Law of the Devil

Chapter 620 Counterattack

"My lord, are you saying..."

"My lord, I object! This is too risky!"

"My lord, I don't think that under the current circumstances, we don't have enough troops to counterattack!"

"My lord, I think this is an irresponsible and risky act! Although our army's strength has barely reached 200,000, more than half of them are the defeated troops last time. The reorganization has not been completed, and the morale has not recovered..."

Looking at the fierce opposition from many generals in the hall, Du Wei still sat quietly in his seat. In front of him, there was a long sword on the table, which belonged to the late old Earl Raymond. When he went to the battlefield this time, Du Wei wore this sword by his side.

His eyes slowly swept across the crowd, looking at the expressions of worry, dissatisfaction, or surprise on the faces of a group of generals—fortunately, the ten student officers from the Imperial Military Academy did not speak. As Du Wei's direct descendants, these young people have maintained absolute obedience and trust in Du Wei - but there are still some doubts and puzzlements in their eyes.

Du Wei glanced at his younger brother, Gabriel pursed his lips and said nothing, looking at the tip of his boots.

Then, Du Wei spoke:

"It has been two months since our army assembled in Yajin City. The loss of the front-line fortress, that fiasco is vivid in my memory. And, needless to say, everyone should understand that although the enemy has never gone south, the loss of the fortress and river defense is very important for the whole The integrity of Kaspersky's line of defense has already been damaged! There is a huge gap in our line of defense. If the enemy dares to take risks, they can even send troops directly from this gap to our interior, and even sneak attack on the central fortress Rear baggage transportation line!"

When Du Wei gave an order, the two soldiers unfolded the map hanging on the wall. He glanced at the generals: "Did you see it?"

"Your worries are justified." A general stood up. This is not Du Wei's direct line, but a second-line general who originally belonged to the Eastern Front. He cleared his throat and said slowly: "As you said, if the enemy dares to take risks, they can sneak attack from the south of the fort all the way west. Our central defense line, but... I think that kind of situation is unlikely to happen. We still have heavy troops hoarding here. And if the enemy wants to ride south, the attack of a large army cannot hide the news. Once their army sneaks south , will be intercepted by us, even if they have flown into our belly. We can also block their retreat from behind. Then their southward army will become a lone army! There is no backup, no supply support , a lone army can't pose too much threat in our belly."

"But they can be burned, killed, and looted." Du Wei said lightly: Moreover, we can't pin our hopes on the enemy's daring to take risks. "

"I don't think this is within our consideration for the time being." The general who spoke still insisted, and his speech represented the position of a considerable part of the generals-seeing other people nodding, Du Wei sighed inwardly: It's not easy to deal with troops that are not directly related to him. First of all, these people surrendered to themselves as the airborne commander on the surface, but they might not be convinced in their hearts.

"Even if the enemy sneaks into our guts. It can only cause some harassing chaos at most, and they will not be willing to sacrifice an army just to cause some civilian riots. This is not worth the loss. I don't think the enemy will be so stupid." This The general's words were firm, and his attitude was not very respectful. In the end, he even came close to saying "you don't understand military common sense".

"As long as we firmly hold Yajin City, the enemy will not dare to go around us and go south! Those harassing attacks will not make a big impact."

Du Wei snorted. Looking at the general: "You mean, there is no need to take back the fallen fortress?"

The general's face darkened. He whispered: "My lord, I didn't mean that, it's just that we are not ready yet! Now it seems that we have assembled 200,000 troops in Yajin City, but more than half of them are the defeated troops who were terrified, and their morale has never recovered. , There are still many wounded! And many armies, after being disrupted by you before and reorganized, still need a running-in period..."

Speaking of this, he deliberately paused, and looked back at Du Wei with his eyes, which meant that he was obviously very dissatisfied with Du Wei's overstepping behavior of disrupting and reorganizing the 100,000 defeated troops of the Storm Legion.

Du Wei waved his hand impatiently: "Then when do you think we can counterattack the fortress? Wait until next year?".

The general sneered twice, his tone neither humble nor overbearing: "You are the coach, it seems that this issue is not for me to decide."

Du Wei almost laughed out of anger.

Very good, really good!

