League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 755 Chapter753 Hilko’s Ambition

It was not until three months later that the disaster that affected most of Zaun was completely subsided. For the people of Zaun, no matter whether the outcome was good or bad, as long as they could still breathe, they could live their lives.

Apart from the not-so-credible legend of the Noxian Blood Executioner from the mouths of a few lunatics, the most talked-about one is the Baron War between Baron Rymer and Baron Willard.

The Willard forces, which had been retreating steadily, hired a new gang force from the dark alleys of Zaun at the cost of the ownership of a factory.

The most outstanding one is the burly, fiery and aggressive Wolf Fist Fandel.

With just a pair of mechanically-assisted metal gloves, he defeated the [Son of the Scorpion] that Rymer was proud of. Fandel even led his gangsters to counterattack to Baron Rymer's territory. As a condition for a ceasefire, Baron Rymer was forced to Give up Factory No. 12,

For Willard, giving Factory No. 11, which was already an abandoned area, to Hilko as a condition would cause Lemer to really bleed, and it would also be considered a suppressed bad breath. From then on, the two major The Baron ceased fighting, and the forces of Hilko and Vandel served as a buffer zone for both sides and signed a ceasefire agreement.

After the First World War, Fander's name was resounding throughout the dark alleys of Zaun. Those who knew part of the inside story were even more wary of the ruthless Silko.

The joint force formed by Hilko and Fandel has also officially entered the eyes of other Alchemy Barons. Some people even speculated that Hilko and Fandel would also join the Alchemy Baron's power competition.

No matter what the outside world thought, Hilko and Fandel finally got what they wanted and chose to call it quits, which relieved many nervous Alchemist Barons.

Two years later, with the huge wealth brought by Factory No. 12, Silko rebuilt Factory No. 11 according to the architectural blueprint of the Piltover architect, especially building a large elevator and alchemy that went directly to the ground at any cost. Research room.

Fandel also spent money to buy a piece of land in the most prosperous area of ​​​​Black Alley and built Fulgen's Tavern.

There were a lot of troubles encountered in the days when Forgan's Tavern was opened, and they were quickly settled by Fander himself.

Because of Fander's personal charm and super strength, Fulgan's Tavern has become the safest place for transactions in the dark alleys, which in turn has promoted the reputation and prosperity of Fulgan's Tavern.

On this day, Hilko sent people to find Fandel and sent out an invitation. Fandel handed over the management of the tavern to his men and followed Hilko's people to the industrial area.

"Good brother, let me introduce you first."

After taking the initiative to hug the burly Fandel, Hilko smiled and looked at the slightly hunched-over young man with slightly sparse hair.

"Mr. Singed Copenhagen, born in the upper town, a genius in alchemy and chemical preparations,

He once systematically studied alchemical biology at the Yodel Academy of Science in Piltover. Due to disagreements with his ideas, Mr. Singed chose to leave the upper city and settled in Zaun for a long time.

Mr. Singed's research methods are completely different from those of the old scholars of the Yodel Academy of Sciences. He is eclectic and has a wild imagination. He has his own unique insights, especially in biological mutation and heterogeneous alchemical substances. As our cooperation The object couldn't be more suitable,

Before I found Mr. Singed, Mr. Singed had already set up his own simple laboratory in Qianhegou and had some unique works.

My brother, I haven’t informed you of the progress in this area these days because I’m still not sure whether the information from the poisonous snake’s mouth is true or false. However, just yesterday afternoon, our workers successfully mined the fluorescent lichen from the poisonous snake’s mouth. I’m calling you here this time. I just want to invite you to see our joint achievements. "

After Hilko finished the introduction, Fandel shook hands with the slightly humble Singed and smiled friendly.

"Hello, Mr. Singed."

"Hello, Mr. Fandel, it's an honor to meet you. Your name has become a legend in the dark alley."

"It's just a false name, not worth mentioning."

Hilko clapped his hands and smiled.

"Okay, we are all our own people. Let's leave the compliments at the lunch table. Now let's go and see the greatest wealth of Factory No. 11."

