Law of the Devil

Chapter 590 Hussein

vip chapter

Chapter 590 [Hussein] (two chapters in one, ask for a monthly ticket~)


(Today's update is sent to the ~ two-in-one chapter!)

Chapter five hundred and ninetieth [Hussein]

The ballista is one of the most powerful and heavy weapons of the human empire, and those behemoths are huge, even though they are running, they still look a little clumsy. This shot was fired in one go, although some soldiers who were dizzy and weak from the shock of the psychic storm just now couldn't shoot the noose with all their strength, and even fired in a hurry, but after all, the opponent was too big to be shot. You don't need to aim too carefully, it's hard to miss.

Amid Rostock's old and majestic roar, more than a dozen ballistas have been fired in response to the row of towers on the city wall, and the sound of sharp piercing through the air, the crossbow bolts from the mechanical noose pierced the sky, bringing Roaring out with a howling sound.

The giant Beamon running in the front encountered seven or eight crossbow arrows head-on, but although the crossbow arrows had strong penetrating power, when they shot in front of the Behemoth, they saw the huge monster, suddenly A faint golden light came out, and the soft light flashed like some kind of magical defense.

The roaring crossbow bolt hit the light ball, before it touched the body of the Behemoth Beast, it bounced off softly.

After a few buzzing sounds, the ballista fired by the first wave suddenly fell apart, and the bolts fell to the ground.

People on the city wall saw it, and they were all shocked!

These are veterans, and everyone knows the power of ballistas very well, this kind of thing.  The front is solidified, and a crossbow bolt is enough to penetrate a solid wall! Seeing that the monster in the front roared again and again, and the strange light cluster on its body was of a strange color, it bounced off more than a dozen crossbow bolts, and it was unscathed!

And these monsters are tall and take dozens of steps.  After running, the city wall is not far away!

"Keep going! Keep launching! Kill these monsters!! Kill them!!"

Without waiting for the coach to speak. The general in charge of the city wall defense has already realized that if such a huge monster gets close to the city wall, it may be a disaster.

Some officers even didn't care about other things, and rushed into the tower next to them, kicked away the drowsy ballista player, and turned the noose reel that fired the ballista by himself.

The roaring sound was endless, when those Behemoth giants were still about 100 meters away from the city wall. The second round of ballista salvo has started. The distance is closer this time, and the power of the ballista is naturally stronger.

Finally, although the Behemoth Behemoth is an invincible war monster of the orc race, after all, the Behemoth Behemoth only has a certain defensive ability by relying on its own innate magic power. Facing dozens of ballistas in front of it that can penetrate solid walls, Although the defensive magic light on his body tried his best to resist, it was not omnipotent in the end.

With a few puffs, the behemoth running in the front. With dozens of crossbows added to the body, the light cluster on the body was finally pierced, and three or five crossbow arrows pierced the monster's body, and the monster roared in pain.

But this Behemoth giant has a huge body, rough skin and thick flesh, and a crossbow bolt that is nearly two meters long. Compared to its huge body, it is like a toothpick. Three or five bullets hit its body, but it only screams in pain, but it is not fatal.  Even a few steps forward, with a pounce, he has already reached the city wall!

Immediately, the soldiers standing on the city wall felt a sudden shaking under their feet, and there was a loud bang, and saw the behemoth behemoth swinging the hexagonal hammer in its hand.  Sweep hard.  It hit the city wall, and the stone chips flew and shattered. Big chunks of wall stones were cracked and fell down.  And there is a section of the wall, but it was directly swept away! There are also two or three warriors on the city wall, who were swept into a pulp in one blow, and the broken corpses were hanging on the edges and corners of the hammer!

It rained blood! !

At this moment, many of the defenders have already froze. This kind of monster with a huge body has never been encountered by human soldiers. It is so close to swinging a hammer on the city wall. It is so powerful that people can't help but They all dared.


Suddenly, there was a roar like thunder, and a group of knights in white heavy armor rushed up under the city wall. The armor on these knights was different, and they were wearing strange On the badges and the cross-cut pieces in their hands, silver sacred fighting spirits shone out one after another.  It is the holy knights of the church.

