Let the world feel pain from now on

Chapter 38 Shame! Extremely embarrassing

Naruto is the Chinese name of this book.

Next to it, the lingua franca of the ninja world was added, which is what is called Japanese in another world.

and English Naruto.

Up to now, in order to study better, Naruto has already mastered the three more commonly used languages, Chinese, Japanese and English.

Of course he couldn't mistake the words in this book.

Naruto's story!

At this time, Naruto finally understood why he felt that the two-dimensional image in the book looked familiar. This was basically his image after the third dimension turned into the second dimension!

However, this second-dimensional image's short height, rustic dress, and silly expression made Naruto feel extremely uncomfortable.

In reality, he had just turned ten years old and was now 1.5 meters tall.

[The work is set in a ninja world.

The story begins with the orphan life of the protagonist Uzumaki Naruto. In order to protect the village, the fourth generation Hokage sealed the nine-tailed demon fox that attacked the village into his body. As a result, Naruto was ignored by the villagers and just tried all kinds of pranks to attract everyone's attention. attention.

Fortunately, Teacher Iruka still cared, so Naruto's character did not become distorted. He was always energetic and very optimistic.

In order to let more people recognize him, Naruto's goal is to become Hokage. The entire story revolves around Naruto's struggle and growth, Naruto's partners, and the various battles and conspiracies in this ninja world. 】

After turning the page and seeing the introduction to the comic on the title page, Naruto felt more and more uncomfortable.

Whether it was the extremely ridiculous dream of Naruto Uzumaki depicted in this comic, or another fact brought by this comic, it made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"So, the world I live in is a manga in another world?" Naruto whispered to himself expressionlessly.

Continuing to flip through the comic in his hand, the official content of the first chapter began to appear.

First, it told about the attack of the nine-tailed demon fox on the village, and then the scene turned to the mischievous manga protagonist Uzumaki Naruto. The familiar Yanyan and streets confirmed Naruto's guess.

The joys and sorrows that occur in the world he lives in really exist in the form of comics in another world.

"Did something that happened in my world be perceived by the author in another world, and he was inspired to create this comic? Or did the other person draw this comic, and then this world came into being?"

Speculations were floating in Naruto's mind, but he had no extra thought to think about these things at this time.

He continued to flip through the comics, looking at the boy with the same name as him, who was striving for the goal of becoming Hokage and being recognized by everyone in the village.

Seeing that the other party was dressed in a sloppy and rustic style, wearing goggles and an orange sports suit, he was playing pranks in the village and was annoying to everyone.

He shamelessly used seduction techniques in public, and his skills in the clone technique were extremely poor. He was unable to successfully pass the pediatric graduation exam of the ninja school, and was tricked into stealing the Sealed Book...

He brought up bad children, went to bookstores to peek at H-magazines and was beaten up, went to women's bathhouses to peek into and was beaten up, called Chakra into Chadora as unlearned and unskilled...

After finishing the first volume, Naruto closed it and remained speechless.

Reading through these contents, Naruto only saw two words.

Shame on you!

Extremely embarrassing!

However, the angry mood dissipated not long after it surfaced.

At this time, Naruto thought of himself in reality that was different from the comics.

If it weren't for this learning space that taught him everything from food, clothing, housing and transportation to how to deal with people, I'm afraid he would be just like the boy in the comics.

Lack of discipline and isolation from everyone in the village.

In order to attract people's attention and gain recognition, he resorted to pranks.

Not only did the result not solve any problem, it actually made people even more disgusting.

Due to the lack of money and the desire for convenience, I almost lived on instant noodles with no nutritional value all day long, and I didn’t even know whether the milk I drank had expired.

Because there is no one to supervise him all the time, and he doesn't study well in school, he can even learn basic ninja skills like chakra incorrectly, and he can't even practice basic ninjutsu like the Three Body Technique.

Although this was caused by the Nine Lamas' troubles, it was not an insurmountable problem. Lack of direction was the culprit that caused all this.

Even because no one taught him the correct concept of right and wrong, he didn't even know that stealing the Sealed Book was a capital crime. He did it without hesitation after being fooled by others.

In addition, he doesn't even know how to respect himself and love himself. It's obvious that a girl doesn't like him, but he still stalks her.

It will achieve nothing but annoyance.

With such a character and low intelligence, if it weren't for his status as a Jinchuuriki, he would have died countless times.

"Haha, Sandai..." Naruto sneered.

At this time, Naruto finally understood why the Third Hokage was the only person who brought him warmth in his life, but he could not get close to him from the bottom of his heart.

It was clear that Sandai had cared about him since he was a child, but his relationship with him was not as good as that of a fox he had just become acquainted with.

Because of his own instinct, he felt the other person's hidden scrutiny and defense from his seemingly kind face.

Perhaps his love for her was not fake, but more of an unpleasant warning.

At this moment, it was not difficult for Naruto to guess that the reason why he was in such a difficult situation was precisely because of this so-called 'third-generation grandfather' who seemed so amiable!

Although the content of this first volume did not talk too much about his own life experience, Naruto had already read what he wanted to know from the details and some of the information he usually learned.

"Is my father the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato? If so, then it makes sense for me to be the Jinchuriki of the Nine Lamas since I look so similar to him."

It's no wonder that Naruto in the comics is so naughty and mischievous. He did many things that ordinary ninjas would be imprisoned for reflection in the future, but he did not receive any punishment.

If Naruto was the orphan left by the Fourth Hokage, then it would be natural for him to be pampered.

In this situation of being isolated by the entire village, as a Jinchuuriki, the only person he could get close to was the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Naruto did not continue to read the comics. He took out all the comic books from the box, and also found the Naruto anime version and all the theatrical versions placed in a memory card.

After flipping through the books, Naruto found the comic on the cover with the title "Father and Mother, Uzumaki Naruto's Life Revealed".

Then with a thought, he arrived in the sealed space.

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