Legend Forever

Chapter 699: Small tentative

Transform the seeds of the star lotus into the soul state, and then plant them into the souls of those people. When those souls return, they will be directly entrapped as private goods, so as to sneak into each other's world. Mobile terminal

This is no problem. After reading the memory of those people, Yi Xunyu even prepared to bury the seeds in the depths and prepare for defense, easily blocking the baptism of the strong magnetic field.

One of the things that is fortunate here is that this civilization still has a half-knowledge about the study of the soul. It is not possible to carefully scan a person's soul from outside the inner island, so I can only choose the method of sweeping and cleaning up.

Otherwise, those seeds may not be able to hide.

As for the little spiders made of hair ... It was just some gadgets that Ixunyu got in ancient hell.

Shuffle the audiovisual.

As for why you should throw away a few stars of lotus ... In frontal combat, it is impossible for Yi Xunyu to be a civilized opponent, even with Mu Tianmeng Tamus.

Even if she can kill dozens, hundreds, or even tens of millions, the fighting power of a civilization can be measured in billions. A lord-level wants to fight against it, and it looks more like a mantis.

But if it is destroyed from the inside ... There is no way to let a dam collapse, no matter how big the flood is outside, but it may be destroyed by a nest of termites.

The embankment of thousands of miles was destroyed by the ant den.

While the meaning may be biased, it can be explained that it is much easier to damage from the inside than to touch it from the outside.

Ixunyu didn't intend to rely on Xinglian to destroy the entire civilization, but caused some disturbances to let the other party understand the dangers here, it seems no problem.

Civilization based on strong magnetism and machines, this is Yi Xunyu's understanding of this 'Axe Holder Empire'.

And such a civilization generally has a fatal flaw.

Fear of power outages,

But before that, let ’s first try what the bottom culvert of this civilization is ... Thinking of this, Yi Xunyu began to devote more energy to Xinglian.

In the sewers of the city, a star lotus seed absorbed water and began to germinate in a complaint.

Grow, flower, wither, bear fruit, explode,

Life's acquaintance here is generally pressed the accelerator key, which is completed in just a few seconds.

The exploded seeds were scattered in the water, and fluttered along the water to the surroundings. At the same time, the process was quickly repeated during the flutter.

At the same time, those plants that have already completed the fruit have not died, but absorb moisture and nutrients, continue to grow and expand, produce root system crystals fixed around themselves, and then continue to grow.

Half an hour later, the thick vines of the arms climbed on the walls and tops of the sewers. The roots secreted ~ sticky ~ liquid to fix themselves firmly, and the flowers repeated between blooming and withering, more and more The seeds began to flow everywhere.

In the beginning, Xinglian did not carry much energy in order to avoid detection. Afterwards, splitting and growth were all nutrients obtained from the parasitic host body, a small amount of blood, and a lot of biological energy.

This is also the reason why Promy will suddenly have an appetite, and at the same time feel excessive fatigue and hunger.

At the same time, the same thing happened in many places, not just here.

Yi Xunyu buried the seeds of the star lotus in each of them, and then gradually awakened the activity after leaving the inspection, and then found opportunities to absorb the ability to start splitting and falling. Stars were left in many places where those people walked. Lotus seeds.

Now, it is time to bloom.

After these star lotus expanded to a certain extent, some root systems began to gather inward, gathering vitality and slowly outlined a contorted pattern in the air.

Rule text: Xinglian · Growth

After the lord level, some exclusive abilities are imprinted in the law of the world by the law of vibration. Afterwards, no matter where it is, as long as you read or write this text, you can call it regardless of the distance limit.

This does not belong to the world where Edela is located, but it has a coincidence point due to the collision of the two world barriers.

That is to say, there are some laws that overlap, and the isolation between the two worlds is not so great.

However, things that do not belong to this world will still be suppressed. For example, those who use the prosthesis to enter the world where Adela is located, can only move for a period of time and leave as soon as possible.

And Xinglian came to this world and was also suppressed, but as a seed that is hundreds of times smaller than human soul, Xinglian was only suppressed by the use of extraordinary energy.

But now, this suppression is about to disappear.

When Xinglian uses this word, it means that the world where Edela is located casts a part of its attention on it, and the suppression of the other world is naturally offset.

Even now, Xinglian's behavior has risen to the battle between the two worlds.

The bright green dots of light began to converge towards the center. The vines on the wall suddenly cracked from the surface, and vines that appeared a little slender but pure in color were drilled from the inside.

These vines are no longer limited to climbing on the wall, but stick out the tip to pierce the soil layer constructed by the mixed material, then drill into it and continue to expand.

At the same time, a little blue light began to converge, and finally formed a hazy image that could only be seen as a personal kind.

Look around, and sigh softly: "High magnetic field pollution, the starlight here is almost too terrible."

Came from the projection formed by Yi Xunyu through the condensation of star lotus.

"But it's nothing, this energy should be enough."

Ixunyu's phantom said slowly, then opened his hand and began to slowly outline the twisted and strange magic circle in the air:

"Dark forest, dense forest, full of vitality, giving birth to endless life, come here, twist and spread, let this world full of vitality."

Is a bit like a nursery rhyme's strange mantra, the shadow of the pale bone sword behind Yi Xunyu flashed away, and then this projection disappeared because of exhausting energy.

However, the projection disappeared, but the half-drawn magic circle in the sky remained.

The sky blue turns to pitch black as it slowly rotates, and then emits a strange black light outward.

Seemed to want to get out of it, but in the end, because of the incomplete formation, he could only roar angrily, and then spit out a big green mucus.

Wow la la,

Seems to be a sip of water, but when you really get here, it seems that the sluice gate is released in large quantities. The thick water column at the mouth of the basin rushes out directly, hits the wall, and then splashes into the groundwater.

"It seems that this thing really has something to do with that thing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The projection of Yi Xunyu appeared again next to Xinglian, watching the magic circle that closed after spraying green acid water. Raised his eyebrows.

This is what she found in the taboo spell in the Rebel High Tower, but in terms of effect, it just summons a black light to distort the growth of the surrounding creatures.

But after a brief understanding of the old days, Yi Xunyu felt that this thing had a little relationship with the old days, and then I tried it a little this time.

Use the breath of the old tongue as a guide to see if you can guide something interesting.

Facts have proved that the effect is outstanding.


Several tiny vine weaves condensed together, and then moved to the side of Yi Xunyu, cracking a gap, revealing the core like eyes inside.

This thing can temporarily replace the role of the eye.

The mucus of the Hessian worm (pseudo)

Hessian worm: The existence of some kind of evil gods, distorted by super-dimensional information, became puppets, lost consciousness and well, and could only act by instinct all day long.

Effect: Distorting and demonizing all contaminated creatures, and at the same time will greatly stimulate reproduction

Ps: 90 births per day, 999 per birth

"Hey, seems to be playing big?"

Reached out and touched his chin, Yi Xunyu looked up and said somewhere.

Legend forever

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