"Jingle bells, jingle bells";

Ma Yibo, who was still eating, rang his mobile phone, picked up the phone and looked at it, and the note was that it was Brother Wu.

"Yibo, busy or not, let's have supper together later";

After Wu Yuanfang greeted Ma Yibo in Zhongguancun, he returned to the car and apologized to Rebus.

In fact, Rebus is also very curious, if it is just An Ruotong's explanation, although it can be explained, but he always feels that there are still some things he doesn't know;

everyone has his secrets, and Rebus doesn't plan to get to the bottom of it.

In fact, Wu Yuanfang was able to make up his mind to invest in millet with such a high valuation today, and he was also influenced by Ma Yibo, so he made up his mind

; this time, the purpose of coming to the capital is to negotiate the investment in Xiaomi, in June this year, Xiaomi was valued at 4 billion US dollars;

This price, if Ma Yibo knew, would also give Wu Yuanfang a thumbs up, even if it is now valued at 7 billion US dollars, it is still very profitable

; after Xiaomi goes public, it will be at least ten times the profit, and this period of time is only six or seven years;

the most important thing is that Xiaomi is the light of domestic products, and the Chinese people are proud.

"Brother Wu, hello, I'm eating, if you have time, you can also come over";

"Or when I'm done eating, I'll go to your side";

Ma Yibo also has a very good impression of Wu Yuanfang, not only the other party's conversation and temperament

; the most important thing is that the other party can get out of the car to greet him in the afternoon, which can indeed show that the other party

is a grateful person; such a person is undoubtedly worth befriending;

although I don't know what Wu Yuanfang does.

"Okay, you send me your location, and I'll come over with Sister Tong."

After asking Wen Xinyue

, Ma Yibo reported the address to Wu Yuanfang, and through navigation, Wu Yuanfang told Ma Yibo that it would take about half an hour to arrive.

"Sister Xinyue, two friends will come over later, and everyone will get to know each other together";

"Actually, you must have heard of those who came";

"Last time I rescued a little girl in Yangcheng, it was the little girl's parents who came."

Ma Yibo saw Wen Xinyue's puzzled expression, and hurriedly explained

, after all, he suddenly came to the capital, and at night, someone asked him to have supper, no matter how you look at it, it is a little abnormal.

"Yes, I was only fooled by your more than one million just now, and I forgot to ask you about the righteous and courageous deeds";

"When I saw the news, I couldn't believe it, I watched it several times, and finally I saw the introduction about you, and I believed it";

"How do you feel that you have been to Yangcheng for a few months and experienced more things than we have in the past few years";


After finishing speaking, Wen Xinyue also laughed;

her cousin has a talent, no matter how she thinks about it, it is a thing worth celebrating.

Ma Yibo and Wen Xinyue are not only fellow villagers, they are not only cousins and brothers, but also teachers and friends, and there are many topics.

"Mr. Ma, hello, I'm still coming to disturb you so late";

Wu Yuanfang walked into this restaurant full of Qin Province, glanced left and right

, and saw Ma Yibo and the three of them; however, Ma Yibo turned his back to the door and did not see it, and Wen Xinyue and Hao Gang did not know each other, so they did not say hello;

it was not until Wu Yuanfang and a beautiful lady behind him wearing a snow-white mink coat and diamond earrings in her ears walked up to him and called out that Ma Yibo came back to his senses.

"Brother Wu, don't say that I am Mr. Ma and Mr. Ma, just call me Yibo or Pony";

"Sister Ruotong is really getting more and more beautiful, it seems that my life's event is to trouble Sister Ruotong to introduce me to a beautiful young lady";

Ma Yibo is not too unfamiliar with the two, maybe the hero sees the same thing

, or he saved their daughter, with this relationship, he is closer than other relationships;

"By the way, let me introduce you, this is my cousin Wen Xinyue and my cousin-in-law Hao Gang";

"Sister Xinyue, brother-in-law, these two are Brother Wu and Sister Ruotong I just told you";

Ma Yibo introduced both sides to each other and added a few new dishes at the same time.

Wen Xinyue actually didn't want to stay, but she was afraid that her cousin would be deceived, so she also stayed and waited together to see if the other party was a good person.

"Yibo, this is good, you really don't seem to have a girlfriend, I'll go back, pick one for you, absolutely beautiful as a flower";

An Ruotong is really not a little wary

of Ma Yibo, the reason is not because of the other party's judgment of the general trend, but because he saved Tongtong,

which is enough to make An Ruotong full of trust in Ma Yibo.

An Ruotong continued to laugh and laughed, not only does An Ruotong not only have a good aesthetic for dressing, but also Xi learned how to match

clothes; Ma Yibo is tall and big, so he is not suitable for wearing that kind of short style at all;

on the contrary, it is more suitable for the wide clothes of the windbreaker, which can not only reflect the height, but also show the temperament of the person;

Although the word temperament is mainly set off from the inside

, but at first glance, it is definitely people who rely on clothes and horses to rely on saddles;

there are so many women on the street, why the probability of beautiful women being accosted is much higher than that of ordinary women, the reason is the first impression of the outside.

