Let You Take Charge of Xihong City, It's the World's First City Now?

Chapter 248 The Number Of Academicians Of The Two Academies Exceeds 1,000, And Xihong City Takes Sto

December 10.

Rui Iodine, Stockholm.

The Nobel Bell Awards Ceremony in 2023 will be held as scheduled.

Famous scientists from all over the world gathered together, making the ceremony scene star-studded.

at the awards ceremony.

The host announced the new Nobel Prize winners one after another.

Lin Sheng, a famous writer in Xihong City, won the Nobel Bell Literature Prize in 2023.

The Xihong Medical Foundation in Xihong City won the 2023 Nobel Bell He Ping Award.

Professor Liu Lan of Xihong Virtual Reality Group won the 2023 Nobel Prize in Economics for developing a virtual world currency system.

Professor Liang Cong, Professor Chen Zhen, and Professor Zhao Qifan of Xihong Controlled Nuclear Fusion Group won the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics for achieving controllable nuclear fusion.

Professor Xiao Jian, Professor Xiong Mingxuan and Professor Huang Ye of Xihong Nano Group won the 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for synthesizing DNA nanorobots with chemical substances.

Professor Zou Yongfu, Professor Lu Ao, and Professor Xie Bo of Xihong Genetic Engineering Group won the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their research and development of gene repair agents.

After all the awards are announced.

Scientists at the scene were stunned.

Last year, Xia Guo swept all the Nobel Prizes and achieved the Nobel Prize Grand Slam.

This year, Xia Guo won all the awards again, winning the Nobel Bell Award for two consecutive years.

Xia Guo's netizens who watched the live broadcast of the awards also praised them again and again.

past time.

Every time Xia Guo won a Nobel Prize, it deserves a lot of attention.

But today is different.

The rise of Xihong City has brought Xia Guo to the scientific community.

December 15.

The official Xia State promulgated the "Virtual World Law".

Hundreds of regulations are promulgated in the bill.

For example, minors under the age of 18 are not allowed to play virtual games.

For example, the virtual world is not a place outside the law. If you break the law in the virtual world, the real society will also be punished by the law.

For example, for citizens who get married in the virtual world, the marriage information will be entered into the real world database, which can be checked in the real society.

The promulgation of "Virtual World Law" has regulated the laws and regulations of the virtual world to a great extent, making the virtual world move towards a normalized road.


December 20.

The Xia Guo news program announced the 2023 academician co-opted list of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Academician of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences, 663 people were elected.

Among them, there are 122 people in the Department of Mathematical Physics, 107 people in the Department of Chemistry, 124 people in the Department of Life Science and Medicine, 81 people in the Department of Earth Sciences, and 128 people in the Department of Information Technology Science and 104 people in the Department of Technology and Science.

Academician of Xia Guo Academy of Engineering, 618 people were elected.

Among them, there are 102 people from the Department of Mechanical and Transportation Engineering, 81 people from the Department of Information and Electronic Engineering, 62 people from the Department of Chemical, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, 54 people from the Department of Energy and Mining Engineering, 51 people from the Department of Civil, Hydraulic and Architectural Engineering, and 51 people from the Department of Environmental and Textile Engineering. There are 44 people in the Faculty of Engineering, 80 in the Faculty of Agriculture, 88 in the Faculty of Medicine and Health, and 56 in the Faculty of Engineering Management.

It is worth mentioning that.

The newly elected academicians of the two academies.

460 academicians of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences, 452 academicians of Xia Guo Academy of Engineering, from Xihong City.

Lin Lin finally came down.

The number of academicians of the two academies in Xihong City has exceeded 1200!

Netizens are talking about this.

"My God! Are there too many high-level talents in Xihong City?"

"It's far from the original! The number of 1,200 academicians is too exaggerated!"

"1,200 academicians represent unparalleled high-end scientific research strength Xihong City deserves to be the first city of Zhangguo science and technology!"

"Yes, these academicians not only show the scientific and technological strength of Xihong City, but also support the backbone of Xia Guo's academic research and engineering fields!"