The two leaders of the leading holy knights rushed to the front, and the crossed swords in their hands were full of fighting spirit, but there was only one leap, one knight was unstoppable, and he jumped directly from the city wall, and unexpectedly jumped on that On the body of the Behemoth Behemoth that slammed into the city wall, both hands clenched the long sword tightly, and with a holy grudge, it ruthlessly pierced the Behemoth Behemoth's neck! .

Roar! !

The monster roared in pain, and staggered suddenly, and the holy knight who threw himself on the monster also had the strength of the seventh level, the silver holy fighting spirit unfolded, and he held the sword with both hands. The monster's skin and flesh were extremely hard, not much softer than a stone, but the forceful blow made his hands numb. Seeing the monster's other hand sweeping towards him, he hurriedly ignored drawing his sword and could only dodge and jump away. Turning around, he just jumped onto the city wall, and grabbed an iron spear from other soldiers nearby, roared, and the light of fighting spirit immediately penetrated the iron spear, and turned into a silver light in his hand, stabbing at the monster .

The leader of the holy knight was so brave that he immediately inspired the courage of other human warriors around him.

"Kill them!!"

In the midst of shouting and killing, some senior officers and generals with strong martial arts skills drew out their weapons one after another, bursting into fighting spirit, and stabbed towards the monster. At this time, ordinary soldiers are afraid that they will not be able to do anything, but those high-level warriors rush forward one after another, with iron spears and long swords falling like raindrops.

Although the behemoth Behemoth is powerful, it is not immortal after all. Screaming again and again, flowers bloomed all over his body, and blood rained down in puff after puff.

It's just that this kind of monster is struggling desperately, which is also terrifying. The huge hexagonal hammer waved, sweeping back and forth on the city wall! Those brave high-level human warriors often stabbed hard with the spear in their hands, and the opponent's hammer swung over, and they couldn't dodge, and half of their bodies were smashed off in one fell swoop, and some were swept away by the hammer wind.  If it sticks a little bit, it will immediately lead to broken bones and tendons!

for a while. Flesh and blood flew everywhere, dozens of warriors rushed over, surrounded the monster, some grabbed their spears and stabbed at the city wall, and some simply jumped over desperately, and landed on the monster's body like ants. Body, sword in hand. It’s just that it’s unavoidable that you can’t stand firmly, and you fall down immediately. Even if you don’t fall to your death, the monster staggered and crushed by the huge soles of its feet, and was immediately trampled into a fleshy paste, not even leaving a complete body.

In almost a moment, seventeen or eighteen officers or knights with high martial arts skills died tragically in battle.  And the Behemoth giant beast didn't know how many battle qi attacks it suffered, and finally staggered, as if drunk, screamed a few times, backed up again and again, and fell down suddenly.

Just this section of the city wall. It is also riddled with holes and cracks. In many places, stones have fallen and collapsed, and even the walls are gone.

In the sky, the voice of the magician chanting a spell was anxious.

The senior great magician dressed in white is obviously the head of all magicians sent by the magic union. As a great magician, his spells are naturally powerful. Looking at the giant beasts below, some of the front ones have rushed to the city wall, and some of them are running towards the city wall one after another. The magician suddenly let out a low growl. He held up a black wand in his hand, with a crimson gemstone at the top of the wand. After a series of hasty incantations, on the battlefield under the city wall, the air suddenly fissioned, and a group of bursting flames roared and dispersed, suddenly like a rain of fire in the sky!

Amidst the rain of fire, a roar was heard. Amidst the fire, a huge flame-like figure rushed out roaringly. The figure's body was entirely composed of flames, but it was a summoned high-level fire element. giant.

This is a magic that only high-level fire magicians can cast. Although the fire element giant is smaller than the Behemoth giant beast in terms of size, the difference is almost the same. The magician in the sky manipulated again and again, and the fire elemental giant immediately rushed towards a nearby Behemoth giant beast.

