Unlike Void Overlords like Vel'Koz who were born in the Void World from the beginning, when the Void energy successfully passed through the world diaphragm and arrived in Runeland, the pure Void energy was inevitably affected by the world where Runeland was located, and naturally stained with the color of Runeland.

If we use a simple sentence to summarize this process, it can be called the adaptive differentiation of the Void, and its principle is similar to the multidirectional differentiation process of embryonic stem cells.

The breath of the Void adapts to plants, and then catalyzes the Void plants that can transform the environment. Combined with animals, specific Void beasts such as Kog'Maw, Kog'Maw or Kha'Zix are born.

Lester's main perspective, or Belvis's adaptive process, is affected by human desires and determined by the natural selection of the Void. It is completely not at the same level as Kog'Maw and Kog'Maw, and its growth potential is infinitely close to that of the Void Overlords in the Void World.

Belvis's original energy body was attracted by the port city of Belvis on the Shurima continent. By constantly absorbing the desires and greed from humans to grow stronger, it eventually turned into a void wave and engulfed the entire city.

The destroyed city and the souls buried in the void wave shaped a terrifying existence that was completely different from normal void life. At the moment of formation, this unique void will inherited the name of "Belvius" and embarked on a completely different path from the monitor.

In terms of status, Belvis is far superior to ordinary void creatures and is equal to the monitor. Therefore, from the moment of birth, Belvis has the possibility and ambition to become a king.

Belvius's ambition has always prompted her to work towards the direction of the Queen of the Void, eager to build a void world controlled by her, spread fear and war, and capture more desires from humans to grow herself. If she is not restrained, I am afraid that Runeland may really become a world of lavender sea.

After experiencing Belvis's life journey from a first-person perspective, Lester finally understood the tip of the iceberg of the void world and gained some new insights into Belvis. Belvis is essentially a localized conqueror, not an irreconcilable destroyer like the monitor Viktor. He and Belvis have a basis for cooperation, so there is no need to kill this guy just because he is worried that Belvis will cause trouble. However, what shocked him the most was the void world, which is more mysterious than the void world. He can still understand the concept of the void universe, but he has no idea about the void world. Looking back, in addition to fear, his memory seems to have been affected, and what he saw and heard in the void world has become unclear. Lester opened his eyes, and the unreachable Alpine peaks were still in sight. The man sat up and looked at the Void Queen who was observing him with a serious look. "What are you looking at?" Belvis said with a little hesitation. "Master, do you feel any discomfort now?"

Lester frowned and checked his body, and confirmed with Elena, and was sure that his body was fine.

"I'm fine, there's nothing wrong with me."

Belvis seemed to be relieved and said slowly.

"Master, even the monitor can't look directly at the Eye of Nothingness. Only the Void Will like me who comes from the Void World can retain part of the memory of the Eye of Nothingness, but the master is fine, which means one thing."

At this point, Belvis kept silent, just staring at Lester's expression, which made the man a little impatient.

"Speak directly, don't keep me in suspense."

"Yes, what I want to say is that the master's strength is strong enough to cut off the world channel between the Void World and the Rune Land. The monitor will not be your opponent, and the master will not be infected by it because of contact with the Void Universe."

Lester rubbed his eyebrows, looking serious.

"The main passage opened by the Watcher is under the True Ice Abyss of the Frostguard Fortress.

The other void passages such as the Mermaid Land in the Conqueror's Sea and the Void Rift in Icathia are all dependent on the main passage. As long as the main passage in Freljord is cut off, the other void rifts will close by themselves. Is that right?"

Although it is a question sentence, it is a statement. Before sleepwalking in the void world, Lester heard the voice of the Watcher Vel'koz when he was helping the Mermaid Land to reinforce the seal of the Void Rift, and he also had a brief exchange with Vel'koz.

At that time, he suspected that the Void Rift in the Mermaid Land was also related to the Void Rift built under the Hall of Nine Saints. Now it is completely confirmed.

Sure enough, Belvis nodded affirmatively.

