Legendary Hollywood Director

Chapter 769: The Dark Knight (1)

Tickets for the screenings are hard to come by.

2 years of anticipation will definitely make fans willing to spend dollars and time.

Not to mention the several trailers released by the movie, which are very attractive.

The screening hall with more than 1,500 seats is full of people.

The front row is reserved for guests, stars, creators, media and film critics, and the middle and back rows are reserved for audience fans.

Before the movie started, the host set off the atmosphere and asked Nolan and others to say a few words, which already made the fans who were waiting for the sequel riot.

When the process is over, the lights slowly go out and the screen lights up.

Lyman also began to get serious.

Although he watched it many times, he also pulled the camera and made transitions, but it was a previous life, and when he watched it again, he also had an inexplicable feeling of witnessing something.


The client Nolan is much more stable than him. Maybe he didn't expect the audience to love it so much when he was filming this film, and he directly held the altar.

For him, this is just a film that he has paid a little attention to in his directorial career. He is delighted to have used two iamx cameras to shoot some static scenes, which amplifies the sense of hierarchy.

The familiar titles of Warner and Firefly crossed over, and many loyal Nolan fans couldn't help but concentrate. After all, anyone who knows this style knows that his movies have a lot of details hidden and the picture is too rich.

The screen went dark and lit up again.

A superhero movie with the least superhero theme and full of Nolan's personal belongings begins.


on the bustling street.

A strange man with a mask and a luggage stood blankly. At this time, the camera only showed the back half of the strange man, and there was no face.

Then, a silver car stopped, and the weirdo quickly put on his mask and got into the car.

Before sketching the work, Nolan's usual suspenseful opening, supplemented by Hans Zimmer's soundtrack, gave the audience an opportunity to introduce the scene.

Immediately afterwards, more monsters wearing masks appeared.

They cut the glass, hung steel cables, and slid from one building to another.

Through several conversations.

Viewers know that these weirdos are going to rob a bank, and it's the Joker who orchestrates it.

The clown bewitched each member, saying that as long as the task was completed, he could kill his companions, because the fewer people there were, the more money they could get.

The weirdos had their own thoughts and rushed to the action location together.


The employees behind the bank counter hurriedly avoided, and some weirdos controlled the scene. Some weirdos installed explosives and blew up the storage room where the banknotes were hidden.

The strange people have a reasonable division of labor and strong execution, and they don't look like a temporary criminal gang, just because everyone has been instructed by the clown, as long as they follow it, everything will go smoothly.

A lot of banknotes are packed into luggage, and the odd people think of the proposal to pay less, and they are already carried away by the money.

After killing each other, soon only two remained.

One of them was holding a gun, and he said in a big way, did that mysterious clown say the same thing as you, killing his comrade? I think this proposal is very good.

The other weirdo raised his hands and moved his feet as he dealt with it.

Suddenly, a yellow school bus smashed through the wall, just killing the weirdo who had previously held a gun.

The masked driver jumped out of the car and happily threw the luggage bag containing the banknotes into the car, feeling that the two knew each other.

In the audience's suspicion, all the luggage was loaded into the car, and the eccentric turned around and shot the driver.

Close-up of the lens.

The audience was stunned.

No one expected that robbing a bank would have so many reversals, and subconsciously, everyone was very interested in the clown who had not yet appeared but planned all this.

The calculative and demagogic setting is initially imprinted in the audience's mind.

Not far away, the bank manager who was lying on the ground with a gunshot wound raised his head and said with difficulty.

"The people who hired you will also shoot you like this. The criminals in this city used to have their own beliefs. Look at you, what do you believe, what do you believe?"

The Masked Freak is interested in the manager's clamoring, sarcastic words.

He walked leisurely in front of the manager, turned his head, took a detonator and stuffed it into his mouth, "I believe that what doesn't kill you will turn you into something"

The weirdo took off his mask, revealing a face with scars on the corners of his mouth, dark circles around his eyes, and a face covered with white powder to create a dramatic face.