Fandel followed Hilko and Singed into the large elevator, and slowly moved downwards as the steel cable twisted. After about ten seconds, the elevator made a muffled sound, and a cold, damp breath came out. The air rushed towards him, and Fandel only felt that he had arrived deep underground.

The three of them walked into the mine transfer station with the miner's lamp on, followed strict disinfection procedures and put on full-coverage respiratory masks with their own oxygen tanks. They also put on gloves and other protective clothing. After completing a complete set of procedures, Hilko was Opening the steel gate of the air valve on the other side of the transfer station, he explained to Fandel:

"The miners just discovered 'Purple Light Lichen' yesterday, and Mr. Singed did basic testing overnight. Mr. Singid, would you mind introducing Purple Light Lichen to my best brother and partner?"

"It's my pleasure, Sir Hilko."

Walking in the deep mine tunnel, Xingid said slowly.

"After getting the sample of Purple Lichen, I first did a botanical test. It can be confirmed that Purple Lichen is a combination of some kind of mutated fungi and algae. On this basis, it also has the phototactic properties and shade preference of plants. characteristic,

Purple lichen, which grows deep underground, can rely on the decomposition of rocks, minerals, spores and other fungi to supply its own energy. It has a strong desire for reproduction and biological activity.

But this is also the strangest point. As if something is hindering the growth of purple lichen, the shell-like lichen rooted on quartz ore will only spread to an area of ​​less than one square meter. Even if there is sufficient food nearby, the lichen will The number is still very small. If you want to speed up research, the first problem to overcome is to study its growth characteristics and cultivate more sample materials..."

Listening to Singed talking about things he didn't understand, Fandel looked a little more impatient. He had never been to school, how could he understand these things?

Hilko noticed that Singed, who was talking eloquently, did not pay attention to Fandel's attitude, so he reminded him.

"Mr. Xinged, please briefly explain the function of purple lichen."

Only then did Singed realize that he had just been playing the piano to a cow, and his face became a little more appropriately apologetic.

"Through special extraction technology, we can extract ten milliliters of the original solution from 500 grams of Lichen purpurea. Through animal experiments, it can now be determined that the original solution of Lichen purpurea has extremely strong mutagenic properties. After dilution, small doses It has analgesic effect and promotes body recovery.

Based on these two characteristics, maybe we can find a way to enhance the human body using directed mutagenesis of the original solution. Even if it doesn't work, we can also rely on making related medicines to sell them. "

Speaking of this, Singed was also a little excited. The mutagenic substance he had been looking for came to him. It not only cured baldness, but as long as he was given enough time, he might be able to use this substance to strengthen the human body. The lifespan can even avoid Kindred's embrace, giving him more time to complete the research he desires.

The fusion and transformation between living things will soon open the door for him.

"Did you hear that? My good brother, this magical substance is enough to become our secret weapon. I can basically conclude now that the crazy Rob used this lichen as food to induce body mutation, lost control and became a murderer. murderer,

You must know that Rob, who is out of control, can't even kill Pi Lao's Mauser rifle. If we can master the controllable and stable strengthening method, we can have soldiers who are not afraid of gunfire and death. By then, Pi Lao will be the superior one. There is no way to show off one's power over our heads. "

"The keys to our dreams are here, my brother, and this is our collective fortune."

Hearing this, Fandel finally understood the value of Purple Light Lichen. Indeed, if it is true as Silko and Singed said, Zaun can obtain a batch of enhanced combat power through Purple Light Lichen and become a transcendent mortal. warrior,

In that case, you can indeed use war to win the respect of the upper city, but with Rob's example in mind, if you want to complete such an experiment, will many people be sacrificed?

After the explosion of Factory No. 12, an unprecedented tragedy occurred in Zaun. Even with the rescue of the Piltover people, the death toll in Zaun was still thousands. After Fander reflected on it, he did regret his actions. If he succeeded, There will be so many sacrifices on the road, can it still be called success?

He couldn't forget the crying faces of those who lost their loved ones. He didn't believe that Zu An had to pay such a painful price for his growth.