When the war was defeated, Yajin City was in chaos. The second-line troops behind the Storm Legion were in a panic like mourning dogs. They were in panic all day long. After they arrived, they stabilized the situation. At the beginning, these people relied on their fame to stabilize the morale of the army and the people step by step.

Now that the crisis seemed to be over, these arrogant soldiers began to disobey their deployment.

After all, these people belong to the army organized by the Storm Legion, and they are not very convinced by the coach who was airborne from the imperial capital.

Before, I forcibly broke up the 100,000 defeated troops and rebuilt them. In a disguised form, I deprived the military power of many defeated generals of the Storm Legion. Has the dissatisfaction for many days finally erupted gradually?

Just as this guy said, as long as Yajin City is firmly guarded, the army of criminals will not detour south before conquering it. But... Du Wei's current consideration is not to continue to procrastinate here!

He has been to the fortress and saw with his own eyes that the other party is tearing down the fortress and re-establishing the military castle and stronghold of criminals on the north bank!

If you continue to wait, then after the criminals gain a firm foothold on the north bank, the initiative of the battle will fall into Luoxue's hands! At that time, Luoxue will be able to firmly grasp the defense line of the river, and the opportunity will be lost!

Du Wei's key point is not simply to defend. What he needs is victory!

Just like what he said to Luoxue. Even if the ultimate goal is peace, at the negotiating table where a peace agreement is signed, human beings must stand in the victor's position!

Continue to wait, let the criminals digest the northern territory bit by bit, and gain a firm foothold. Have a solid foundation?

It is necessary to take the first shot and disrupt the opponent's steps!

More importantly, Du Wei believes that now is the best time to counterattack!

From what he saw at Luoxue's place, Luoxue was obviously ready to abandon the fortress! Attacking now, the opponent's resistance will not be too strong, and it is very likely to retreat in one battle, when the time comes. No matter how. This will be a "victory", no matter how high or low the gold content of this victory is, but at least it can greatly improve the morale of the human army that has experienced a fiasco.

What annoyed Du Wei even more was that he had already made this point very clear to these people.

However, it was still opposed by these people.

Of course, there is a reason to defend firmly, but in this situation, if you don't counterattack, don't you wait until the opponent has demolished the fortress into a piece of white ground. walk away?

Thinking of this, Du Wei's eyes quickly cooled down, and he stared closely at the opposing general-he is a division commander in the second-line army of the Storm Legion, and holds the rank of major general of the empire.

"You." Du Wei stood up and pointed at the other party's nose from a distance. There was a hint of a sneer in his tone: "I want to ask a question. You blindly oppose this counterattack plan. Is it because you really think this plan is unfeasible, or is it because you are cowardly and wary?" Speaking of which. Du Wei deliberately paused, and then continued to speak slowly: "Or is it because you are dissatisfied with me purely in your heart?"

"My lord!" The general's complexion changed, he gritted his teeth, but still straightened his neck: "I'm just speaking with reason! You are the commander-in-chief, please proceed with caution. You must know that when it comes to war, the commander-in-chief often has an idea. It will decide the life and death of thousands of soldiers!"

"Ha!" Du Wei laughed angrily: "Oh, you think I won't fight anymore?"

Du Wei glanced at the other party's badge: "Well, you are thirty-six years old this year, with the rank of Major General of the Empire, and you have been in the Storm Legion for many years... But, are you good at fighting?"

Speaking of this, Du Wei's tone became clear: "I am only less than twenty years old. I have seen the cavalry of the prairie people in the northwest, and I have killed the rebel generals of the Northwest Army. I will not bother you to fight in the military camp. I was taught by the general who gave me a fuck.”

Afterwards, Du Wei sat back down again, looking at this guy with a miserable face, but with a hint of anger in his eyes, he felt disdainful: it's just an idiot who doesn't know the current affairs, there's no need to be angry with this kind of person.

"You should be grateful for my kindness, because for your actions, if you changed a cruel commander, you would have sent your army to be cannon fodder. But although you are stupid and selfish, there is no need for the soldiers under your command to Accept punishment for this." Du Wei sat on the chair and gently waved a quill pen on the table in front of him: "Okay, I have listened to your reasoning, now everyone listen carefully to my order !”.

With a snap, Du Wei broke the quill pen in his hand, and then threw it viciously at the map on the wall. With a snap, half of the pen was stuck at the position of the fortress above!

