Kryptonian Demon Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 1651: The machine is on the edge of time and space

Run, run, run!

The river of time and space flows endlessly.

The deceased is like this, reluctant to give up day and night.

The law of time, no one can escape.

This is the way of Zhu Jiuyin Tianzun.

But recently, he's in a bad mood.

At this time, in the rolling river of time and space, he turned into a fighting form with a human face and a snake body, staring fiercely at two big eyes like the sun, moon and stars, looking towards the bank of the river of time and space.

His face was twisted and ferocious, as if he was going to choose someone to devour.

Unparalleled coercion and boundless evil spirit rolled toward the shore along his gaze.

The two figures sitting cross-legged on the shore were like boats in a storm.

It may be overturned in the next moment.

Those two figures, a monk and a young man.

It was Sanzang and Wu Hao who were supposed to fight in the space of Tianshiyuan and Taixu.

The two were no more than five feet apart, and they sat contemplating each other.

It was as if he was participating in some kind of Zen.

They focused on the things at hand, and they didn't even look at the angry Tianzun in the river.

"Too deceiving!"

"It is tolerable or unbearable!"


The waves surged, the fog filled the sky, and after a flash of light, Zhu Jiuyin turned into the strongest fighting form with nine heads and eighteen arms.

"The devil, the bald donkey, feel the power of time and space!"

The amazing law aura gathered in the river of time and space, but Wu Hao and the two still looked as usual.

When the aura of the law gathered to the peak, Wu Hao spoke lazily.

"You're coming? Or am I?"

"Amitabha... Time and Space Tanyue has the causal aura of my Buddhism, and there should be this kalpa!"

Monk Sanzang's eyes flashed coldly, and he slapped the center of the river with his palm.

The "swastika" symbol in the palm of the hand keeps spinning, vaguely condensing into two different worlds, one gold and one black.

In every world, there are thousands of phantoms.

In the golden world, the reclining Buddha lives in the world, holy and magnificent.

In the black world, the shadows cover the sky and are eerie.

The two worlds alternated in reincarnation, pushed out along the shadow of his palm, and instantly swallowed Zhu Jiuyin, who had condensed into the strongest form.

The supreme supernatural power - the reincarnation of the holy devil!

The long river of time and space that was roaring and rushing suddenly became silent.

The surrounding sound, light, color, and even time and space are all swallowed into the world of holy demon reincarnation at this moment.

After a long time...

The river of time and space sounded a "puff".

A behemoth fell from the void and floated weakly in the river.

At this time, Zhu Jiuyin still maintains the strongest fighting form, but six of its nine heads have been flattened, and only thirteen of its eighteen arms are left.

The blood was dripping, the breath was weak, and it looked extremely embarrassed.

Even so, there was no sign of surrender in his eyes.

If he fits the way of time and space, he is immortal.

Time has degrees, the way of heaven is constant, and his way does not allow anyone to regard the order of time as nothing.

Although he looked embarrassed, he still had the strength to fight.

He also has a supernatural power...

Zhu Jiuyin mustered his fighting spirit, feeling that he had not lost yet!

But at this time, Wu Hao on the shore suddenly glanced at him.

His figure suddenly froze there.

His face changed abruptly.

"Stop, stop--no matter how high the supernatural power is, the heaven and the earth are hard to deceive... You wait and do it yourself!"

After a long sigh, Zhu Jiuyin once again condensed the law of time and space, and displayed his last card against the sky.

The supreme supernatural power - forgetting the divine light!

Immediately, he jumped, fit and rushed into the place shrouded in divine light.

In the divine light, his sorrowful complexion gradually relaxed, revealing a relieved smile...

As long as he forgets the experience of being bullied and suppressed, he will still have a flawless soul, a perfect rhythm, and no flaws.

He is still the same boy!

Under the divine light, Zhu Jiuyin turned into countless light particles, fluttering and falling into the river of time.

However, both Wu Hao and Sanzang knew that this was only temporary.

After about an hour or two, a new Zhu Jiuyin will condense in the river of time and space.

And it's the kind of stupid who doesn't know anything about the two of them.

They need to use all means to clean up the guardians of time and space from weak to strong.

Then when he is desperate, he chooses to forget this experience.

If so, recycle.


This time, the troublemaker Zhu Jiuyin disappeared again.

The monk Sanzang looked at Wu Hao with a half-smile.

"What? This time, the donor didn't take advantage of the weak period of the poor monk's magical powers to make a sneak attack?"

Wu Hao laughed after hearing this.

