cold sword spurred the disciple like a steel needle. He was a spirit and looked at the face of the white fan. Then he came back and took a few breaths and forced him to calm down. He said: "White and white sister. There is a great power to kill the Beiyang major chambers of commerce to form a coalition army here to kill the valley owner was severely wounded by the great power, can not stop, and flee, the sister, we flee."

“Power? Chamber of Commerce?”

The white-faced fan condensed a few points and said: "Where is the valley owner?"

"I have already returned to her cultivation place. The elders and disciples in the tree have passed, but I can't stop this, but I want to save my life. I still have to leave the desperate valley. Master, do you want to follow? I am leaving? If I don't follow me, then I have to go."

After that, the man did not care about the white fan, and turned his head and turned to the outside.

However, I did not run a few steps, and suddenly a shuttle bus came over the sky with a thick green light, like flying over the vast arrows, falling straight here.

With a bang, the light fell to the ground, and then I saw a figure rushing out of the green light and slamming the palms of these desperate valley disciples who wanted to escape.

But listening to the screaming sound of 噗噗噗噗 噗噗噗噗 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Just listen to the person who is cold: "The desperate valley faces the enemy. Everyone should work together to fight against the enemy. At this time, the escaper is betray the desperate valley and should die!!"

His voice was cold and cold, and the rest of the disciples were shocked, and they were shocked, and they no longer dared to move.

The white cockroach stunned the man and found that this man was the second disciple of the sorcerer, Qiong Gong. Qiao Gong is not as good at making swords as Muzi. He is best at boxing. Although he is a fist, he does not take strength as a long, but takes poison gas as a long-term. Therefore, people call Qiong Gong a poisonous fist.

Seeing the white fan at the end, the cold face of the poisonous punch Qiao Gong immediately calmed up. He walked over and said, "Bai Shimei, are you okay?"

"Jiao Gong brothers please rest assured that the fans are innocent, but what happened in the end?" Bai Yufan asked.

"Nothing, the teacher and the girl are relieved, but there is a traitor who has harmed Master, but the Master is also innocent. When we wait for us to sort it out, we will kill all the thieves and let them know the fate of the desperate valley. Sister, you I will hide behind my brother, I will protect you." Qiao Gong said earnestly.

"I want to meet Master."

"Now? Well, the ability of the younger sister is not bad, maybe Master will have any important responsibility for you." Qiao Gong nodded, and then led the white fan to the outside.

The white fan is close behind.

After a while, the two came to the place where the old witch was practicing.

The man in a brown cloak has left, a group of people are surrounded by a desperate old witch, waiting for her schedule.

Seeing the white scorpion fan coming over, the desperate old witch nodded with a gratification: "Hey fan, you are coming, just be there to play with that power, you will be by my side, your talent is the best here. All my moves are taught to you. Although your cultivation is better than me, the strength is absolutely not bad. After a while, you will use the "Seven Poison Swordsmanship" taught by the teacher to assist Master to kill the big one. Can you know?"

The white fan didn't make a sound, just nodded lightly, and stood on the side and stopped talking.

Soon, the desperate old witch began to act.

In the middle of the desperate valley, the seven huge and incomparable demons are still taking apart the trap here.

The spiritualists who are well-versed in the Chamber of Commerce gathered together to help Su Yun break the battle. There are seven giant bone giants in the front row. These trappers are more relaxed than usual, and here they gather in Beiyang. The elite trappers of most chambers of commerce, everyone working together, this is passed down as a terrible trap, and now it is no longer so terrible.

No one has attacked the desperate valley with so many chambers of commerce experts.

The traps were rejected one by one, and the presidents of these chambers of commerce did not have any embarrassment. Any magic weapon that could help to break the traps was sacrificed, and they saw the whole dark and desperate valleys, and the sounds of various explosions and artifacts kept ringing.

Su Yun is still at the forefront. He feels his brain is getting hotter and hotter. There is only one thought in his heart, that is, killing the deadly old witch and revenge for Long Xianli.