"Pass my order, the whole army is at the first level of combat readiness! The first and third divisions are the main attack from the front, and the fifth and seventh divisions are responsible for following up on the two wings, marching in pincers, and completing the encirclement of the fortress... I personally led the second cavalry The division and the Chinese army will participate in the main attack together!"

Speaking of this, Du Wei looked fiercely at a group of guys who were still faintly resisting just now: "Before tomorrow evening, the whole army must be reorganized and ready to go! If anyone violates the order by then, kill! I don't care if it is the commander. Good general! The commander violated the order, kill! The subordinate army’s chief general is half a rank! The general violated the order, kill!!” Du Wei deliberately scanned the audience with fierce eyes: “I don’t care what you do, at this time tomorrow, I want to see the soldiers wearing armor, holding swords, and forming a team!" As an order was passed down, no matter whether they were willing or not, the military order was suppressed, and everyone could only follow it.

In the end, Du Wei's "killing" remarks made those guys from the Storm Legion who originally wanted to resist reluctantly accept it.

As for the division commander who led the opposition against Du Wei. His army did not take part in the battle. Even Du Wei deprived him of his place to stay behind, and an order was sent to his camp that night, ordering the army to move out immediately, turn around and head south, and maintain the safety of the transportation line along the way.

The city of Yajin was not in a state of chaos. After two months of rectification, except that the morale of these troops has not yet reached the pre-war level, all the armaments and other materials of the troops have been fully prepared.

Over the past few days, Du Wei has reorganized the three thousand captives he brought back into the army. Although when forming the formation, many people actively asked to be able to enter the troops directly under Du Wei, and even the commander-level officers mainly asked for downgrading. Even as a captain of the personal soldiers by Du Wei's side.

But these people. They are all regarded by Du Wei as the seeds for mastering this army in the future! If he doesn't sow the seeds of his own prestige to the grassroots army, how can he completely control the morale of the army?

Those troops that were defeated after the fall of the fortress have basically recovered their vitality. Although they reorganized and dismantled the original organizational system, and even canceled the designations of some troops under Du Wei's forcible suppression, they have lost their vigor for these As far as the troops are concerned, the resistance is not too strong, just the protests of some senior officers who have lost power. Du Wei also ignored it. At the same time, after a large number of prisoners of war were incorporated into the army and regained the positions of several layers of officers, those senior officers could only sigh helplessly.

The story of Duke Tulip who rode alone to the enemy camp and rescued thousands of prisoners of war. Was endowed with a strong legendary color. Under the deliberate publicity of these thousands of prisoners of war, it has spread throughout the army.

Serve as a soldier. What is your greatest hope?

The biggest hope is to meet a good commander! A good commander will not sacrifice himself as cannon fodder, but will cherish and respect his soldiers! What I am most afraid of is the kind of general who abandons his subordinates and runs away alone in a critical moment on the battlefield! No one wants to follow this kind of master general.

Du Wei went to the enemy camp on his own, risking his life and death (although it is a bit exaggerated to say so), and saved these people, who thought they were dead!

These people were filled with pessimism and despair all day long in the prisoner-of-war camp. They only worried that they would be dragged out to slaughter at dawn the next day, and then their corpses would become the dinner of those orcs. Or some unknown, horribly tragic ending.

Most of them didn't even think that they would have a chance to go home alive.

In this case, the appearance of Du Wei pulled them out of the fire pit alive and brought them back intact. This kind of kindness is almost no less than rebirth!

Such a general, when you are in a deadly situation, he is willing to save you regardless of his own life---- what else can a soldier ask for when he meets such a boss?

Therefore, when Du Wei appeared in front of the army in military uniform on the second day of departure, he saw pairs of eyes full of trust!

Under the city wall, the black army has already lined up, and in the camp in the city, all the troops are also ready.

Du Wei's appearance was quite thoughtful.

He appeared on the city wall, without a single soldier or attendant on the left and right. .

A huge, muscular griffin with black wings stood proudly on the city wall, its claws clasping the wall tightly! In the midst of looking forward, a forceful mighty evil spirit emerged faintly!

And Du Wei was riding on the back of this griffin. With his soft shout, the griffin spread its wings and soared down from the high city wall. With its wings spread, it landed steadily on the ground. Front of the army!

Du Wei rode on the griffin and was watched by thousands of people, including admiration, respect, loyalty, and trust...

