League of Legends Invades Another World

Chapter 280 The battle belonging to the Noxians

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

The spring sunshine was a bit cold, and it fell on the Blackwood Province, which was shrouded in the cloud of war. The barren and bloody plains filled the plains, attracting the northern jackdaw to hover in the sky.

And at the edge of Yinsong and Blackwood provinces, the gnoll army that came from behind, burned, killed and looted, looked at the ruined camp in front of them in astonishment, tore the tents that were trampled on the ground, and covered the ground with broken twisted corpses. , the dried and solidified blood, and the Gnoll Guard Captain who was beheaded and kneeled on the ground.

Occasionally the breeze blows, and there will be strange noises, which are like paying homage to the god of death with the chirping of the jackdaws.

Ow - Ow!

The tearing wolf howls shook the cool breeze, and Habakkake, the gnoll chief, looked angrily over the crowded gnoll soldiers in front of him, his ferocious face full of killing intent.

Its heart was already filled with anger, and its dark green eyes stared viciously at the white bones with tooth marks scattered in the camp, which were obviously caused by being eaten.

And looking at the shape of the skeleton, it can be seen that it is the leg bone of the gnoll, and the tooth marks on it are also caused by the fangs of the gnoll.

Habakak pushed aside the gnoll soldiers who were blocking the road in front of him, and slowly walked to the already dilapidated camp, tearing and trampling on the tent with dense traces of warhorses. trace.

And next to the burning fire not far away, there are a few pieces of leftover food, which should be left by humans, the force that attacked them in Yinpine Province.


Breaking the bones under his feet, Habakak has already judged in his heart. This is a head-on confrontation. Human heavy cavalry and gnoll vanguard, but it is the human heavy cavalry who won the victory, and even the process of winning is very easy, easy Next, they directly chased and killed the fleeing gnoll soldiers.


At this moment, there were several uneasy howls from the ruins of the camp not far away.

Slowly, the howls sounded one after another, and a group of gnoll soldiers covered in blood stained and embarrassed slowly gathered, their eyes were full of fear, but when they saw the dense and strong gnoll army, they rushed. Come over, the pace is staggering, and the murderous appearance before is no longer at all.

"Damn deserters!"

Habakkak cursed in a low voice, and immediately raised his right hand. He couldn't let these gnoll soldiers, who had been slain by the human heavy cavalry, return to the legion. That would bring anxiety, fear that did not exist, and deep hidden desertion factor.

"Roar! Kill them, and leave no one alive!" Habakkak roared, and the guards behind him howled and rushed up, with sharp blades hidden behind him, and his sturdy and tall body signaled a welcome gesture.

Then, when he came into direct contact with the group of terrified gnoll soldiers, the sharp blade with a cold light was raised high, and with a cold wind one after another, it plundered the poor life.

The slaughter soon ended, and the strong smell of blood wafted in every corner of the ruined camp with the breeze.

Habakak didn't care about this, his eyes were full of complicated expressions. He was thinking about the various traces of this attack, and he couldn't figure out how many people there were in this human heavy cavalry.

He even guessed that it would not be the Stoke Kingdom who had reacted and had already laid traps ahead, waiting for the Gnoll Legion to get in?

Roar! Habakkak let out a roar, although he was a gnoll chief and had enough wisdom, but he hated to think about these calculations.

Habakak straightened his body and looked back at the gnoll soldiers who were panting frantically. A little blood filled his dark green eyes. He struggled and thought: Damn it, I don't believe you can leave all the gnoll legions in Stowe. Kingdom of Grams.

They have robbed most of the wealth, and now they are just following the orders of Lord North. If something goes wrong, it believes that the Lizardmen Legion will definitely enter the Silverpine Province.

"You, lead a team to the Koker tribe in the rear, and tell Lord North that there is an attack by human heavy cavalry here, and hope to have the support of lizardmen cavalry." Habakak dragged casually from the guards behind him. A gnoll guard said, his dark green eyes full of majesty, and then his eyes turned to the north.

"Notify the Gnoll Legion behind, target Yinsong Province, and prohibit looting until the target is determined!"

Aww-! Aww-!

When the order was given, the gnoll legion densely covered the green plains let out a continuous howl, and more than 10,000 gnoll soldiers trampled on the ground, leaving dirty marks everywhere and countless gnawed bones. Meat residue.

From the dawn to noon, the sun in the sky is a little hot, and the earth is warmly baked.

Just today, the western region of Yinsong Province once again welcomed gnoll soldiers, but this time was different from last time. It was no longer a small group of gnoll soldiers, but a huge gnoll army.

On the distant horizon, countless black dots that were crowded and crowded were slowly moving, as if locusts were crossing the border.

In the center of the Gnoll Legion, Habakkak looked puzzled. After crossing the Blackwood Province and entering the Silverpine Province, it didn't see the human heavy cavalry at all, not even a trace.

Conspiracy what? Or lay a trap ahead? still.............

In fear of such a large number of gnoll legions!

"Release your minions, arrange food, control their emotions, and don't run around." Habakak said to the guards beside him, since you didn't move, then let me come first and see what you are. Such a color!

Hundreds of small groups of gnolls were released, and they followed the direction of the legion to explore and loot, and by the way, they could find some food.


In Yinpine Province, in a ruined and uninhabited village, a Noxian soldier is resting peacefully. After a fierce battle, they need to replenish their physical consumption.

"Lord Klie, news from the war mason!"

At the intersection of the village, Kled rested on a dead tree, with Skar lying on his side, and his inciting forelimbs were expelling the heat for the yordles.

Gregory's sudden voice disturbed Kled, and then he opened his left eye and said indifferently: "I already know, now we don't care about those gnolls, rest when we need to rest!"

"Noxians fight, no longer as bloody and savage as before, they must have strategic wisdom and strategic vision!"

"My title of sergeant general is not earned by running away, but by wisdom!" Kled pointed to his gray and fluffy face and said, his former madness was relieved after a hearty slaughter.

Bloody wars can make people grow rapidly, and countless wars can force people to become generals of a hundred battles, such as Kled, such as Noxians.

After the raid on the gnoll camp at night, many Noxian soldiers grew up, and the growth rate was astonishing, which was one of the fundamental reasons why the Noxian Empire could stand on the Valoran continent.

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