"Master Sanzang is joking. He just tried to test it before. Is Wu the kind of person who takes advantage of others' dangers?"

Sanzang said nothing.

"Forget about the irrelevant guys, come on, Master Sanzang, let's continue the endgame just now."

Wu Hao said, and pointed to the open space in front of them.

The void trembled, and the fog dissipated.

There revealed a miniature illusion of the world.

If you carefully observe it with spiritual sense and magnify the illusion of this world thousands of times, you can see that it is extraordinary.

There is a chaotic void outside the phantom of this world, containing five star fields, and even the heavens and holy places, and countless sentient beings.

This is actually a sand table game mode.

It is similar to the kind of Shenxiu chess game Wu Hao once played with his father-in-law Tuoba Wuji.

It's just a million times more complicated than that.

The two of them are using the universe as the plate and all living beings as chess, planning a big game.

In fact, it is also a form of negotiation between them.

Last time, Wu Hao said that he would take a bet with the monk Sanzang, demolish each other's hometowns, and see who can't afford the loss in the end.

That is nothing but deterrence.

Everyone is an adult, and in the absence of mortal hatred, of course they would not make such an unwise choice.

In this way, it is just a matter of interest coupling.

You advance and I retreat, from the shallow to the deep... Then there is some talk.

Since it is a negotiation, both parties must show the most basic sincerity.

So they agreed that one party would choose the time and the other would choose the place.

The visitor is a guest, and Wu Hao asked Sanzang to choose the time.

Sanzang saw Wu Hao's brows flickering with impatience, and he expected that he should have something to deal with in a hurry.

so good...

So he chose to talk now!

Then it was Wu Hao's turn to choose the location.

In this way, Wu Hao sensed his time-space beacon and brought him to the riverside of time-space.

Coming here, Wu Hao's anxiety and impatience were swept away.

The fears and worries in my heart disappeared completely.

Because in the river of time and space, even if tens of thousands of years have passed, they can still return to the time node when they came.

In other words, he doesn't have to worry about tomorrow's Primordial Battle here at all.

Let's settle this first.

And here, you can use magical powers without any scruples, and you don't have to worry about the battle spreading to the star realm.

Therefore, Wu Hao's plan at the beginning was not to negotiate at all, but to do it first.

But this guy is a holy demon, which is equivalent to having two sets of supernatural power systems that do not share the weak period.

Wu Hao tried hundreds of times and tried all kinds of sneak attacks, but he still couldn't take down the monk.

Of course, the monk also failed to take him down.

So they no longer competed with magical powers, but instead competed with ingenuity.

Specifically, it is to use the world in front of them to simulate the existing resources in their hands, and to cooperate with the evolution of the world and their choice of moves to measure the gains and losses.

If so, they have already played thousands of games...

While continuing the endgame just now, Monk Sanzang uttered a mantra.

"Combination will benefit both, and separation will result in two evils. After these deductions, can the donor still not see the general trend?"

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head.

"Master Sanzang is right. In general, I agree to cooperate, but what kind of cooperation method has to be planned? Whoever pays, whoever benefits, how much is paid, how much is received, there must be a charter!"

"Amitabha, in the tenth round, the poor monk gave the regulations!"

"Haha! The charter is always improving! Please look at the Master, this round saved 30 Originium Stones compared to the previous round!"

"It's a small profit, why does the benefactor work so hard?"

"Hey! What the master said is wrong! Wu's preoccupation shows that Wu has the sincerity of cooperation! The master should be happy. If you have the time to persuade me, the master may help me think about how to increase income and reduce expenditure..."


Seeing the lotus-tongued Master Sanzang finally being silenced by him, Wu Hao secretly laughed in his heart.

At this time, in his Primordial Spirit, the demon eyes kept darkening and disillusioning.

One by one, the Phaseless Demon Seeds are made here, or recycled.

When negotiating with Sanzang, he was not idle either.

Yuanshen is constantly making magic seeds, waiting for the opportunity to secretly send them into the river of time and space.

Of course This monk is also a human being.

Every hair is full of prajna wisdom.

It's really not easy to hide from him and make small moves.

Fortunately, there is Zhu Jiuyin baby **** assist.

Come to cover him every once in a while.

One by one demons entered other time and space, and they have been killing me time and time again.

Continue to earn time and space fragments for Wu Hao.

He negotiated for so much time and was just waiting for an opportunity.

Waiting for his Phaseless Heavenly Demon Primordial Spirit to complete the accumulation and achieve the ultimate change.

Waiting for Ah Xing to accumulate enough krypton gold balance...

Oh, what are you talking about?

Of course it's on me!

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