At this moment, Du Wei suddenly felt a kind of exhilaration and excitement in his hands!

These soldiers, their life and death are decided by me alone! As soon as I give an order, these people will fight with their lives for me!

"Soldiers! Du Wei was riding on the griffin, and suddenly he grasped the super-long cross spear, imitating Longchinus' cross spear, and pointed at the sky. At the same time, the griffin spread its front hooves and stood up.

"Soldiers!" Du Wei tried to use the loudest volume possible. The most powerful voice. Roar!

"The outcome of this battle will depend on your bravery!! I believe you will use your courage to defend the empire!" Du Wei swept his spear fiercely, bringing out a violent aura, and his whole body began to exude vigor The vindictive light.

His tone carried an admirable majesty: "As your commander-in-chief, I only have one oath to you! There is only one promise to you!"

Everyone listened quietly. At this moment, in the dense array, there was no sound, not even the slightest noise.

"Me! Duwei Rollin Rudolph! Your commander! On the battlefield, you will never abandon any of your comrades! Whether you are a general or a soldier! If you need to charge, I will charge with you at the last place Go ahead! If I need to retreat, I will be the last one!!”

The loud and majestic voice rang out from the audience. Du Wei was dressed in the black black iron armor of a senior general of the empire. Coupled with the fighting spirit radiating from his whole body, riding on the mighty griffin, holding a sharp cross spear in his hand...

At this moment, Du Wei really changed from a nobleman to a commander in the hearts of thousands of soldiers! The army marched northward.

In the direction of the two wings, the two divisions have already moved forward, maintaining a distance of about an hour's journey from the Central Army in the middle.

But Du Wei himself was not with the two infantry divisions of the Chinese Army. The division commanders of the two infantry divisions were both newcomers promoted by Du Wei, and one was the wounded general with the highest rank among the prisoners of war. The other is a commander among the prisoners of war, who was temporarily promoted to division commander by the fire line. As for the military rank, Du Wei has no right to promote him to general for the time being, and still commands a division with the military rank of commander.

Among those prisoners of war. On the contrary, half of them were incorporated into these two infantry divisions. This made Du Wei's mastery of this central army reach an unprecedented level, although it has not yet reached the level of the old direct line for many years. But at least it is prohibited, and there is no problem.

As for the Chinese army, there is also a special troop, that is, the small two hundred and five, the private army cavalry of the Du Wei family that General Al Qaeda brought from the northwest----Thunder Cavalry!

When this thunder cavalry first came to Yajin City, it also brought a great shock to the defenders in Yajin City!

Even these professional soldiers have never seen such an astonishing giant war horse!

Whoever is a general doesn't like a good horse? Seeing so many war horses, soon someone asked Du Wei in private. Some generals were even more angry, thinking that even one of your soldiers under Du Wei could ride such a good horse. I am a general, and I want two horses with you, isn't it okay?

But all such requests were rejected by Du Wei.

Some generals tried to use their own status to forcefully go to the cavalry in Lei Qili to ask for it, or even rob it.

In the eyes of these people, as a general, I robbed you of a small soldier's horse, forgive me, you don't dare to do anything, even if you make trouble with Duke Tulip, it's just a matter of a horse, and you have already got it, you alone Duke, I am ashamed to trouble me, a general, for a small soldier.


Anyone who had such thoughts quickly gave up all the thoughts.

The first one to snatch the horse was a cavalry commander of a certain division. This commander ran to the Leiqi garrison camp and tried to spend money to buy the horse in private. After being coldly rejected, he wanted to snatch it. It seemed that he didn't take this commander seriously at all, and as a result, no one knew what happened to this commander. .

All he knew was that he was thrown out of Lei Qi's camp with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Afterwards, his subordinates tried to take people to find a place - although private fighting is not allowed in the army, but after all, the soldiers are all energetic people, who has never fought in private? What's more, if you beat our leader, if we don't retaliate, can we still come out to mess around in the future?

As a result, out of the hundreds of people who went to the venue, only a hundred of Lei Qi came out here, and before riding a horse, he beat all these guys with black noses and swollen faces, and threw them out of the camp.

Things got more and more troublesome, and then the general of the division to which the commander belonged personally led the people there, but al-Qaeda came forward.

