The two of them fell silent again, and the waiting time was always boring, so Rorschach simply lay down and closed his eyes.

"Aren't you nervous?" the snake girl was a little strange, how could this person be so unpredictable.

"Don't be nervous, it's just killing people or killing some strange creatures," Rorschach replied lightly.

"That's right!" the snake girl didn't know what to reply, so she could only nod her head in acknowledgement.

After a long time, Rorschach opened his eyes and sat up.

The snake girl turned her head to look at Rorschach, a little confused.

"Here they are," Rorschach pointed to the door of the warehouse.

Sure enough, the door of the warehouse opened, and a tall gentleman in black was followed by three gentlemen in black who were also dressed in black.

"The one at the head is the senior blood mage, he is actually Vladimir's butler, his name is Rist, and the one behind him is Rist's apprentices, Miles, Mitchell and Osmond," the snake woman was surprised by Rorschach's sharp perception, she herself didn't even notice that three people had arrived, but now was not the time to ask about these things, and quickly reported some important information 19 to Rorschach.

"How can a high-level blood mage be as simple as just a butler?" Rorschach frowned and thought about it, and suddenly remembered that one of the four chancellors of the empire was named Lister.

"He's also Chancellor of the Exchequer!" Sure enough, the snake girl's explanation confirmed this information.

Before the two men could finish talking, Rist's laughter rang out: "Two rats have crawled in." "

Hearing this, both of them were shocked and looked at each other in unison.

A blood magic ball smashed directly into the hidden corner of the two people, and an ordinary long sword that Rorschach was carrying with him immediately tentacled, and a sword picked the blood magic ball away.

Rorschach fell to the ground, and the snake girl remained hidden in the shadows behind Rorschach.

"A combination of a magician and a magic swordsman, isn't it," Rist laughed.

"One thing we forgot, the high-level blood mage will have a chance to awaken the Crimson Eye, and can see the heat radiation and blood flow of living beings, we are careless," Rorschach looked at the warehouse with a sword in his left hand and a smile.

After coming down, I found that there were many ordinary people who had been tortured and were about to die, and there were tubes inserted into their bodies, and all the blood was gathered into a large ball in the center, and in the blood pool of that big ball, there seemed to be a creature sleeping.

"It's amazing, there aren't many bloodline magicians in the pancontinent, you actually know so many things about bloodline magic," Lister was a little surprised, and looked at Rorschach carefully, and found that he really didn't know him.

"Don't look at it, I've investigated a lot of things about Vladimir, and I have a little bit of intelligence," Rorschach scratched the back of his head, pointed to the quiet vampire minions around him, and asked, "Do you cut these first, or do you fight directly?"

"Let me see how good you can be," Rist raised his finger slightly, and more than three hundred quiet vampire minions screamed as if activated, and pounced on Rorschach.

"Watch out for a few of them, I'll move first," Rorschach said to the snake girl behind her.

"Don't play yourself to death," the snake girl snorted.

"Don't worry, I won't die until I'm mad at you," Rorschach laughed and rushed into the crowd of monsters with his sword.

The snake girl saw Rorschach fighting up close for the first time, so she was serious, she wanted to see how strong this talented bard really was in battle.

There is no elegance at all, each of Rorschach's swords is the key point, never muddy and watery, never superfluous movements, simple and efficient.

He was like an ordinary person walking in the yard, the sword in his hand seemed to be mowing the grass, simple and casual, and each blow was to puncture the heart of the vampire minions or cut off their heads.

His long sword swept across, a large pool of blood spurted out, seven or eight heads flew up, and the corpse fell straight down.

Even if Rorschach used the easiest way to harvest, there were too many of them, and Noxus's standard longsword could not withstand such a swing.

After cutting down more than forty vampires, the sword snapped.

Rorschach caught the severed tip and looked at it, turning sideways to dodge the attack of the vampire minions, the hilt of the sword hummed, and a milky white fighting aura covered the broken sword part.

"Demon Swordsman?" The three mid-level magicians who followed behind Rist were shocked, and the three of them shot at the same time, and one after another blood-condensing red blades slashed towards Rorschach.

The long sword in Rorschach's hand slashed continuously, crushing all the blood-condensing red blades. Rorschach continued in the direction of the four mages.

With the blessing of the Wind Magic Fighting Qi, Rorschach slashed more easily, and with each slash, the powerful power of the Wind Fighting Qi could shatter the vampire minions, bursting out a cloud of blood.

Rist stood still, but Miles, Mitchell, and Osmondziz stepped back, trying to distance themselves from Rorschach.

Rorschach casually threw out the tip that had been broken off in his hand, and the tip with a white glow directly pierced the crimson blood shield that Mitchell had just blessed himself without Reister reacting, piercing the body of this blood magician.

Mitchell didn't even snort, and fell straight to the ground, losing his life.

"Bastard!" Rist furious, chanting his magic quickly.

Rorschach hacked a bunch of vampire minions to death, blood was covered in the ground, and as Rister chanted, a blood-red circle appeared at Rorschach's feet.

Rorschach in the circle clearly felt that the blood in his body was boiling, his head was splitting, and his body became extremely sluggish.

The vampire minions standing in the circle became even more furious, screaming and lunging at Rorschach.

"The Immortal Blood Array is used to deal with a magic swordsman, it seems that you are in a hurry," the snake girl said this, and the five green rune magic balls directly fell around Rorschach in the blood array, and with the explosion of the magic balls, the vampire servants who 037 pounced on Rorschach were directly corrupted by the poisonous mist, and let out a terrible scream.

"The Embrace of the Demon Serpent?" Rist was shocked when he saw the skill, "You actually dare to sabotage Lord Vladimir's experiment." "

"Oh, you actually know me," the snake girl didn't hide anymore, and turned straight out of the shadows, looking at Rist and laughing, "What's not to dare?"

"Did LeBlanc tell you to do it, or did Soleana?" asked Rister in a loud voice, but his hands didn't listen, and the blood-colored magic power permeated the entire warehouse, and the blood-condensed soul armor covered him and the two remaining pale mages.

"Soleana?" Rorschach was stunned for a moment when he heard the name, turned to look at the snake woman, and asked, "Do you know General Duquekao's wife?"

"Your own companion, you don't even know the details?" Rist seemed to see the opportunity to be divided, and said with a smile, "Do you know who she is?"

"Oh, it seems that Vladimir's information is very timely," the snake girl said lightly, but she didn't stop under her hand, and two twin fangs shot at Lister.

Rist had long been guarding against the snake girl's set, and the two blood-condensing red blades silently sent out their hands, knocking the twin fangs apart in the air.

"Her name is Cassiopeia, Dukkao!" said Rist, grim.

"Huh?" Rorschach's eyes widened as she watched the snake girl.

PS: Cassiopeia's beautiful photos, don't be swallowed.

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