Late Night Bookstore

Vol 4 Chapter 6: Open coffin

Even this voice is exactly the same;

In addition to this skin color, the rest of the place can perfectly present the "Yingying" in Zhou Ze's mind.

No wonder Gengchen said before that the puppets made out of this pool have souls.

"Puppet" has always meant imitation and manipulation;

And the ability of this pool has made the things it has produced have broken away from the broad standard of "puppets".

Of course, the use of this pool is very restricted. Geng Chen said that the pool seems to be destroyed, but in fact, he himself has no way to control and use it.


Zhou Ze pulled his hand out of the pool,

The Yingying lying there did not melt, but continued to be retained, but it had lost its activity, only with the liquid in the pool began to float slightly.

Zhou Ze also tried to touch the pool water with his own hand, and also deliberately touched Yingying, which seemed to break a certain balance and caused Yingying's body to gradually melt.

Pursed his lips,

Zhou Ze probably understood,

Since Gengchen said that he saw his "look" after entering here, it should be that some people did not know how to control this pool before, similar to when he "made" Yingying himself, he made a self.

Because the "time" test was not really done, but the phenomenon that the Yingying started to melt before the pool was moved by itself has a high probability. It can be guessed that the body should be kept for a long time.

If you don't disturb the pool of water, this body is likely to remain so.

Geng Chen was close to the pool, and after seeing the pool as his puppet master, it was just like seeing the faith. How could he not bear to touch it?

This is the reason why Geng Chen saw it and Lawyer An was gone when they came in.

But in this way, it is difficult to infer exactly how long ago somebody made himself here.

"You remember?"

Zhou Ze asked in his heart.

Previously, it was Tiehanhan online teaching;


"Then just now?"

"Only... yes... know... know... like... what... fuck... control..."

Zhou Ze nodded, he was the winner.

If he did it, he would not need to deny it, nor would he deny it in such a continuous manner.

Even if he wanted to hide something, but after being asked several times in a row, he would probably choose to hysterically say "look... door... dog..."

And too lazy to make too many false explanations with myself.

"Boss, just now, it's really amazing." The old man saw that there was no danger. Zhou Ze's hand had also been drawn from the pool, so he dared to get closer.

"Can this pool be moved back?" Lao Tao scratched his head. Obviously, he was very interested in this.

Normal people will be interested in this,

Although this thing now looks like making your favorite inflatable doll,

It also seems to have no obvious use.

Moreover, just now Zhou Ze also felt that the Yingying he made was just a "doll" that fed back his thoughts, and was not a flesh and blood.

The exact material is unknown, but it looks like it is made of chocolate.

But since this pool is so advanced, Zhou Ze feels that it is not impossible to make a flesh and blood, but the premise is to add some special materials to it.

Boss Zhou is not a puppet fanatic. After playing with this thing once, his interest will be reduced.

What he is more concerned about is the relationship between this place and the win.

Standing up, Zhou Ze started to walk slowly around the pond. There were no murals on the surrounding rock walls, but they were very flat. When you touched it with your hands, you can clearly feel the coldness.

After looking around, I didn't find any other special places.

It seems that here is just a "workshop", the so-called burial chamber, it just feels like it.

Zhou Ze simply walked out of the main burial chamber, and the old man was busy behind to prepare for escort.

Zhou Ze was letting go of the previous ear room, did not look carefully, this time, he opened a green coffin cover himself.


Lying is a middle-aged man,

What surprised Zhou Ze was that the color of the man's skin was not that kind of chocolate, but the same as ordinary people.

"Is it paint?"

Zhou Ze reached out and wanted to touch it, but when his hand just touched the other party, the other party directly weathered and became a pile of sand placed in the coffin.

With his fingers, he tapped the wall of the coffin gently. Zhou Ze didn't go to open the other coffin anymore. After getting up, he took out the wipes and wiped his hands, and he was ready to go up.

It really is,

An inexplicable day.


Sudden screams came suddenly.

Boss Zhou moved, and immediately rejoiced.

Old passive skills-trip mine,

Triggered successfully?

Zhou Ze turned around and saw Lao Tao standing in front of a coffin, staring down in amazement.

The cover of the coffin was pushed a little earlier by Lao Dao, and only a short period of time was revealed. Zhou Ze approached here and looked inside through the gap.

The first reaction was not recognizing, because the old man was not wearing clothes;

The people lying here are undressed.