With a bang, the two huge bodies collided together, and the flame hit the Behemoth Behemoth, but the magical light with the innate talent of the Behemoth resisted all the flames without any damage, but after all, a giant with fire element His body was huge, and the two monsters collided violently, and they became entangled immediately.

As for the other magicians, seeing the situation was critical, many magicians flew down quickly and landed on the city wall. For a while, they could only hear the sound of spells, earth-type, fire-type, water-type, wind-type Land, even the undead system.

But on the battlefield, some mages who are good at earth magic summoned three or five earth elementals. The bodies of those earth elementals were as hard as rocks, and they were about three or four meters tall. There are many, but fortunately there are so many, three or five earth elements can also entangle a behemoth behemoth to death.  And there are even those necromancers who waved the bone wand at this moment and summoned their own undead magic pets in one breath. .

One after another, spooky cracks in the space opened up, and one by one, the skeleton soldiers and black knights with black flames dancing all over their bodies surrounded the Beamon giant beast.

These magicians shot together, and the scene immediately changed a lot. Behemoth has a huge body, the power of the body is extremely powerful, and it has a good natural magic defense ability, and an instinctive talent magic "mind storm" , once released, it can make the enemy fall into panic and dizziness, and lose part of their combat power.

At this moment, three or four behemoths have already rushed to the edge of the human city wall. Although the holy knights who go up to the city wall to fight are all outstanding in personal force, after all, to deal with a behemoth, it takes dozens of people. Two or more high-level human warriors were killed, and they suffered heavy losses. In the human army, most of the outstanding force are officers. This kind of tragic killing, if all the elite officers or generals in the army Well, how can this army be commanded to fight?

The Behemoth Behemoth is terrifyingly powerful, and the magician's participation in the battle only brought the situation back a little bit. But I saw the roar on the battlefield, but it was the giant beast entangled by several earth elements. Waving the subway hammer in his hand, he swept left and right. Although the whole body of the earth element was like a rock, when it was hit by the hammer, it immediately collapsed. Although the magician tried his best to cast it, he kept calling. New earth elements gushed out from the ground, but after all, the magician's magic power is limited, and these magic summoned creatures can't cause effective damage to the Behemoth Behemoth. At most, they can only delay the opponent and hold the opponent for a while.

Seeing the edge of the city wall, I saw it in an instant. More than a hundred holy knights have died. Each of these holy knights has the strength of a mid-level warrior. Have the courage to resist with flesh and blood. But he finally couldn't stop the opponent's thunderous hammer.

All of a sudden, danger was everywhere on the city wall, and even the personal guards around General Rostock were dispatched up. Countless archers also picked up their weapons and shot wildly at the monsters near and far away, but these Ordinary bow and arrow.  Not to mention killing the Behemoth, it can't even penetrate the opponent's fur.

This scene is like an ant colony shaking an elephant! !

boom! !

Finally, amidst the roar of a behemoth beast, the hammer was raised high and hit the city wall heavily. When the hammer fell to the ground, there was a crackling sound on the city wall, and the stones burst one after another, and the city wall shook. . As if it was about to collapse at any moment.

fortunately. The walls of the Kaspersky Line of Defense were originally built. It took countless painstaking efforts, the most solid, and in terms of supervision, it is implemented with strict standards. Du Wei even persuaded the regent to add an almost cruel decree when building this fortress:

Every time a section of the city wall is built, it should be checked and accepted immediately. Let the wrestler hit the wall with an iron hammer. All the officers who built this section of the city wall were dismissed and imprisoned! Under this kind of strict law that concerns the value of one's life, all those responsible for the construction are dedicated to doing their best, and no one dares to be lazy and do bad things.

Therefore, three or five behemoths that approached the city wall, under the slamming of a sledgehammer, the city wall seemed to be crumbling, but in fact it was only cracked on the surface, and did not hurt the root—but, after all, the behemoth behemoth is terrifying. If you can't restrain the opponent and let them smash down like this, then no matter how strong the city wall is, it won't be able to support it.

