Level Up Legend

Chapter 175

level up legend

- Volume 7 Episode 24

Chapter 24

Jang Ho-seong was constantly moving.

If Kim Hee-min becomes stronger by exploring the truth about magic, he becomes stronger as a monarch.

By dealing with the race behind the scenes and prospering the race, his power becomes stronger. He was the prerogative of being the first monarch of the race.

There are only a few who can become the race behind the scenes.

He had to have a deep heart.

There should be an opportunity to become the race behind the scenes, and I didn't have to be a villain who couldn't wash away my sins. However, he had to find subtle ones who were not completely virtuous.

Nevertheless, the number of races behind it was steadily increasing.

There were many who died embracing a grudge in Kalon, which was going to be a mess.

They absorbed such people and developed them into a new race.

- Whoa.

Or make them into slaves to obey until their sins are washed away.

Summon number and call power.

In that state, Jang Ho-seong went looking for people.

Those who were strong and who intervened late in this matter were the targets.

He didn't have to create a race.

As Lee Hyeong-jun allowed, it was enough to attract those who could become the enemy's strength.

He could listen to what his enemies used as weapons.

It was enough to show the power of Lee Hyeong-jun to those who needed money and to those who needed stronger power.

It was only difficult for him to attract only those who had special debts to the Federation.

Nevertheless, he attracted many.

Yet there were still many. As much as he moved, the League began to move with power. The reduced number was restored again and was done.

There were certainly many strong men in Kalon, which moved with explosive magical power.

‘It will be over soon.’

It wasn't long before his monarch Lee Hyeong-jun returned.

Enemies have gathered, and they are raising their power. This is the time Hyungjun Lee is waiting for.

Maybe this will be the last time to attract people.

Jang Ho-seong is half-gambling.

‘Here you are,’

I floated into the barracks of one of those who felt the most powerful.

He was in a spirit state and reconstructed his body from the moment he entered the barracks. It only took a few seconds.

In the meantime, the opponent seemed to have realized the identity of Jang Ho-seong.

“Are you walking around carrying scary things? Is it you?”

It was a question with many meanings.

* * *


One of the strongest among the strong ones selected by the Federation. He was still leading the strong.

He was looking at Jang Ho-seong with his clear, firm eyes.

“Can you see it?”

“I don’t feel it. and those you carry.”

“He was a wicked man.”

“You are not worthy to judge.”

“I admit it. Nevertheless, he has the power to judge.”

“Fun.”In-seo looked at Jang Ho-seong for a long time. He floats around him.

-Ugh... … .


He also looked at his slaves, who were tormented and paid the price for their sins.

There was no fear in his eyes.

He observes for a while, then opens his mouth.

“It could have been cut off when it first appeared.”

"know. But he didn't. In fact, can you feel it even outside the barracks?”


“So was it.”

The closer you are, the more certain it feels.

Inseo. He's a strong person even Kallon recognizes. Even Jang Ho-seong is a strong person who has to mix his hands.

Varian, the strongest of the mercenaries. He expected it to be on the same level as him.

‘It’s beyond my imagination.’

He was the real strong man.

There was a reason why countless powerful people had mixed swords and recognized him. There is no other force more attractive than strength to those who live on the knife.

If so, it was said that Jang Ho-seong could stop the strong people coming and going.

Still, the seal didn't stop it. Even when he runs out of power he must lead.

“But was the child alone?”

“It left me with a choice.”

“It’s a choice… … .”

“There are quite a few people who have been taken by force. Unbelievable nonsense.”

For a moment, Ho-Sung Jang saw hope. I didn't know if I would be able to attract Inseo too.

This guy is strong.

He attracted many strong men. But he does not have only kanji inseo.

If he got out and turned this way, he was bound to get a blow, no matter how much Kalon's nations were.

Jang Ho-seong asked with a little excitement.

“Then do you have any plans to get out too?”


But the answer was just the opposite.

"Hmm… … .”

Jang Ho-seong looked at him for a long time.

Inseo was the first to open her mouth.

“I have no intention of changing it. So go back.”

“You leave it as it is, but you don’t come out?”

"okay. It would be fun to mix swords with strong people like you.”

“There are many strong people. Even if it’s not like this, we can stick together.”

“… … It will not be a life-or-death battle.”

Are you crazy?

Unlike the others, In-seo is at a level that allows Jang Ho-seong's power. Lee Hyeong-joo's ability beyond Jang Ho-seong will also be able to intuit.

And you already know the power they have.

Still, he declined this offer.

‘It’s okay.’

The mere reason to face the strong cannot be explained.

If he had been the type of person who likes to fight, Inseo wouldn't have been hiding in Kalon.