In fact, even if it is someone you are familiar with again, when he suddenly appears in front of you nakedly, you will quickly develop a sense of strangeness.

After all, with the exception of a few occupations such as the bath master in the bathhouse, most people's daily communicative lives are faced with people wearing clothes.

But after this brief strangeness was eliminated,

Zhou Ze recognized it immediately,

Lying here,

Is old-fashioned!

"Boss... this, this, this, isn't it mortal?"

The old man looked at Zhou Ze pitifully.

As Mr. Bai Shi'er, of course, I have heard a lot of ghost stories, especially the ghost story templates that I have actually died but have never known that I have died.

"So, did you bring the forehead intentionally?"

Old-fashioned brain repair.

How did you die?

Did you die of cancer?

Yes, in fact he has already died.

Zhou Ze ignored the clichés here, but turned around and found another coffin and pushed open the coffin lid. Inside was lying naked Xu Qinglang.

Without much pause, Zhou Ze pushed several coffin covers in a row.

Attorney An,

Lao Zhang,

Black chick,

There is even Dr. Lin.

That is, staying with Dr. Lin for a while;


The atmosphere is very weird, and the changes are very weird, but as a patrol inspector, and also killed the king of the Yan, you have to be scared by this "ghost story atmosphere", and it is really a bit unreasonable.

The changes in these scenes did not make Zhou Ze lose his position, but still silently smoked a cigarette.

When spitting out the smoke ring,

Slightly looked up,

Look up the wall.

Geng Chen came down and opened the coffin;

Attorney An came down and opened the coffin;

I have just opened the coffin;

In other words,

Before the old coffin opened the coffin, the coffin here had been randomly opened three times. During these three times, no familiar faces of the bookstore appeared.

And when the old man opened the coffin,

Open the coffin continuously,

All who appeared were people he knew well.

Is it because the previous three happened to be the exception?

Good luck,

Haven't been driving to a familiar person?

Before Geng Chen said something right, coincidences and accidents depend on who happened to them.

Zhou Ze shook his ashes, and opened several coffin covers at will. The lying inside were: Geng Chen, Lao Zhangtou, Feng Si...

Especially Gengchen,

Actually still the baby's body,

In such a large coffin, it seemed so small.

"Boss, what's the matter? Everyone is dead?"

Zhou Ze's eyes swept heavily on the old man.

The scene in which the three robes committed suicide in front of them again came to mind again,

Is it because of old-fashioned?

Yinggou is very familiar with this place, but he doesn't remember that he built it or even visited it.

Zhou Ze also doesn't think that in this world, in addition to winning the hook himself, who else can do so to change the memory of winning the hook.

In addition, the two coincidence turning points appeared on the old body,

this place,

Is it related to the last generation?

But the last generation was so busy that he ran here to deliberately create a "puppet pool" that only large zombies of this level could control.

Makes no sense,

It makes no sense...

When thinking, it often costs a cigarette, a cigarette, inadvertently to the cigarette **** position.

Throwing cigarette butts on the ground,

Zhou Ze suddenly thought of something,

This is the ear chamber on the west side. After a series of coffin openings, there is no more coffin left.

Zhou Ze walked into the east ear room. Although the old man was still wondering whether everyone was dead, he still instinctively continued to move with his boss, which is convenient for escort!

After entering the east ear room,

Zhou Ze pointed at the coffin in front,

Shouted to the old saying:

"Go and push the coffin away."

"Oh, okay, boss."

The old man walked right to the coffin,

Suddenly there was a little anticipation in my heart,


Which acquaintance is lying down again?


Zhou Ze urged.

"Good, boss."

Lao Dao started to exert his strength, but his strength was indeed incomparable with Zhou Ze. It took his old nose to push the coffin cover away, but it was enough to see the situation inside.

"Huh, boss, I don't know this person?"

The old man is confused.

"Is it a woman?"


"Is it thin?"


"Is there a mole under the left side of the lips."


Zhou Ze licked his lips,

He walked up to the old man and pushed the coffin lid away.

Inside, it was indeed a thin, tall woman with a mole under her lips.

" is she?" the old man asked with some doubt.

"The staff in a milk tea shop on the street not far from our bookstore, I went there and bought milk tea."

"Ah?" The old man was ignorant.

Zhou Ze took a deep breath,


It has nothing to do with the old ways.

Look around again,

Zhou Ze's eyes began to deepen,


There is something hidden


You can see through your heart!

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