At this time, with a bang, I saw the fire element giant summoned by the great magician at the beginning. After being hammered by the Behemoth giant beast several times, it finally couldn't resist. The huge body turned into a flame and dissipated. Then, the scattered flames floated on the Behemoth Behemoth, but they were all blocked out by the magic light on the Behemoth.

On the city wall, flesh and blood flew across the city, and the roar of giant beasts shook the sky. Inside the tower, ballistas were fired like locusts. Those holy knights, imperial officials and generals defended every inch of the city with their own blood. Facing the almost invulnerable behemoth, he used his own life to fight against the huge city wall. Blood was splashed on every inch of the city wall, and broken arms flew across, bloody and bloody.

In the air, the mages also cast their magic. Countless lights of fire, wind blades, and even frost swept down in a series of magic spells, attacking the behemoths below like a torrential rain . .

Those ordinary soldiers are even more miserable, often giant beasts are swept away with a hammer, those officers or knights with high martial arts skills can still jump and dodge with their agility, and these ordinary soldiers, in front of such terrifying monsters, are like ants Or it's like paper, if you sweep it with a hammer, there are often countless heroic souls.

These behemoths are really terrifying. Those summoned magical creatures will delay the opponent for a moment at most, but they will be blown up one by one soon. Those undead skeletons often hold their swords and slash at the legs and feet of the behemoths. , but couldn't hurt the opponent at all, but was trampled by the Beamon giant beast wantonly. With one step, three or five skeleton soldiers were trampled into pieces, and the Necromancer Black Knight, the black magic fire all over his body can make the Beamon giant beast a little afraid Some, but the size difference between the two sides is too large, whether it is strength, damage, or defense, they are far from the same level. A few necromancer black knights were quickly swept away by the hammer, but the most It only left a few scars on the legs and feet of the Behemoth giant beast.

At this time, the generals of the defenders on the city wall changed color even more.  General Rostock is old though. At this time, he also gritted his teeth, roared, drew out his long sword, kicked away the guard who was trying to stop him, and was about to go up and fight himself.

"grown ups!"

The guards behind him hugged Rostock tightly, and someone hurriedly shouted: "You are the coach, how can you go up and fight yourself!"

"Nonsense.  Let go!!" General Rostock had a grim look on his face, if it wasn't for the fact that he was surrounded by old subordinates for many years. In his anger, he was about to swing his sword to chop.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a loud roar coming from the back of the fortress!

The whistling sound went straight into the sky, and I saw a golden light shooting from behind suddenly, like a shooting star, it had already arrived in front of me in an instant!

in the sky. A group of dazzling golden light wrapped a figure standing in the midair above the city wall. The figure inside was wearing a dazzling golden armor, which was indescribably gorgeous and mighty. Looking from afar, it seemed as if there was a sword in his hand. Holding a golden long sword upside down!

Many people below saw it and were stunned.  But then, a strong shock came out of my heart!

gold! !

That ray of light is nothing but fighting spirit! It is the light of fighting spirit!

Golden grudge...

Saint rank powerhouse! ! !

With a fierce and murderous roar, the figure in the sky had already rushed down, and his body turned into a ball of golden light.  Like thunder from the sky, it landed heavily on a section of the city wall!

At this time, a giant Behemoth beside the city wall hit the two holy knights with a hammer, and was beating the two holy knights to pieces. While roaring ferociously, its mouth was full of fangs.

The figure in the golden armor burst out with fighting spirit, and the people around him were a little closer. I feel as if I am standing beside a scorching sun. It feels so imposing that people can hardly face it!


A roar. The long sword carried the golden fighting spirit of a holy-ranked powerhouse, piercing through it like a rainbow, and landed on the Behemoth giant beast. The magical light on the giant beast's body shone, but facing the attack of a holy-ranked strongman, this kind of magic The defense was not enough. With a bang, the sword hit the giant beast fiercely, piercing through the giant beast's huge body immediately, and smashed the giant beast's chest fiercely with fighting spirit, and But the back of the giant beast burst open immediately, and a cloud of blood mist sprayed out!

And this figure even flew out, landed on the back of the giant beast like a whirlwind, raised the long sword in his hand, as if holding a round of tomorrow, the blade spun, and with a click, it plunged into the The neck strength of the Behemoth Behemoth was weakened.