The seven giants seem to feel the anger of Su Yun, and they are almost inexhaustible. Any traps are bombarded by their iron fists. Some fragile traps will be broken directly, and it will not be able to start.


Just then, a strange fog drifted in the valley inexplicably, almost in the distance between the counts, swaying the entire valley, people's line of sight fell wildly, almost reached the point of reaching out.

"Who is this release of mystery??"

Someone shouted.

"I don't know, no one in our Chamber of Commerce will use this kind of mystery!"

"It must be a ghost of a man who is desperate!"

"Which power, please clear this fog quickly!!"

Around the fog, people shouted, and some people who controlled the nature of the wind and disease began to spur the mysterious, intending to blow away this breath, but for a long time, still do not see this breath spread.

It seems that this is not an ordinary fog.

Su Yun sinks his face, stares at the surroundings, closes his eyes slightly, and brings his hearing to the limit to listen to the movements around him.

But what is disappointing is that there is no movement around.


Suddenly, a very loud voice suddenly swayed from the valley.

Everyone's nerves are tightening a few points.

Just watching the white haze suddenly twisted, and then the thick fog gradually dispersed.

Su Yun stared at the scattered fog, and suddenly found out that when he could not see half of the people around him, even the seven giant bones disappeared.

He tried to use the imprint to summon the seven giant bones, but found that the imprint seems to have lost the link with the giant, no matter how he motivated, he could not get a little touch.

How is this going?

Su Yun, who is full of killing in his heart, frowned.

But at this moment, a slight footstep sounded suddenly in front of him, and then two people appeared to come here.

Su Yun hurriedly looked up, but only a glance, his face showed a very horrible madness.

I saw the dead old witch holding the rattan stick in one hand. The stick was covered with a pale, white woman. The woman looked painful, her eyes were unassuming, and her hair was scattered, as if she had been tortured by others.

And this person is the dragon fairy glass.

"Let her go!"

Su Yun’s nerves seemed to be provoked, and the blood in his eyes was even worse. He clung to the dead sword, and the dark sword trembled wildly, as if he would leave his hands at any time.

"Don't let her go? I think the beauty is beautiful. If I let her go, will you let me go through the dead valley??"

The old witch smiled.

"She is not dead, why should I deal with your desperate valley? I am here today, only for Long Xianli, if you do not let her, or she has a three long and two short, I will kill you!!"

Su Yun bite his teeth.

He did all this, just for Long Xianli, how is the desperate valley, how can he care?

"Ha ha ha ha, you turned out to be a seed of infatuation, not bad, but it is also a temperament, my wife, I like it, but the mouth said nothing, although your cultivation is inferior, but the strength you show can make the wife I can not No defense."

The old witch said with a smile.

"What are you going to do?"

Su Yun is sinking.

"It's very simple." The old witch smirked and his eyes narrowed. "If you want to be self-destructive, leave here, then I will let her go."


The dragon fairy glass at the end shouted: "Don't listen to her. If you abandon it, we will be killed by the old witch. Don't listen to her, don't do it."

Long Xianli said while crying, his voice was heartbreaking.

"Do you want me to leave like this??"

Su Yun stared at Long Xianli and bit his teeth.

"Sure enough, there is love and righteousness!" The old man couldn’t help but nod his head: "Unfortunately, you are an enemy of me today. Otherwise, I am very willing to accept you as a disciple. Kid, don't waste time, quickly and automatically Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless."

After that, the cane wand that was held by the desperate old witch suddenly heated up, and it seemed that the dragon's head would be smashed at any time.

But this time, Su Yun no longer hesitated.

I saw him wave his hand, and the dead sword twirled in his palm, and a dark breath sprang from the sword.

The old witch saw it, and there was a strange light in her eyes. She stared at the dark sword, seemingly waiting for the sword to pierce the chest of Su Yun.

However, the next second, the sword suddenly disappeared.

The old witch’s nerves were pumping, only to feel a pain in the chest, looking down, and suddenly found that the dark sword did not know when it was inserted in his chest.


(New Year is coming, everyone is happy! \\(^o^)/~)

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