Legendary FBI Detective

Chapter 776 Office of Integrity and Rules

Lacey not only asked the prison guards and asked Michelle to help investigate the surveillance, she also conducted on-site visits, made on-site inquiries, and even quietly offered a reward.

It can be said that Lacey used all the investigative methods used by the FBI in the past when investigating the identity of the mysterious person.

The result was still nothing.

At the end of the conversation, Lacey's voice was so cold that she lowered her voice and said:

"Roan, I feel like this mysterious man knows too much about how our FBI works.

This guy is either a mortal enemy of the FBI, or..."

"Either he is an FBI."

Luo An took over what Lacey said with a smile, and then said:

"You come back first, and we will discuss this matter when you come back."


Lacey hung up the phone, Chenelle looked up at Roan and asked:

"Do you think the guy who caused the prison riot was one of our own?"

"Although they are all FBI, they are not necessarily our own people."

Roan patted Chenelle's shoulder meaningfully, then found the number and called Mr. Clement.

He first briefly explained Lacey’s investigation process, and then said:

"Sir, I would like to ask you to help find out which agents at the FBI headquarters in Washington were not present on the day the mysterious man went to prison."

Mr. Clement on the other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds, agreed and hung up.

Throwing the phone to Chenille, Luo An then turned around and returned to the interrogation room, and said bluntly without any nonsense:

"Who is the FBI who passed you information about Verenis?"

Matthew Moses raised his eyebrows and was about to talk nonsense. Luo An knocked on the table hard and said:

“Don’t waste your time, you don’t need to know what kind of Federation person I am.

The only thing you need now is a cell with a window. "

Hearing Luo An threaten him with this matter, Matthew Moses' eyelids twitched and he did not dare to continue talking nonsense and replied:

"The source of the relevant information comes from the director of the Office of Integrity and Compliance at your FBI headquarters in Washington...the secretary next to you."

When talking about the latter part, Matthew Mother took a big breath just to see what Luo An’s expression was like.

Because the director of the Office of Integrity and Compliance, named Vikram Garcia, is Jewish, as is his secretary, Hallock.

As for whether the source of the information was Secretary Harlock or Director Vikram himself... Matthew Moses said it was the secretary, but how did the secretary know the relevant information about Veranith and dare to pass this information on? It's a very interesting question.

Seeing that the expression on Luo An's face did not change, Matthew Mothers was a little disappointed. Before he could say anything more, Luo An stood up and greeted Winslow, asking Winslow to take Matthew Mothers away. Interrogation room, sent to temporary prison.

In the corridor, Mona looked at the names in the interrogation records and frowned:

"Office of Integrity and Regulation..."

"When you hear this name, you know it is a department that is very suitable for Jews. It is honest and understands the rules."

Luo An said a cold joke, then remained silent for a few seconds, and concluded:

"CIA Director Matthew Mothers learned that after the FBI began investigating the polonium-210 incident, he obtained relevant information about Verenis from the Office of Integrity and Rules.

Illinois Nuclear Power Company, President and CEO Leighton Perelman was accidentally shot and died. Matthew Moses had to break the rules and tell the next-level manager Ulysses about the incident.

Manager Ulysses then told this information to the director of the nuclear laboratory, Etwang Jones, and asked him to reduce his actions in the near future to avoid attracting attention.

As a result, Etwang Jones, the head of the nuclear laboratory, learned of the incident and came up with a plan. He used polonium-210 to pay for poisoning of Veranith, and planned to put all the blame on the manager Ulysses..."

Mona, Chenille and Michelle nodded together. The whole story of this incident was clear. Only one question remained. Mona lowered her voice and asked:

"What about the Office of Integrity and Rules...?"

Things involving Jews are generally troublesome and can easily lead to scandals. Mona, Chenelle and Michelle don't like to have too much contact with them in the case.

"The incident is beyond our authority and should be reported to the top."

Luo An said the blame with a serious face, took the interrogation record from Mona's hand, waved his hand and said:

"I'll go to Mr. Clement's office. You guys go pick up Lacey and help her organize her investigation information."

"no problem."

The three women nodded in unison, and upon seeing this, Luo An turned around and walked towards the elevator in the distance.

The elevator door opened and Luo An walked into the corridor. As soon as he arrived at the door of Mr. Clement's office, he saw Mr. Clement and his secretary, both of whom had changed into windbreakers and were obviously ready to go out.

"Hello, sir."

Luo An waved his hand and said hello, and said with some confusion:

"This is……"

Mr. Clement frowned slightly and asked:

"Did you find out anything new?"

"We did find out something, related to Verenis."

Roan handed the interrogation record to Mr. Clement, and then briefly stated the name Matthew Mothers mentioned.

When he heard that it was related to the Office of Integrity and Rules, Mr. Clement frowned even more. He was silent for a while, handed the folder to the secretary, and said in a deep voice:

"Send it to the director."

"Okay, sir."

The secretary's eyebrows twitched, but he still nodded in agreement. Mr. Clement then looked at Luo An and asked:

"I remember Luo An, you have a very magical micro-expression analysis ability. You can determine the authenticity of what others say, right?"

The so-called micro-expression analysis is just a cover for the "emotional perception" in Luo An's mind. However, he certainly couldn't tell the truth at this time, so he nodded and said:

"Yes, sir, but the technology isn't that magical and errors occasionally occur."

Mr. Clement waved his hand, thinking that this was Roan's self-effacing words, and said:

"Hurry back to the office and change your clothes. We'll meet in the parking lot downstairs. You and I will take a walk."

"Okay, sir."

Luo Anxin had doubts, but seeing that Mr. Clement was very anxious, he did not ask immediately. After agreeing, he turned around and returned to his office.

After changing his coat, Luo An went downstairs and walked into the parking lot. Mr. Clement had been waiting in the passenger seat of the car for a long time. He waved Luo An to sit in the driver's seat, and then pointed the direction of the car for Luo An.

Mr. Clement didn't say where exactly they were going, and Luo An didn't ask. The car traveled smoothly and soon arrived at a villa in the suburbs of Washington.

The car stopped slowly. Mr. Clement sat in the passenger seat and was silent for a few seconds. Finally, he took a long breath, opened the door and said:

"Roan, come with me."

"Okay, sir."

Luo An followed Clement out of the car. Mr. Clement strode towards the door of the villa, stretched out his hand and rang the doorbell.

Luo An stood behind Mr. Clement and observed the surroundings carefully. He found that the lawn outside the villa was not only very neatly cleaned, but there were also many obstacles suitable for hiding and escaping.

Many thoughts flashed through Luo An's mind, and he silently noted the terrain here.

After waiting for a long time, the door was finally opened, and an elderly white man with half black and half white hair who looked to be in his fifties came out and said with a smile:

"Long time no see, Clement!"

Mr. Clement had no expression on his face and directly took out a pistol and pressed it against the opponent's abdomen:

"Thomas, you're under arrest."


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