"That's right. The master must have seen that the monitor will extend its tentacles into the world cracks after the world cracks expand. In fact, each tentacle of the monitor can serve as a new void channel node, continuously transmitting void energy to the target world. As the cracks in the main channel become larger and larger, there will be more void channels. If the main channel is not cut off from the root, it will be useless even if more secondary void cracks are sealed. The monitor can always create new void cracks at a certain price." Lester knew that Belvis was right. The Bright Moon Star Spirit led the sealing of the void cracks where the mermaids were located. The Shurima Ascendants paid a heavy price to block the void cracks in Icathia. It seems to be a glorious achievement, but in fact it is only a temporary solution and not a fundamental solution. It is just a muddy wall that can last for a day.

But he didn't expect that in the war against the void, the most meaningful thing was that Lissandra sacrificed the Abyss of Ice created by Jimei.

Sure enough, the power of bonds and friendship is the most powerful, and it can actually withstand Vel'Koz, the void welder, day and night.

"The Monitor has been sealed by Zhenbing in the Abyss of Zhenbing. Is there any way to permanently close the passage to the void world? Vel'Koz regards you as a thorn in his side. There must be a special reason for him to do this. "

Hearing Lester talk about this, a cold look appeared on Pelvis's face.

"The reason why the monitor wants to get rid of me is because my lavender sea can eliminate his disintegration ray. My lavender sea originates from nothingness. Its power level is higher than that of the disintegration ray. It is blocked by the lavender sea. It would be unable to exert any influence on Runeterra, and it could not even send more void energy to Runeterra.

If I can transform the space where the monitor is located into a lavender sea with the attribute of void, the void universe will completely lose this world, and will no longer be able to incorporate this world into the void universe, and will eventually be swallowed by nothingness.

I want to preserve this world, and the Monitor wants to destroy this world, so it can tolerate humans sealing the void rifts it opens again and again, but it cannot tolerate my existence.

Master, if I can really conquer this world, I will definitely do so. "

Having said that, Belvis knew that it was impossible for her to conquer the world. I am afraid that Leicester would not let her use the method of the lavender sea to solve this problem.

Regardless of whether Lissandra agrees or not, Leicester himself will not allow Belvis to turn the Deep Ice Abyss into a lavender sea. Doing so is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst.

Who knows if without the influence of the Monitor, Belvis will secretly go to the void universe to engage in this and that, rekindling undue ambitions?

Don't look at the fact that he has trained Belvis like an obedient puppy. If he hadn't been so strong, he might have had a lot of headaches now, and it would have been impossible for him to be a dog for Belvis.

Think about it from another angle. The Lord of the Void, who was so arrogant that he was ready to turn the whole world into a void life from the moment he was born. The Lord of the Void, who has always regarded dominating the entire world as his first goal in life, was willing to crouch under his feet and be obedient to him. I have paid so much, is it possible that I am just trying to survive?

He is not King Wu Fu Chai, and he doesn't care whether Belvis is King Goujian of Yue, because he will not give Belvis any chance to cause trouble. It is fine for the Queen of the Void to be a puppy for him.

"Is there no other way besides your lavender sea?"

Leicester stared at Pulvis without blinking, with an expression that was half-smiling.

Belvis tilted her head slightly, avoiding Lester's gaze. She knew very well that Lester's asking this question did not mean that he really did not know how to cut off the void passage.

This man has never truly trusted her, and has always been testing and oppressing her, just like those unreasonable fists and slaps.

What can she do in the face of such a suspicious strong man? If you can't beat me, just be obedient.

"Killing the monitor can only be regarded as a temporary solution but not the root cause. The monitor's body is in the void world. It is difficult to kill the monitor through the diaphragm of the world.

And even if they go to the void universe and kill the monitors of Runeterra, there will still be more monitors trying to open up the passage between the two worlds. The current Runeterra has not been flooded by real void life. The only reason is to open up The monitor of this world still cannot satisfy his curiosity. "

After a pause, Pulvis whispered.

"For now, the best way is to use the Pure Burning Fire to burn the void passage opened by the Monitor. After being burned by the Pure Burning Fire, the cracks in the world will quickly close and become harder. Even the Monitor cannot May forcefully tear open the rift in the world and invade Runeterra again.”