The figure quickly danced around the giant beast's neck, and finally saw the blood rushing like rain!

The monster opened its mouth wide and let out a weak roar. Finally, the huge head crashed down, separated from its body, and hit the city wall with a bang!

And the huge headless body fell limply, lying under the city wall!

The figure landed on the city wall, but stood on top of the severed monster's head. At this moment, everyone around was stunned. Looking from a distance, the figure was wearing a golden armor, with a stalwart body, and a golden fighting spirit shining , plus that long golden hair fluttering as if burning with anger... clearly like a God of War who came from ancient times! ! !

At this time, the figure stomped its feet again, and its body immediately shot towards another giant Behemoth like an arrow from the string! .

This time, the giant beast hit it head-on with a hammer, and the figure was in the air, and was hit head-on by the huge hammer, and there was a loud bang, which made everyone feel deeply moved. As soon as it sank, with such a huge force, I'm afraid that even the body made of iron would be shattered. Everyone felt a little bit of excitement just now, and suddenly panicked.

However, looking around again, I saw that figure paused in the air, the golden light of the whole body remained undiminished, but the hammer in the hand of the Behemoth beast suddenly turned into countless pieces of shattered iron and shattered into pieces!

Looking at the golden figure again, it has already rushed in front of the Behemoth Beast. With a sweep of the long sword, you can see the air twisting immediately, as if countless vortexes appeared, crushing and squeezing, the Behemoth Behemoth's body hair fluttering, thick His fur was shattered inch by inch, and he immediately became fatigued! !

The golden figure beheaded two behemoths in one breath, and the humans on the city wall suddenly boiled up, cheering and shouting like thunder. It looked like it was almost unstoppable, but suddenly its morale was boosted. Whether those holy knights, officers or generals, seemed to be ignited with a flame in their hearts, they rushed towards the nearest Beamon giant as if they were crazy and not afraid of death. The beast, the fighting spirit in the whole body burst out desperately. Whether it is a spear or a sword in your hand. Facing the incoming hammer, he tried his best to greet the opponent, but he couldn't even hide!

Even if you die, you have to poke this monster!

More and more holy knights surged onto the city wall, and the figure in the golden armor shuttled back and forth on the city wall like a phantom.

In less than a moment, two more behemoths crashed down. At this time, the camp of orcs was finally afraid.

Those orc priests immediately sang strange songs in the distance, and as waves of strange sounds came from the air, those Behemoth giant beasts finally roared together, turned around at the same time, and turned back run away.

On the city wall, the ground under his feet has been soaked in blood and is unbearably slippery, and broken flesh and blood can be seen everywhere. As for those dead warriors, not even a complete body could be found.

However, seeing those gigantic monsters backing away in fear, thousands of soldiers on the city wall shouted crazily together, including those sacred knights who were usually cold and serious, and couldn't help but take off their helmets. Swinging the long sword, roaring vigorously.

And at this time, that golden figure landed on the top of the tower, standing there, everyone looked at it as if they were looking at a god of war!

Countless soldiers rushed towards the place where the golden armored warrior stood on the tower, and more people simply bowed and saluted in that direction.

At this time, many people standing nearby finally saw the figure clearly. I saw the figure and the armor.  Strange shape, never seen before. And the man was tall and straight, with a handsome face, but he put a blindfold on one eye, which was obviously single-eyed, and he was holding a long sword in his hand, standing there, although he only had one eye, It didn't hurt his prestige at all.

On this continent, Rodriguez, known as the "Silver Sword Saint", is the only fighter with the strength of the holy rank known to everyone, but the person in front of him is obviously not Rodriguez...

At this time, finally, there were two holy knights who were close to each other, and when they carefully looked at the figure above, their faces changed wildly!

More and more holy knights rushed forward, standing far below the tower, but they seemed a little afraid to come forward. The expressions on many people's faces were full of surprise, shock, and even a trace of indescribable excitement... …


Finally, two holy knights who looked about thirty or forty years old couldn't help but walked over slowly. They were still a few steps away from that person, and they knelt down on one knee, with respectful faces, and shouted in a deep voice: "Master Knight Commander!"