In fact, he didn't take the initiative to come to Hilko during this period, maybe he didn't want to have a cold war, and wanted to make Hilko restrain himself a little.

But now it seems that Hilko will only go further.

"Hilko, do you mean to use this thing for human experiments?"

A little confused by Fandel's serious attitude, Hilko nodded.

"My brother, of course, we are in Zaun. There are so many scum in this place. These scum are the best experimental subjects. If we want to obtain the effect of purple light lichen original solution on the human body, we must conduct human experiments. Otherwise, why do you think Mr. Singed left Uptown?

Since those sanctimonious scientists from the upper city choose to restrict themselves to ridiculous scientific rules, we can’t blame us in Zaun for surpassing them..."

"No, I will never agree to your human experiments, Hilko, don't forget that the original intention of our efforts is to let the Zaun people live a good life, but you would actually think of doing experiments on the Zaun people?"

What surprised Hilko was that Fandel's tone was extremely strong, giving people a feeling that he could not argue with his words. For a moment, Hilko, who was unprepared, was speechless.

Singed, who was caught in the middle, wanted to say something, but the heavy pressure made Singed know that he had no position to persuade at all.

It was better to keep his mouth shut and protect himself. He did not believe that Hilko would be persuaded by Fandel. As long as Hilko still wanted to conduct research on Purple Light Lichen, there would definitely be a place for him.

Seeing that Hilko did not refute his words, Fandel's tense expression softened a bit.

"Hilko, my brother, listen to me, we already have enough capital. The two factories in the industrial zone, the grocery store and the tavern in the dark alley are enough for us to develop the strongest power.

It only takes a little patience and development time. With the abilities of the two of us, we will be able to control the Alchemy Baron and the gangs in the Black Alley, and gain the qualifications to negotiate terms with the Piltover Council.

As long as the Zaun people unite, we can get the recognition of the people in the upper city, and we don't need to rely on "purple light lichen" to create any super warriors. "

In the awkward silence, Hilko raised his head with difficulty, stared into Fandel's eyes, and whispered.

"Fander, do you know how much preparation I have made for the birth of this factory?

I secretly went to the city to spend gold coins to get the blueprints for the building. I bought the materials bit by bit from passing merchant ships.

Every brick, every tile, every metal beam, every screw here was built by me watching the construction workers build it bit by bit.

In order to prepare a laboratory for studying purple lichen, I even bribed scientists from the upper city to bring out the laboratory building drawings of the Bandel Academy of Sciences, and asked people to modify them bit by bit on the spot.

It took me a lot of effort to find Singed.

I have been indifferent for two years. You just ran your Fulgen's Tavern. You were your tavern owner and gang boss in a comfortable and glorious way, satisfying your ridiculous sympathy. Have you ever cared about me? matter? I deserve to be like a stinky rat hiding in a bottomless mine breathing coal dust for the sake of our common dream, right? "

Speaking of this, Hilko's face was also a little cold.

"Fander, my brother, my good brother, I think you can say these words with peace of mind now because your life as a tavern owner in the past two years has been so wonderful that you have forgotten the hardships we had in the past and the suffering of the Zaun people. exploitation and oppression,

Don’t forget, your ability to become a tavern owner is not achieved with a little patience and development time.

All the wealth we have now is made with our lives! In this world, if you want to accomplish something, you have to work hard! I can sit comfortably and not even fart!

You didn't say anything against it when you were trying to seize this factory, but now you're giving me an order to give up everything I've worked hard for? "

Now it was Fandel's turn to be speechless. Although Hilko's words were not pleasant, they were irrefutable facts. It was radicalism and risk-taking that brought everything today, not stability.

It's just that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Maybe it was because Hilko said that he became the owner of Forgen Hotel and changed in the enjoyment and comfort. But there are some bottom lines that cannot be broken through.

"Maybe today is not a good time for a dinner party."

Hilko gave up the idea of ​​taking Fandel to visit the laboratory and said without interest.

"We should put down what we are doing and think carefully about how to proceed in the future."

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