"Talk about the pure burning fire."

"Yes, according to my own understanding, the Pure Burning Fire comes from the will of the world in Runeterra. It is a trump card generated by the will of the world to fight against the invasion of the void.

Among the troops assigned by the master to Icacia, there was an ancient warrior who was infected by the void but did not become a slave of the void. His lamppost contained the pure burning fire. The master must have known this, otherwise he would not have been sent. Come and deal with me. "

Nodding noncommittally, Lester stood up and paced back and forth, his eyes looking thoughtful.

"The 'purifying fire' in your mouth, we call it the 'eternal flame',

The Eternal Flame was born from the Icathia War. It is the only treasure left after Icathia was completely polluted by the void. It has the absolute ability to suppress the void energy. However, whether the Eternal Flame can be used to bridge the cracks in the world opened by the monitored people remains to be seen. To be discussed. "

Having said this, Leicester let out a breath and looked at Pelvis with a cold expression.

"Although there is no right or wrong, you and I are enemies after all.

Belvis, in order to deal with you, I don't know how many Noxians will never return to their homeland. You deserve to die. No matter whose hands you die, you don't deserve to live, especially You shouldn't live in my hands,

Only by dying can you be worthy of those expeditionary soldiers who died on the Icathia Peninsula. I shouldn't let you live, both emotionally and rationally. "

Bowing his head in silence, Belvis put his head on the carpet without saying a word to defend himself.

She knew that when Lester said these words, she had truly survived. Before that, she was just a tool used to explore the void world. When Lester got what he wanted, If she wants something, she loses her survival value.

Now, her will to live has earned her a little respite.

"Belvis, give me a reason not to kill you."

"Master, Belvis will escape, and then you will execute Belvis to avenge the death of the Empire's soldiers."

Lester narrowed his eyes.

"go on."

"After Belvis dies, the owner can get a loyal dog. The owner can leave the barren land of Icathia Peninsula to the loyal dog to manage. The loyal dog will definitely give the owner a satisfactory answer."

“What does the loyal dog want to do?”

"The land eroded by the void cannot be reversed back to its original state. Even with the eternal flames, it is difficult to eliminate the marks left by the void. But for a life adapted to the void environment, this barren land can be used to breed gold. Something more precious.”

"Oh? Something more precious than gold?"

"Yes, void is indeed dangerous, but in essence void is just a kind of pure energy, which can be transformed into unexpected wealth as long as it is used properly.

Master, there has been one Belvis in this world, and there will never be another Belvis. The monitor will not allow a second void traitor to appear, and after the void passage is closed, there will be no chance of another Belvis appearing. Si,

When Belvis died, the void universe was rejected from the world, and the so-called void was nothing more than a tool that the master could play with at will. "

Transforming the Icathia Peninsula into a void laboratory is the biggest bargaining chip Belvis can offer. If even this cannot impress the man in front of her, it can only be said that this is her fate.

After listening to Belvis's words, Leicester thought of Victor, who was currently in Zaun and was responsible for helping the people of Zaun to achieve mechanical ascension.

He already knew the secret of the evolution of the Hex Rune. Its root really came from void energy. To be precise, it was the shimmering potion made by Singed and Silko using Void Lichen.

Without the Glimmer Potion as an introduction to 'embracing evolution', Victor would have been wiped out long ago. How would he have the chance to become a mechanical pioneer?

As the saying goes, the rich rely on technology and the poor rely on mutation. Just a low-light potion can turn all the poor people in Zaun into a 'Purple Giant'. If the void energy is systematically used to cultivate plants, raise animals or create voids What about magic?

Who stipulates that you have to grow into Vel'Koz's big Kaziran eyes to be able to shoot lasers? Can I give you a middle finger?

Obviously this is a virgin land that has not yet been opened up by the Imperial Scientific Research Institute. It is full of gold. Leicester can guarantee that as long as he tells the news to the group of fanatics who study magic, this ghost place of Icathia Peninsula will be turned into a resort in minutes.

I have to say that this time, Pelvis really grasped his thoughts and tickled his itch.

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