Lazy God Possession

Chapter 642: : High IQ Crime

"You said that Qisuo bought 20,000,000 yuan for that assistant?" Wan scientific research suddenly said.

He meowed that Lao Tzu had pushed for a million consultant fees at first!

"They said so." Ma Jincheng said, "Teacher, how can you do this, instead of spending 2oo million to buy Xiaowan scientific assistants, it is better to spend 10oo to hire a teacher as a consultant, anyway, you are idle now and earn Maybe you can build a laboratory for some money. Teacher, do you think this is the case? "

Wan scientific research was almost strangled, but now he is getting used to talking to this Ma Jincheng, he must ignore any unpleasant part of his words and focus on the other part.

Wan Scientific Research is carefully decomposing Ma Jincheng's last sentence in an attempt to find the less offensive part from it, but this is quite difficult.

10,000 scientific researchers have been engaged in scientific research for a lifetime, and have never encountered such a difficult subject.

Wan scientific research here has not finished the last sentence, but Ma Jincheng's next sentence made him almost vomit blood.

"It is estimated that they are worried about the teacher. You will be arrested at any time. You spend this money for nothing. It is better for the teacher to sign a refund agreement for them. If they are arrested, you will be refunded proportionally?" Ma Jincheng said.

Growing up like this, Wan Scientific Research is the first to understand what it means to be temperless.

With Ma Jincheng, you have to lose your temper.

"Yeah, this is a good way." Wan scientific research said, "but your teacher, I haven't been so cheap, I can spend a million to make me a life-long consultant, how can there be such a good thing"

"That was before, it will be difficult to say later, teacher, you have to plan for the future." Ma Jincheng said with a serious face, "People must recognize the reality, see themselves clearly, never give in to adversity, but you cannot blindly optimistic, after all, teacher you The chances of getting caught are still quite high. "

The first half is pretty good, but can you not say it in the second half?

What is the probability that I will be arrested? Can't you swallow it if you don't listen to it?

Can your kid speak well? Can we still have a good chat?

Wan scientific research gave up. It sounds unpleasant to hear what the kid said!

"Furthermore, I heard that two million yuan is a year's cost." Ma Jincheng said again, "That's it. I still bought it from grandparents in Qishao."

10,000 scientific research suddenly became furious. He meowed Beichuan, he meowed seven places. At the time, Lao Tzu asked for consulting fees. You pushed back and forth and cried poorly. Now you spend 2 million a year to buy the software use right? Really I'm eating dry rice?

of course. He also knows the reason. It is estimated that these people think that they can get some metal hydrogen data from Xiaowan's scientific research assistant and get some data, and the money is worth it.

Huh, what do you guys think? Isn't it just picking up people's teeth and getting a few bones that Lazy God Technology lost to you?

In addition to these, aren't all the other achievements that I made for you? What's so great?

If you hadn't got that sample, what could you do?

Even if there are samples, what can you do?

Wan scientific research is actually very clear. With the existing technology, there is no way to synthesize metal hydrogen.

It's no use getting a sample.

Thinking of this, Wan scientific research suddenly moved.

A sample of metal hydrogen?

When he was on the stage, Prince Yang took the sample, and the obsessive expression of others was in his eyes.

How much can I sell if I can get the samples?

Moreover, this boy has a lot of gossip. Look

Wan scientific research changed his face and said, "Oh pony, where did you get the news?"

"Oh. I mingled into the Lazy God Shipyard with Xiaowan yesterday and listened to what the worker master said." Ma Jincheng said, "Teacher, if you know it, you plan to enter the pit of shipbuilding. Go in for a moment."

"Can you just mix in?" Wan scientific research wondered.

"Oh, I didn't expect to be able to go in. I just talked with a few workers and masters. They saw that I had Xiaowan and thought I was also theirs, so they went in," Ma Jincheng said. "But I was later spotted by them, caught by the security guard, and then they showed me Xiaowan and let me go."

"Just let it go?" Wan Scientific Research stared.

Ma Jincheng nodded murmured, he didn't know what happened.

