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Chapter 99 Ode to Joy Xie Bin’s Biography

Chapter 99 Ode to Joy·Xie Bin’s Biography

I am Xie Bin, a native of Chang'an. I was born in a poor mountain village in 1990.

My mother is a well-known beauty in this mountain, and she is also a hard-working girl. From a very young age, I started to help take care of my younger brother at home, making fires and cooking. When I grew up, I followed the migrant workers in the village to work in factories to make money.

My mother was very high-spirited and longed for life in a big city. However, in order to get the money for her uncle's wedding, her grandpa and grandpa arranged a marriage for her while she was away working. After my mother came home with her wages during the Chinese New Year, she found out about this before she even had time to take a breath. Although she cried and made trouble, it was all to no avail. The mother, who was heartbroken for this family, still got on the bullock cart to welcome the bride.

Fortunately, my father is an honest man in the village. After marrying a beautiful daughter-in-law, he also loves my mother very much, but my father listens to my grandparents even more. After getting married, my mother repeatedly persuaded my father to go out to work with her, but my grandparents always stopped her.

From that day on, whenever my mother mentioned going out to work, she would be scolded by her grandmother, while my honest father would only hide in the corner and smoke. My father couldn't bear my mother's pleading, so he had no choice but to go to his grandfather, who was the head of the family, but he said, "If you all leave, the land at home will be given to us two old people? What's the use of raising you?" Do you want us to be like Lao Yan in the village, who died at home and the children didn’t know about it?"

It didn't take long for my mother to become pregnant with me. She seemed to have accepted her fate, and the family returned to peace. A few years passed, and when I started to go to school, the money that other families brought back every year from other migrant workers was Houses have been built, but my house still has the same three big tile-roofed houses.

On this day, my mother asked my father about working part-time again. After all, I will need a lot of money to go to school in the future, and my mother does not want me to stay in the village all my life. The father was also shaken, and the grandparents also envied the good life of other families in the village, and finally agreed to let the two of them go out to work.

During that time, I lived a very happy life. My mother often mailed me some clothes and delicious food. My grandparents who had money also often improved their lives. Meat was often seen at home.

But the beautiful life was like a bubble, and it soon shattered. One year during the winter vacation, I was used to waiting for my parents to come back together at the entrance of the village. But this time, only my father came back, and my mother was nowhere to be seen.

I hid in the back room at night, and I vaguely realized that after my father went to the city, because he was older, he was not wanted by ordinary small workers' families. My father, who was used to idle farm work, was not very strict with the strict requirements of the factory. To adapt, I changed jobs seven or eight times a year, but my mother found a stable nanny job because of her hard work. The two of them only relied on their mother to earn money in the city, so they often quarreled. This time, the mother was angry and did not come back.

Later, my parents came back before the Chinese New Year, and then my mother left and never came back, but my father stayed at home and never went out again. It was only through my grandma’s scolding that I learned that my parents were divorced. At that time, I didn’t know what divorce meant.

But not long after, my father got married again, and my stepmother soon gave birth to a younger brother, which made my grandparents extremely happy. The happy grandma always praised her stepmother when she met everyone, called my mother shameless, and left the child behind and ran away with others. When grandma told this story, everyone believed it, and it slowly spread throughout the mountains.

From that day on, I was often bullied by children in the village and classmates at school. I went home to seek help, but no one at home stood up for me. When I saw that I was being bullied, no one cared about me. Even my father didn’t care about me. Those people bullied me unscrupulously. I lived in the ridicule and humiliation of others every day.

At this time, I realized what the elders in the village said, a child without a mother is like a grass. I began to hate this home, this mountain village, and everyone here.

On this day, I secretly took out the envelope that my mother used to mail things to. I used the money I saved to buy an envelope and stamps. I wrote a letter to my mother, describing my unfortunate life, and begging my mother to help me. Take me with you. I don't want to live in this dark world, I want to live a warm and bright life.

After the letter was mailed, I prayed to God every day that my mother would receive my letter. Fortunately, my mother really came to pick me up one day. I don’t know what my mother talked about with them. I was just immersed in the joy of being able to escape soon.

