Krypton Gold

Chapter 41

The empty dam outside the Shangqing Palace suddenly became lively.

Some candidates burst into tears as soon as they were teleported back here: "It's only a little bit, I'm just a little bit closer to casting the spell learning, why can't you give me a little more time? It only takes half an hour... no , ten minutes, ten minutes will do."

There were also candidates who sat on the ground slumped, with a dull expression, and murmured in despair: "It's over, it's over, I only answered two questions, so I'm sure I won't pass the exam."

Then I couldn't control it, and started crying 'woo woo'.

For those who failed to complete the exam, everyone sympathized with them, but there was nothing they could do. They could only lower their voices of discussion, so as not to irritate them.

Candidates who knew each other gathered together in groups of three or four, discussing the exam that just ended.

"Cao Li, how did you do in the exam?"

"I feel okay. At least I answered all three questions before the exam ended, but I don't know how many points I can get. How did you do?"

"Don't mention it, I was unlucky and got several difficult questions..." The man sighed.

Cao Li let out an "ah" and said sympathetically, "Why are you so unlucky?"

Just as I was about to say a few words of comfort, I heard the other party say again: "Fortunately, I have answered all of them correctly. The four questions, but I am exhausted... Whether I can pass this round of exams, I really have no idea."

Cao Li rolled his eyes.

Damn it, it turned out that this guy was pretending to be aggressive, which made me almost think that he really failed the exam, and I was going to comfort him. This kind of person is the most annoying.

For the sake of safety, most candidates only choose three or four majors.

After all, the exam time is limited. In just 48 hours, it is undoubtedly the safest choice to concentrate on practicing the knowledge of three or four majors repeatedly to achieve the best.

But there are exceptions.

"Pei Jun, you should have done well in the exam this time, right?"

"It's okay. I answered ten questions, and I feel that I answered all of them pretty well. It shouldn't embarrass our Pei family."

The examinee named Pei Jun spoke surprisingly, but his tone did not mean to show off, as if he was explaining a very common thing.

In fact, Pei Jun really didn't think there was anything to show off.

Because he is different from ordinary candidates, he comes from a big clan of comprehension in central Sichuan.

Since he was a child, there were elders who were cultivators in the family, who taught him how to practice qi hand in hand. After the aura reaches the standard, he will be taught the principles of basic spells. Even in the examination room, the basic spells drawn were those he hadn't learned before, and he could quickly master them with a solid foundation.

In fact, it's not just Pei Jun. The disciples cultivated by the cultivation family can always get good results in the exams.

This exam is no exception.

In addition to Pei Jun, there are several other candidates who come from a family of comprehension, or whose parents are cultivators, and they all answered better.

Although they didn't answer ten questions, they all answered six or seven questions, and they all answered well.

For these disciples from the cultivation family, ordinary candidates are envious or envious.

In recent years, various cultivation universities have also noticed this situation. When recruiting students, they will appropriately lower some requirements for ordinary candidates to avoid the monopoly of students by aristocratic families.

After hearing about Pei Jun's results, the candidates were either amazed, or gathered around him to congratulate him.

If Pei Jun answered 10 questions, he must be admitted to Xiuzhen University, and it is very likely that he will be the number one student in this year's sub-subject examination!

For such a person, the future is definitely limitless, and there are only advantages and no disadvantages in getting acquainted.

The worst thing is to get a little bit of domineering spirit, maybe you can get good luck and get admitted to the cultivation university smoothly.

Although Pei Jun came from a family of comprehension and he did well in the exam, he didn't have any air of arrogance. Facing the compliments and congratulations from everyone, he was either grateful or modest.

Su Mu didn't go up to join in the fun, but he also admired Pei Jun's achievements.

Being able to answer 10 questions within 48 hours, regardless of whether you have learned it before, is very powerful.

Suddenly, an exclamation sounded in his ear: "Oh, God, are they all so good? It's amazing that they can answer 10 of such difficult questions. Compared with them, I feel like It's so stupid..."

Su Mu couldn't help frowning.

How should I say this voice, the enunciation is very standard, similar to the accent on TV.

But that accent, how weird it sounds, is exactly the same as the dubbing in the dubbed films in the early years.

He turned his head and looked at the speaker.

The man was standing on his left. Although he also had black hair, he had a high nose bridge, different eyebrows and eyes, and his complexion was very fair. He had a style of Western Regions and Europa.

Seeing Su Mu looking at him, the man grinned and extended his hand in a friendly manner.

"Hey, buddy, I'm Kevin Feng, nice to meet you, you can call me Kevin, my friends call me that, and I like it too, it makes me feel very affectionate."

"Su Mu."

Su Mu stretched out his hand, shook him, and asked curiously, "Are you from Anxi Province?"

Kevin shook his head: "No, no, my dear friend, I am not from Anxi province, I am from far away Europe. Have you heard of Vienna? Yes, yes, it is the city on the Danube, I am Came from there. I didn't expect you to know my hometown, which makes me really happy. Vienna is beautiful, you must visit there in the future. Of course, I would also be happy to be your guide... ..."

Still a foreigner?

Su Mu was a little surprised.

"You speak Chinese very well, but do you always speak like this? Uh, I mean, this dubbed accent."

Unknowingly, he was also infected with a bit of dubbing accent, but luckily it wasn't serious.

Kevin scratched his head, a little embarrassed, obviously aware that his tone was very different from others.

Sighing, he said: "I must say, this is really an embarrassing thing... In order to learn Chinese well, I looked for a lot of your dubbed films to watch, and in the end, God, I managed to learn Chinese well." This is the way it is now. I didn’t know until I came to the East that you don’t talk like this at all.”

Speaking of this, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Hey, buddy, why don't you talk to me more and help me get rid of this damn accent? I heard that if you communicate with people more, you can improve your oral English. Ahh, that's a brilliant idea, isn't it?"

"Have you always been this familiar?"

Not only did this Kevin not recognize his life, but he was also a chatterbox, and he talked endlessly as soon as he opened his mouth. Su Mu regretted talking to him.

"Don't worry, friend, I will definitely not let you help for nothing, I will give you money."

"It's not a question of money... How much do you give?"

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