"Haha, Sister Ruotong, this is popular now";

"Actually, I came to the capital in a hurry today, forgetting that the winter in the capital is so cold, this dress belongs to my brother-in-law, otherwise I would be trembling talking to you now."

"By the way, you husband and wife, why did you come to the capital";

Ma Yibo didn't know much about Wu Yuanfang and the others, but he just felt that the other party's family was better

; and he was also a little curious when he appeared

in the capital at the same time; he came to the capital by himself because the money he made in the stock market yesterday was in his pocket, and he hurried over to invest today, so he was worried that the investment byte would be the first to get on the bus and not be able to get on the car

; however, in fact, he was indeed taken first.

"Well, I went to Xiaomi today and talked to Rebus about something."

Wu Yuanfang didn't feel anything, thinking

that this was a very normal thing; but Wen Xinyue, Hao Gang, and Ma Yibo were different, and they all felt that the other party was bragging

; Is Rebus something you can see if you want to?

Rebus's name can be described as a famous name in the domestic Internet field;

and Wu Yuanfang actually said that he was going to talk to Rebus about things, can this not be shocking?

Especially Wen Xinyue, she immediately became a little disgusted with Wu Yuanfang's feelings

; bragging doesn't make drafts, why don't you change to someone that everyone doesn't

know; bragging, bragging, we don't know anyway;

now, this cow will be broken as soon as it is poked.

"Brother Wu, look outside, is there a cow flying

?" Wu Yuanfang didn't react yet, he looked up at the door, and An Ruotong began to laugh secretly;

he poked Wu Yuanfang and said, "Far away, the other party said you were bragging?"

An Ruotong really couldn't hold back her little and laughed in front of everyone, I didn't

expect Ma Yibo to be so cute.

"Yibo, you are not kind, if you have something to say, you will say it clearly, and you will turn around and scold me";

"Am I bragging

to you about this?" "I came to the capital with Ruotong this time to invest in Xiaomi, and when I greeted you in the afternoon, I was in Rebus's car, or Rebus drove it himself, what is there to brag about?"

Wu Yuanfang was actually very puzzled, isn't this normal, what's all the fuss.

"Brother Wu, it's almost over, bragging is still addictive, Rebus will drive you personally, why don't

you take what you can?" "By the way, I'll ask, who are you, a big guy in someone's family, can you drive for our ordinary people"?

"With this kung fu, it's better to wash and sleep early, you have everything in your dreams."

Bragging is almost enough, and if it is exposed, then change the topic

; but you are good, you are still struggling with this, what is the meaning

? Don't you see that Wen Xinyue next to you is already displeased?

What kind of friends you make can also reflect from the side what kind of person you are;

just now, Ma Yibo also set a model for Wen Xinyue and the two of them to start a young business, but now they are being ruthlessly slapped in the face by Wu Yuanfang's bragging.

"Yibo, you don't know who I am"?

Now, not only Wu Yuanfang is unbelievable, but An Ruotong is also a little incredible

; a person's words can be faked

; but it is difficult to fake their expressions, especially at the moment of the two of them, if they want to fake, it is not ordinarily difficult; it

can only be said that Ma Yibo really does not know their identities.

However, it is Ma Yibo who doesn't know their identities and treats them so warmly, that is, he is sincere, not trying to use them

; although they are also willing to help Ma Yibo;

"I know, Wu Yuanfang and An Ruotong, Tongtong's parents";

This is how Ma Yibo knows the two of them.

"Well, it seems that the business card I gave you last time didn't have our company name printed on it, and it was my problem";

"I thought you knew us?"

Ma Yibo was a little confused, his

brows furrowed.

Are you awesome

? I have to know you?

I didn't say this, but Wu Yuanfang could feel it.

"This is a business card for going out to run errands, give you one, and you will understand";

Wu Yuanfang did not say that he was Yuanfang Group and Yuanfang Investment, but just gave Ma Yibo a

business card; and this business card is completely different from

last time; last time, although it was gilded, it looked very tall, but

only the name and phone number; and this time on the business card, there was not only the name and phone number, but also the name of the company and the position:

Wu Yuanfang, deputy general manager of Yuanfang Group and general manager of Yuanfang Investment.



"Brother Wu, no, you are actually the general manager

of Yuanfang Investment?" "No, Wu Yuanfang, Yuanfang Group, you are the son of Wu Tianxia, the boss of Yuanfang Group"?

And Yuanfang Group, not to mention the profound heritage, in the last network tearing war, Yuanfang Group and Yuanfang Investment once again appeared in the limelight, and Ma Yibo was no exception.

How powerful the Yuanfang Group is, maybe Wen Xinyue in the capital doesn't quite understand, but he has lived in South China for many years, especially the Yuanfang Group in the previous life, and he is a giant existence, can Ma Yibo not know what this means?

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