Standing on the tower, Hussein saw the two people kneeling in front of him, and his stern face also changed a bit. After a moment of silence, he said coldly: "I am not your knight commander!"

"No!! You! You are clearly Lord Hussein! Sir, don't you recognize us! You left the church in the past, and many of us did not believe that people like you would betray the church!!" A knight It was obviously Hussein's old subordinate, and he shouted excitedly: "My lord, you descended from the sky today and made great military exploits! We absolutely do not believe that you are an evil person who betrayed the faith! I am willing to serve as a guarantor to the church as my knight." , please come back and lead us again!!".

Many other holy knights could hear clearly at this moment, and almost a third of the knights took a few steps forward and knelt down on one knee. These people were all subordinates led by Hussein back then. When Hussein was in the church, he was upright and steady, but he was cold and warm to his subordinates. In addition to his superior strength, everyone respected and obeyed him.

Even after he betrayed the church, half of the Holy Knights refused to believe that Hussein was that kind of evil traitor.

In addition, after Hussein's apostasy, the majestic mainland's strongest knight order was suddenly empty of masters, and even a strong man who could hold the scene could not be found, and it seemed faintly that it had lost its former prestige.  Even only eighth-level knights can be used as leaders.

And at the martial arts tournament, the majestic knight commander was easily killed by Du Wei in a fair duel on the spot, which even discredited the Holy Knights.

Many old people in the Knights were faintly dissatisfied, and many people couldn't help but miss Hussein. In the past, Hussein was known as the number one knight in the mainland, and he seemed to be the number one martial artist in the mainland. At that time, with him in charge, who would dare to underestimate the Holy Knights?

At this moment, just now, when the battle was in crisis and the situation was on the verge of collapse, the number one knight in the mainland who had been missing for many years suddenly appeared. The power saved so many lives on the wall.

And many old holy knights, under the agitation of victory at this moment, couldn't help being excited, remembering the majesty when Hussein led them like himself back then, they couldn't help kneeling down one after another.

Although Hussein had great prestige in the Holy Knights back then, after all, it has been a few years since his apostasy.

Although nearly a half of the people knelt down, at this moment, the old subordinates knelt down and saluted on the spot with great excitement. There is no need to hunt him down, but there is no need to go up to greet him to avoid embarrassment.

But there are also a considerable number of holy knights, but they are not Hussein's direct descendants. They stand behind and watch from a distance. After being suspicious, there are also newly promoted knights. They can't help but think: He is Hussein ? This is the biggest traitor of the temple, isn't he already dead? As soon as he appears, should we go up and hunt him down?

All of a sudden, the members of the Holy Knights had different thoughts. Hussein stood at the top and looked at these people coldly. Although his face was indifferent, the agitation in his heart could not be described in words.

Hussein's temperament has always been like this, with a cold face and a warm heart. The hidden secrets of the apostasy back then were also unavoidable, not his original intention, and the apostasy was also the most sad thing in his life. Seeing many old subordinates at this moment, why not bring back emotional memories of the past?

However, he is a resolute person, and his mind hardened as soon as he turned around. Looking at everyone, he said coldly: "Everyone, please be careful! I am not your knight commander Hussein!"

As he said that, he looked at the other side of the city wall from a distance, where there was a flag fluttering, and a group of officers surrounded by countless elite warriors, one of the old men was clearly the frontline coach, General Rostock.

"General Rostock. " Hussein raised his voice, and the voice was heard far away, and every word was clear: "I am Hussein, the chief knight of the family under the Duke of the Tulip family! By the order of the Duke, come here Help!"

Hussein, the chief knight of the Tulip family...

Upon hearing his self-introduction, the expressions of those holy knights were startled, and then they became depressed...

This peerless powerhouse turned out to be with Duke Tulip...


(Today's update is complete, two chapters in one.

Ladies and gentlemen, do you still have a monthly pass? It’s the last few days, if you have any, just drop it to me~~~)






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