In the scene at this time, three-quarters of the image of the clown finally showed up. His eyes were full of indifference and madness. Combined with the robbery just now, the character stood up immediately.

With the word "more strange" coming out, the clown grinned and got into the car calmly. The moment the door was closed, the detonator guide ring in the manager's mouth was torn off at the same time...

This paragraph is cool.

There were some exclamations and discussions in the audience.

The doubts about whether Heath Ledger could hold up the role were shattered in an instant.

In fact, Nolan himself was full of praise for this talented actor, if it was because of Lyman's recommendation that he entered the crew at the beginning.

Later, in order to grasp the temperament of this "chaotic spokesperson", Heath Ledger retreated alone for more than a month, repeatedly pondering the clown's posture and voice, polishing his body language, and every move, even the facial microexpressions, should be consistent with madness and madness. evil.

In the end, with attitude and action, as well as the god-sent acting skills of madness, he completed the model of evil on the screen and conquered the audience.

This also let Nolan know that the actor that Lyman loves to cooperate with has its own uniqueness.

He even played the more specific clown in Nolan's heart, full of evil flavor.

Anyway, even walking is a style, not to mention the pair of crazy pupils, which are so different.

When an actor meets a suitable role, the amazing charm that erupts is also a surprise brought by the sound and picture art of the movie.

And this is just the beginning.

dark night.

Prosperous Gotham, the lights are shining.

At this time, Batman has become a nightmare for all criminals in the city, countless crimes have been destroyed, and countless criminals have been sent to prison by him.哽噺蹓帽奇奇 Novel 蛧|w~w~

The top floor of a building.

Gordon turns on the bat light to contact the elusive Night Lord, but not every time.

Ramirtz brought a cup of coffee.

Gordon asked, "Don't you have to go home and take care of mom?"

"She's in the hospital again. Why didn't he come?"

"He's too busy."


A van was parked on the side of the street, and several people were armed with firearms on alert.

On the opposite side, several big men kept questioning.哽噺蹓帽奇奇 Novel 蛧|w~w~

The matter still starts from the mystery of Xia Ying.

In that one, the Scarecrow planned the poison gas incident, but it was successfully solved by Batman. Since then, he has been in hiding and started a dummy business.

However, because the hallucinogenic drugs developed by the Scarecrow can only make people see what they fear in their hearts and magnify them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Many customers who take drugs have had mental problems.

So the customers tangled a lot and came to the scarecrow to settle accounts.

During the confrontation and argument between the two sides, a "Batman" suddenly appeared.

But they are just some imitators who want to imitate idols who are chivalrous and righteous.

And they obviously did not have the powerful force to face the criminals, and were directly brought down by the criminals.

In times of crisis, the main lord makes his debut.

The more domineering Batmobile, the magnetic force and the voice processed by the voice changer, Batman who entered the battlefield from the flank solved the thugs in three or two strokes.

I thought it was a handsome ending, but Bruce Wayne obviously underestimated the strength of the hound, and the sharp canine teeth directly bit through his battle suit.

After all, this version of Batman needs to be more realistic. Director Nolan does not want to use comics to express the "violent vigilantes" in his mind, and his attitude has never allowed anyone outside the law, even if he Do justice.

After the small twists and turns, the scarecrow seized the time to drive away, but was still stepped on the roof of the car by Batman who fell from the sky, and was directly stunned...

Inside the bank that was looted earlier.

Bruce Wayne learns that a criminal named Joker has ransacked a bank and comes to check.

Gordon reported that it was a gang-controlled bank where many criminals kept their ill-gotten gains.

Moreover, he has recently been using some marked banknotes to deliberately flow into the black market to identify similar gangster banks.

After listening to Bruce Wayne, he felt that this clown who suddenly appeared can be caught after waiting, recovering the black money, and blocking the funds of the gang is a big deal.

So, he told Gordon that he would raid the remaining gangster banks as soon as possible and look for clues about the stolen money...

:. : m.x

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