This little Two Hundred and Fifty really deserved to be Longbottom's successor. In front of thousands of people, he took off his gloves fiercely. It was thrown in the face of the other general. Coldly said: "Duel! Life or death, do you dare!"

The general was immediately annoyed: "I am the general of the empire, you are a private army, how dare you..."

"General?" Gaida looked up to the sky and laughed, and cast a disdainful look at the other party: "General? When I was in the northwest to quell the rebellion of the Northwest Army, I killed three major generals and one lieutenant general! There may be more than a dozen commanders! One more of you is not much, and one less of you is not much!"

When this guy said this, his face was full of flesh and blood, and he had a real murderous look on his face. He looked like the kind of real murderer without blinking an eye.

Sure enough, the general was stunned on the spot.

That general is not willing to duel with such a stupefied young man. Look at each other's appearance. He is a life-threatening character. As a general of the second-line army, how many years did he get to this level of qualifications?

Al Qaeda didn't care so much, with an expression of "you nod quickly, let's use white knives in and red knives out". As a result, the general dropped a few harsh words. He said that he was a large number of adults, and he didn't have the common sense of a savage like you, so he left in a desperate manner.

Later, Du Wei personally issued an order that these thunder cavalry belonged to the family's private army, if anyone dared to call thunder cavalry war horses, pay attention. Even if it is to seek the private property of the Tulip family. The private army of the Tulip family. Family property can be protected according to imperial law - in other words, you can let go of killing people!

This kind of outrageous short-term protection behavior. Finally, no one dared to play the idea of ​​thundering and riding a war horse.

Many people can't help wondering: Where did so many terrifying giant war horses come from in the northwest?

And these Thunder Rider soldiers can be seen at a glance. They are definitely the elites who are used to rolling out of the mountains of swords and corpses. Rebellion, but it is impossible to produce so many warriors. Judging from the manner of each of these cavalry, it is obvious that they have not only fought once or twice, but as if they have fought for half their lives!

Such a group of fierce soldiers, plus such a strange war horse... Although the war horse of Thunder Cavalry looks envious, but after learning about the consumption of this kind of war horse, many people originally paid attention to it. The generals who purchased from the Tulip family in private gave up their plans: an ordinary land mine riding war horse would consume twice as much fodder as an ordinary first-class war horse!

There was even a rumor circulating in the camp: this kind of war horse, in addition to forage, was actually meat-eating! !

At this moment, walking with such a cavalry, the Chinese soldiers of the two infantry divisions were inevitably a little nervous. Even as Du Wei's younger brother, Gabriel had never heard Du Wei mention this mysterious cavalry.

He also had such a question in his mind: where did he train such a strong army? Not far away, the army marched forward, marching all day and night, and the forward team of thunder cavalry soon reached a small forest about 30 miles south of the fortress.

After the Chinese army stopped here, they rested overnight.

This night seemed to be very long, and the great battle was imminent. Many soldiers had experienced the disastrous defeat of the fall of the fortress. One by one, the night killers harvest the lives of human soldiers... and those elf archers with bows and arrows that are as tricky as poisonous snakes...

"Proceed with the order and rest overnight. At dawn, we see that we are ready to launch an attack!" After the generals discussed before the battle, Gabriel took out a piece of order left by Du Wei:

"Tomorrow's first battle, if the enemy is fighting in the field outside the city, Thunder Cavalry will charge first!"

After reading the order, everyone has no objection. After all, this mysterious cavalry seems to be of extraordinary strength. What is going on? On the battlefield tomorrow, the veil will always be lifted.

And His Excellency the Duke... Where is he at this moment? Twenty miles outside the fortress, on a hillside, behind Du Wei, there was a long row of Griffin Knights who were repairing on the spot.

The griffin was prostrate on the ground, resting under the care of the knight, its mouth was sealed with a leather case, and it would not make a single movement.

"Tomorrow..." Du Wei stood on the hillside, looking at the outline of the fortress in the distance under the night.

Hmph, Luoxue, you piled up all kinds of hay, wood and kerosene in the fortress, planning to set fire to the fortress once I attack?

Well, of course you are planning to abandon this fortress, but... but you also left an opportunity to take advantage of!

He tapped his toes, and quickly drew a word on the sandy soil on the ground.


Today's update is complete, and tomorrow's chapter preview "Fire! \u003e  .

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