I thank my mother and thank God. I, Xie Bin, am in darkness, but my heart is toward the sunshine.

I thought my mother was taking me to the hut where she worked, but unexpectedly my mother took me to a very spacious and beautiful home. Only then did I know that my mother was also married, and she was the male head of the family where she worked as a nanny. .

At this moment, I remembered my grandma's insulting words, and I didn't want to stay here. However, when I thought of the children in the village chasing and beating me, and the indifferent person in the family, I couldn't lift my feet.

At my stepfather's house, although my stepfather didn't care much about me, no one bullied me anymore. Occasionally, I still had the care that my mother shared from my younger brother. To me, this life is already paradise.

However, not long after my life in heaven, my grandparents found out where I went to school through an acquaintance. Then he followed me secretly from school and found my mother's house.

As soon as they saw me entering the house, they rushed out, clamoring to take me back to live in the village. Of course I refused, and my mother also refused to let me go back to live a life of being sarcastic and bullied. Fortunately, later Dad took the money and settled it. When my grandparents left with some money, they didn’t even look at me.

After this incident, my mother's life was not easy, and some gossips began to spread, which made my stepfather complain a bit about my mother and became even more indifferent to me. However, he never ignored me about my tutoring classes. There was no deduction, and I was very satisfied.

But just when the neighbors had almost forgotten about it, the money they took last time had probably been spent, and the grandparents came to make trouble again. The stepfather was also angry, so he didn't give it readily this time. Because they couldn't get the money, the grandparents made a fuss even more fiercely. The stepfather didn't want to lose face and had to give them money again. The two of them took the money and left with satisfaction. After this time, my stepfather disliked me even more, and even my mother did not dare to speak for me. The neighbors also knew that my mother was a mistress, and that I was the child of that ex-husband.

My grandparents seemed to be afraid that people would forget this, so they always reminded me in time. My stepfather couldn't bear the disturbance and moved decisively. My grandparents couldn't find my mother, so they made trouble at my school. My stepfather even helped me. Transferred.

In the new school, no one knows about my past. I can finally live a normal and sunny life. I like this feeling very much. In order to prevent my new classmates from knowing my past, I worked hard to be a positive student.

However, I have always lived on campus and only dared to go home to get money when I was short of money. Even on the way home, I had to hide and avoid everyone who might know me. Not only was I afraid that acquaintances would see me and point fingers, but I was also afraid that my grandparents would follow my way home and find my mother. I am sure that if my grandparents found a new home because of me, even my mother would probably not want me anymore. She would decisively let me follow my grandparents back to the mountain village.

I sensitively feel that this must be the case, because after my grandparents made trouble time and time again and disturbed my mother's happy life, my mother became more and more impatient with me. To me, acquaintances are trouble, the culprits that could ruin my peaceful life.

Days passed like this, and I got used to this kind of hiding. Slowly, I miraculously developed a very skilled counter-reconnaissance ability. My grandparents never found my new home.

Time passed quickly. When I was filling in my application form for the college entrance examination, I subconsciously wanted to be a police officer. I still remember how aggressive my grandparents were when facing my mother, but how honest they were when facing the police.

So I applied for the police academy that was farthest from home. In the school, no acquaintance from my hometown could find me anymore. I felt that my happy life was already coming.

After several years of life in the police academy, I was far away from the hometown I hated. I buried the haze of my childhood deep in my heart, and I changed from the forced smile I used to have to a really sunny and cheerful face. And my talent in criminal investigation was also loved by my mentor.

After graduation, I worked as a criminal police officer in Haishi. My abilities were recognized by everyone in the police station, and my life was full of sunshine.

However, all this changed one day. When I was catching a thief that day, I met a girl who was knocked down. The girl's name was Guan Ju'er. She looked gentle and quiet, and I liked her very much.

However, not long after, I got the news that someone actually went to my hometown to investigate what happened to me when I was a child. This made me fall into an inexplicable panic. I even hid in Haishi. Why couldn't I escape that hazy mountain village?

At the end of this volume, some readers are curious about Xie Bin's childhood. I will write a short biography of Xie Bin here, and those who are interested can also read it.

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