He would have rather wielded a sword and swept away Kalon. It must have been rumored that a mad swordsman would kill the strong.

He had that kind of power unexpectedly. Either way, one of your own body can pull it off, and it has the power to get out.

The real reason he didn't come this way was obviously something else.

“The debt I owe to joint life ends when I die.”

“It’s impossible to know.”

“Kick. The world is always unpredictable.”

Jang Ho-seong spent the whole night trying to convince him.

Even if the offer was rejected, In-seo responded by laughing and chatting for a long time, wondering if the conversation with Jang Ho-seong was enjoyable.

just the end.

"Can not help it."

“It’s impossible to know.”

I just didn't choose to turn to Lee Hyeong-jun's side.

“On the battlefield… … .”

“That will be the end.”

“I’ll send you clean.”

After convincing In-seo, Jang Ho-seong had no choice but to resign.

He had neither time nor room to attract others who would come later. He also had to prepare. Hyungjun Lee was sending a signal from afar.

* * *

everything came together

The nations of Kalon were united in the name of the Allied Forces. No matter who the center was, one thing was important.

A significant amount of power in Kalon.

In particular, it was important that those who maintained the vested interests in the name of the nation gathered.

He ordered the strong to be extracted from them, and ordered to select the useless among the strong.

‘Essi did a good job.’

Essie, who turned to me, unlike Hipson, took full advantage of his flair for his intelligence.

He chose exactly who to kill and who not to kill.

He may not be able to kill only those who can be perfectly killed, but that alone is a great achievement.

All preparations are over.

So now it's time to go back to Earth again.

There was a crack that kept getting bigger, but I had to take care of that. Just by protecting Seoul, he showed the best interest in this area.

He gave notice to the wizards of Panzma Tower, who were engrossed. returning is.

“Go back.”


"okay. I will go back and check the results, so please continue your research.”

“It’s embarrassing. I haven’t even finished it yet.”

“It’s unavoidable.”

Sad eyes and Kim Hee-min's voice.

“It’s war again.”


She looks at me with her sadness.

“… … Call me whenever you need power.”

she is sincere

If you call me, I'll come running anytime. She might have come with all the power of the Panj Tower.

The kindness that comes from her sincerity is always warm. Enough to make you laugh out loud.

“Kick. It's good."

“Are you really going to call me?”

"No way. There's no way you can't handle it at all, right?"

“Sheesh.”“First of all, the golem. And then you know what?”

"I know. It's about dimensions. Bye. Until then, I will somehow achieve something.”


I nodded her head in satisfaction with her answer.

It was fortunate for me to get her, her power, her unexpected power.

I looked around until the end.

The eyes of all the wizards in the tower looking at me twinkle with kindness. There were those who had respect. not bad.

I gave them a chance, and they seized it.

It was a good relationship. A relationship we hope to continue in the future.

The body that started alone has come this far. And it's time to go further. Even to keep seeing these warm people.

When I had to leave, I didn't know if I was going to change emotionally.

‘For today… … , I must have dinner with my family after a long time.'

* * *

Kalon, who returned after feeling the warmth, was even hotter than that.

Without tormenting the dwarves who moved to work. The place I went straight to was Janghoseong, the royal castle of Karsut with the races behind it.

It was high enough to be hot in the heat around the Hwangseong.

I floated with Jang Ho-seong and looked at the masters of that heat.

“Hey. A lot?”

“We keep pulling. It seemed that a lot of free people had come.”

“It’s definitely Junggu heating.”

the weak and the strong.

A lot of those who did not even have armor were occupying the seats.

Those crouching between them are the strongest. Some of the weak are armed enough to be armed and lead the weak.


The appearance of commanding while wielding a sword is troublesome. Contrary to me, I don't think that he himself wields a sword stylishly and conducts wonderfully.

It didn't take long to figure out the enemy's placement.

It means that the strong are surrounded by the many weak.

“Did you pay attention to the big blow last time?”

“Because Cassert died quickly.”


It means that they also learned something from the last battle.

Only the weak were pushed forward, and the strong who were hiding behind were instantly annihilated. Because I came out and cut it with a magic sword.

After watching it, I arranged it like that.

the weak and the strong. Mixing the two together didn't make it easy for me to slaughter.

A needlessly shallow number, a needlessly cruel idea.

'If you want to kill, you have to kill everything, but... … .'

There were definitely some that didn't kill him.

If you say you are moving in shallow water, shouldn't you be sure to break that shallow water?

'Let's see. check. You check too.’

woo woo-

I activated the magic plan. At the same time, the power was raised.

“Hey there!”

The response comes right back. I felt the magic and everyone was looking at me with concentration.

the strongest among them. I felt those who had magical powers.


“Let’s eat a room.”

I immediately started moving my body.

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