Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 11: The idea of ​​how to improve the power of the elf

Seeing the supersonic bat flying obediently on his outstretched arm, Sato Kaede's face could not help showing surprise. The supersonic bat would obviously have initially recognized him by doing this. In this way, he is also in this world. A little bit of self-preservation.

"I'm glad to have your approval, Ultrasonic Bat. Let me introduce myself. My name is Sato Kaede. Please give me more advice in the future." Sato Kaede put the Ultrasonic Bat on his arm in front of him, and said with a very sincere expression. .

And the supersonic bat may have felt the surprise and sincerity in Sato Kaede's heart, and the trace of vigilance that still existed disappeared. He gave Sato Kaede a light cry, then nodded, and then flew to Sato Kaede's right shoulder.

In fact, most elves are still very simple-minded, they are also creatures with flesh and blood, as long as you are kind to them, they will also be close to you and be kind to you.

In the following period of time, Sato Kaede was working hard to communicate with the supersonic bat. Because he had a person who could talk to him, he directly talked to the supersonic bat about the thought that he had been bored in his stomach. . (Of course, all of the things that are said are irrelevant, and the things of the past life will not be said)

In this conversation, Sato Kaede also told the supersonic bat about his dream of becoming stronger.

Correspondingly, the supersonic bat also told Sato Kaede his dream under Sato Kaede's many language speculations. The supersonic bat's ideal is to become a powerful elf like his father's cross-shaped bat.

Perhaps it is because the dreams of both sides have been confided to each other, and the two dreams have many similarities, and the relationship between Sato Kaede and Supersonic Bat is also further narrowed.

Finally, until it was almost 1 pm, Sato Kaede's stomach also began to protest. In response, he had to stop talking, put away some of the yawning supersonic bats, and then went to the public cafeteria to eat.

At this time, the public cafeteria was almost closed, and there were very few people still eating, and Sato Kaede just caught up with the last meal time.

This lunch, perhaps because of having a partner and spitting out a lot of stuff in the stomach at once, Sato Kaede also ate it with great relish, and the smile on his face was unfamiliar. People thought he was eating some delicacies from the mountains and seas.

Half an hour later, Sato Kaede finally ate all the meals on the plate slowly, and then placed the meal on the designated table under the complaining eyes of many canteen staff who were waiting to get off work. position, and then left the public dining hall without blushing.

During the half hour of eating, Sato Kaede also calmed down the ecstasy of conquering the elf for the first time, and then began to think about the next step.

After conquering the elf, what does Kaede Sato, a trainer, need to do? That is naturally how to improve the strength of the supersonic bat. To put it bluntly, it is how to exercise the supersonic bat.

To be honest, Sato Kaede is still only in the imagination of how to train the elf. In the past, it was natural to fight monsters and NPCs on the roadside. If there is no blood, the elf center will recover to its full state for free, and then the elf level is up.

But in reality, that set in the game is obviously not desirable. The strength of the elf can not only be improved by fighting other elf, but also the training of him in peacetime.

In Sato Kaede's vision, there are three factors to improve the strength of the elf. The first factor is the physical quality of the elf, the second factor is the mastery of the elf's own skills, and the third factor is the elf. combat literacy.

Everyone knows that the physical quality of each elf is not comparable to that of ordinary humans, but there are naturally differences in physical quality, and the physical quality of each elf is different.

According to Sato Kaede's understanding, the physical quality of an elf can be divided into six factors: blood volume, physical attack power, physical defense power, special attack power, special defense power and speed.

That's right, the physical quality of the elf is equivalent to the value of the various strengths of the elf in the game, and there are two ways to increase the various strength values ​​of the elf in the game, the first is to increase the level of the elf, and the second is to obtain Effort value, and then through the blessing of Effort Value to improve various strength data.

Of course, this theory is also quite applicable in the real world, and there are obviously levels of elves.

Effort value is also quite easy to understand in reality, that is, it is equivalent to the various exercises of the trainer for the elf, and the various strength data of the elf can be improved through exercise.

According to Sato Kaede's current general assumption, the elf's blood volume value can be improved from the two aspects of the elf's physical development and physical strength.

