Unbeknownst to Lyman, director Nolan, whom he was discussing, had temporarily put "Deadly Magic" behind him, found his younger brother Jonathan, and conceived of the second Batman movie.

Of course, he doesn't care about the mess between Warner Bros. and Firefly. For him, being able to make movies well, to be able to make movies in a relatively free environment, and to improve his living standard incidentally, is what he values.

As a director, it is rare to spend extravagantly.

Perhaps it is the process of year-round brushing, delighting and enriching one's spiritual world and enjoying the process of being loved by the audience. Pursuing movies is far more interesting than any other unnecessary enjoyment.

In a very neat study.

by a small desk.

Nolan and Jonathan were sitting side by side, flipping through various materials.

Including but not limited to a series of comics such as "Batman: The Deadly Joke" and "The Dark Knight".

In terms of sequels, Lyman has offered some ideas, such as adding a more chaotic villain.

As early as when the first film was filmed, Nolan used a part of his perspective to portray Gotham, a virtual and sinking city. Naturally, this part of the idea cannot be wasted in the second film.

But how to express the high pressure when the order after "anarchy" is about to collapse is a difficult problem.

After many ideas, Nolan noticed the Joker.

This character, who acts and has a personality like the dark side of Batman, undoubtedly has this kind of crazy potential. More importantly, it has always been popular among the villains of the Batman series of comics.

To be honest, before he took over the "Batman" project, Nolan didn't read much related comics. This type of reading is not his favorite reading, so in the creative process, he will spend a lot of time to make up for the character settings and part of the worldview.

According to the success of the first part and the design of "Deadly Magic", the sequel continues the realistic and dark style, but the script writing still needs to be slowly improved and filled.

All Lehman can help is to point out some key points, such as the description of the clown’s actions, not to write as a very ordinary criminal, but a person with anarchy in his bones, and the motive of the crime is also to crack down on the credibility of the government, overthrow the judicial order, and destroy The social justice that Batman has always upheld.

If Batman is a chivalrous character who doesn't indulge himself and uses fear to maintain Gotham's stability, then the Joker should be the master of manipulating people's hearts, trying to overturn everything.

Nolan remembered what Lyman said, "If a person dies today and someone dies tomorrow, no one will be disturbed, because there are always accidents in the world, birth, old age, sickness and death are inevitable, but if someone says to let the flag of Gotham go If you die, then the people will feel uneasy, like crazy."

For Nolan, he actually doesn't like Batman who transcends the law, even if he is righteous, so the keynote of the second part is to remove the bright hat of "Vigilante" and devote himself to the night completely.

Having survived an unbearable past, to maintain justice, there must be a price to pay.

Simply put, Batman can't get rid of the night, and he can't get rid of him.

Therefore, Nolan feels that this second part is about a contest between two opponents who surpass the rules.

Everything else serves this main line.

With the general direction, how to implement it is still a lot of work.

At this time, Nolan and Jonathan had basically seen no outsiders, and were obsessed with writing sequels.

This is his Batman, a story he understands, not just a comic book.

But it is unrealistic to get rid of it completely, so it is necessary to supplement knowledge.

The two read the comics, slowly deriving the image of the clown they needed.

From top to bottom, from the inside to the outside, push it all over again, and then reach the entire theme of "Dark Knight" according to the ideas that continue to emerge in the middle.

Because he has felt the cultural influence of the classical Victorian period since he was a child, Nolan did not intend to strengthen the strength of the characters in the second part, and Batman would still be injured, hesitate, and die...

Others may bring in characters when they read comics, but Nolan put aside those boring settings for the sake of refreshment, directly look at the inner essence of a character, and then think about how to show similar characteristics in the new work.

Therefore, the writing speed of the "Dark Knight" script is very slow, and it is often abandoned immediately after writing a paragraph.

But because of Lehman's points from time to time, it is not impossible to write...


It was still bright, and Christian Bale got up from the bed, washed briefly, and entered the exercise room.

In order to maintain his figure, or shape his body, it is necessary for him to sweat every day.

But today's exercise always made him a little unable to concentrate.

Yesterday, he had some communication with Lehmann, and Christian Bale didn't know how he was feeling at the time. In short, it was very complicated.

The Batman sequel, The Dark Knight, is being written, Lyman told him yesterday.

Of course, similar news, Nolan also told him, not too surprising.

After all, he has a good relationship with Nolan, and the character Firefly has no plans to replace Batman, and there is nothing to say. It is also good to inform him to prepare for the role in advance.

But because of the success of "Mystery of the Shadow" and the popularity of passers-by, Christian Bale is definitely not worth more than when he didn't participate in the show.

Not to mention how successful the character image is, just talking about Kangding's global box office project of more than 374 million can be turned into a bargaining chip on the negotiating table.

Of course, what he is worried about is not actually the salary issue. Although the agent regrets it now because he signed a long-term contract for the trilogy, Christian Bale doesn't feel that way. Anyway, the money he earned in the first part It's been enough for him for a long time.

——This one is not an actor who spends a lot of money.

On the contrary, he is a man who pursues his career as an actor.

Otherwise, after becoming famous, there will be no works like "Vice President" and "Fighter".

Doesn't he know that losing weight and gaining weight quickly will affect his health?

Even if he didn't know it, his team of agents knew it, but he still did it.

Who is willing to sacrifice for a character if he doesn't like it?

And the trilogy, limited to the role of Batman, made him afraid of being stereotyped by the audience like Hugh Jackman.

Especially during the cooperation "Deadly Magic", Hugh Jackman said something from his heart.

You know, in order to cooperate with Fox's publicity, he has to always pay attention that he is Wolverine, a character, not his original appearance.

Even if the movie is released, it still cannot get rid of the existing impression of the audience.

He has acted in so many movies, but fans will only call him "Uncle Wolf". To be honest, he doesn't like this title, which makes him feel dead.

This kind of trouble, Christian Bale will also taste.

In fact, after the initial excitement, excitement, and joy, Bell also seems to have discovered some of the shackles that the character of Batman brings to him.

What's even more depressing is that this shackle seems to be stuck...

Bell can keenly sense that his acting career may usher in a huge challenge.

In the past, he is still himself, Trick Bateman (American psychiatrist), Traver (mechanic), many characters, not just Bruce Wayne.

A similar balance has been broken, and the unpredictable nature of the situation is the reason why Christian Bale is in a complicated mood~www.wuxiaspot.com~ More importantly, he can't refuse.

Not only because the contract was signed and the contract was to be fulfilled, but also Nolan and Lehman were directors he admired very much. The two blessings together made him unable to express his rejection.

In other words...a headache.

No way, let's take a step by step.

Recalling what Lehmann said to him yesterday, I always feel that the second part will be even more exciting and better, which is quite good news.

Even if it is a repeated role, it is still good to bring something new.

Raised his hand to wipe the towel, then went to the bathroom to take a shower, Christian Bale drove back to the community where Nolan lived.

Nolan didn't buy real estate in Beverly Hills, he thought it was too noisy.

Of course, he often goes back to England to rest for a while, and he doesn't care where he lives...

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