Legend of Tomorrow

Chapter 425: [Are you able to win my rookie with high rank? 】

After diving for some time, Guo Xu remembered that Miami not only can dive, but he can also go to the basketball court to exercise and find the perfect accompaniment, that is "Gillman" Dwyane Wade.

O'Neill's stay at the Magic has produced some butterfly effects that have not affected the Heat this season. In the 2003 draft, the Heat selected Wade, the lineup is similar to Guo Xu's previous life. Guo Xu ’s youngest loyal brother Haslem is also in Miami, but the world does n’t know him.

In the 171st cycle, Guo Xu wanted to change the living method without going to the beach. There are many "American Airlines Arenas" in BA. The Suns and Mavericks also called this name at home.

There was no game today. The team was on holiday. After lunch, he went to the stadium to take his luck. At two to one, he met Wade, who was training with his bag alone.

Guo Xu hurriedly caught up with Wade and greeted him with a smile.

Wade stopped and asked, "Are you going to sign?"

"No, I want to do free sparring for you today. Can you go to the stadium with you?" Guo Xu smiled.

"I don't practice shooting today, I'm the main body player, and I don't need to accompany me." Wade politely refused.

Guo Xu didn't give up, smiling and said: "If there is someone to do the project with you, you will practice harder because you can compete benignly."

"You're right, but that's only teammates. Ordinary people can't train like me. You can't think of what intensity it is."

"I must be able to do the same amount of training as you, do I have to bet?"


It ’s really boring to train alone. Wade did n’t drive Guo Xu away and agreed to let him see the training of professional players.

I have been playing in the league for less than two months, and not many fans have asked him to sign. He does not regard himself as a star and often interacts with fans.

When the team is on vacation, Wade will seize the time to exercise, hoping to become stronger. His body is second to none in shooting guards, which is directly related to his lifeless training.

He said in an interview that he had to train so that every part of his body hurt.

He has a firm belief: "If you do more ordinary things, it will become magical."

Guo Xu shares the same feeling. The degree to which he relies on the cycle of time to the present is not overnight, but the magic of ordinary casting, but no one knows how much time he has spent.

Guo Xu wants to see Wade training because he is one of the fastest players in the NBA and is much bigger than Guo Xu. If he is not so strong, the speed will be faster.

Today Guo Guo came in sportswear and made preparations for the training in the goal hall. The two started to warm up together and were very professional.

After the warm-up, there is an intermittent run. The intensity of the two is changed between medium and maximum intensity, and the basis of the change is the intermittent time. Normally, the shortest time between Wade's pauses is to recover the heartbeat to within 140 times a minute, and immediately start the next group.

Guo Xu followed it. The players sprinted back and forth during the game, and their heartbeats would keep beating fast, and it would be beneficial to develop a habit. It is this training that guarantees Wade ’s full physical fitness in the fourth quarter of the game. Strong lethality.

Then they practiced back-and-forth running again, which was also a hard training, in order to strengthen the actual needs of basketball games, it enhanced the tolerance, flexibility and coordination of the hip, knee and ankle joints of the practitioners and the muscles of the legs The ability to quickly exert force is mainly to increase explosiveness.

Guo Xu and Wade have exactly the same amount of exercise. After several groups, Guo Xu's physical strength is obviously better than Wade, and his breathing is more uniform.

Wade looked at him completely differently and asked, "Are you a professional athlete?"

"Yeah, I play extreme sports mainly. I try rock climbing, diving, and skydiving. If I am more endurance, I am more confident than you." Guo Xu explained.

"Then why are you training with me?" Wade couldn't understand.

Guo Xu smiled and said: "Because I am about the same age as you, basketball skills are also good, I want to try to transform to play basketball, find a stable job. I found that basketball is easier to attract fans, and can make a lot of money."

"Well, I'm glad you can practice with me. You are right. Someone is more motivated to practice." Wade smiled. He is ready to compete with Guo Xu next, let him see his strength.

At this time, Wade was going to wait for Guo Xu's call after the end of today. The team's sparring team did not have such a good physical fitness, but I didn't know how Guo Xu's skills were. If it was good, I could recommend it to the management.

Although it is only a rookie season, Wade has some privileges. Manager Pat Riley chose Wade to rebuild him as the core. Eddie Jones is old and starts to decline. He will be traded out of the team at any time.

These training programs are arranged for Wade by Riley, hoping that he will be the only one in the two seasons.

The two began other training programs. Seated leg flexion and extension, prone leg curl, push-up half-length bobby jump and so on.

Wade's training intensity is much higher than that of the Suns' daily training. With 100 half-length Bobby jumps, he finishes continuously without any rest time, which not only trains his muscles, but also his cardiopulmonary function.

The platform leapfrog focuses on training the explosive power of the legs. Wade chooses the height that most people can't jump on, and has higher requirements for the explosive power of the legs. But it is this kind of training that has the future Wade.

Whether training maniac Riley overdrawn Wade's body prematurely, it is debatable whether such a training mode is too strong, after all, his knee situation is there. In Guo Xu's previous life, Wade fell much faster than James and much earlier.

Guo Xu is different from Wade. He is not overdrawing his body, but simply stimulating his potential.

If Wade had a game tomorrow, he would not dare to train like this, which would affect his state. It doesn't matter how Guo Xu practises, the next day will definitely be alive and well.

Guo Xu persevered with the full set of training tasks, which seemed easier than Wade. This makes Wade a little unbelievable, and he has no doubt that Guo Xu is an extreme sports player. His limits are unknown.

The two left each other on the phone and chatted during the break. Guo Xu said something about extreme sports, and Wade was very interested.

Wade was born on January 17, 1982, only two months younger than Guo Xu, but Guo Xu is already the fourth season in his NBA career, Wade has just entered the league ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Plus time cycle, Guo Xu Much older than Wade and much more exercise, it is not surprising that he crushed Wade in terms of endurance.

In the eyes of others, this is a very terrifying thing, and the really terrifying thing is just about to happen.

Guo Xu asked: "Do you still have the strength? Are you interested in entering the court and picking me out for a while? I want to find a job in the Heat. Could you first look at my skills and recommend me?"

"Go, I'm not tired enough to run. I'll take a holiday tomorrow anyway." Wade smiled.

Guo Xu gave a harmless smile to humans and animals: "You must go all out, because I am very single-headed."

"As long as you can make me work hard, I will definitely recommend you, even if you haven't participated in the draft." Wade is very confident in his personal heads-up ability.

Just kidding, no matter how powerful you are, you are just an amateur player. Can you beat me, a high rookie? I was famous for heads-up when I was in college. If it was n’t for height reasons, I would n’t be in fifth place.

The two chatted and walked into the stadium ...

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