The physical defense value and special defense value of the elf can be improved from the aspect of the elf's fighting ability (to put it bluntly, it will be beaten), and the speed value of the elf can be improved from the aspect of improving the elf's cardiopulmonary ability (heart and lungs). The level of ability determines the explosive power of the creature).

As for how to increase the physical attack power value and special attack power value of the elf, Sato Kaede has been thinking about it for a long time and has not been able to use his physical knowledge to interpret it. The physical attack value is better to understand, as for the special attack power value. abstract.

In this regard, Sato Kaede can only temporarily put aside these two methods of increasing the power value, hoping to get the answer after he has a deeper understanding of the elf in the future. (The author thinks that it is not easy to improve the four numerical values.)

The second factor that enhances the power of elves is the mastery of skills. The mastery of skills mentioned here can be divided into the number of skills mastered by elves and the proficiency of elves in various skills.

It is very obvious that an elf with a variety of skills has a more obvious advantage in battle than a elf with a few skills. As long as he masters the restraint skills, the probability of winning is very high. .

Therefore, making the elf master more skills can improve the strength of the elf in a short time.

Of course, in addition to mastering skills, it is also very important to be able to use skills proficiently. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. This sentence is also very correct when it comes to the proficiency of elves in skills.

Under normal circumstances, the skill proficiency of the elf can be divided into four levels: entry, skilled, proficient, and practice makes perfect.

The entry-level skill proficiency naturally refers to the situation where the elf has just used this skill. With this level of skill proficiency, the skills released by the elf are not very powerful, and it takes a long time to release the skills.

The skill proficiency of the skill level refers to the situation where the elf can flexibly release this skill. With this level of skill proficiency, the elf has been able to release the power of the skill well, and the ability to release the skill is very good. The time spent is also reduced.

The mastery level of skill proficiency means that the elf has a very deep understanding of this skill. This skill is easy to do in his hands, and it can be almost instant, and as long as his physical strength is enough, he can even do it. To burst (ranged skills) or continuous use (melee skills or transformation skills).

As for the fourth skill proficiency level, when the elf's skill proficiency for a certain skill reaches this level, it means that the elf has mastered this skill, and the power of this skill in his hands is a sudden increase At the same time, it is also flexible and changeable, and he can even integrate this move into other moves.

Finally, the third factor that enhances the power of the elf is the combat literacy. The so-called combat literacy, to put it bluntly, is the fighting experience of the elf.

How to improve the fighting literacy of the elf? In Sato Kaede's understanding, there are two methods.

The first is the combat training of Pokémon by trainers.

This kind of combat training refers to the various combat instructions given by the trainer to the elves in daily life. To put it simply, it is the simulation training before the battle. In this way, the elves must know how to face different types of combat elves. How to deal with it in time.

Although there are various types of elves, they can obviously be classified according to their racial values ​​and the skills they can master. Generally, they can be divided into three types: melee type, defensive type, and long-range attack type.

Among them, the melee type can be further divided into assassin melee type and warrior melee type, the defensive type can be further divided into physical defense type and special defensive type, and the long-range attack type can be further divided into physical remote attack type and special remote type. Attack type.

Although the fighting methods of each type of elves are different, their general attack routines are still traceable.

For example, assassin-type melee-type elves have strong mobility and explosive output, but the disadvantage is their fragility and weak follow-up output.

In the face of this type of fighting elves, if you can't defeat the opponent through sneak attacks and can only compete head-on, then the best way to choose is to use various life-saving skills to protect yourself and avoid being taken away by the opponent. Only by being able to hold up the opponent's first wave of attacks, the situation of the battle will begin to reverse.

In daily training, the trainer has to specifically tell himself how the elf should deal with the elf of different types of battles, so that the elf remembers your teachings during the battle, so as to facilitate him to master the rhythm of the battle.

The second way to improve the elf's combat literacy is naturally actual combat.

Real gold is not afraid of fire, no matter how well the simulation training before the battle is done, only after the battle of blood and fire can the elf be able to transform in the true sense.

Which of every powerful elf has not experienced countless battles? Among them, the battle of life and death has also experienced a lot. Only by experiencing it personally can you know the pain and be able to deeply realize your shortcomings in the battle.

Behind every powerful elf, there are many victories and many defeats, and these victories and defeats will eventually become his valuable combat experience, thereby contributing to his strength.

To be continued.....

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