"It's really hard to imagine that a city will win all the Nobel Bell awards for two consecutive years, and there are more than 1,200 academicians. Xihong City is really the most famous city in the world!"

end of December.

Xihong Municipal Building.

Inside the mayor's office.

Lu Zhe was moved and opened the virtual attribute panel.

【Host: Lu Zhe】

【Age: 36 years old】

【Position: Chang Wei, Deputy Zhongli, City Master】

[Administrative division: 8 districts]

[City Level: Directly under the Central Government]

【Urban population: 20.128 million】

[Urban GDP: 6,225 billion yuan]

【Urban area: 16,000 square kilometers】

[Municipal enterprises: Xihong Infrastructure, Xihong Pharmaceutical, Xihong Medical, Xihong Traditional Chinese Medicine...]

[Urban Agriculture: The halo of doubling the yield, the halo of hard work, the halo of changing the sky...]

[Urban Education: 118 colleges and universities, double the halo of learning ability, double the halo of student talent, double the halo of famous teachers' teaching]

[Urban medical care: 181 top-three general hospitals, doubling halo of medical technology, halo of pharmaceutical production research and development, halo of medical equipment]

[Urban Business: Commercial Complex Block 1524, Narcissus CBD, Xihong CBD, Xiqin CBD, Xitang CBD, Xihan CBD, Celery CBD, Xishui CBD...]

【Urban Finance: Xihong Stock Exchange, Xihong Futures Exchange, Xihong Diamond Exchange, Xihong Gold Exchange, Xihong Financial Derivatives Exchange...】

[City entertainment: city league, literary inspiration halo, performance double halo, sports double halo, F1 Grand Prix, Xihong Tennis Open, Xihong International Marathon...]

[Urban tourism: halo of happiness, halo of relaxation, tourism service halo, Xihong Universal Studios, Xihong Studios, Xihong Disneyland, Xihong Daffodil Island...

[Urban Science and Technology: 50 National Laboratories, 150 National Key Laboratories, 100 National Engineering Laboratories, 100 National Engineering Research Centers, 100 National Engineering Technology Research Centers]

[Urban Industry: Xihong Aerospace Group, Xihong Shipbuilding Group, Xihong Semiconductor Group, Xihong Heavy Industry Group, Xihong Iron and Steel Group, Craftsman Spirit Halo, Industrial Safety Protection Halo, Industrial R&D Halo...  

[Urban transportation: Xihong Port, Xitang Port, Xihong International Airport, Xihong Hantang International Airport, Xihong Narcissus International Airport, Hongjing High-speed Railway, Hongwan Submarine High-speed Railway, 72 rail transits, traffic safety halo, traffic law-abiding Halo...]

[Urban Black Technology: Xihong Nano Group, Xihong Artificial Intelligence Group, Xihong Controllable Nuclear Fusion Group, Xihong Virtual Reality Group, Xihong Weapon Equipment Group, Xihong Intelligent Robot Group, Xihong Holographic Group, Xihong Gene Engineering Group]

in the properties panel.

The population of Xihong "has grown to 20.12 million.

Look around the entire Xia Kingdom.

Only Wudu, Modu, Yanjing, and Rongcheng have more than 20 million permanent residents.

Now, Xihong City is also among the ranks of cities with a population of 20 million.

compared to last year.

The urban supporting infrastructure of Xihong City is also constantly improving.

At present, the city has 9 CBD business districts, 72 rail transit routes, 118 colleges and universities, 181 tertiary hospitals, and 1,524 commercial complexes.

Of course, the biggest progress this year is ||Urban Black Technology".

The existence of municipal enterprises such as Xihong Virtual Reality Group and Xihong Artificial Intelligence Group makes Xihong the city with the highest technology content in the world.

At the same time, Xihong City has also become the world's first holographic city, Dongzuo artificial intelligence city, first cosmic city, and Miaozuo city with a controllable nuclear fusion power station.

No exaggeration to say zero.

Now Xihong City has widened the gap with other cities.

Lu Zhe believes.

Wait until the city GDP list is released.

Xihong City will definitely surpass New York and Tokyo to become the city with the strongest economy in the world!

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