Of course, he didn't know. It was the security guard of Lazy God who inquired his information through his Xiaowan, knew that he was a classmate of Nanming, and asked Nanming to let him go.

Nan Ming's original words were: "This guy's IQ can't do anything bad." He let him go.

"Where did your Xiaowan come from?" Wan scientific research always wondered about this.

Ma Jincheng's Xiaowan is full-featured. Although it is not the engineering type of Lazy God Shipyard, but the scientific type, that is, the type that can be generated casually, and no extra money is required, which makes Wan scientific research impossible. solution.

"It was given to me by my classmates." Ma Jincheng said, "He was at Qingyang University, and one of his seniors was Lashen Technology, and he got a few accounts for us."

After getting Xiaowan's research assistant in the first place, Ma Jincheng wondered about this, of course, Nanming just succumbed to it.

But others will doubt it. The name Nanming has already revealed a lot. Once or twice is a coincidence, but when it is three or four times, it is not a coincidence.

The release of Xiaowan's scientific research assistant is also a benefit for Nanming deliberately to his classmates and friends.

With such a versatile mentor and assistant, at least at the undergraduate level, these people need not worry about being bad.

But Ma Jincheng is an exception. Nan Ming said so, and Ma Jincheng believed so.

Now he is rightly speaking to Wan Scientific Research.

From Ma Jincheng's point of view, Nanming is a guy who has been forced to take the garbage school. He is still waiting for Nanming to be his schoolboy, but this guy doesn't listen to persuasion, and his IQ is negative.

"It's okay? Don't he know how much such an account can sell? It's just given to you like this?" Wan scientific research did not believe it.

"I had a problem with a student and my head had a problem." Ma Jincheng pointed at his head and sighed sadly.

If Nan Ming knew that Ma Jincheng said this, he would yell three times and roll his eyes, and it really is Ma Jincheng!

That's why I can't speak!

Ma Jincheng did not expect that his experience gave Wan Wan scientific research some bad enlightenment.

Wan Scientific Research had his head open at this moment. If Ma Jincheng, a silly child, could mix in Lazy God Shipyard, then he could mix in.

If you can get a sample of metal hydrogen and sell it to foreign scientific research institutions in exchange for a lifetime of prosperity, it should not be difficult.

You can even take this as a threat and ask them to build a laboratory for themselves!

My joint ship laboratory does not necessarily have to be with Beijing University. If it is with Harvard, MIT, the University of California, etc., even Cambridge is OK!

"Pony, lend me your little million." Wan scientific research said.

"It's okay to borrow you, but you can't use it, teacher. My Xiaowan is bound to my identity." Ma Jincheng said.

Xiaowan only responds to his voice. For some advanced features, his face and voice must be two-in-one.

Wan scientific research suddenly felt helpless, really troublesome.

Wait, in addition to the lazy gods, there is a sample of metal hydrogen!


Wan scientific research turned over his pockets, and pulled out an access card of the Seven Institute from the jacket inner pocket.

He is a joint expert originally recruited by the seven institutes. He may even mix in this card!

Ma Jincheng, a child with a mental disability, has been mixed into the Lazy God Shipyard. His IQ is hundreds of times higher than Ma Jincheng's, and there is no reason why he can't mix in the Seven Schools.

With his previous authority, he was able to access metal hydrogen. The problem now is that this authority is not yet available.

Think of it this way ~ ~ a plan is gradually taking shape in the minds of 10,000 researchers.

Although it is a bit risky, it is true and feasible. Anyway, as Ma Jincheng said, he "is very likely to be caught."

If he can get metal hydrogen and use it as a name, maybe he can make a comeback again!

After Sheng Bowen had a trouble with him, he was assigned by Beijing University, and all his previous relationships were cleared from him. This seemed to be his only chance to make a comeback!

Such an important opportunity cannot be seized, which is unreasonable!

And with his knowledge of the Seven Institutes, the chances of his identity being mixed in are high.

But he has only one chance, and everything must be prepared first, and nothing can go wrong! (To be continued.)

ps: Add it to the day, and continue to write more at dawn

It is said that suddenly Nanming has hidden waves ss recently.

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